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Event Archive for 2022

EDU Treffen der Lokalen FSFE Gruppe in Berlin (online)

23 December 2022

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE Berlin trifft sich jeden vierten Donnerstag im Monat online, um über Freie Software in der Bildung zu diskutieren. Im Dezember findet das Treffen ausnahmsweise am Freitag den 23. statt. Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden, indem Sie sich in die Mailingliste eintragen oder dem Social Media Account der Gruppe folgen. Bei Fragen, können Sie sich an die Koordinatoren wenden. Das Treffen ist in deutscher Sprache und findet in einem BBB Raum um 19.30 Uhr MEZ statt.  

FSFE Netherlands country team get-together (online)

21 December 2022

The FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is https://conf.fsfe.org/b/netherlands . On December meeting, Fani Partsafyllidou and Ana Galan from the FSFE staff will join and share news. 

FSFE Greece country team first meeting (online)

15 December 2022

The FSFE Greece country team will meet after a long time in an introductory meeting. Our main topic is Mastodon: current developments, Greek instances, recommendations for content in Greek language, usage tips. Nikos Roussos, developer at libreops, will talk about Libretooth instance. Fani Partsafyllidou from the FSFE staff will share updates about Free Software in Europe. We will discuss the prospect of an I Love Free Software meeting in Thessaloniki on February 14. The meeting will be in Greek, but we can interpret if someone wants to talk in English. We are meeting at 19:00. Everybody interested in Free Software is welcome! 

Upcycling Android Workshop in Berlin, Germany

10 December 2022

Mit Upcycling Android zeigt die Free Software Foundation Europe auf, wie mit Hilfe der Installation Freier Software Betriebssysteme Telefone durch Flashen länger genutzt werden können. Wir werden Beispieltelefone mitbringen, auf welchen Freie Software Betriebssysteme ausprobiert oder auch von den Teilnehmern selbst geflasht werden können. Währenddessen beantworten wir Fragen rund ums Flashen und zeigen mit F-Droid und microG zudem eine Welt voller Freier Software.

Der Workshop findet statt am 10.12.22 von 11:30 - 15:30 Uhr im WerkRaum der Pablo Neruda Bibliothek in Berlin, Frankfurter Allee 14A, 10247 Berlin. Wenn Sie selbst ein Handy flashen wollen, bringen Sie bitte Ihren eigenen Laptop mit. Wenn Sie Ihr eigenes Handy flashen wollen, machen Sie bitte vorher ein Backup der Daten, die Ihnen wichtig sind. 

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

08 December 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group is open for any Free Software enthusiasts and has regular monthly meetings. The meetings take place at 19:00 in German. The place of the next meeting is TBC, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. Join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed.  

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

08 December 2022

The FSFE Zurich group has created the 'Lernen wie die Profis' campaign, which encourages schools to use Free Software. The group meets on the second Thursday of each month.

One of the group's plans now is to send letters and flyers about Free Software in Education. Join the next meeting to help! It is in German and takes place at Bitwäscherei, Neue Hard 12, 3rd floor between 18.00 - 21:00. 

Jahresendzeittreffen mit Vortrag und Glühmate in Berlin, Deutschland

08 December 2022

Zu unserem diesjährigen Jahresendzeittreffen haben wir diesmal Nikolai von "cosum" als Referenten dabei. cosum (von CO-llaborative con-SUM-ption) ist eine Freie Leih-Plattform, mit der Dinge wie Werkzeug, Gartengeräte oder Pavillons miteinander geteilt werden können. Damit wollen wir sozial-ökologischere Konsummodelle fördern. Mit cosum kann ein öffentlicher Leihladen gegründet werden, aber auch privat-zu-privat-Leihe zwischen Freunden und das Leihen in Gemeinschaften z.B. im Haus oder Nachbarschaft ist möglich. Leihen spart Ressourcen, Geld und Platz.

Wann: 08.12.2022, 19:00 Uhr
Wo: Jugendclub E-LOK, Laskerstraße 6-8  

FSFE Women December online meeting with talk (online)

08 December 2022

FSFE Women is a group for women* who are interested in Free Software. We get together about once in a month online to meet, give talks about topics we find interesting in the area of Free Software and discuss recent developments. The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.

This time the meeting will start with Fani Partsafyllidou, Project Manager at FSFE, presenting the Upcycling Android initiative. Then we will discuss decentralized and independent alternative events of 37c3 and in which way we can participate / celebrate the event. The meeting is in English. We start at 7:30 pm (Europe/Berlin) and usually stay together for ~ 2 hours. For other timezones look here: https://notime.zone/NI89qTIWLUw7h. You are welcome to join in our BBB-Room https://conf.fsfe.org/b/women 

FSFE Basel local group meeting in Basel, Switzerland

05 December 2022

The FSFE local group Basel just formed in Autumn 2022 and is in close contact with the local group Zurich. Both groups aim to raise awareness for Free Software in Switzerland. The group meets on the first Monday of every month.

Basel group currently discusses ways to communicate the start of the group, connecting with local news and organisations related to Free Software in the region. Join to help! The meeting is at 18.00 in Unternehmen Mitte, and takes place in German. 

Open standards and industrial use for Free Software workshop in Brussels, Belgium

02 December 2022

Company policies towards open source embrace the use of and contribution to software that is crucial for its products. Raising awareness of Open Source possibilities has been identified as an effective policy for increasing economic growth. Open Source assets facilitate making an efficient use of resources and increase industrial competitiveness. Alexander Sander, FSFE Senior Policy Consultant, is one of the speakers of the workshop. 

FSFE booth and talk "For an inclusive and ethical artificial intelligence" in Lyon, France

26 November 2022

Artificial intelligence has many applications in various fields such as finance, health, justice or law enforcement and thus can have a significant impact on our lives. Therefore, it must be fair and without discrimination. Vincent Lequertier gives a talk 'For an inclusive and ethical artificial intelligence'. This presentation will give tools to understand the notion of inclusiveness and ethics of artificial intelligence, through Free Software software and technology.

The presentation is part of the event Campus du Libre (Free Software campus), and the FSFE will be there with a booth. Campus du Libre will take place on Saturday 26 November 2022 from 9:30 am to 6 pm on the Doua campus, in the Hedy Lamarr building (formerly Claude Chappe). The participation is free of cost, and you do not need to register. 

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

24 November 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

Upcycling Android Workshop in Frankfurt, Deutschland

24 November 2022

Nutze dein Telefon weiter – mit Updates durch Freie Software! Jedes Jahr werden weltweit 1,5 Milliarden Smartphones hergestellt – und genauso viele mit Ablauf der Updates nach kurzer Nutzungsdauer weggeworfen. Workshop-Abend am Donnerstag, 24. November 2022 ab 18 Uhr. Zusammen mit der FSFE lädt der Chaos Computer Club Frankfurt zu einem Upcycling Android Workshop-Abend ein: Ort ist das Hackquarter des CCC-FFM, Häuser Gasse 2, 60487 Frankfurt am Main.

