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Event Archive for 2023

FSFE Women (online)

27 December 2023

This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people. 

FSFE Netherlands get-together (online)

27 December 2023

FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are elections, banking apps and IT in educational sector.

We meet from 20:00 CET until about 22:00 CET. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki. 

FSFE at the 37C3 in Hamburg

27 – 30 December 2023

For the 37th Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) the FSFE is part of this year's Bits & Bäume cluster. Together with many other organisations is the FSFE creating a space that welcomes all creatures! At our assembly we create a common space for FSFE members, friends, and supporters to discuss, meet, hack, and organise. Whether you're a Free Software enthusiast or simply enjoy the company of friendly geeks, our assembly welcomes all creatures. Join us to engage in lively discussions, collaborate on projects, and connect with a diverse community passionate about technology and the values of Free Software. Service announcement: Everyday at 7 pm we sing the Free Software Song at the FSFE booth. 

Treffen der lokalen FSFE Gruppe in Berlin, Deutschland

21 December 2023

In Koordination mit der Linux Works LUG trifft sich die Berliner Gruppe der FSFE zu ihrem Jahresendzeit-Treffen abweichend am dritten Donnerstag im Dezember. Ihr seit natürlich alle herzlich eingeladen.

Wann: 21.12.2023, 18:00h
Wo: Kieztreff Undine, Hagenstraße 57 Berlin (S/U Station Lichtenberg)

Da das kommende Treffen unser letztes in diesem Jahr sein wird, wollen wir auch diesmal wieder unsere berühmt-berüchtigte Glühmate zubereiten. Gute Stimmung bringt Ihr erfahrungsgemäß reichlich mit.

FSFE Greece meetup (online)

21 December 2023

The FSFE Greece country team will meet again to discuss what's new in the land of Free Software.

In this meetup, we will also discuss what concrete actions and activities we can plan and organize as a group in the near future.

We are meeting at 19:00 (local time). Everybody interested in Free Software is welcome!  

FSFE Potteries - Flörgåsbord! (A social with 4 free bowling lanes!) in Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK

19 December 2023

IMPORTANT! You must RSVP to attend this event via the FSFE Potteries mailing list or e-mail the organiser directly... questions are also welcome via either method also.

Mailing list:
E-mail the organiser:

We've booked a private room in the centre of Newcastle-under-Lyme from 6:30pm GMT onwards until closing... it's upstairs from the Vue cinema and you can find directions if you follow the link.

There's 4 full sized bowling lanes, all of which are ours for the whole evening for unlimited free play, 6 people at most to a lane.

It's FREE as we're pickup up the bill, and like our past socials there will be places to just sit and just chat (no loud music!). Not everyone will be bowling anyway, so don't feel like you have to. Should be plenty of free software users about for a catch up!

The venue serves hot food (so no need to eat before coming out) as well as offering drinks (including alcohol)... you'll find details of this on the wiki if you follow the link.

We're holding this event jointly with the local LUG and Open Rights Group branch, so it's sure to be a great mix of people in one social. You're welcome to bring friends and family too, but you must let us know exact numbers if possible when you RSVP (as we need to keep the room to under 40 people, which it surely will be anyway... so don't give it a second thought!)

It's a veritable Flörgåsbord! - We were trying to merge the acronyms FSF/LUG/ORG and got "Florg" which got compared to the word Smörgåsbord (a Swedish buffet) and so we made it Flörgåsbord instead (as a buffet of local technology groups!).

⏰ 6:30pm doors open
📍 Lymelight Lanes, 98-104 High Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 1PT. 

2024 Youth Hacking 4 Freedom Opening Event (online)

07 December 2023

2024 Youth Hacking 4 Freedom kicks off on 7 December, at 19:30 CET, with an online event explaining the competition in detail.
This kick-off event is a great opportunity for anyone who might have doubts about taking part to get their questions answered and to understand how this competition works and why anyone, regardless of their coding skills, is more than welcome to take part.

Register here to attend the event and participate in this edition: 

FSFE Greece meetup (online)

29 November 2023

The FSFE Greece country team will meet again to discuss what's new in the land of Free Software. We'll talk about the "Youth Hacking 4 Freedom" competition, the "Router Freedom" status in Greece, an ongoing translation of "Ada & Zangemann" book and many more. We are meeting at 19:00. Everybody interested in Free Software is welcome! 

Ada & Zangemann reading in Nürnberg in Nürnberg, Germany

26 November 2023

Join us on at the KNF 2023 ( Nürnberg, Germany) for a reading of the book 'Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream'. The reading, in German, will take place at 15:30h.

Matthias Kirschner, the author of the book, will read this illustrated children’s book, that tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to experiment with hardware and software, and in the process realizes how crucial it is for her and others to control technology.


FSFE Netherlands get-together (online)

22 November 2023

FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are elections, banking apps and IT in educational sector.

We meet from 20:00 CET until about 22:00 CET. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki. 

