List of pages tagged "panel"
- [2025-04-08T11:00:00Z]Symposium: 'Public Money? Public Code!' in Practice in Essen, Germany
- [2025-02-02T08:10:00Z]FOSDEM '25 - Funding the FOSS Ecosystem in Brussels, Belgium
- [2025-02-01T09:30:00Z]FOSDEM '25 - Legal and Policy Issues DevRoom in Brussels, Belgium
- [2024-11-21T10:00:00Z]Paper presentation: DMA interoperability obligations from the perspective of FOSS in Brussels, Belgium
- [2024-11-09T09:20:00Z]FSFE Italian Community Meeting 2024 in Bolzano, Italia
- [2024-09-14T11:00:00Z]Berlin Fediverse Day in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2024-06-13]DevConf.CZ - Engaging with the next generation: A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream in Brno, Czech Republic
- [2024-06-07]Trento Open Festival in Trento, Italy
- [2023-12-12]Zooom Panel - Free Software & AI: Risks and Opportunities (online)
- [2023-10-28]Linux Day 2023 - L'intelligenza Artificiale oggi tra rischi e benefici in Palermo, Italia
- [2023-09-22]The world after Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. A new generation of the Internet? in Cologne, Germany
- [2023-04-17]Technology and Human Rights in Madrid, Spain
- [2023-03-10]Sustainable by design - for a climate-neutral digital future in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2023-02-14]I ♥ Free Software Day in Lisbon, Portugal
- [2022-06-20]FSFE Women meeting: introduction to content management systems (online)
- [2022-06-08]Presentazione della campagna "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" a Bologna, Italia
- [2022-06-07]Presentazione della campagna Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico! in Trento, Italia
- [2022-05-19]1. KIDD-Fachkonferenz in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2022-05-04]The future of Router Freedom in Austria (online)
- [2022-03-15]Sustainable software for phones that last (online)
- [2022-02-14]Giornata "Io amo SL": evento di gioco (online)
- [2022-02-05]Stand & devroom legale e di policy al FOSDEM (online)
- [2021-12-13]Evento di lancio: brochure "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" in spagnolo (online)
- [2021-06-23]Tavola rotonda sulla cybersecurity, diritti umani e pieno controllo digitale (online)
- [2021-05-27]Digital Soverenity: How do we become independant with Free Software (online)
- [2021-02-17]"Free Software development: Freestyle, Duty or Burden for the Administration?" (online)
- [2021-02-06]La FSFE presente al FOSDEM con stand, interventi e una devroom
- [2020-10-09]Panel: How to organize local Free Software groups, online, United States of America
- [2020-08-24]Tavola rotonda: "Fiducia ingegneristica: può la tecnologia aiutare a creare fiducia?" a Berlin, Germania
- [2020-06-18]Forum digitale: "Alles Open - oder was?" a Berlino, Germania
- [2019-09-14]Public Money? Public Code! panel in Berlin, Germany