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Event Archive for 2020

FSFE Nederland online get-together (online)

23 December 2020

Op 23 december, 20:00 (CET), zal FSFE Nederland wederom hun localgroup meeting hebben. Net zoals de vorige keren zal het online worden gehouden, zodat we in contact kunnen blijven ondanks dat we onze reguliere fysieke bijeenkomst missen. De bijeenkomst zal van 20:00 tot 21:00 (CET) zijn op de conference server. De vorige keren was het erg gezellig en dus bleven de meesten tot 22:30, maar je kan op elk moment afzwaaien. De meeting is open voor iedereen en we schakelen naar het Engels als niet iedereen Nederlands begrijpt. Stuur om deel te nemen a.u.b. een e-mail naar country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), hij zal je de link en toegangscode sturen.

FSFE Nederland online get-together (online) (online)

23 November 2020

Op 23 november zal FSFE Nederland wederom hun localgroup meeting hebben. Net zoals de vorige keer zal het online worden gehouden, zodat we in contact kunnen blijven ondanks dat we onze reguliere fysieke bijeenkomst missen. De bijeenkomst zal van 20:00 tot 21:00 CET zijn op de conference server. De vorige keer was het erg gezellig en dus bleven de meesten tot 22:30, maar dat is uiteraard optioneel. De meeting is open voor iedereen. Stuur om deel te nemen a.u.b. een e-mail naar Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), hij zal je de link en toegangscode sturen. We zijn van plan een sneak preview te tonen van de vertaalde Public Money? Public Code! video voor publicatie.

The long road to software freedom: What can you do?, online, Germany

22 November 2020

On 22 November, at 10:00am (CET), Matthias Kirschner, President of FSFE, will speak at this year's KNF Congress about the work of the Free Software Foundation Europe. "Public Money? Public Code", router freedom, Radio Equipment Directive, easier help with licensing or "Free Your Android". These are some of the activities FSFE has been doing since 2001 in order to enable people to use technology in a self-determined way. Using concrete examples from the areas of public relations, policy work and legal actions on Free Software, Kirschner gives an insight into the way the FSFE works and presents possibilities for cooperation. Registration is required for the KNF Congress, but it is free. 

FSFE kraam en FSFE BNL-ontmoeting op de NLLGG-bijeenkomst in Utrecht, Nederland

21 November 2020

FSFE BNL (België/Nederland/Luxemburg) zal bijeenkomen en met een kraam aanwezig zijn op de bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse Linux Gebruikersgroep (NLLGG) in Utrecht. Als u interesse heeft in Vrije Software en de FSFE, kom dan langs om de mensen van de gemeenschap en ons werk te leren kennen. We zullen van 10.00 tot 17.00 uur aanwezig zijn. De kraam zal er van 10.00 tot 17.00 uur zijn en de BNL-ontmoeting zal van 16.00 tot 17.00 uur plaatsvinden. Het adres van de bijeenkomst is: Kranenburg Praktijkonderwijs, Tamboersdijk 9, 3582 TZ, Utrecht, Nederland. 

FOSSCOMM 2020: Public Money? Public Code! during Corona - What role did Free Software play during the crisis? (online)

21 November 2020

On the 21st of November, at 12:00 (CET), Alexander Sander, FSFE's Policy Manager, will give a talk at the FOSSCOMM 2020. In a time when humanity needs to work together to find solutions for a crisis, we cannot afford to reinvent the wheel again and again. Global problems need global solutions! It is Free Software that enables global cooperation for code development. In this talk Alexander Sander will look at the role of Free Software during the pandemic and how governments reacted. There is no registration needed, but in case you want to stay informed you can register here

OSSEU2020: Public Money? Public Code! – What Role does Free Software Play after the Corona Crisis? online, Ireland

28 October 2020

In a time when humanity needs to work together to find solutions for a crisis, we cannot afford to reinvent the wheel again and again for software that helps us tackle the spread of COVID-19. Global problems need global solutions! It is Free Software that enables global cooperation for code development. During the crisis we have seen a lot of Free Software and projects trying to tackle the crisis like tracing apps, hackathons or solutions for remote working - but what will happen after the crisis?

Already before this crisis hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of people demanded that publicly financed software developed for the public sector must be made publicly available under Free Software licenses.

