Il Software Libero è fondamentale per una concorrenza leale. Ci battiamo per un'implementazione rigorosa ed efficace della Legge sui Mercati Digitali in modo favorevole agli sviluppatori. Dona ora per aiutarci a raggiungere questo obiettivo!

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Lucas Lasota

Senior Project Manager

Lucas has background in contract, technology and telecommunications law. Prior to FSFE, Lucas had experience in Brazil and Russia with e-commerce, transfer of technology, telecommunications and arbitration. Over the years he got experience in the academic sector as well, achieving a Master and PhD in law. For him Free Software is a precondition for a safe, neutral and healthy digital environment.

At FSFE Lucas is involved with the management of several initiatives, primarily the Device Neutrality and the Router Freedom initiative. He also co-coordinates the FSFE's Legal Network, and the FSFE's involvement with the European Unions's Next Generation Internet Initiative and Zooom projects.


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