Event Archive for 2012
15 December 2012
Fellow Miriam Seyffarth und
der stellvertretende Deutschlandkoordinator Torsten Grote, halten
ein Grundlagenseminar "Freie Software" für die Grüne Jugend Thüringen. Das
Seminar beginnt um 10:30 Uhr und wird bis etwa 17.30 Uhr in der
Landesgeschäftsstelle, Lutherstr. 5 in Erfurt stattfinden. Teilnahme
ist kostenlos, aber die Teilnehmer müssen sich, bis Sonntag 2.
Dezember registrieren.
Miriam spricht am Vormittag über Herausforderungen für Freie Sofware,
vor allem im politischen Bereich. Anschließend wird Torsten das Thema
13 December 2012
For this year's last Berlin Fellowship meeting, we've prepared something
special for all Fellows and friends: We'll meet at the Emmaus Church near
Goerlitzer Bahnhof to enjoy a talk by Volker Grabsch. Volker, having 100
CACert Assurance Points, gives us insights on daily security using encryption,
key-signing and certificates!
Also, there's going to be a nice retrospective about the Free Software
Year 2012. If this is still not enough: Free Gluehwein for everyone! As always, you'll find more details about the location and time at GriCal.
11 December 2012
On December 11th at 18.00 hours, Erik Albers will give a speech about FSFE's FreeYourAndroid campaign at the Institut für Informatik, FU Berlin. The talk is organized by Spline Talks and is open for public at no charge.
The talk, in German, will be held in Raum K60, Takustr. 9, 14195 Berlin.
08 – 09 December 2012
Next weekend, on 8th and 9th December,Hannes Hauswedell, FSFE fellow and Germn Team coordinator for, is organising a mini-hackaton to finish YAFFS2-support. The event, hosted at IN-Berlin e.V., will run from Saturday (from 11) to Sunday (until 18). If you want to help, join us in Lehrter Straße, 53.
Club Mate and pizza will be provided!
05 December 2012
The "Berliner Spindel" a
group of junior staff in the Berlin administration organises an evening
discussion about E-Government, Open Data, and Free Software on December
15th from 18:00 to 20:00. Matthias Kirschner is
invited as an expert on Free Software, to talk about the role of Free
Software for the public administration. The event takes place at the
Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit und Soziales, room 1.125 (Oranienstraße
106, 10969 Berlin)
04 December 2012
On December 4th, Erik Albers will give a speech about FSFE's FreeYourAndroid campaign at the Netzpolitischer Abend der Digitalen Gesellschaft. The talk, in German, will be held at c-base and is open for public at no charge.
24 November 2012
Die FSFE ist am 24.11.2012 mit einem von der Wiener Fellowshipgruppe
organisierten Informationsstand auf dem 14. „Linuxday“ in Dornbirn im
Vierländereck von Deutschland, Liechtenstein, Österreich und der Schweiz
vertreten. In drei parallelen Vortragsreihen erfahren Einsteiger,
Linuxprofis, sowie Entscheidungsträger aus Wirtschaft und öffentlicher
Verwaltung Wissenswertes über Freie Software.
Free your Android – Oder: Wie frei ist das System wirklich und was kann man tun, um die Situation zu verbessern?
24 November 2012
Im Rahmen des „Linuxday“ in Dornbirn wird Albert Dengg vom
österreichischen Team der FSFE einen Vortrag über die „Free your
Android“-Kampange halten. Der Vortrag wird am 24. November 2012 um
11:00 in der HTL Dornbirn stattfinden.
17 – 18 November 2012
In November, FSFE will be present at the French event
JDLL in Lyon, France.
Every year, this event regroups organisations advocating Free Software and
people giving talks over a complete week end in the center of Lyon. We'll be
there the entire time from the 17th to the 18th. One of our interns, Léopold
Baillard, will even be there the whole week if you want to meet with him.
He will also give a talk about the Free Your Android campaign. The event takes
place in Maison pour Tous - Salle des
Rancy. We are looking forward to see you there!
16 November 2012
At the South Tyrol Free Software
Conference (SFScon), there will be
a FreeYourAndroid workshop.
