Our new hooded zippies are there - well almost, but your can pre-order them for self-pickup at 38c3 or FOSDEM '25. The pre-order will end 2024-11-11. Pre-order your zippy now!

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Informačný bulletin

FSFE Newsletter - July 2016


EIF v. 3: the EU hampers its own goal to promote better interoperability with harmful licensing terms

The FSFE provided the European Commission with our input in regard to the ongoing revision of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF). The EIF aims to promote enhanced interoperability in the EU public sector, and is currently going through its third revision since 2004. Whilst the draft version gives preference to Open Standards in delivering public services, it also promotes harmful FRAND (so-called "fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory") licensing terms for standards. In practice, these are highly anti-competitive and unfit not only for Free Software but for the whole software sector in general. In addition, the draft also ignores the proven relationship between interoperability and Free Software: many national frameworks explicitly require their national services to be based on Free Software. We asked the European Commission to address these and other shortcomings and ensure interoperability in an efficient way.

FSFE summit - Registration open and how to attend

From September 2nd to 4th we will be holding the first ever FSFE summit. This is the main event to bring together FSFE members and supporters from all over Europe. In the last weeks our amazing team behind the FSFE summit invested their online time, coffee breaks and even their daydreams to offer you an event that is worthy of your visit and worthy of being the official celebration of 15 years of FSFE. The event is pan-European, organised for the community, includes old stagers and newcomers, and takes place in the heart of Berlin. Every day there is a new theme, built on talks about technology, freedom and society. And last but not least, there will be social events in the evening that give the opportunity to meet up, share ideas and plan new activities.

Registration for the first FSFE summit is now officially open. Additionally, on the very same page you find valuable information about the questions you might have about attendance. Better be quick as tickets will be "sold out" soon!

Please be aware that our summit team is still working hard to shape an inspiring and balanced community program for you and it will be finally announced in the next weeks.

From the community

What else have we done?

Take action!

Get your ticket for the first FSFE summit from 2nd to 4th of September now!

Also, help us to spread the word in your favorite mailing list, your blog, your social media channels or share the news with your neighbours.

Good Free Software News

April updates us on their campaign regarding the French Digital Republic Bill wherein the French parliament has given priority to Free Software. Whilst general legal framework in France is only taking baby steps in promotion of Free Software, by the end of 2018, almost 70% of all workstations in the French town of Fontaine will run GNU/Linux. Bulgaria, on the other hand has currently become the leading example in Free Software policies by adopting a law that requires all software written for the government to be Free Software and to be developed as such in a public repository. Andalusia is keeping up with the trend and has announced that funding two of the region's key Free Software projects, GECOS and Guadalinux will continue. Colleges in Europe are creating courses to train students to help companies choose and use Free Software cloud services.

Thanks to all the volunteers, Fellows and corporate donors who enable our work,

your editors Cellini, Polina and Erik, FSFE