Start ist um 18 Uhr mit einem kurzen Vortrag zum Thema. Es wird gezeigt, wie ein Smartphone mit Freier Software aktualisiert werden kann. Es gibt Testgeräte, um das ganze selber gefahrlos ausprobieren zu können. Während der Veranstaltung gilt FFP-2 Maskenpflicht. Fragen? E-Mail: weeman@frankfurt.ccc.de oder doczkal@fsfe.org Oder schau im öffentlichen Matrix-Raum #public:ccc-ffm.de vorbei  

FSFE Aarhus local group meeting in Aarhus, Denmark

24 November 2022

The next Local Group meeting in FSFE Aarhus is coming up. If you are interested in Free Software, come over and join us! We will discuss the foundational document for the FSFE activities in Denmark, Campaigns and Activities, Happenings and events (ideas are welcome), and the Report from the FSFE GA in Arnhem. Also we have received a lot of printed material regarding the Public Money Public Code campaign - we'll discuss how best to use it. The meeting takes place at Silkeborgvej 260, 8230 Åbyhøj at 17:00 hours. The location is kindly sponsored by Magenta ApS, https://magenta.dk. 

Upcycling Android workshop at the Umweltbundesamt in Dessau, Germany

21 November 2022

Mit Upcycling Android zeigt die Free Software Foundation Europe auf, wie mit Hilfe der Installation Freier Software Betriebssysteme Telefone durch Flashen länger genutzt werden können. Es gibt einen kurzen Impulsvortrag über den Zusammenhang von Hardware- und Software-Nutzungsdauer und danach ein gemeinsames Flashen von Beispieltelefonen. Es werden zudem Telefone bereitgestellt, bei denen im Anschluss Freie Software Betriebessysteme ausprobiert werden oder die auch selbst von Teilnehmenden geflasht werden können Währenddessen beantworten wir Fragen rund ums Flashen und zeigen mit F-Droid und microG zudem eine Welt voller Freier Software.

Unter Umständen können mitgebrachte Telefone geflasht werden, falls andere Teilnehmende Interesse daran haben vor Ort zu helfen. Wir bitten dies bei der Anmeldung anzugeben.

Der Workshop findet statt am 21.11.22 von 16-20 Uhr im im Ausstellungsraum des Umweltbundesamtes, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau. Wer selbst Telefone flashen möchte bringe bitte seinen Laptop mit. Plätze sind begrenzt, um Anmeldung wird gebeten unter upcycling@fsfe.org. Das Umweltbundesamt empfiehlt, eine medizinische Maske (OP-Maske oder FFP-Maske) zu tragen. 

GHCon2022 - REUSE talk and compliance award in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain

17 – 18 November 2022

The GNU Health Conference (GHCon) is an annual conference that brings together enthusiasts and developers of the Libre Health & Hospital Information System.

On Thursday 17 November at 17:00, Lina Ceballos - REUSE's coordinator will join this year's edition of GHCon which will take place in person in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. Lina will give a talk in English about REUSE and show the participants how indicating licensing and copyright information can be easier. Right after, Lina will give the GNUHealth project the well-deserved REUSE compliance award for its Hospital Management component. GHCon2022 is free of charge, but registration is required: https://my.gnusolidario.org/ghcon2022-registration/ 

FSFE Netherlands get-together (online)

16 November 2022

On the 16st of November, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. Current hot topics are the Router Freedom in Belgium and an initiative to promote Free Software in Education. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki: https://wiki.fsfe.org/Events/Netherlands/2022-11-16 At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is https://conf.fsfe.org/b/netherlands 

Upcycling Android workshop beim SFSCon in Bolzano, Italy

12 November 2022

Viele Android-Nutzer leiden darunter, dass sie keine Updates für ihr vorinstalliertes Betriebssystem mehr erhalten. Aber das ist noch kein Grund, Ihr Gerät wegzuwerfen! Das Problem kann gelöst werden, indem Sie ein Freies Betriebssystem, genannt "Custom ROM", auf Ihrem Gerät installieren. Wir treffen uns, um über die Probleme zu sprechen, die sich aus der Software-Obsoleszenz in der Android-Welt ergeben, und um uns gegenseitig beim Flashen von Geräten zu helfen.

Es wird einen kurzen Einführungsvortrag über das Verhältnis zwischen Hardware- und Software-Lebensdauer geben, gefolgt von einer Flashing-Session mit mitgebrachten Testgeräten. Am Ende und während des Workshops werden wir Fragen zum Flashen beantworten und soweit es geht beim Flashen von selbst mitgebrachten Telefonen helfen. Der Workshop findet im Rahmen des SFSCon statt, am Samstag, den 12.11.22 von 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr im NOI Techpark in Bozen, Italien. 

FSFE at the SFSCon online and in Bolzano, Italy

11 November 2022

The South Tyrol Free Software Conference, SFScon, is one of Europe’s most established annual conferences on Free Software. The FSFE will organise the Legal Education Day there, and will additionally give three talks and an author reading:

10:30 Author reading (in German) of Ada & Zangemann - Matthias Kirschner
10:45 Device Neutrality: Safeguarding Open Internet with Free Software - Lucas Lasota
16:00 Overview of the Italian Free Software community - Marta Andreoli

We will also have an information booth during the entire conference. SFScon takes place at NOI Techpark A. Volta-Str., 13/A 39100 Bolzano, Bozen, Italy but you can also join online. The conference is in English. Please make sure you get a ticket, at no cost, to attend.  

Legal Education Day online and in Bolzano, Italy

11 November 2022

We all love the digital freedoms that Free Software grants to users and developers, but these freedoms rely on legal instruments and the legal system to be able to enforce them. This is why the FSFE offers a Legal Education Track in SFScon. We will explain basic legal concepts and their practical application into your projects.

14.00 Quiz Time
14.20 Free Software and Human Rights - Gabriel Ku Wei Bin
14.40 What is Copyright - Niharika Singhal
15.00 What is a license - Lucas Lasota
15.20 What are some common Free Software Licenses - Lucas Lasota
15.40 What is license compatibility - Gabriel Ku Wei Bin
16.00 What is a trademark - Gabriel Ku Wei Bin
16.20 Q&A
16.40 REUSE introduction - Lina Ceballos
17.00 REUSE Workshop - Linus Sehn

SFScon takes place at NOI Techpark A. Volta-Str., 13/A 39100 Bolzano, Bozen, Italy but you can also join online. The conference is in English. Please make sure you get a ticket, at no cost, to attend.  

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

10 November 2022

The FSFE Zurich group has created the 'Lernen wie die Profis' campaign, which encourages schools to use Free Software. The group meets on the second Thursday of each month.

One of the group's plans now is to send letters and flyers about Free Software in Education. Join the next meeting to help! It is in German and takes place at Bitwäscherei, Neue Hard 12, 3rd floor between 18.00 - 21:00. 

FSFE Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Germany

10 November 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets in-person on the second Thursday of each month to discuss topics related to Free Software. Everyone who is interested in software freedom in welcome to join. Bring good vibes! Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators.

The meeting is in German, at 19:00, parallel to the Linux Works LUG meeting. We meet at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station.  