If you would like to attend, please register and write an email
to Erik Albers . The
workshop will be on November 16th at the TIS Innovation Park in Bolzano.
15 November 2012
In the context of the South Tyrol Free
Software Conference (SFScon), a FreeYourAndroid "training for trainers"
workshop will take place at the TIS Innovation Park in Bolzano. Attendees of this workshop are supposed to give
workshops themselves. If you like to attend, please register and write an email
to Erik Albers
15 November 2012
On November 15th at 18.30, Matthias Kirschner will give a speech at the
university of Jena, about computers as general purpose machines. The
talk, in German, will be held in the main building (UHG), room 235 at
Fürstengraben 1, Jena.
09 – 11 November 2012
FSFE will organise the "General Purpose Computing" track. Despite the fact that computers and - more and more - portable devices are universal machines, todays hardware often comes with anti-features or Digital Restrictions Management. This track by the FSFE will focus on this ongoing and increasing process of users restrictions. Thereby it concentrates on current trends and what we are in need of to stop them.
08 November 2012
Das Fellowship der FSFE in Berlin trifft sich wieder einmal für einen
Abend der Freien-Software-Liebe am Donnerstag, den 08. November 2012 um
19:30. Dieses mal treffen wir uns wieder bei IN-Berlin.
Wie immer können die Details zu Zeit und Ort auf der GriCal-Event-Seite gefunden werden. Es gibt keine feste Agenda für das Treffen, es ist daher ein lockeres, interessantes zusammentreffen zu erwarten. Sollte es Bedarf für Ankündigungen oder allgemeine Diskussionen geben sind diese natürlich auch willkommen. Wir freuen uns auf ein zahlreiches Erscheinen, jede/r ist willkommen!
08 November 2012
On November 8, at 6.30 PM, at the Department of Computer science of the University of Milan (Via Comelico 39, 20135 Milan), it will take place a Fellowship Meeting, during which we will discuss about next Fellowship activities in Lombardia. The Meeting is open to the public.
07 November 2012
In preparaton for the Manchester Central by-election, political candidates will answer questions on issues effecting Manchester's digital indistry. This event, organised by FSFE, the Open Rights Group, the National Union of Journalists, and No2ID, will provide an opportunity for the public to get answers to questions concerning digial policy and investment in Britain's "second city".
07 November 2012
On November 7, Richard Stallman will give the talk "Copyright vs. Community"at the Reykjavik University . The speech will start at 19:30 ( 1, Room M101).
06 November 2012
Karsten Gerloff, FSFE president, will give a
talk about general purpose computing as a question of power and
control on Novenber, 6th in Barcelona (spain) at the LinuxcConEurope. Entitled as
"All watched over by machines of loving grace?", the speech will be at 13:20 at the Hotel Fira Palace
06 November 2012
On November 6, Richard Stallman participates in the ICT Goes International in Helsinki. He will give a talk about "Trends in programming: Free Software and practices" at 13:50. The event is organized by HAAGA-HELIA, the University of Applied Sciences and will be held at the Auditorium, Pasila campus (Ratapihantie 13).
Richard Stallman will give another speech, in the same venue, that evening at 18:00 about "How to Begin Contributing to a Free Software Project and Do a Good Job".
03 November 2012
On November 3rd at 14.00, Matthias Kirschner will give a speech at Brandenburger Linux-Infotag 2012, about computers as general purpose machines. The talk, in German, will be held at 14.00 in the University of Potsdam, at room HS2 of the 'Institut für Informatik'.
03 November 2012
FSFE will be present at the Brandenburger Linux-Infotag 2012 with a booth. Feel free to pass by and meet the staff of FSFE. In addition, there will be a Phone Liberation Workshop as part of our FreeYourAndroid campaign. If you are interested in liberating your phone please pass by the FSFE booth at 13 hours.
26 October 2012
On October 26, Richard Stallman participates in the Free/ Libre Culture Forum in Barcelona. He will attend and comment the presentation of the Positive Agenda for Copyright reform in Europe, a collaborative system. The event will take place in the Centro Cultural Ars Santa Monica (Las Ramblas, 7) at 13.00.
