Freie Software ist der Schlüssel zu fairem Wettbewerb. Wir setzen uns für die strikte und effektive Durchsetzung des Digital Markets Act im Sinne der Entwickler ein. Hilf uns mit einer Spende, das zu erreichen!

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Cash flow

Income and Expenses 2018

Income EUR
Donations1 189,235.03
Supporter contributions and membership fees 184,171.60
EU funds for FOSS4SMEs 9,904.50
Paid services 81,090.47
Merchandise 33,974.07
Interest 31.94
Total income 498,407.61
Expenses EUR
Basic infrastructure costs2 132,163,86
Public awareness3 119,988.36
Legal work 105,265,27
Policy work 74,061.62
FOSS4SMEs project 12,233.11
Merchandise 34,493.87
Total expenses 478,206.09
Surplus 20,201.52


  1. A list of all FSFE donors that did not wish anonymity is available on the ThankGNUs list.
  2. Includes personnel and office costs for management and administration, technical infrastructure, fees from tax consultant and lawyer, and bank fees.
  3. All activities of FSFE that create and foster public awareness about Free Software. This includes booths at fairs and other public events, public speeches, information material, and the the REUSE project.