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

09 November 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group is open for any Free Software enthusiasts and has regular monthly meetings. The meetings take place at 19:00 in German. The place of the next meeting is TBC, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. Join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed.  

FSFE Basel local group meeting in Basel, Switzerland

07 November 2022

The FSFE local group Basel just formed in Autumn 2022 and is in close contact with the local group Zurich. Both groups aim to raise awareness for Free Software in Switzerland. The group meets on the first Monday of every month.

Basel group currently discusses ways to communicate the start of the group, connecting with local news and organisations related to Free Software in the region. Join to help! The meeting is at 18.00 in Unternehmen Mitte, and takes place in German. 

Upcycling Android workshop in Hamburg, Germany

02 November 2022

Mit Upcycling Android zeigt die Free Software Foundation Europe auf, wie mit Hilfe der Installation Freier Software Betriebssysteme Telefone durch Flashen länger genutzt werden können. Es gibt einen kurzen Impulsvortrag über den Zusammenhang von Hardware- und Software-Nutzungsdauer und danach ein gemeinsames Flashen von Beispieltelefonen. Es werden zudem Telefone bereitgestellt, bei denen im Anschluss Freie Software Betriebessysteme ausprobiert werden oder auch selbst von Teilnehmenden geflasht werden können. Währenddessen beantworten wir Fragen rund ums Flashen und zeigen mittels F-Droid und microG zudem eine Welt voller Freier Software.

Der Workshop findet statt am 2.11.22 von 16-20 Uhr im CSTI der HAW, Steindamm 94, 20099 Hamburg. Wer selbst Telefone flashen möchte bringe bitte seinen Laptop mit. Plätze sind begrenzt, um Anmeldung wird gebten unter upcycling@fsfe.org 

FSFE General Assembly in Arnhem, Netherlands

28 October 2022

The members of the FSFE e.V. (see here for a full list) is the organisation's highest organ and take decisions about (primarily) budgets and the election of the President, Vice President and Financial Officer (see our constitution). Decisions of special importance to the organisation can sometimes be taken by the members as well. The group meets once a year in a different place in Europe where there are members for a strategic weekend in which the long term strategy for Free Software is discussed, and where the formal annual assembly is held. The minutes of the general assembly meetings are public.  

Upcycling Android Workshop beim FifFKon in Berlin, Germany

22 October 2022

Jedes Jahr werden weltweit 1,5 Milliarden Smartphones hergestellt und nach oft kurzer Nutzungsdauer weggeworfen. Wenn wir unser aktuelles Telefon weiter benutzen statt ein neues zu kaufen, tragen wir dazu bei, die Zunahme von Elektroschrott zu vermeiden. Und wenn nur jede*r dritte ihr Handy 1 Jahr länger nutzen würde könnten wir uns die Rohstoffe für die Produktion von 100en Millionen Handys pro Jahr sparen.

Dieser Workshop bringt Tech-Enthusiasten und Nachhaltigkeits-Enthusiasten zusammen und wir erfahren wie Telefone durch Flashen länger genutzt werden können. Es gibt einen kurzen Impulsvortrag über den Zusammenhang von Hardware- und Software-Nutzungsdauer und danach wird ein gemeinsames Flashen eines Beispieltelefons. Zum Schluss und währenddessen beantworten wir Fragen rund ums flashen und es gibt die Möglichkeit Beispieltelefone zu begutachten. Der Workshop findet im Rahmen des FifFKon statt, am Samstag 22.10.22 von 15-16 Uhr in der Archenhold-Sternenwarte in Berlin. 

FSFE in Linux Day in Milan, Italy

22 October 2022

The main Italian event dedicated to GNU/Linux, Free Software, open culture and sharing is back. At Linux Day Milano you will be able to find many talks, presentations, workshops inherent to many interesting topics for Linux enthusiasts, Free Software, and much more! The FSFE participates with three talks:

11:45 Free Software and related associations in Italy - Marta Andreoli
13:45 Public Money? Public Code! - Natale Vinto
14:45 Router Freedom in Italy and EU - Stefano Costa

The event takes place in Milan Bicocca University, Building U6. Participation is free, you do not need to register. 

FSFE Women group meeting (online)

20 October 2022

FSFE Women is a group for women* who are interested in Free Software. We get together about once a month online to meet, give talks about topics we find interesting in the area of Free Software and discuss recent developments.

This time we will discuss calendar systems on websites, upcoming Free Software conferences, and the development of a member intro game. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

19 October 2022

On the 19th of October, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online local group meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is https://conf.fsfe.org/b/netherlands 

FSFE Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Germany

13 October 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets in-person on the second Thursday of each month to discuss topics related to Free Software. Everyone who is interested in software freedom in welcome to join. Bring good vibes! The meeting is in German, at 19:00, parallel to the Linux Works LUG meeting. We meet at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station. This month Ana Galan, new Senior Project Manager Communications of the FSFE, joins to meet the volunteers. 

'Artificial Intelligence and Free Software in the European Union' talk in Lisbon, Portugal

12 October 2022

The European Union has set itself the goal of adopting digital policies that are aligned with people’s rights, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not any exception. Free Software plays an important role in the development and further success of such technologies. Hence, Alexander wants to point out to specific demands that must be considered to be aligned with Europe’s ambition of building and deploying technologies that empower people while strengthening Europe’s economy.

A well thought-out development and use of AI focusing on the benefits of Free Software will foster innovation, boost the economy, enhance control, strengthen trust, and it will make Europe fit for the digital age. In this talk, Alexander Sander will shed light at the latest developments in AI in the EU and the role Free Software plays in this. The talk is part of the Open Source Lisbon conference. 

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

11 October 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group is open for any Free Software enthusiasts and has regular monthly meetings. The meetings take place at 19:00 in German. The place of the next meeting is TBC, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. Join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed.  

NEW FSFE Basel local group meeting in Basel, Switzerland

03 October 2022

Volunteers decided to start a new local group in Basel to advance the use of Free Software in Switzerland. The group plans to be meeting on the first Monday of every month.

The first meeting takes place on 3 October at 18.00 at Kaffeehaus Unternehmen Mitte, Gerbergasse 30, 4001 Basel. For more information join the Zurich mailing list, which serves the Basel group too. Ideally, present yourself in the mailing list or the Matrix group. 

May REUSE be with you! in Barcelona, Spain

01 October 2022

REUSE does not "reinvent the wheel". On the contrary, it integrates seamlessly into development processes and other best practices when indicating Free Software licences. In addition, there are tools and documentation to help you get started. During this talk Lina will take a closer look at these tools and documentation, with the bonus of seeing a live demonstration of how to make a project compliant with the REUSE specifications.

Akademy will take place in a hybrid format. Lina will hold this talk in English and in person in Barcelona. Akademy is free to attend however you need to register to reserve your space: https://akademy.kde.org/2022/register 

FSFE ko-organisiert Bits & Bäume 2022 in Berlin, Germany

30 September – 02 October 2022

Die FSFE organisiert die Bits & Bäume 2022 zusammen mit 11 anderen zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen. Die Bits&Bäume ist eine Konferenz für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit. Neben der eigentlichen Organisation der Konferenz ist die FSFE auch an der inhaltlichen Ausgestaltung beteiligt. Lucas Lasota spricht über „Geräteneutralität: ein nachhaltiger Weg zur Sicherung der Kontrolle über digitale Geräte“, Erik Albers über „4 Forderungen an ein nachhaltiges europäisches Ökodesign“, wir bieten einen Workshop zu Upcycling Android an und Matthias Kirschner hält eine Buchlesung zu Ada & Zangemann.