Besides, that evening he will be at the Sala magna of the Universidad de Economía de Barcelona giving a talk about "El Movimiento del Software Libre y GNU" and "Por una sociedad Digital Libre"
19 October 2012
Dieses Mal findet das Wiener Fellowship-Treffen wieder in der
Bibliothek im Metalab, in der Rathausstraße 6
im 1. Bezirk in Wien statt. Wir treffen uns ab 18:00 Uhr - die
Agenda starten wir um 19:00 Uhr. Wie immer richtet sich die Einladung
an alle, die sich für die FSFE oder für Freie Software interessieren.
Wir freuen uns auf eine große Teilnehmerzahl!
18 October 2012
On October 18th, Otto Kekäläinen, FSFE coordinator Finland, will explain
the current status of the adaptation of LibreOffice in Finland, at the Berlin 2012 LibreOffice Conference. The talk will explain the current problems and will point out other countries experiences relevant to take into mind for Finland's LibreOffice future development. Also, it will cover Helsinki innitiatives, like Helsinki OpenOffice pilot in 2011.
18 October 2012
Torsten Grote will give a
talk about the campaign
Free Your Android
at the Libre Software World Conference 2012, in Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
The speech will be on October 18th at 16.30 in the Cidade da Cultura
City of Culture), where the event is being held.
18 October 2012
Karsten Gerloff, FSFE president,will give a
talk about general purpose computing as a question of power and
control on October 18th in Bergen (Norway). Entitled as
"All watched over by machines of loving grace?", the speech is being organised
by the Bergen
Linux User Group and it will be held at the Bergen public libary (Strømgaten 6)
11 October 2012
Das Fellowship der FSFE in Berlin trifft sich wieder einmal für einen
Abend der Freien-Software-Liebe am Donnerstag, den 11. Oktober 2012 um
19:30. Dieses mal ist LinuxWorks! Friedrichshain unser Gastgeber
im E-Lok
Jugendclub am Ostkreuz.
Wie immer können die Details zu Zeit und Ort auf der GriCal-Event-Seite gefunden werden.
Bitte um zahlreiches Erscheinen, jede/r ist willkommen!
01 October 2012
Fellowship meeting at 19.00 in MadLab. Lightning talks followed by "hack and tell". All Fellows and non-Fellows are cordially invited to attend.
28 September 2012
Dieses außerordentliche Wiener Fellowship-Treffen findet in der
Bibliothek im Metalab, in der Rathausstraße 6
im 1. Bezirk in Wien statt. Wir treffen uns ab 18:00 Uhr.
Zu Gast ist der Deputy Fellowship Koordinator Erik Albers aus Berlin.
Erik erklärt wie FreeYourAndroid Workshops organisiert werden.
Wie immer richtet sich die Einladung an alle, die sich für die FSFE oder
für Freie Software interessieren.
Wir freuen uns auf eine große Teilnehmerzahl!
25 September 2012
On September 25 at the 22nd IFIP World Computer Congress in Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, Karsten Gerloff will participate in a panel
discussion on patents in software. The discussion about whether
"patents enable innovation in the computer software field" is
organised by the European Patent Organisation.
25 September 2012
The Finnish think tank Visio organizes in Helsinki on 25th of September at 13:00-16:00 a seminar on the state of software systems in the public sector, and solve the typical quality and price issues using Free Software. FSFE is an co-organizer in the event. More information at the Finnish FOSS calendar
21 September 2012
Dieses Mal findet das Wiener Fellowship-Treffen wieder in der
Bibliothek im Metalab, in der Rathausstraße 6
im 1. Bezirk in Wien statt. Wir treffen uns ab 18:00 Uhr - die
Agenda starten wir um 19:00 Uhr. Wie immer richtet sich die Einladung
an alle, die sich für die FSFE oder für Freie Software interessieren.
Wir freuen uns auf eine große Teilnehmerzahl!