On Wednesday, 28.10.2020, at 17:15 our Policy Manager Alexander Sander will talk about the advantages of using Free Software in the public sector, about the learnings from the corona crisis and why it is now even more important to use Free Software than ever before. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

28 October 2020

Op 28 oktober zal FSFE Nederland hun localgroup meeting hebben. Deze keer zal het online worden gehouden, zodat we in contact kunnen blijven ondanks dat we onze reguliere fysieke bijeenkomst missen. De bijeenkomst zal van 20:00 tot 21:00 CET zijn op de conference server. De meeting is open voor iedereen. Stuur om deel te nemen a.u.b. een e-mail naar Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), hij zal je de link en toegangscode sturen.

Distance learning: when Free Software becomes a necessity, online, in Italy

25 October 2020

Digital technologies, and in particular information technologies, have become an integral part of our lives. With the spread of SARS-CoV-2, more people have adopted remote working methods and have become aware of the necessity of knowledge transmission through social technologies. Schools, universities, and all institutions in the education sector are no exception. Teachers, parents, and students are among the first to have experienced the effects of the increasing need to use information tech.

In this talk, Francesco Bonanno and Giuseppe Lipari will discuss the fundamental role of Free Software in today's education system. This talk will take place on the 25th October, at 16:00 (CEST), no registration needed. 

Global problems need global solutions!, online, Deutschland

16 October 2020

Our Policy Manager Alexander Sander will give a talk at the "openSUSE + LibreOffice Virtual Conference" (oSLO). On Friday, the 16. October 2020, at 16:30, Alexander Sander will talk about the advantages of using Free Software in the public sector, about the learnings from the corona crisis and why it is now even more important to use Free Software than ever before. In times when humanity needs to work together to find solutions for a crisis, we cannot afford to spend our time on reinventing the wheel. Global problems need global solutions! Free Software solutions developed in one country can be reused and adapted in another one. Publicly financed software developed for the public sector must be made publicly available under Free Software licences. 

Panel: How to organize local Free Software groups, online, United States of America

09 October 2020

On Friday, 9.October, at 21:00 (CEST), our Junior Project manager and Translators coordinator Bonnie Mehring joins the Free Software Foundation's (FSF) 35th Birthday celebrations. Together with other local Free Software Group coordinators, Mehring will discuss how to organize and work with local groups. You are welcome to join in and discuss with people from the Free Software community about how to involve and coordinate local groups in the Free Software movement. No registration needed. 

SFK2020 - Public Money, Public Code in Prishtina, online

27 September 2020

In this keynote Alexander Sander, FSFE's EU Public Policy Manager, will provide a brief overview of the Free Software Foundation Europe’s (FSFE) previous and ongoing activities to foster software freedom in Europe, on the levels of politics, legal work with enterprises, and general public awareness. The keynote will take place online on the 27th of September, at 17:00 pm, and registration is free. 

esLibre 2020: Public Money Public Code – Global problems need global solutions! online, Spain

18 September 2020

At the esLibre 2020 conference the FSFE's Policy Manager Alexander Sander will talk about the advantages of using Free Software in the public sector, as well as about the learnings from the corona crisis and why it is now even more important to use Free Software than ever before. In times when humanity needs to work together to find solutions for a crisis, we cannot afford to spend our time on reinventing the wheel. Global problems need global solutions! Free Software solutions developed in one country can be reused and adapted in another one. Publicly financed software developed for the public sector must be made publicly available under Free Software licences. The talk will take place on Friday, the 18. September, at 17:30. 

State of the Source - Lightning Talk 'Public Money Public Code – Global problems need global solutions!', online, Verenigde Staten

10 September 2020

De 'State of the Source Summit' nodigt Vrije Softwaregemeenschappen van over de hele wereld uit om bij te dragen aan een wereldwijd gesprek over de huidige staat van Vrije Software en deze te organiseren. Het gaat om niet-technische uitdagingen die de ontwikkeling en gemeenschap laten groeien, over de licenties die samenwerking mogelijk maken, praktijken die samenwerking promoten en barrières voor samenwerking.

Alexander Sander zal een 'lightning talk' houden over 'Public Money? Public Code! – Global problems need global solutions!' en FSFE's 'Public Money? Public Code!'-campagne uitleggen met betrekking tot de corona-crisis en waarom Vrije Software nu belangrijker is dan ooit tevoren. De 'Lightning Talk'-sessie begint om 14:00 uur (CEST). 