Die lokale FSFE Gruppe Berlin unterstützt unsere Aktivitäten mit einem Informationsstand. Komm vorbei und reden wir über Softwarefreiheit und Nachhaltigkeit! Die Konferenz beginnt am Freitag, den 30. September um 18:00 Uhr und endet am Sonntag, den 2. Oktober um 18:00 Uhr, und findet in der TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin. Die Konferenz wird in deutscher und englischer Sprache abgehalten. 

REUSE: Displaying copyright and licence information easily! at Akademy-es in Barcelona, Spain

30 September 2022

Developing, using, and re-using Free Software is fun, but dealing with licensing and copyright information is not. REUSE changes that. With three simple steps, it makes adding and reading licensing and copyright information easy for both humans and machines. In this presentation, Lina Ceballos will guide us through the principles of REUSE and show us how to make licensing clear and simple.

Akademy-es which will take place in a hybrid format, you can check the talk online as well. Lina will hold the talk in Spanish and in person in Barcelona. It will take place on Friday 30th September from 15:30 to 16:15. You can register your participation out of cost here: https://www.kde-espana.org/akademy-es2022/registro.php 

Author reading of Ada & Zangemann in Berlin, Germany

29 September 2022

Have you heard of the new book Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream? The book is a modern tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. A charming story for all ages.

The State Secretary of Baden-Württemberg, Rudi Hoogvliet, will introduce the book. The Ukrainian artist Katrina Holovets will read the book in Ukrainian. The author and President of the FSFE, Matthias Kirschner, will then answer questions from the audience, and then it is time for fingerfood and drinks. The event takes place at 15:30 CET at the Landesvertretung Baden-Württemberg, Tiergartenstraße 15, 10785 Berlin. Please register to attend. 

Author reading of Ada & Zangemann in Berlin, Germany

24 September 2022

Have you heard of the new book Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream? The book is a modern tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. A charming story for all ages.

Meet the author of the book and President of the FSFE, Matthias Kirschner, at the author reading. The reading will be in German and Ukrainian. The event takes place at 14:00 CET at Bezirkszentralbibliothek Pablo Neruda Frankfurter Allee 14A 10247. You do not need to register. Entrance is free. 

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

22 September 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

21 September 2022

On the 21st of September, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is https://conf.fsfe.org/b/netherlands 

FSFE booth and Upcycling Android session at NLLGG in Utrecht, Netherlands

17 September 2022

Every time we keep using our current phone instead of buying a new one we help avoid the production of new phones and the increase of e-waste. "Upcyling Android" is an initiative to overcome software obsolescence and to extend the lifespan of our hardware with the help of Free Software. Upcycling our devices this way is an important step to rethink our short-term, linear consumption of electronic devices in favor of a circular economy.

On Saturday 21st of May 2022 we will host a FSFE-booth from 11:00 until 16:00 hour at the NLLGG meeting in Utrecht. As part of FSFE's 'Android Upgrade' campaign there will be a session at 12:00. In it Nico Rikken will show you the possibilities of installing a custom ROM with free software on your smartphone. After a talk that gives an overview there will be time to exchange experiences and see what steps are needed to make your Android device more free. The location is Gerrit Rietveld College, Eykmanlaan 1200, 3571 KH Utrecht. We look forward to have a chat with you about Free Software! 

Software Freedom Day in Berlin in Berlin, Deutschland

17 September 2022

Am 17. September findet der Software Freedom Day 2022 statt, um die großartige Idee hinter Freier Software zu feiern. Wir in den Räumen der BeLUG (Lehrter Straße 53, 10557 Berlin-Mitte) mit euch feiern wollen.

Dieses Mal haben wir wieder ein Programm mit interessanten Vorträgen für Euch zusammengestellt:

12:00 – Eröffnung
13:00 – Eine kritische Einführung in Freie Software (egnun)
14:00 – FLOSS Videoproduktion mit dem Schwerpunkt Videotutorials (hoergen)
15:00 – Dokuwiki - eine leichtgewichtige und aeusserst vielseitige Wiki-software (c47)
16:00 – Ein nachhaltiger Umgang mit der Ressource Software (Tobias)

FSFE Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Germany

15 September 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets in-person on the second Thursday of each month to discuss topics related to Free Software. Everyone who is interested in software freedom in welcome to join. Bring good vibes! Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators.

The meeting is in German, at 19:00, parallel to the Linux Works LUG meeting. We meet at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station.  

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

12 September 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group is open for any Free Software enthusiasts and has regular monthly meetings. The meetings take place at 19:00 in German. The place of the next meeting is TBC, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. Join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed.  

'Modernising Public Infrastructure with Free Software' presentation in Caltanissetta, Italy

09 September 2022

We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and Open Source Software licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well.

Francesco Bonnano, Software developer and FSFE volunteer from the local group Sicily; and Professor Michele Calà will present the 'Public Money? Public Code' campaign at 10:00 in Aula Magna (Auditorium) of I.I.S.S. Luigi Russo - 48/d Leone XIII Street. The presentation is in Italian, everyone can participate at no cost, and no registration is needed. 

FSFE information stall on Veganmania Donauinsel in Vienna, Austria

26 – 28 August 2022

Every year there are Veganmania summer festivals in Vienna. It is already a tradition that the local FSFE team takes part with an information stall. It usually is very well visited and reaches many people who aren't yet aware of free software and the ethical considerations that come with it. The Veganmania has been proven to be the best event by far in Vienna to inform many new people about software ethics because it is visited by people already used to think outside the box.

The event takes place from 26th to 28th at "Leuchtturmwiese" on the "Donauinsel" in Vienna. Thousands of people usually come there to enjoy good food, sustainable products, interesting information stalls ... and of course the summer. There is no entry fee and people are invited to come at any time from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. Please drop by in case you want to talk about free software with us! If you want to read about earlier information stalls on this annual event, check out: https://blogs.fsfe.org/franz.gratzer/ 

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

25 August 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

FSFE in FrOSCon in St. Augustin, Germany

20 – 21 August 2022

The FSFE will be present in the Free and Open Source Software Conference with a booth and a talk. Lina Ceballos, FSFE Project Manager, will present 'REUSE: Making copyright and licensing compliance easier'. The REUSE talk is on Saturday at 16:30. You do not need to buy a ticket, nor to register. Just drop by! 

FSFE Women group meeting in St. Augustin, Germany

20 August 2022

FSFE Women is a group for women* who are interested in Free Software. We get together about once a month online to meet, give talks about topics we find interesting in the area of Free Software and discuss recent developments.

