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European Parliament votes for Free Software in AI resolution


Today the European Parliament passed a resolution on Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a huge majority of 495 votes in favor, 34 against and 102 abstentions. There are many references to the advantages of Free Software included in the text - the FSFE now urges the Parliament to transfer its own position into the AI regulation.

The resolution states that in public procurement Free Software should be mandated, where appropriate, with the goal to encourage cross border collaboration. The parliament also highlights the importance of Free Software as a way to enhance investments and boost innovation in AI technologies in the EU.

robot reading a book
Artificial Intelligence starts with machine learning
"We welcome the assessment and the demands of the European Parliament. With this resolution, the Parliament recognises the importance and relevance of Free Software for AI." explains Lina Ceballos, FSFE Project Manager.

The FSFE demands with its "Public Money? Public Code!" Initiative that publicly financed software made publicly available under a Free Software licence. It is also important to rely on Free Software in AI as it helps to foster innovation, boosts local economy, ensures transparency and thus helps to protect fundamental rights.

“We ask Members of the European Parliament to take into account their position they voted on today and make sure this important position on Free Software and AI will be also included in regulation.” demands Alexander Sander, FSFE Policy Consultant.

In the upcoming weeks the European Parliament will get closer to its position on the AI regulation, until end of May members can table amendments to the commission text from which the position of the Parliament is formed. The FSFE recently shared a dedicated document for decision-makers, with elaborated arguments on the use of Free Software in AI technologies, which highlights the benefits that Free Software can offer to this crucial regulation.