19 September 2012
We are in the middle of an intense battle about who will control the computers we'll use tomorrow. At the OpenMind conference in Helsinki, Finland, Karsten Gerloff will explain why the general-purpose computer is worth fighting for. The event is co-located with the Open Knowledge Festival. Karsten's talk starts at 11:30.
18 September 2012
During Finland's Openmind conference, FSFE's President Karsten Gerloff will speak about "Free Software in the public sector: Getting it right and getting value". He will focus on migrations, procurement, and overcoming common obstacles. The event is co-located with the Open Knowledge Festival.
15 September 2012
On September 15th the Berlin Fellowship group
will held a FreeYourAndroid workshop
BeLUG's Software Freedom Day event.
15 September 2012
On September 15th, FSFE and supporters will held a FreeYourAndroid
workshop at Kiberpipa's Software Freedom Day event.
15 September 2012
Fellows in Manchester will meet to determine how best to voice and video chat using Free Software. Between 14.00-17.00 in Madlab Hackerspace advocates will test which programs are compatible with which, and publish a table of results for public use.
15 September 2012
The Vienna fellowship group will hold a booth in the very busy city
centre of Vienna on the corner of the Mariahilfer Staße and the
Museumsquartier. From 10am until 7pm we will be answering questions at
our information desk and giving out leaflets and live CDs from different
free operating systems. Many of them with a specially produced
CD-edition identifying the FSFE fellowship as provider of the copies. We
will bring notebook computers as well to show interested passers-by how
well Free Software works and how good it looks.
09 September 2012
On September 9th, Erik Albers
will give a FreeYourAndroid
workshop at the Software Freedom Kosova 2012. The workshop is open for all attendees of the
04 September 2012
On September 4th, Erik Albers
will give a FreeYourAndroid
workshop at the SmartDevCon in
Katowice, Poland. The workshop is open for all attendees of the
25 – 26 August 2012
Der Fachbereich Informatik der Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
veranstaltet mit Hilfe der Fachschaft Informatik, der LUUSA und des
FrOSCon e.V. 2009 zum siebten Mal eine Konferenz rund um Themen der
Freien Software.
Die FSFE wird wieder mit einem Stand vertreten sein. Die
Koordination erfolgt über das Fellowship-Wiki.
25 August 2012
Torsten Grote will explain at Campus Party the FSFE campaign "Free Your Android" as part of the Campus Party Europe event, held in Berlin. The talk will be at 16.30 at the Socrates Stage.
24 August 2012
On August 24, Matthias Kirschner will give a speech at Campus Party. "The FSFS- Fighting for your freedom, since 1985" is the topic of this talk that will be held at 14.30 at the Socrates Stage, of this event organized in Berlin.
22 August 2012
On August 22, Hugo Roy will be at Campus Party talking about " Why Free Software needs Network Neutrality?". The speech, at 11 a.m., will be held at the Socrates Stage of this event organized in Berlin.
22 August 2012
On August 22, Matthias Kirschner will be at Campus Party talking about "An endangered species: computer as a universal machine". The speech, at 14.30, will be held at the Socrates Stage of this event organized in Berlin.
18 – 19 August 2012
FSFE will once again be present at Ogg Camp with information, merchandise, leaflets, and the opportunity to join. Come and talk to FSFE's UK Fellows and Coordinator.
17 August 2012
Dieses Mal findet das Wiener Fellowship-Treffen wieder in der
Bibliothek im Metalab, in der Rathausstraße 6
im 1. Bezirk in Wien statt. Wir treffen uns ab 18:00 Uhr - die
Agenda starten wir um 19:00 Uhr. Wie immer richtet sich die Einladung
an alle, die sich für die FSFE oder für Freie Software interessieren.
Wir freuen uns auf eine große Teilnehmerzahl!
06 August 2012
Fellowship meeting at 19.00 in MadLab. Fellow Francis Southern will provide an introduction to Emacs - the original Free Software text editor powerhouse. All Fellows and non-Fellows are cordially invited to attend.
20 July 2012
Dieses Mal findet das Wiener Fellowship-Treffen wieder in der
Bibliothek im Metalab, in der Rathausstraße 6
im 1. Bezirk in Wien statt. Wir treffen uns ab 18:00 Uhr - die
Agenda starten wir um 19:00 Uhr. Wie immer richtet sich die Einladung
an alle, die sich für die FSFE oder für Freie Software interessieren.
