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News Archive for 2010

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Fellowship Interview with Alexander Kahl

23 December 2010

Fedora maintainer Alex discusses working with Free technology at Nokia, the threat of diluting Free Software principles, and how he uses computing for emotional development.  

    172 public institutions removed non-free advertisement

    17 December 2010

    Only one month after the letters for the PDFreaders campaign of FSFE were sent, 172 public institutions have removed advertisements for proprietary PDF readers from their websites. Particularly outstanding were the responses from Croatia, Russia and Slovenia. In Croatia almost all reported institutions deleted the advertisement. Half of those contacted in Russia and Slovenia fulfilled FSFE's request. 

      Fellowship Interview with Brian Gough

      23 November 2010

      GNU Scientific hacker Brian explains why printing Free Documentation is a serious business, why he loves Emacs Org-Mode, and why adaptability is key for Free Software.  

      End non-free advertisement: stamp out the ads!

      03 November 2010

      One month, one campaign, one goal: getting rid of non-free software advertisements on public websites. In four weeks, FSFE received reports concerning 2162 European institutions who advertise non-free PDF readers. Apart from the 305 activists who participated to the search, 1500 individuals, 46 businesses and 38 organisations signed our Petition For The Removal Of Proprietary Software Advertising On Public Websites. Now that the hunt is over, it's time to chase up those websites which encourage visitors to jeopardise their freedom. It's time to stamp out the ads! 

      Fellowship Interview with Leena Simon

      23 October 2010

      Interviews with FSFE fellows are back! In the first in this new series Chris Woolfrey talks to Leena Simon about dogmatism, surveillance, and why Free Software needs more geek girls.  

      2286 public websites advertise non-free software

      18 October 2010

      During Free Software Foundation Europe's campaign, Free Software activists from 41 countries have reported 2286 public sector institutions which advertise non-free PDF readers on their websites. FSFE will now contact these institutions, trying to get as many advertisements for non-free PDF readers as possible removed before the end of the year. Progress will be documented on the list of reported institutions

      Positions on Free Software and Open Standards of Vienna's political parties

      07 October 2010

      With the upcoming local elections, the Vienna Fellowship group asked the political parties about Free Software and Open Standards. Eight out of fifteen parties replied to the questions about use of Free Software, adoption of Open Standards for communication (internal and external) and E-Governance.  

      German Federal CIO sides with Open Standards for public sector

      05 July 2010

      Minister of state Cornelia Rogall-Grothe, IT Commissioner of the German government, said in an interview with the newspaper C't (C't 2010 Heft 15, S. 150-51) that "only by using Open Standards can [the government] obtain independence from software development companies". He also recognised that "maximal interoperability can be reached with open IT-Standards". 

      FSFE: Bolzano, please don't waste your money

      02 July 2010

      Dear Minister Roberto Bizzo,

      On 25 May 2010 the regional government authority of Bolzano decided to spend 2.2 million EUR over the next three years to renew software licenses from Microsoft Ireland, and to buy additional licenses. All this was done without a public call for tender, making it impossible for competing suppliers of similar software to make offers of their own. 

      Fellowship Interview with David Reyes Samblas Martinez

      31 May 2010

      David Reyes Samblas Martinez is the founder of Spanish Copyleft Hardware store Tuxbrain, and attended the famous Open University of Catalunya. He’s also the subject of this month’s Fellowship interview, in which he answers questions on hardware manufacturing, e-learning and Free Software politics.  

      FSFE founder Georg Greve awarded German Cross of Merit

      28 April 2010

      Berlin 28. April 2010. Georg Greve, founding president of the Free Software Foundation Europe, has received the Cross of Merit on ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany (Verdienstkreuz am Bande). Georg received this high award from the German President for his work on Free Software and Open Standards. 

      Frigjør dine dokumenter!

      31 March 2010

      I dag er det Document Freedom Day 2010. For tredje gang samler grupper seg over hele verden for å feire åpne dokumentformater og åpne standarder. De skaper en bevissthet for hvordan en teknisk sak påvirker våre daglige liv.  

      Åpne standarder truet i Europa

      30 March 2010

      EU-kommisjonen jobber for tiden med å få et nytt utkast av European Interoperability Framework (EIF) godkjent av medlemslandene. Utkastet hever bekymringen om at kommisjonen gir opp sin verdensledende bruk av åpne standarder, og gjør dermed skade på innovasjon, konkurranse og friheten til brukere i Europa. FSFE har oppdatert sin analytiske side med en sammenligning av det nåværende utkastet og det forrige, så vell som krav fra den proprietære lobbygruppen. I forveien til Document Freedom Day 31. Mars er FSFE i dialog med EU-kommisjonen og representanter for medlemslandene for å gjøre dem klar over problemet.  

      Radiostasjoner mottar pris for bruk av åpne standarder

      24 March 2010

      Berlin/Wien 24. Mars. The Free Software Foundation Europe gir en utmerkelse til Deutschlandradio og Radio Orange med Document Freedom Day Prize 2010 for bruken av åpne standarder og promotering av åpne standarder i samfunnet. Det tyske teamet sammen med Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) vil presentere DFD-kaken med "rOGG on!" på i Berlin og Köln til Deutschlandradio. Den østerriske DFD-kaken går til den Wien-baserte radiostasjonen Radio Orange 94.0. 

      Document Freedom Day 2010 - Frigjør dine dokumenter, redd din informasjon!

      02 March 2010

      Vil du kunne lese dine dokumenter om 20 år? Hver dag redigerer du og millioner av andre databrukere tekstdokumenter og regneark, knipser bilder, og tar opp lyd og video. Hva om du ikke kunne lese dine private brev lenger, eller åpne albumet med bryllupsbilder? Hva om du ikke kunne dele filene dine med venner fordi programvaren ikke lot dere snakke med hverandre? For å hjelpe deg å gjøre dokumentene dine fremtidsikre, feirer vi Document Freedom Day 31. mars.  

      FSFE til brukere: Grip din valgfrihet!

      22 February 2010

      FSFE ønsker velkommen bedre konkurranse i markedet for internettlesere. Fra og med i dag av er Microsoft nødt til å tilby Windows-brukere i Europa muligheten til å velge blant flere internettlesere. Dette steget setter i verk Microsoft sitt forlik med EU-kommisjonen fra desember 2009. Free Software Foundation Europe var en aktiv deltager i kommisjonens undersøkelser.  

      Vis din kjærlighet for fri programvare på Valentinesdagen!

      12 February 2010

      I år på Valentinesdagen kaller FSFE ut til alle brukere av fri programvare til å vise sin kjærlighet for fri programvare. Bak hvert initiativ og organisasjon av fri programvare er det ekte og hardt arbeidende folk.  

      Fellows: Elect your GA representative in February

      29 January 2010

      During the whole of February 2010, FSFE's Fellows will be able to elect their second representative in FSFE's General Assembly. The winner of the election will help FSFE's strategic decision making body plan the future of the organisation, and will join Torsten Grote who occupies the first Fellowship seat since earlier last year. Both Fellowship representatives are full members of the General Assembly for a term of two years, and have all the rights and obligations of other members. 

      FSFE honoured with Theodor Heuss Medal - "trendsetting organisation"

      26 January 2010

      The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) receives this year's Theodor Heuss Medal for its extraordinary work for equitable participation in the information society. Since 2001 FSFE has been committed to the freedom to use, investigate, modify and redistribute software in all parts of society and politics. Theodor Heuss Foundation states: "FSFE as a forward thinking organisation contributes to the development and establishment of rules for good global governance."