FSFE Women (online)

21 November 2023

This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people. 

Upcycling Android support at Repaircafé Oosterbeek, Netherlands in Oosterbeek, Netherlands

18 November 2023

Dutch FSFE supporters will be present at the Repaircafé in Oosterbeek to help replace the operating system of your phone with a Free Software operating system. This activity supports the "Upcyling Android" initiative.

The Repaircafé Oosterbeek will be held on the 18th of November in Vegetarisch Zorgcentrum Felixoord at Ommershoflaan 35, Oosterbeek from 13:00 to 16:00.

Workshop at NGI Forum - Simplifying licensing and copyright information for the Next Generation Internet in Brussels, Belgium

15 – 16 November 2023

The NGI Forum is the flagship event of the European Commission’s Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative. Tobias Diekershoff and Lucas Lasota will represent the FSFE with a workshop on REUSE. The event will happen in Brussels.

Free Software is at the heart of the Next Generation Internet initiative. However, the multiple competing licensing requirements for communicating the chosen license of a software project and its copyright holders increase the compliance burden on project maintainers. REUSE aims to remediate this situation, providing NGI projects with a set of easy-to-implement best practices for declaring copyright and licensing in an unambiguous, human- and machine-readable way. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of Free Software licensing and how to implement REUSE in your software project.

The event is free but places are limited. Online streaming and participation will be also provided. English will the working language. 

SFSCON '23 - The future of Free Software in Italy (Side Event) in Bolzano, Italy

11 November 2023

Free Software associations and enthusiasts will share what is happening in the fs scene from their point of view, their activities and what they have in store for 2030.

The presentations will be held in Italian, you are welcome to hold your talk online if you can’t attend the physical event.


SFSCON '23 - Free Software and Open Science in Bolzano, Italy

11 November 2023

The Open Science movement aims to increase the transparency, reproducibility and inclusiveness of academic research. One of its central goals is therefore to make research outputs broadly available, e.g., manuscripts (Open Access) or research data (Open Data). While software/code created in the course of scientific research is a key artifact of scientific research that is clear distinct from the latter two, it has until recently not received the same attention as manuscripts or data, although it follows its own set of paradigms.

In this talk, FSFE volunteer Christian Busse, will present an overview on how the core concepts of Free Software and the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reuseable) Principles intersect, what this means for managing code as research output and recent initiatives on the European level that will provide support for these issues.

SFSCON '23 - Sharing the power of appreciation: Celebrating ‘I Love Free Software Day’ in Bolzano, Italy

10 November 2023

The “I Love Free Software Day” ( provides a platform for individuals and organisations to express gratitude towards Free Software contributors.
In this talk Bonnie Mehring highlights the significance of the “I Love Free Software Day” as a platform for expressing support, love, and gratitude towards the developers and contributors who make Free Software possible. And we will discuss ideas and strategies for making the upcoming “I Love Free Software Day” even more remarkable. 

SFSCON '23 - Free Software and AI in Europe in Bolzano, Italy

10 November 2023

The European Union’s AI Act is the first comprehensive set of regulations for the artificial intelligence. Also Free Software plays a role in this regulation. I will shed light on the upcoming rules and evaluate what this means for Free Software, AI but also other upcoming regulations.

In this talk, Alexander Sander will present the latest developments in EU legislation and activities on AI and what role Free Software plays in this. 

SFSCON '23 - Why Do We Need A Next Generation Internet? in Bolzano, Italy

10 November 2023

What can be done to improve the Internet as a platform for future generations? What initiatives are currently in place to build key technological blocks of an Internet that supports human-centric values, such as privacy, security, and inclusion, while reflecting the values and norms all citizens should enjoy in Europe?

In this talk, Gabriel Ku Wei Bin will explore why the current state of the internet must be re-imagined and re-engineered in order to support healthy societies, the existing European Commission initiative to work towards doing so, and the role of Free Software in accomplishing these goals.

SFSCON '23 - Interoperable Europe Act: A real game changer? in Bolzano, Italy

10 November 2023

Interoperability is a core element of the ongoing digitalisation of Europe. With the Interoperable Europe Act, the EU is aiming to create a dedicated legal framework for interoperability and to enhance cross-border digital public services across the European Union.

In this talk, Lina Ceballos will give an overview of the state of play of this proposed regulation in the ongoing EU legislative process, some of its flaws, and the important role that Free Software and its community can play in it.

SFSCON '23 - Let’s monitor implementation of Free Software Policies!

10 November 2023

For six years, the Free Software Foundation Europe has been calling with a broad alliance for publicly funded software to be published as Free Software.

In the talk, Linus Sehn and Johannes Näder, will look at some examples of lack of implementation of Free Software policies. They will discuss how we, as civil society, can identify such shortcomings and how to deal with them. They will present our initiative TEDective – a free-software solution that makes European public procurement data explorable for non-experts, aiming to provide you with a powerful tool to keep an eye on real progress towards “Public Money? Public Code!” across Europe. 