Wir freuen uns auf eine große Teilnehmerzahl!
11 July 2012
Am 11.Juli wird Richard Stallman einen Vortrag halten über "Copyright vs. Community" auf dem Campus Garching, München. Ein Fokus des Vortrags wird sein, welche Bedrohungen sich durch aktuelle Copyright-Gesetze für das wissenschaftliche Publizieren ergeben. Der Vortrag findet im "Rudolf-Diesel Hörsal MW 2001" des Campus Garching statt und beginnt um 18 Uhr.
11 July 2012
More transparency in the heart of Europe: The European Parliament has built a software tool which lets the people working there track the development of proposals into laws. The Parliament is going to release this program, called AT4AM, as Free Software.
At an event in the European Parliament, FSFE's President Karsten Gerloff will discuss what Free Software means for democracy. FSFE's General Counsel Carlo Piana will talk about choosing the right license for AT4AM.
Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required in order to enter the Parliament building. The event is organised by the European Parliament Free Software User Group (EPFSUG), and hosted by MEP Marie-Christine Vergiat.
10 July 2012
Am 10.Juli wird Richard Stallman an der Fakultät für Informatik der Technischen Universität Dresden einen Vortrag halten über "The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System". Teile des FSFE-Team Berlins werden anwesend sein und freuen sich darüber, vor Ort möglichst viele Fellows zu treffen. Der Vortrag findet statt in Raum "INF E023" und beginnt um 13.30.
09 July 2012
On July 9, Richard Stallman gives a talk about "Free software, GNU and GCC" at GNU Tools Cauldron 2012, Prague. The event will take place at room S9, Department of Maths and Physics, Charles University, Malostranske Namesti 25, Prague from 10.00 to 10.45.
07 – 12 July 2012
Die FSFE ist auf dem RMLL vertreten, dem jährlichen
nichtkommerziellen Treffen mit Vorträgen, Workshops und Diskussionsrunden über Freie Software
und ihre Anwendung.
Zum ersten Mal findet das RMLL in der Schweiz statt, und zwar im Stadtviertel „Plainpalais“ in
06 July 2012
On July 06, Richard Stallman gives a talk about "The New Techonological Models" at the 5th Congress of Young Entrepreneurs, Vigo. The event will take place at the Palacio de Congresos Mar De Vigo, Avenida de Beiramar 59, Vigo, Spain from 12.30 to 14.30. Please, register in order to attend the event.
04 July 2012
On July 4th, FSFE Fellow Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild will host a PDF
readers sprint in Tallinn, Estonia, at
Akademy 2012, the KDE summit.
Everyone is invited to partake and help locate, remove, and replace
advertisements for proprietary software on the websites of public
The event is part of our
to stop public bodies from restricting the users' freedom and unfairly
distorting the competition in favour of certain proprietary software
makers. As part of the event, participants will be introduced to
finding offending sites, contacting offending sites, listing offending
sites on our web site, and keeping track of responses to the memoranda
to offenders.
27 June 2012
On June 27, Richard Stallman gives a talk about "Free Software and education" in Marly-le-Roi. The event will take place at the Cinéma le Fontenelle - Place de la gare, Marly-le-Roi from 10.00 to 12.00. Please, register in order to participate in the event.
26 June 2012
On June 26, Richard Stallman gives a talk about "Free Digital Society" at the School of Computer Science of Manchester University. The event will take place at the room 1.10, Kilburn Building (School of Computer Science), University of Manchester, Manchester, UK from 17.00 to 18.30.
23 June 2012
Am 23.Juni wird Richard Stallman einen Vortrag halten über "The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System" auf dem De Montfort University, Leicester. Der Vortrag findet im Hawthorn Building, De Montfort University, Leicester LE1 9BH statt und beginnt um 13.30 Uhr.