We are planning to have our next in-person meeting at FrOSCon! Time and place TBC, join our mailing list for more information. Save the date if there is a chance you can be around in the Cologne/Bonn/Düsseldorf area that weekend.  

FSFE booth in Open Door Days of the Environmental Ministry in Berlin, Germany

20 – 21 August 2022

The German Ministry of Environment opens its doors to citizens this weekend, organising talks, music shows, and workshops. Also it gives space to many organisations, and the FSFE will be present with an information booth. Free Software does not only help the users, but also the environment.

On Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00 you will find us at spot 26 in Potsdamer Platz. You can experiment in flashing phones and learn why Free Software is the most sustainable option. See you there! 

FSFE Aarhus local group meeting in Aarhus, Denmark

18 August 2022

The FSFE Aarhus local group has recently restarted its activities with the aim to raise public awareness in Denmark about Free Software. It aims to meet once a month. The group will meet at Magenta ApS, Silkeborgvej 260, 8230 Åbyhøj at 17:00. The meeting takes place in Danish and it is open to anyone who is interested.  

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

17 August 2022

On the 17th of August, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is https://conf.fsfe.org/b/netherlands 

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

11 August 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group will meet on Thursday 11 August at 19:00 for its regular monthly meeting. Fellow FSFE supporters and anyone who is interested is welcome. The meeting takes place in German and participation is at no cost. The place of meeting is still to be announced, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. We would also encourage you to join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

Translators team meeting (online)

08 August 2022

The FSFE's Translators team is mainly responsible for translating information about Free Software on the FSFE's webpage into other languages. The FSFE's Translators team has been helping to make information about Free Software available to everyone by translating them to more languages and thereby reducing language barriers.

At our second meeting we are happy to welcome new team members, learn about the webpreview tool and FSFE's git-instance and also play some fun games together. The meeting will take place on the 8th of August and begin at 7 o'clock till 9 o'clock (CEST). The link to the meeting will be shared on the translators mailing list (https://lists.fsfe.org/postorius/lists/translators.lists.fsfe.org). Everybody who is interested in translating is welcome! 

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

28 July 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

FSFE Netherlands get-together (online)

20 July 2022

The monthly meeting of FSFE Netherlands. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

FSFE Women group meeting (online)

20 July 2022

FSFE Women is a group for women* who are interested in Free Software. We get together about once a month online to meet, give talks about topics we find interesting in the area of Free Software and discuss recent developments.

Our upcoming online meeting takes place at 7.30pm CEST in our BBB room. This is going to be a casual evening again, so please bring your topics related to free software, news you like to share or ideas who to invite for guests for upcoming meetings. There is also the idea to create gimmicks with our logo, e.g. stickers but not only. 

FSFE Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Germany

14 July 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets in-person every second Thursday of each month to discuss topics related to Free Software. Everyone who is interested in software freedom in welcome to join. Bring good vibes! The meeting is in German, at 19:00, parallel to the Linux Works LUG meeting. We meet at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station.  

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

13 July 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group will meet on Wednesday 13 July at 19:00 for its regular monthly meeting. Fellow FSFE supporters and anyone who is interested is welcome. The meeting takes place in German and participation is at no cost. The place of meeting is still to be announced, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. We would also encourage you to join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

"Modernising Public Infrastructure with Free Software" talk in Erfurt, Germany

04 July 2022

On Monday 4 July, Matthias Kirschner, president of the FSFE, will give a talk at the 2nd eGovernment Congress Thüringen, which takes place in Erfurt, Germany. Matthias will talk from 10:15 to 11:15 CEST about the FSFE's Public Money? Public Code! framework, the importance of technical knowledge within the public administration, and the technical distribution of power. The event takes place at the Kongressbereich im Steigerwaldstadion (Arena), Mozartallee 3, 99096 Erfurt. Registration is required and the tickets costs 65€ plus taxes; admission for employees of the public service in Thüringen is free of charge. 

REUSE talk in Madrid, Spain

30 June 2022

On Thursday 30th of June, Lina Ceballos, FSFE Project Manager will participate in OpenExpoEurope2022 which will take place in person in Madrid, Spain. Lina will talk about REUSE which makes adding and reading licensing and copyright information easy for both humans and machines with three simple steps. REUSE does not "reinvent the wheel". On the contrary, it integrates seamlessly into development processes and other best practices when indicating Free Software licences. 

FSFE Netherlands get-together (online)

29 June 2022

The monthly meeting of FSFE Netherlands. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

Public Money? Public Code! workshop in Vigo, Spain

25 June 2022

The Public Money? Public Code! campaign has been supported by over 29.000 people and nearly 200 NGOs. Already five public entities, the Swedish JobTech Development, the German “Samtgemeinde Elbmarsch”, the Spanish parliament from Asturias “Junta General del Principado de Asturias”, the Spanish city of Benigànim, and the Spanish city of Barcelona have signed our open letter. We would like to have more administrative units supporting our cause. But to achieve this we need your help. In this workshop that will take place on Saturday 25th of June at 12:30 CEST at esLibre 2022 in Vigo - Spain, Lina Ceballos and Alexander Sander will explain how we convince local administrations or other institutions, decision-makers, and parties to use more Free Software in the future. The event is in Spanish, free of cost, but you need to register. Everyone who is interested is welcome to join. 

"What role did Free Software play during the corona crisis?" talk in Vigo, Spanien

24 June 2022

Alexander Sander, FSFE Policy Consultant will give a talk on "What role did Free Software play during the corona crisis?" The Corona crisis has made it clear to us which developments in digitisation we have missed in recent years. At the same time, there are also positive examples. Free software has become more and more of a topic and more and more administrations have understood the advantages it brings.

Alexander will take a look at the developments of the past years and give an outlook on how we can better face future crises through the use of Free Software and what role governments, public bodies and administrations and the principle of “Public Money? Public Code!” play in this. The talk takes place at 16:00 - 16:25. It is in Spanish, everyone can attend, the event is free of cost, but you need to register. 

REUSE talk in Vigo, Spain

24 June 2022

Developing, using, and re-using Free Software is fun, but dealing with licensing and copyright information is not. REUSE changes that. With three simple steps, it makes adding and reading licensing and copyright information easy for both humans and machines. On Friday 24th of June at 16:30 CEST, Lina Ceballos, FSFE Project Manager, will guide us through the REUSE principles and present how to make licensing clear and simple with her presentation at esLibre2022 in Vigo, Spain. The event is in Spanish, free of cost, but you need to register. Everyone who is interested is welcome to join. 

Ada & Zangemann author reading in Offenburg, Germany

24 June 2022

On Germany's federal digital, the city of Offenburg invites pupils to a reading of "Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream?". The reading takes place in the largest cinema space in the city of Offenburg and will be introduced by the Chief Mayor Marco Steffens. The book is a modern tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. The reading takes place at 8:30 CEST for registered school classes at FORUM Offenburg, Hauptstrasse 111, 77652 Offenburg. 

