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Join the I Love Free Software Day 2019

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Scritto da admin

Today, as with every year on February 14th, people around the globe are celebrating "I love Free Software" Day by expressing their love and thanks to all the people working behind each Free Software project. Follow the love with the hashtag #IloveFS today and add your own love dedication to the stream!

Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives; and it is important that this technology empowers rather than restricts us. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt, and share software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press, and privacy. And Free Software is also the result of people who work together collaboratively and dedicate their skills to a project. "I love Free Software" Day is a day to show our appreciation to all these people behind any Free Software project and our gratitude for their dedication:

Becoming part of #ilovefs

Everyone can participate in "I love Free Software" Day and join the celebrations by sharing a message of love with the hashtag #ilovefs on any (social) media channel. Be it on a general note or directly dedicated to a particular Free and Open Source Software solution. The more people contribute their part, the more we will enjoy a beautiful "I love Free Software" Day together.

Or help by spreading the word in the offline world among your friends and colleagues and bring them together. We know about interesting offline events happening, for example in Barcelona, Berlin, Sofia, Stockholm, Tirana, Plovdiv and Zurich. Follow the stream and enjoy a lovely day packed with thankfulness and creativity!

Happy "I love Free Software" Day everyone!