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Free Software as a Social Innovation

London, 2nd November 2007

Apply to the event here »

The Event

Free Software is a unique social innovation which promotes an empowered, sustainable and inclusive information society through its freedoms of use, studying, modification and redistribution. Popular Free Software applications include the Firefox web browser, the Wordpress blog engine and the Juice podcast receiver. The philosophy behind Free Software has also inspired new social projects like Wikipedia, Creative Commons and Open Access.

Free Software Foundation Europe and M6-IT would like to invite you to a one day event at The Hub in London on the 2nd of November. The event will help people learn more about Free Software and provide opportunities for hands-on experience with the technology. It's organised as part of the work in the STACS project.

Spaces are limited and people with little or no experience of Free Software and those who can help spread awareness of Free Software in their field or geographical area will be prioritized.

We understand that not everyone will be able to cover the costs of visiting the event and we are willing to contribute towards travel and accommodation costs. We invite you to fill out an application by the 19th of October 2007 at the latest. The selected attendees will be contacted by the 22nd of October.


The Hub is an incubator for social innovation. It's a place for people to meet, learn and connect with each other to make things happen. The Hub in London is located on 5 Torrens Street which is conveniantly close to the tube station Angel on the Underground Northern Line.


Thursday 1st November
20.00 Get-together dinner
Friday 2nd November
09.00 Free Software as a Social Innovation
10.30 Coffee/tea break
11.00 Empowering NGOs with Free Software
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Hands-on experience with Free Software
16.00 Coffee/tea break
16.30 Hands-on continued..
18.00 Social event and dinner

Apply to participate

Apply to participate here »