'Was Freie Software und Freies Saatgut gemeinsam haben' Vortrag in Berlin, Deutschland

23 June 2022

Software und Saatgut scheinen im ersten Augenblick wenig miteinander gemein zu haben. Ersteres ist erst seit wenigen Jahrzehnten Bestandteil unser Lebensrealität, Saatgut dagegen könnte man fast als anthropologische Konstante ansehen und ist untrennbar mit der Menschheitsgeschichte verbunden. Dieser Vortrag widmet sich den neuesten kulturellen Phänomen von Freier-Software und Freiem-Saatgut und beleuchtet Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den beiden Sphären.

Do. 23.06.2022, 19.00Uhr, im Umweltbildungszentrum "Nirgendwo". Der Vortrag wird von 'tunda' auf Deutsch gehalten. 

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

23 June 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

Talk on how Free Software supports our Fundamental Rights in Gothenburg, Sweden

22 June 2022

Gabriel Ku Wei Bin, FSFE Senior Legal Project Manager, will give a talk on “Free Software and our Fundamental Rights” in Gothenburg, Sweden. Gabriel will speak on how Free Software works as an important framework that supports our human rights in a digital world. The talk will be held at Linnégatan 21 on Wed 22 June at 18:00. It is hosted by Digidem Lab (https://digidemlab.org/), an organization that offers services and develops platforms to improve participatory democracy. It will be given in English and is open to everyone to attend. The event is free of charge, with no registration required. 

FSFE Women meeting: introduction to content management systems (online)

20 June 2022

This month the CMS Garden joins the FSFE Women group meeting. The CMS Garden e. V. is a friendly association of the communities of 11 FOSS content management systems. Together they appear at fairs and conferences to join forces instead of competing with each other. Our guests include Meike Jung (founding member and board member, conceptualist and Drupal architect at CoWAIN), Petra Hasenau (Typo3 activist, managing director and co-shareholder of Cybercraft GmbH) and Kati Faude (back office employee for association organization and administration).

The meetings takes place at 19.30 CEST, it is free of cost, everyone who identifies as female can join. 

Open Source Conference Albania 2022 in Tirana, Albania

18 – 19 June 2022

Lucas Lasota, FSFE Legal Project Manager will give a talk about Device Neutrality at OSCAL 2022, an annual conference in Albania organized to promote software freedom, Free Software, free culture and open knowledge. The talk will contextualize the concept of Device Neutrality and why Free Software is essential for regaining control over devices. The event will happen in Tirana and the language is English. The attendance is free but registration with paid tickets to support the event is encouraged. 

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

14 June 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group will meet on Tuesday 14 June at 19:00 for its regular monthly meeting. Fellow FSFE supporters and anyone who is interested is welcome. The meeting takes place in German and participation is at no cost. The place of meeting is still to be announced, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. We would also encourage you to join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

FSFE Aarhus local group is relaunched in Aarhus, Denmark

09 June 2022

The FSFE Local Group Aarhus is back after a long time. Our first meeting will be at Magenta ApS, Silkeborgvej 260, 8230 Åbyhøj at 17:00. The meeting takes place in Danish, participation is free, no registration is needed. Everyone interested in software freedom is welcome to join! 

Ada & Zangemann author reading in Berlin, Germany

09 June 2022

Are you interested in the new book Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream? The book is a modern tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. A charming story for all ages.

Join the reading of the book at 13:00-14:00 CET at Arena Berlin Eichenstraße 4. Meet the author of the book and President of the FSFE, Matthias Kirschner. The reading will be in German. The event is part of re:publica 22; to attend you need a ticket, costing 125€ (reduced), 235€ (standard), or 735€ (business).  

“REUSE: Making copyright and licensing compliance easier for everyone” talk in Berlin, Germany

09 June 2022

Lucas Lasota, FSFE Legal Project Manager will give a talk on REUSE at the Weizenbaum Conference in Berlin. The conference will bring together scholars, artists, activists, and human rights advocates to debate the diverse facets of the term "digital sovereignty". The talk will explain how REUSE helps everyone with copyright and Free Software license compliance. It is part of the panel 'Socio-technical developments and practices of empowerment' which takes place at 15:30-18:00. The event is in English and German. Admission to the conference is free, but you need to register beforehand. The conference will take place at “Alte Münze” (Molkenmarkt 2, 10179 Berlin).  

'Device Neutrality: Leveraging the Benefits of Free Software in Hardware' talk (online)

09 June 2022

Lucas Lasota, FSFE Legal Project Manager will give a talk on Device Neutrality at the OW2 event. The talk will explain the concept of Device Neutrality as a fair and non-discriminatory use of Free Software in devices. and why Free Software is fundamental for reaching this goal. The talk takes place at 09:30 in English. The OW2 event is open but registration is required.  

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

09 June 2022

Anyone interested in Free Software and wanting to stand up for the ideals of Free Software can join. The FSFE Zurich local group meets on the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting takes place at Bitwäscherei, Neue Hard 12, second floor, from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is in German. The group will discuss the Public Communication initiative. You do not need to register, and the participation is at no cost.  

FSFE Berlin group meets in Berlin, Germany

09 June 2022

The FSFE local group Berlin is having its regular monthly meeting. Anyone interested in software freedom is welcome. The meeting is in German, the participation is at no cost. 17:00-19:00 at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station, 10245 Berlin. Bring good vibes with you. 

FSFE Berlin group meets in Berlin, Germany

09 June 2022

The FSFE local group Berlin is having its regular monthly meeting. Anyone interested in software freedom is welcome. The meeting is in German, the participation is at no cost. 17:00-19:00 at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station, 10245 Berlin. Bring good vibes with you. 

'Artificial Intelligence and Free Software in the European Union' talk (online)

08 – 09 June 2022

The EU is on its way to adopting legislation on artificial intelligence. Transparency plays a major role in this. But how exactly should this transparency be designed and what role does Free Software play? Alexander Sander will give an insight into the current state of the debate and what chances there are that provisions for Free Software will be included in the legislation. The talk takes place at 11:55 and it is part of the OW2 2022 conference. It is in English, there is no need to register, and it is free of charge.

'Public Money? Public Code' presentation in Bologna, Italy

08 June 2022

FSFE volunteers from Italian local groups will present the international campaign 'Public Money? Public Code!' in Bologna. They will demonstrate examples and good practices currently in place, and possible solutions for a modernisation of the public infrastructure with Free Software. The event will also present and distribute the Italian translation of the 'Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!' brochure, which was just published.

The event takes place at 8 June 2022 18.30 in Sala fondazione 2000, piazza dell'Unità 4, Bologna. Political representatives from Bologna will also participate. Everyone is welcome to attend, the event is in Italian, at no cost, and no registration required. 

'Public Money? Public Code' presentation in Trento, Italy

07 June 2022

FSFE volunteers from Italian local groups will present the international campaign 'Public Money? Public Code!' in Trento. They will demonstrate examples and good practices currently in place, and possible solutions for a modernisation of the public infrastructure with Free Software. The event will also present and distribute the Italian translation of the 'Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!' brochure, which was just published.

The event takes place at 7 June 2022 18.00 in the Faculty of Sociology, room 7. Researchers from the University of Trento will also participate. Everyone is welcome to attend, the event is in Italian, at no cost, but you need to register.  