Panel discussion: "Engineering Trust: Can technology help building trust?" in Berlin, Germany

24 – 28 August 2020

On 28 August the FSFE's president, Matthias Kirschner, will participate in a panel discussion during the Prototype Fund's demo week. The 21 projects of the Prototype Fund's 7th funding round "Engineering Trust - Building Trust" have spent the last six months tinkering, developing, testing, discarding, adapting and finally producing a Free Software prototype. They will present the results of their work during the demo week, an online event taking place from 24 to 28 August. During this week each project will be presented to the public. Furthermore, an opening and a closing event will be held on Monday and Friday, which can be watched in a live stream. On Friday 28 August from 19:10 to 19:40 CEST, Matthias Kirschner will join a panel with Ann Cathrin Riedel and Michael Weber (Ministry of Education and Research) to discuss if technology can help building trust. The discussion will be in German. 

Lezing FrOSCon: de kernwaarden van softwarevrijheid in Bonn (Duitsland)

23 August 2020

FSFE-voorzitter Matthias Kirschner zal op FrOSCon spreken over " de kernwaarden van softwarevrijheid" (in het Duits). Dit jaar zal het evenement op afstand plaatsvinden. Kirschner zal beargumenteren dat de kernwaarden van onze beweging zijn dat iedereen, ongeacht achtergrond, de software voor elk doel kan gebruiken zonder te discrimineren; dat iedereen zich mag verdiepen in de werking van de software; dat u altijd uw software mag delen met anderen, hetzij om andere mensen te helpen, hetzij om geld te verdienen; en dat geen enkel individu, organisatie of overheid gedwongen mag worden om hun gedrag te veranderen vanwege de software maar volgens onze principes de software voor zichzelf en anderen aan mag passen en daarmee verbeteren. Het gesprek en de discussie vinden plaats van 10:00 - 11:00 uur CEST. 

forum digital: Alles Open - oder was? in Berlin, Germany

18 June 2020

In the "Digitalcharta Innovationsplattform: D" adopted by the Federal Executive Committee of the CDU, distributed systems and open interfaces are to describe the path to the digital future. The paradigm used is Open-X.

The podium with FSFE Policy Manager Alexander Sander, an author of the Digital Charter and actors of the Open Community and of administrative modernization explains and discusses the idea of Open-X and examples such as Open Data, Open Source, open standards and interfaces. The event will be streamed on 

Shaping the Future of the Internet with Free Software in Madrid, Spain

18 June 2020

Lucas Lasota, FSFE's Deputy Legal Coordinator, will talk at OpenExpo Europe about how Free Software is essential for the future of the Internet. In particular how REUSE can help everybody to have copyright and licensing information properly displayed. The talk will be held online. The language is English and the registration is free.  

Upcoming Challenges in Artificial Intelligence Research and Development in Paris, France

17 June 2020

Artificial Intelligence is now smarter than ever, showing human-like abilities at complex tasks such as images classification or natural language processing.

But despite its recent advances, it's still not a silver bullet. This talk will present a few challenges in the research and development of artificial intelligence that slow down its progress and adoption. In particular, problems around fairness, the training of models and how to share them will be introduced as well as possible Free Software solutions. 

OW2online'20 in Paris, France

17 – 18 June 2020

Gabriel Ku Wei Bin, FSFE's Legal Coordinator, will give a talk at the OW2online'20 conference, at 12:20 pm, 18 June, about the work we are doing with the European Commission's Next Generation Internet Initiative. OW2online'20 is 2020's edition of the OW2Community Day, held remotely due to COVID-19 measures. This conference brings together experts from around the world who focus on open source software and its role in modern corporate information systems.  

An introduction to Free Software

16 June 2020

Björn Schießle, FSFE's Germany coordinator, will give a talk about Free Software at the HDM Stuttgart, Germany. Originally planned as a lecture, the talk was moved to a webinar open for everyone to join. The webinar takes place on June 16 at 5:00pm. The talk will be given in German. The link to the webinar will be published on the webpage of the organizer roughly 30 minutes beforehand. 

