El Software Libre es fundamental para garantizar una competencia leal. Abogamos por una aplicación estricta y eficaz de la Ley de Mercados Digitales de una forma respetuosa con los desarrolladores. ¡Ayúdanos a conseguirlo con un donativo!

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Our Donors 2013

We would like to thank everyone who supports our work. Your contributions as volunteer, Fellow or sponsor make our work possible. Distributed support secures our independence, which is why every small contribution is important. Either publicly show your donation with our sponsoring graphics or remain anonymous.

Gold Donors

Gold donors have donated 1000 Euro or more per month, or 12,000 Euro or more in a year. Donors who have contributed for more than 10% of our yearly budget are marked with a *.

Google Google*
Linuxhotel Villa Vogelsang Linuxhotel Villa Vogelsang

Silver Donors

freiheit.com technologies freiheit.com technologies
Intel Intel
Kern Sibbald Kern Sibbald
Open Invention Network Open Invention Network
OpenIT GmbH OpenIT GmbH
Red Hat Red Hat
SerNet SerNet
sipgate sipgate
Variomedia AG Variomedia AG

Bronze Donors


Hardware donations are listed on our Hardware Donation website. There, you can also find Information on how to support us with hardware.