Upcycling-Android-Workshop in Köln, Germany

03 June 2022

Zusammen mit Entwicklerinnen und Entwicklern, die bereits zu PostmarketOS beigetragen haben, veranstalten wir am 03. Juni 2022 unseren nächsten Upcycling-Android-Workshop in der alten Feuerwehrwache in Köln. Bei diesem Workshop geht es darum Tech-Enthusiasten und Nachhaltigkeits-Enthusiasten zusammen zu bringen und sich beim Flashen von Telefonen über Technik und Nachhaltigkeit auszutauschen. Wir möchten Raum und Konzept geben für alle Fragen die ihr habt und bringen verschiedene Telefone mit um verschiedene Systeme und das Flashen auszuprobieren oder ihr bringt eure eigenen Telefone mit. Bei letzterem würden wir darum bitten mit uns vorher abzuklären, ob die mitgebrachten Geräte unterstützt werden können. Neben dem eigentlichen Phone-Flashing wird es auch einen kurzen Impulsvortrag über Langlebigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit auf Android und anderen Geräten geben.

Als Besonderheit für diesen Workshop haben wir zwei Räume zur Verfügung. In einem Raum geht es um das Installieren von Systemen auf Telefonen, um sie nachhaltiger nutzbar zu machen. Im anderen Raum liegt der Schwerpunkt darauf, sich über die Entwicklung von PostmarketOS auszutauschen und zu lernen wie man sich einbringen kann.

Der Workshop findet von 16:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr in der Alten Feuerwache Köln, Melchiorstraße 3, 50670 Köln statt. Alle sind herzlich eingeladen, der Eintritt ist frei, aber bitte registriert euch per E-Mail an floriansnow@fsfe.org, denn die Plätze sind begrenzt.  

Ada & Zangemann author reading in Cologne, Germany

02 June 2022

Are you interested in the new book Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream? The book is a modern tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. A charming story for all ages.

Join the reading of the book at 16:00-17:30 CET at the public library in Stadtbibliothek Köln Josef-Haubrich-Hof 1 50676 Köln - Altstadt/Süd. Meet the author of the book and President of the FSFE, Matthias Kirschner, and the illustrator Sandra Brandstätter. The reading will be in German. You can join the event at no cost, but registration required (linked on the page below under "zum Buchungssystem").  

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

26 May 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

25 May 2022

The monthly meeting of FSFE Netherlands. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

FSFE-booth at NLLGG in Utrecht, Netherlands

21 May 2022

On Saturday 21st of May 2022 we will host a FSFE-booth from 11:00 until 16:00 hour at the NLLGG meeting in Utrecht. The location is Tamboersdijk 9, 3582 TZ Utrecht. We look forward to have a chat with you about Free Software! The event is free of cost, no registration is needed. The people at the booth speak both Dutch and English. 

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

20 May 2022

The meeting will take place on Friday May 20th, 7.30pm CET. The FSFE Women meets once in a month to discuss topics related to Free Software, IT and about any aspects of being a woman* in tech. Please be aware that this group is women-centric and transgender and non-binary friendly. If you identify as a man, we kindly ask you to reach out to the coordinators of the FSFE Women to let them know you would like to join. For more information about the FSFE Women have a look at our team site. The group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software. Registration is not required. The meeting is in English. 

1. KIDD-Fachkonferenz in Berlin, Deutschland

19 May 2022

Artificial intelligence not only requires a functioning algorithm, but must also be morally and ethically thought through.

Alexander Sander, FSFE Policy Consultant and member of the KIDD Advisory Board, will discuss "Challenges and perspectives of ethical and diversity-sensitive AI in the European context" at the panel in the morning. The event is in German, free of cost, but you have to register.  

Berlin group restarts in-person meetings

12 May 2022

The FSFE local group Berlin is having its regular monthly meeting. Anyone interested in software freedom is welcome. The meeting is in German, the participation is at no cost. 7:00 pm at E-LOK, Laskerstraße 6-8, 10245 Berlin. Bring good vibes with you. 

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

12 May 2022

Anyone interested in Free Software and wanting to stand up for the ideals of Free Software can join. The FSFE Zurich local group meets on the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting takes place at Recreatzz, Neue Hard 12, second floor, from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is in German. The group will discuss the Public Communication initiative. You do not need to register, and the participation is at no cost.  

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

09 May 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group will meet on Monday 9 May at 19:00 for its regular monthly meeting. Fellow FSFE supporters and anyone who is interested is welcome. The meeting takes place in German and participation is at no cost. The place of meeting is still to be announced, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. We would also encourage you to join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

The future of Router Freedom in Austria (online)

04 May 2022

On Wednesday 04 May 2022, 09:30 - 11:00 CEST, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) and the Alliance of Telecommunication Terminal Equipment Manufacturers (VTKE) are organising an online session about the future of Router Freedom in Austria. In this session, you will have the opportunity to learn more about why Router Freedom is fundamental not only for consumer rights but also for a functional and competitive router and modem market. The event will be moderated by Barbara Steinbrenner, a tech journalist in Austria, and is open for all to attend free of charge. Registration is encouraged, but not necessary. The event language will be German. 

FSFE Berlin local group meeting about Education (online)

28 April 2022

On Thursday 19:30 we will have our Edu-Meeting again and you are invited to discuss "Free Software and Education" with us, share experiences and work on liberating knowledge and education in Berlin and beyond. The meeting is in German, anyone can participate at no cost. The meeting is online. Bring food, drinks, and good vibes with you. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

20 April 2022

The monthly meeting of FSFE Netherlands. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

20 April 2022

The meeting will take place on April 20th, 7.30pm CET. The FSFE Women meets once in a month to discuss topics related to Free Software, IT and about any aspects of being a woman* in tech. Please be aware that this group is women-centric and transgender and non-binary friendly. If you identify as a man, we kindly ask you to reach out to the coordinators of the FSFE Women to let them know you would like to join. For more information about the FSFE Women have a look at our team site. The group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software. Registration is not required. The meeting is in English. 

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

14 April 2022

Anyone interested in Free Software and wanting to stand up for the ideals of Free Software can join. The FSFE Zurich local group meets on the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting takes place at Recreatzz, Neue Hard 12, second floor, from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is in German. The group will discuss ways to reach out to new people, the upcoming Open Education Day, and the needed tasks. You do not need to register, and the participation is at no cost.  

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

14 April 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group will meet on Thursday 14 April at 19:00 for its regular monthly meeting. Fellow FSFE supporters and anyone who is interested is welcome. The meeting takes place in German and participation is at no cost. The place of meeting is still to be announced, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. We would also encourage you to join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

„Nur ein Jahr länger…“ – Politik und Software rund um’s Smartphone (online)

30 March 2022

Am 30.März um 14:00 CET spricht Erik Albers, FSFE Programmmanager Digitale Nachhaltigkeit, zum Thema "Nur ein Jahr länger… – Politik und Software rund um’s Smartphone" auf dem Digital Social Summit: Die Digitalisierung ist essenzieller Bestandteil unserer Gesellschaft geworden, doch wie können Abhängigkeiten vermieden werden und welche Rolle spielt das Softwaredesign bei der Nachhaltigkeit von Hardware und Infrastrukturen? Am Beispiel unseres Lieblingsgadgets, dem Telefon, stellt Erik Albers technologisch nachhaltige Gestaltungsprinzipien, relevante politische Gesetzgebungsprozesse sowie Akteure und Initiativen vor – und wie wir uns als Zivilgesellschaft einbringen können. Der Vortrag ist auf Englisch, der Stream ist kostenfrei und eine Anmeldung erforderlich. 

