Les Logiciels Libres sont la clé d'une concurrence loyale. Nous plaidons pour une application stricte et efficace de la loi sur les marchés numériques (Digital Markets Act) adaptée aux développeurs. Aidez-nous en faisant un don !

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Max Mehl

Work Areas | Talks and Papers | Contact

Max Mehl worked as a Programme Manager at the FSFE, effectively coordinating initiatives in various areas, including legal and licensing, political advocacy, information security, and public awareness. In addition, he was often found actively involved in managing the virtual server rooms of the FSFE. Although Max is no longer part of the FSFE staff, he remains deeply involved in Free Software. Max considers that Free Software is an important component in order to solve pressing technical and social problems. Every day he is fascinated by how many benefits software freedom brings for different spheres - from ethics to politics, from economics to security.

He became actively involved with the FSFE in 2011 as a voluntary translator. Later he completed a six month internship. Since then, he has been involved in numerous campaigns, public events, and policy issues both as an employee and now, once again, as a volunteer.

Apart from his dedication to Free Software, Max studied Politics and Administration in Konstanz and Münster. He also founded a small IT company, lived and volunteered in Tanzania, and is a scout by conviction. From time to time he gives an update about his current private and professional activities on his blog.

Work Areas

Max has worked on many FSFE campaigns and activities, for example: REUSE, Public Money? Public Code!, Radio Lockdown Directive, Router Freedom, I Love Free Software Day, Free Your Android, DRM (Digital Restriction Management), the FSFE's server and service infrastructure, translations and web pages, and many press releases, guest articles, talks, booths...

Please feel free to contact Max regarding any topics he has worked on or may be interested in.

Talks and Papers

You can find some of Max's FSFE-related audio/video recordings and written publications on his website.


You can contact Max via the channels listed here.