22 June 2012
On June 22, Richard Stallman gives a talk about "Copyright vs. Community" at Forward company venue, Camden. Focus of this talk will be threats deriving from actual copyright law on scientific publishing. The event will take place at the Forward company venue, 19 Mandela Street, Floor 2, Centro 3, Camden, London from 14.00 to 16.00.
Please, register in order to participate in the event.
Monatliches Fellowship-Treffen in Wien, Österreich
15 June 2012
Dieses Mal findet das Wiener Fellowship-Treffen wieder in der
Bibliothek im Metalab, in der Rathausstraße 6
im 1. Bezirk in Wien statt. Wir treffen uns ab 18:00 Uhr - die
Agenda starten wir um 19:00 Uhr. Wie immer richtet sich die Einladung
an alle, die sich für die FSFE oder für Freie Software interessieren.
Wir freuen uns auf eine große Teilnehmerzahl!
Monatliches Fellowship-Treffen in Berlin, Deutschland
14 June 2012
Dieses Mal wird das Berliner Fellowship-Treffen nicht im Büro der FSFE stattfinden. Stattdessen haben uns unsere Freunde von Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. zu sich in ihre neuen Räumlichkeiten in der Obentrautstrasse 72, 10963 Berlin eingeladen. Wir treffen uns dort um 19.30. Wie gewöhnlich gilt diese Einladung für alle mit Interesse an der FSFE oder Freier Software. Wir freuen uns euch zu sehen!
11 June 2012
Matthias Kirschner, Koordinator des deutschen Teams der FSFE, wird am 11. Juni 2012 einen öffentlichen Vortrag in der HTWG Hochschule Konstanz halten. Das Thema des Vortrags lautet "Vom Aussterben bedroht: die Universalmaschine Computer" und er behandelt verschiedene Aspekte, welche die Freiheit des Users im digitalen Zeitalter bedrohen. Der Vortrag beginnt um 17:30 Uhr im Thurgau-Saal in der Bibliothek der HTWG Konstanz. Eintritt ist Frei.
31 May 2012
Fellowship meeting at 19.00 in MadLab. Jonathan Porter will present ways to combine data with Free mapping, including powerful Free Software geographical information systems (GIS) such as Quantum GIS. All Fellows and non-Fellows welcome.
29 May 2012
The Cabinet Office will consult businesses in the North West of England on the proposed changes to UK Open Standards policy, in MadLab Hackerspace, 15.30-17.30. UK Coordinator Sam Tuke will be participating.
26 May 2012
Torsten Grote spricht am Samstag, 26.05.2012 um 10:30, während des LinuxTag Berlin darüber wie man die Kontrolle über sein Android-Gerät und seine Daten zurückgewinnt, indem man (fast) ausschließlich Freie Software verwendet um sein Gerät zu betreiben. Torsten Grote ist Mitglied der FSFE und Initiator der FSFE-Kampagne LinuxTag Berlin ist eine Freie Software Konferenz und Messe.
23 – 26 May 2012
FSFE Fellows will run a booth at the LinuxTag event in Berlin.
Information, merchandise, and a friendly chat will be available.
The event will take place at "Messegelände unter dem Funkturm"
22 May 2012
Über die Vorteile Freier Software spricht Matthias Kirschner, Deutschlandkoordinator der FSFE, am 22. Mai auf einer Podiumsdiskussion des Treffpunkt WissenWerte im Amerika-Haus Berlin. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, doch die Plätze begrenzt, weshalb um eine Anmeldung gebeten wird. Die Veranstaltung wird mitgeschnitten und am 27. Mai 2012 um 9.22 Uhr im Programm von Inforadio (rbb) 93,1 gesendet.
Monatliches Fellowship-Treffen in Wien, Österreich
18 May 2012
Dieses Mal findet das Wiener Fellowship-Treffen wieder in der
Bibliothek im Metalab, in der Rathausstraße 6
im 1. Bezirk in Wien statt. Wir treffen uns ab 18:00 Uhr - die
Agenda starten wir um 19:00 Uhr. Wie immer richtet sich die Einladung
an alle, die sich für die FSFE oder für Freie Software interessieren.
Wir freuen uns auf eine große Teilnehmerzahl!