FSFE BNL online ontmoeting

16 May 2020

Nu FSFE BNL (België/Nederland/Luxemburg) niet fysiek samen kan komen, zal er een online bijeenkomst worden gehouden op zaterdag 16 mei. De BNL bijeenkomst zal starten om 16:00 en is bedoeld om 17:00 te eindigen. De URL van de bijeenkomst zal worden verstrekt op de BNL mailinglist.

CANCELLED: Digitale Souveränität und Modernisierung der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Berlin, Germany

04 May 2020

On 4 May 2020, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) invites to the event "Digital Sovereignty and Modernisation of Public Administration". During the event we want to present successful Free Software projects in public administration from a provider perspective (morning) as well as discuss the administrations' view on Free Software projects (afternoon). The breaks will be used to give interested people the opportunity to talk to each other in the context of an exhibition. Participation in the event is free, but registration is welcome.

ATTENTION: This event has been canceled to help slowing down the spreading of COVID-19 virus. 

CANCELLED: Maker Fair 2020 in Berlin, Deutschland

18 – 19 April 2020

IT-tinkering is only possible with Free Software, that's why the FSFE local group Berlin is going to be present with an information and merchandise booth at the Maker Fair in Berlin. The Maker Fair is a get-together of makers and visitors interested in various DIY-ideas. At the FSFE’s booth, visitors can inform themselves about Raspberry Pi as a computer for standard applications especially suitable for education, about how to ‘free’ Android-Smartphones and about email-encryption with Free Software.

ATTENTION: This event has been cancelled to help slowing down the spreading of COVID-19. 

CANCELLED: Spreading the word for REUSE at FOSS North in Gothenburg, Sweden

29 March – 01 April 2020

Gabriel Ku Wei Bin, the FSFE's Legal Coordinator, will give a talk at FOSS North. Gabriel will speak about REUSE, as well as the impact that REUSE has had on software projects participating in the Next Generation Internet Zero initiative, to which the FSFE contributes its free software licensing expertise. FOSS North is a conference that serves as a meeting place for the Nordic FOSS communities. The event will take place between 29th of March and 1st of April in Chalmers Conference Centre, in Gothenburg. Tickets are available on the FOSS North website until the day before the event starts.

ATTENTION: Our participation has been cancelled to help slowing down the spreading of COVID-19. 

CANCELLED: Will there be a Router Freedom in Europe? in Berlin, Germany

24 March 2020

Lucas Lasota, FSFE's Deputy Legal Coordinator, will present a talk about the future of Router Freedom in Europe at the Weizenbaum
Institut, the "German Internet Institute". The implementation of Router Freedom rules in Europe has followed diverse paths among countries and has been confronted by several challenges, ranging from business interests, legal hurdles and political pressure. The talk aims to raise awareness for Router Freedom and to understand the impact of future developments over civil society. It will take place on 24 March at 14:30 in room A104/105 of the Weizenbaum-Institut, Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin. The entrance is free.

ATTENTION: This event has been canceled to help slowing down the spreading of COVID-19 virus. 

AFGELAST: FSFE kraam en FSFE BNL-ontmoeting op de NLLGG-bijeenkomst in Utrecht, Nederland

21 March 2020

FSFE BNL (België/Nederland/Luxemburg) zal bijeenkomen en met een kraam aanwezig zijn op de bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse Linux Gebruikersgroep (NLLGG) in Utrecht. Als u interesse heeft in Vrije Software en de FSFE, kom dan langs om de mensen van de gemeenschap en ons werk te leren kennen. We zullen van 10.00 tot 17.00 uur aanwezig zijn. De kraam zal er van 10.00 tot 17.00 uur zijn en de BNL-ontmoeting zal van 16.00 tot 17.00 uur plaatsvinden. Het adres van de bijeenkomst is: Kranenburg Praktijkonderwijs, Tamboersdijk 9, 3582 TZ, Utrecht, Nederland.  

CANCELED: The FSFE with a booth at Chemnitzer Linuxtage in Chemnitz, Germany

14 – 15 March 2020

The FSFE will be present with a booth at one the meanwhile biggest GNU/Linux conferences in Germany, the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage. Bonnie Mehring and her team are looking forward to speak with you about FSFE and our current projects. Of course, we also have the latest promotion material and merchandise with us.

ATTENTION: This event has been canceled to help slowing down the spreading of COVID-19 virus. 