FSFE Berlin local group meeting about Education (online)

24 March 2022

On Thursday 19:30 we will have our Edu-Meeting again and you are invited to discuss "Free Software and Education" with us, share experiences and work on liberating knowledge and education in Berlin and beyond. The meeting is in German, anyone can participate at no cost. The meeting is online. Bring food, drinks, and good vibes with you. 

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

20 March 2022

The meeting will take place on March 20th, 7.30pm CET. The FSFE Women meets once in a month to discuss topics related to Free Software, IT and about any aspects of being a woman* in tech. Please be aware that this group is women-centric and transgender and non-binary friendly. If you identify as a man, we kindly ask you to reach out to the coordinators of the FSFE Women to let them know you would like to join. For more information about the FSFE Women have a look at our team site. The group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software. Registration is not required. The meeting is in English. 

Upcycling Android Workshop in Berlin, Germany

19 March 2022

Zusammen mit der lokalen FSFE Gruppe Berlin veranstalten wir am 19.März 2022 unseren ersten Upcycling Android workshop in Berlin. Bei diesem Workshop geht es primär darum Tech-Enthusiasten und Nachhaltigkeits-Enthusiasten zusammen zu bringen und sich beim flashen der Telefone über Technik und Nachhaltigkeit auszutauschen. Wir möchten Raum und Konzept geben für alle Fragen die ihr habt und bringen verschiedene Telefone mit um verschiedene Settings zu testen. Dazu bringen wir Geräte mit auf denen ihr das flashen von Telefonen ausprobieren könnt oder ihr bringt eure eigenen Telefone mit. Bei letzterem würden wir darum bitten mit uns vorher abzuklären, ob die mitgebrachten Geräte unterstützt werden könne

Neben dem eigentlichen Phone-Flashing wird es auch einen kurzen Impulsvortrag über Langlebigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit auf Android und anderen Geräten geben. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch und Deutsch statt. Wir sind 6 Stunden vor Ort und freuen uns über zahlreiches kommen. Veranstaltungsort ist das Holodeck von Netzpolitik.org in der Schönhauser Allee 6/7 , von 11-17 Uhr. Jeder ist willkommen, die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

16 March 2022

On the 16th of March, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

Sustainable software for phones that last (online)

15 March 2022

Fairphone invites a panel of experts to explore the underlying forces that drive the continuing decline in the longevity of phones and other electronics. Erik Albers, FSFE's programme manager digital sustainability, joins the panel and gives insights on the sustainability of Free Software and how the universal right to install Free Software operating systems on any device will help us to live a more sustainable digital society. The live webinar takes place on 15 March 2022 from 14:00 - 15:00 CET and it is in English. Attendance is free but you need to register.  

Author reading: Ada & Zangemann (online)

12 March 2022

Are you interested in the new book Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream? The book is a modern fairy tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. A charming story for all ages.

Join the reading of the book on Saturday, 12 March 2022, at 17:00 CET. Meet the author of the book and President of the FSFE, Matthias Kirschner, and ask any questions you might have. The event is part of the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage. The reading will be in German and will take place online. You can join the event at no cost. No registration is needed. 

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

10 March 2022

Anyone interested in Free Software and wanting to stand up for the ideals of Free Software can join. The FSFE Zurich local group meets on the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting takes place at Recreatzz, Neue Hard 12, second floor, from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is in German. The group will discuss ways to reach out to new people, the upcoming Open Education Day, and the needed tasks. You do not need to register, and the participation is at no cost. 

Author reading: Ada & Zangemann (online)

25 February 2022

Are you interested in the new book Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream? The book is a modern fairy tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. A charming story for all ages.

Join the reading of the book on Friday, 25 February 2022, at 21:00 (CET). Meet the author of the book and President of the FSFE, Matthias Kirschner, and ask any questions you might have. The reading will be in German and will take place online. The event is part of the yearly Winter Congress, an event organised by the Digital Society. To join the Winter Congress please register for a Ticket. The price of a non-member, regular Ticket is 30 CHF.  

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

20 February 2022

The meeting will take place on Feb 20th, 7.30pm CET. The FSFE Women meets once in a month to discuss topics related to Free Software, IT and about any aspects of being a woman* in tech. Please be aware that this group is women-centric and transgender and non-binary friendly. If you identify as a man, we kindly ask you to reach out to the coordinators of the FSFE Women to let them know you would like to join. For more information about the FSFE Women have a look at our team site. The group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software. Registration is not required. The meeting is in English. 

Lecture Free Software and Open Data (online)

16 February 2022

Dr. Lucas Lasota, FSFE Legal Project Manager and Researcher at Humboldt University of Berlin, invites Robbie Morrison to give a lecture at the Seminar 'Introduction to Software Law' about the intersection of Free Software and Open Data. Robbie Morrison is a researcher, engineer and software developer. He is specialist in the field of open data and energy systems. The lecture will be held online at 14:45 CET and it is free from registration. The language of the event will be English. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

16 February 2022

On the 16th of February, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

I Love FS Day: Gaming event (online)

14 February 2022

Every 14th of February, people around the world celebrate the “I Love Free Software Day”. On this day we show our love for Free Software and thank all the people contributing to software freedom. This year, we are organising a whole event dedicated to Free Software games. The event takes place online on 14 February 2022 at 18:00-20:00 CET. For the first part of our event, our three expert guests in Free Software games, game engines, and Game Jams will share their experiences, and will immerse us in the world of Free Software games. The talks will also be streamed on stream.fsfe.org. After the talks, we invite you to play Veloren with us.

For technical reasons, we are asking people who want to take part in the whole event via our BigBlueButton instance to register in advance (registration is now closed). Everyone is welcome. Participation is free of cost. The event is in English. Read more information about I Love FS Day here

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

26 January 2022

The next online group meeting of the FSFE Netherlands has been rescheduled to the 26th of January. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

20 January 2022

The meeting will take place on Thursday Jan 20th, 7.30pm CET. The FSFE Women meets once in a month to discuss topics related to Free Software, IT and about any aspects of being a woman* in tech. Please be aware that this group is women-centric and transgender and non-binary friendly. If you identify as a man, we kindly ask you to reach out to the coordinators of the FSFE Women to let them know you would like to join. For more information about the FSFE Women have a look at our team site. The group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software. Registration is not required. The meeting is in English. 

Introduction to Software Law and FOSS Licenses (online)

10 January 2022

Dr. Lucas Lasota, who will give us some legal insight into the world of free software licences next Monday, 10 January 2022, 18.00 - 19.00 CET. The lecture, as well as the discussion afterwards, will take place in English and online via BigBlueButton.