28 April 2012
FSFE is holding its annual General Assembly in Lisbon this
year, and we would love to party with you! Please join us
on Saturday April 28 at for a relaxed evening of
drinks and conversation.
We will meet at 21:30 at Lisbon metro station Estação Baixa Chiado,
exit Largo do Chiado. From there, we'll move to Galeria Zé dos
Bois around 22:00.
details and a map are available at the website of
our associate organisation ANSOL.
26 April 2012
Fellowship meeting at 19.00 in MadLab. A report from the Web Sprint 2012 last weekend will be presented, as and important news concerning UK education and Open Standards policy will be discussed. All Fellows and non-Fellows are cordially invited to attend.
21 – 22 April 2012
The FSFE Web team will meet to work on FSFE's websites in
Manchester, UK. Focus will be on consolidating the
experience and campaign websites, and a slew of new improvements
will be applied.
Please notify the Web
mailing list if you're attending.
Monatliches Fellowship-Treffen in Wien, Österreich
20 April 2012
Dieses Mal findet das Wiener Fellowship-Treffen wieder in der
Bibliothek im Metalab, in der Rathausstraße 6
im 1. Bezirk in Wien statt. Wir treffen uns ab 18:00 Uhr - die
Agenda starten wir um 19:00 Uhr. Wie immer richtet sich die Einladung
an alle, die sich für die FSFE oder für Freie Software interessieren.
Wir freuen uns auf eine große Teilnehmerzahl!
Free Software Legal and Licensing Workshop 2012
12 – 13 April 2012
On April 12 and 13, FSFE will be organizing its fifth edition of Free Software Legal and Licensing Workshop in Amsterdam, which brings together legal experts from all over the world to discuss the future of Free Software, its licenses and the best practices in the field.
Berlin Fellowship meeting
12 April 2012
On Thursday, April 12th, at 19:30, the Berlin fellows will
meet at the Berlin FSFE office (Linienstrasse 141) for a discussion
on various Free Software topics. Come and join us!
Berlin Fellowship meeting
11 April 2012
On Thursday, April 11th, at 19:30, the Berlin fellows will
meet at the Berlin FSFE office (Linienstrasse 141) for a discussion
on various Free Software topics. Come and join us!
04 April 2012
The British Computer Society is hosting this series of talks between 10:00 - 17:00 in central London. UK Coordinator Sam Tuke will open the event with an international historical perspective on the use of Free Software in the public sector.
Sustainability festivals in Manchester and Leicester, UK
31 March 2012
FSFE Fellows have pioneered a link up between the Green Light and Chorlton Big Green festivals. There will be a Free Software talk and booth at each event and a live link up bringing environmentalists together via Free Software systems.
29 March 2012
Fellowship meeting at 19.00 in MadLab. Bob Ham, GNU/Linux audio developer will give a talk about using the advanced JACK audio server. A report from Document Freedom Day will also be presented with followind discussion. All Fellows and non-Fellows are cordially invited to attend.
28 March 2012
The Document Freedom Day (DFD) is the global day for document liberation.
It is a day which is dedicated to promote the importance of Open Document Formats
and Open Standards
in general. Various kind of activities are planned by a grassroot movement all over the world. If you like to participate, look how you can get involved.
24 March 2012
Auf dem 11. "Augsburger Linux-Infotag" hat die FSFE einen Informations-
und Verkaufsstand. Des Weiteren wird Björn Schießle einen Vortrag über die
bevorstehenden Herausforderungen für Freie Software halten. Die Veranstaltung
findet am 24. März 2011 von 9:30 bis 17:30 im Fachbereich Informatik der
Hochschule Augsburg statt. Der Eintritt ist frei.
24 March 2012
FSFE Fellows will run a booth at the UK's leading digital civil liberties community event. Information, merchandise, and a friendly chat will be available.
23 March 2012
At Maastricht University's Faculty of Law, FSFE's President
Karsten Gerloff will participate in a round table on "New Copyright
Business Models in the Age of Filesharing". He will join Meir
Pugatch, Senior Lecturer, University of Haifa; Director of Research,
Stockholm Network; and Claudia Zuidema, deLex publishers, Amsterdam.