CANCELED: Public Money? Public Code! talk at Libre Planet in Boston, United States of America

14 – 15 March 2020

Libre Planet is a conference organized annually by the Free Software Foundation in or around Boston, Massachusetts. This year Matthias Kirschner, President of the FSFE, will join the conference and talk about "Public Money? Public Code! A campaign framework to promote software freedom". In his talk he will explain how the campaign framework can be used to push for the adoption of free software-friendly policies in your area.

ATTENTION: This event has been canceled to help slowing down the spreading of COVID-19 virus. 

The core values of software freedom in Berlin, Germany

06 March 2020

Matthias Kirschner, President of the FSFE, gives a keynote about "The core values of software freedom" at FOSS Backstage, a conference about governance, collaboration, legal and economic aspects of Free Software. Kirschner will argue that the core values of our movement are that everybody, no matter what background, can use the software for every purpose without discrimination.  

Winterkongress Digitale Gesellschaft in Zurich, Switzerland

22 February 2020

The "Winterkongress der Digitalen Gesellschaft" is an annual meeting about the digital society in Switzerland. On Saturday, 22 February, hackers, programmers, activists and other interested parties will meet for the third time in Zurich to exchange views on information technology and its effects on our society.

The FSFE will be present with two talks: our president Matthias Kirschner will talk about the "Ethics of Free Software", while Max Mehl, Programme Manager, will give a presentation about why there is "No IT security without Free Software". Additionally, many members of the FSFE's Switzerland team will attend. The event will take place in the "Rote Fabrik", admission fee is 30 CHF. 

DefensiveCon v02 in Berlin, Germany

07 – 08 February 2020

The digital services offered and used by our public administrations are the critical infrastructure of democratic states in the 21st century. To establish trustworthy systems, public authorities must ensure that they have full control over the software and computer systems at the core of our government digital infrastructure. But at the moment this is rarely the case due to restrictive software licenses.

In his presentation our Policy Manager Alexander Sander explain the status quo and how it can be changed. From the EU Commission's Bug Bounty Program to the CDU's party conference resolution on the use of Free Software. He will explain what we can expect in the coming years and what we have to keep in mind when using Free Software. 

Madrid Local group meeting in Madrid, Spain

04 February 2020

FSFE's local group meeting in Madrid city. We'll meet in Medialab-Prado, Alameda street 15, Pza. de las Letras. Lab 0/Lab 1.

FOSDEM 2020, Brussel (België)

01 – 02 February 2020

FOSDEM, Europa's grootste Vrije Softwareconferentie, vindt op 1 en 2 februari plaats op Campus Solbosch van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ULB). De toegang is gratis.
Zoals gewoonlijk is FSFE aanwezig met een kraam en presenteren wij het laatste nieuws over ons werk, een grote verscheidenheid aan informatiemateriaal, stickers, postkaarten en natuurlijk de laatste FSFE-mode. Deze keer staat de kraam van de FSFE op de eerste verdieping van gebouw K, boven de locatie van vorige jaren.  

    Pre-FOSDEM Community Meeting 2020 in Brussels, Belgium

    31 January 2020

    The Free Software Foundation Europe will bring together the key Free Software groups of Europe a day before the FOSDEM event, in order to network and get an overview about activities of Free Software groups from all over Europe.

    The Pre-FOSDEM Event will be held on 31 January 2020, 13:30 to 19:00 at MundoB, Edinburgh Street 26, in Brussels. It is for free but we would be happy if you could register.

    You can register here: 

    The REUSE project in Merano, Italy

    21 January 2020

    The Free Software community will meet at 20:00 at the Mexican Restaurant Da Carlos Harmonie, via Matteotti 11, 39012 Merano BZ, Italy, for dinner and to have a discussion round about the REUSE project.

    No registration needed, if you can announce your attendance writing an e-mail to we will reserve a big enough table.

    FSFE kraam op de ontmoeting van de NLLGG in Utrecht, Nederland

    18 January 2020

    De FSFE zal met een kraam aanwezig zijn op de NLLGG-bijeenkomst in Utrecht. Als u interesse hebt in Vrije Software en de FSFE, kom dan langs en leer de mensen van onze gemeenschap en ons werk kennen. We zullen aanwezig zijn van 10.00 tot 16.00 uur. Het adres is: Kranenburg Praktijkonderwijs, Tamboersdijk 9, 3582 TZ Utrecht. We kijken ernaar uit om met u een praatje over Vrije Software te maken.