Our new hooded zippies are there - well almost, but your can pre-order them for self-pickup at 38c3 or FOSDEM '25. The pre-order will end 2024-11-11. Pre-order your zippy now!

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Ежемесячный бюллетень

FSFE Newsletter - March 2016


"I love Free Software" Day 2016

For the 6th time in a row we asked everyone to express their gratitude and appreciation towards Free Software contributors on Valentine's Day. Check out our #ilovefs 2016 report and see who got acknowledged this year through countless blog posts, pictures, artwork, memes, personal notes and many more. Don't forget to mark next year's 14 February as "I love Free Software" Day to continue this nice tradition of acknowledging the people and hard work of everyone behind Free Software. We thank all participants who found time to say "thank you" and for making #ilovefs 2016 such a success!

"No cloud" went viral

Just before "I love Free Software" Day, thanks to a spontaneous Reddit post we received over 200 orders of our promotional material in the time span of 48 hours. In comparison, in 2015 we had around 370 orders in total. After 24 hours we had more orders than usual in 6 months. The majority of orders requested "no cloud" material but beside that people also ordered our leaflet with basic information about Free Software, the GnuPG leaflet, and our F-Droid leaflet.

European Free Software Policy Meeting 2016

In the end of Janury we organised, together with Open Forum Europe, a pre-FOSDEM policy meeting in Brussels with the active Free Software policy groups around Europe. The purpose of the meeting was to learn about each other's activities and exchange views, with an emphasis on public policy related actions. In total, 19 organisations participated in the meeting. In addition, Member of the European Parliament Julia Reda, and a representative of the IT department of the European Commission, Pierre Damas, attended the meeting to present the work of EU institutions in the field of Free Software.

From the community

What else have we done?

Take Action

We still have plenty of "no cloud" stickers and other informational material in stock! Help us to spread the word about software freedom in your local community by ordering our leaflets, stickers, postcards and posters.

Good Free Software news

The French government is reviewing its existing Free Software support contract, signed in 2011, and asks Free Software communities and the public to help them draft their next multi-year framework contract for Free Software services and support. Meanwhile, the French Parliament has approved a first draft law for a Digital Republic, which encourages the use of Free Software by public administrations, and considers source code of software developed by or for public administrations to be public information. Schools in the capital of Estonia, Tallinn, are gradually moving to Free Software after the city administration decided to switch to Free Software in January 2015. By September 2015 more than 4000 workstations and laptops across the 50 schools in Tallinn are running on Free Software. In Germany, Federal Pension Insurance, which is the largest in the country, is increasing the use of Free Software by publishing a call for tender seeking assistance for its Free Software-based services.

Thanks to all the volunteers , Fellows and corporate donors who enable our work,

your editors Polina Malaja and Jonas Öberg FSFE