The event will take place from 16:00 to 19:00 at the Faculty of Law,
Maastricht University, Feestzal (C1.306).
Mailpod: Fellowship project meeting, Manchester
22 March 2012
Manchester Fellows will meet at Arcspace Community Centre to work on the Mailpod community hosting project, inspired by Fripost. The project aims to provide local community run Free Software based email hosting with strong privacy and security.
19 – 20 March 2012
Martin Husovec, our current legal intern will be giving presentation at workshop V 4 paradigm shift in copyright organized by Asimov Foundation. The talk "Use of FLA outside of the Free Software Communities?" will discuss whether Fiduciary License Agreemnet can be potentially of an inspiration also for the other artistic communities than Free Software one (abstract).
17 – 18 March 2012
The "Chemnitz Linux Days" is a conference that deals with GNU/Linux
and Free Software . It is open for everyone, novizes and experts alike.
The FSFE will be present with a booth where you can inform yourself about
our work and to get to know the people behind FSFE. In addition, Matthias
Kirschner – Fellowship Coordinator and Coordinator of the German
team – will give a talk about
"Non-free software advertisement presented by your government" on
Saturday, 17.03. at 16:30 in Raum V1.
Monatliches Fellowship-Treffen in Wien, Österreich
16 March 2012
Dieses Mal findet das Wiener Fellowship-Treffen wieder in der
Bibliothek im Metalab, in der Rathausstraße 6
im 1. Bezirk in Wien statt. Wir treffen uns ab 18:00 Uhr - die
Agenda starten wir um 19:00 Uhr. Wie immer richtet sich die Einladung
an alle, die sich für die FSFE oder für Freie Software interessieren.
Wir freuen uns auf eine große Teilnehmerzahl!
Berlin Fellowship meeting
08 March 2012
On Thursday, March 8th, at 19:30, the Berlin fellows will
meet at the Berlin FSFE office (Linienstrasse 141) for a discussion
on various Free Software topics. Come and join us!
07 March 2012
Mittwoch, 07. März, das nächste Fellowship-Treffen im
Rhein/Main-Gebiet wird im Hotel Sandelmühle, Frankfurt/Main um 20:00 Uhr stattfinden.
14 February 2012
As every year for Valentine's Day, the FSFE is planning an online
campaign to celebrate this day as an "I love Free Software" - Day. Our online
campaign aims at rising awareness to Free Software and the
passionate, hard-working people behind it. You can participate in our
campaign from all over the world. Show them that you appreciate their
work – it could make all the difference!
14 February 2012
This year on Valentine's Day, the FSFE organises an "I love Free
Software" event at the Unperfekthaus in Essen. We would
like to invite all supporters of Free Software to celebrate this day
together with us. During the day, there will be workshops and talks
concerning various topics about Free Software. In the evening there will
be a live concert with four bands that are willing to play in support of
Free Software. For more information have
a look at our event-page.
Berlin Fellowship meeting
09 February 2012
On Thursday, February 9th, at 19:30, the Berlin fellows will
meet at the Berlin FSFE office (Linienstrasse 141) for a discussion
on various Free Software topics. Come and join us!
04 – 05 February 2012
On February 4 and 5, FSFE will be present at FOSDEM in
ULB Campus
Solbosch, Brussels, Belgium. Like every year, we're looking forward to many
great meetings and discussions, and a very good time for
17 January 2012
Heute, am 17.Januar 2012, wird Matthias Kirschner - Fellowship Koordinator des FSFE - einen Vortrag halten über
"Secure/Zensur Boot: Wer kontrolliert den Computer?". Der Vortrag wird in der c-base (Rungestrasse 20, 10179 Berlin) im Rahmen des "Netzpolitischen Abends" stattfinden. Der "Netzpolitische Abend" wird von der "Digitalen Gesellschaft" veranstaltet, eine Interessensvereinigung um Internetpolitik und für digitale Bürgerrechte. Der Vortrag ist in Deutsch, Eintritt ist frei. Die Veranstaltung beginnt um 20 Uhr.