List of pages tagged "swpat"
- [2020-08-20]FSFE: EU should reconsider the notion of "intellectual property"
- [2018-10-25]FSFE Newsletter - October 2018
- [2018-10-23] Free Software changing Microsoft's patent strategy
- [2015-02-18]FSFE responds to EU consultation on patents and standards
- [2014-03-14]Asian Legal Network launched
- [2013-12-11]Verpasste Chancen: Wo die Große Koalition nachbessern muss
- [2013-11-07]Rockstar vs. Google: Software patents as a license for privateering
- [2013-06-12]Bundestag fordert die Regierung auf, Softwarepatente streng zu begrenzen
- [2013-05-23]FSFE in German Parliament Hearing about Software Patents
- [2013-04-22]German Parliament says: Stop Granting Software Patents
- [2012-12-11]European Parliament adopts deeply flawed unitary patent, gives up power over innovation policy
- [2012-12-08]First, do no harm: European Parliament must delay vote on unitary patent
- [2012-09-07]Unitary patent threatens innovation in Europe
- [2012-09-05]Blog: How the European patent system works
- [2012-09-04]Blog: Software patents in Europe: game on
- [2012-02-14]Nortel/Rockstar, Google/Motorola deals create balance of terror on software patents
- [2011-12-08]Nortel patent sale: FSFE defends Free Software, competition
- [2011-05-25]FSFE in Samba case: Microsoft's defiance backfired
- [2011-05-23]Microsoft case: FSFE in European Court of Justice hearing
- [2011-04-20]Free Software crucial to competition, regulators in Novell patent deal say
- [2011-02-09]European Patent: FSFE urges European Parliament to wait for legal advice
- [2011-01-23]Fellowship Interview with Anne Østergaard
- [2011-01-13]FSFE concerned about Novell patent sale
- [2010-09-07]EU-Umfrage zu Freier Software und Standards: Sorgen Sie dafür, dass Ihre Stimme gehört wird!
- [2010-02-09]FSFE Newsletter - January 2010