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SFP#22: All about "Public Money? Public Code!" with Johannes Näder


In our 22nd Software Freedom Podcast episode, we talk with Johannes Näder, Senior Policy Project Manager at the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE), about "Public Money? Public Code!".

The "Public Money? Public Code!" initiative advocates for public bodies to switch to Free Software instead of spending tons of money on proprietary software. The reasons for "Public Money? Public Code!", how the initiative has evolved over the years, and how the FSFE defines its role as a watchdog within the initiative are discussed with Johannes in this episode.

Johannes has been involved with Free Software since the 1990s. In November 2022, he turned his passion for Free Software into his daily bread and started working for the Free Software Foundation Europe. He is, among other responsibilities, the current coordinator of the FSFE’s "Public Money? Public Code!" initiative.

If you have not heard of this initiative yet, or if you don’t know how best to get involved, check out our new Software Freedom Podcast episode and learn all about "Public Money? Public Code!".

Show notes

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