SFSCON '23 - The ZOOOM Framework: Legal aspects of FOSS and beyond in Bolzano, Italy (part of the ZOOOM project track)

10 November 2023

License compliance efforts for software projects involve not only legal-oriented actions, but also governance elements such as organizational processes and community management. The larger the community or the organization working collectively, the more complex a compliance program for software projects may become. Free Software licenses being direct licensing models are easier to comply with in comparison to proprietary licenses.

This talk, by Lucas Lasota and Niharika Singhal, will give an overview of the Free Software licensing compliance practices, including initiatives such as REUSE for streamlining copyright and license information for software projects.

SFSCON '23 - Ada & Zangemann book reading in English in Bolzano, Italy

10 November 2023

The first day of SFSCON will close with the reading of the book 'Ada & Zangemann: a Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream' by Matthias Kirchsner.

The famous inventor Zangemann lives in a huge villa high above the city, constantly building and programming cool gadgets that everyone can’t wait to buy. But one day on a walk through town, something happens that changes the way he sees his own inventions—young people are using them in fun ways, and that make him furious.

SFSCON '23 - 'Ada & Zangemann' school reading in Italian (Side Event) in Bolzano, Italy

10 November 2023

School children are invited to participate in this reading, in Italian, of the book 'Ada & Zangemann: A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream', taking place during the first day of SFSCON 2023.

This illustrated children’s book tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to experiment with hardware and software, and in the process realizes how crucial it is for her and others to control technology.

Ada & Zangemann will inspire children’s interest in tinkering and encourage shaping technology. 

SFSCON '23 - Windows and Office “tax” refund in Bolzano, Italy

10 November 2023

Some manufacturers try to force to use the preinstalled software on the PC you acquire, sometimes also claiming that alternative software will not work properly.

On 2018 FSFE volunteer Luca Bonissi purchased a Lenovo Tablet/PC that came with Microsoft Windows pre-installed. He requested the refund to Lenovo, but Lenovo denied to refund him. A court case was initiated, and Lenovo was condemned to pay a punitive damages of 20,000 euros for its abusive behaviour. 

FSFE Legal Education Workshop at NGI0 Webinars (online)

02 November 2023

Lina Ceballos and Gabriel Ku Wei Bin from the FSFE will talk about legal topics relating to Free Software. They will explain basic legal concepts such as licenses, copyright law, and other legal topics important for developers and the Free Software community in general.

The 40-minute talk will be followed by a 20-minute demonstration of how to make licensing your free software projects easier with FSFE's REUSE initiative. Copyright and licensing are difficult, especially when reusing software from different projects that are released under various different licenses. REUSE provides a set of recommendations to make declaring licenses easier. After the talk and the demonstration, there will be time for questions and answers. 

Linux Day 2023 - Artificial Intelligence today between risks and benefits in Palermo, Italy

28 October 2023

Linux Day 2023 - "Artificial Intelligence today between risks and benefits"

For the national Linux Day 2023, the Free Circle association organised a conference entitled "Artificial Intelligence today between risks and benefits"

In an increasingly connected and digitised world, artificial intelligence and open source philosophy are driving technological and social transformation.

At this year's Linux Day, we will explore the practical applications of AI based on open source projects that are helping to define the future of this technology and examine the crucial issues of security, privacy and social implications of AI.

This year's event is again sponsored by:

Municipality of Palermo
University of Palermo
Order of Engineers of Palermo

The conference will be held on 28 October in Palermo at the Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa - Sala De Seta. 

25th Anniversary Dédalo in Valencia, Spanien

26 – 27 October 2023

Alexander Sander, FSFE Senior Policy Consultant will participate in the 25th anniversary of Dédalo giving a talk about Free Software's influence on culture and heritage.

Dédalo is an free and open source knowledge management system used for the register, cataloging and diffusion of intangible, tangible Cultural Heritage and Memory. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online) (online)

25 October 2023

FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are elections, banking apps and IT in educational sector.

We meet from 20:00 CEST until about 22:00 CEST. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki. 

Bedeutung des EU Cyber Resilience Act (EU-CRA) für Open Source (online)

19 October 2023

CRA und Haftung - welche Regeln gelten für Freie Software - Alexander Sander (FSFE)
Im Rahmen des Cyber Ressliance Act diskutiert die EU derzeit über die Einführung von Haftungsregeln für Software, einschließlich Freier Software. Doch wie wirken sich diese Regeln aus und welche Folgen entstehen für Freie Software? Die EU Kommission hat eine Ausnahmereglung vorgeschlagen, Freie Software "außerhalb einer kommerziellen Tätigkeit" auszuschließen. Die Formulierung führt aber zu einigen Problemen und wird daher momentan von Parlament und Rat verbessert. In dem Vortrag wird der aktuelle Stand der Dbeatte zusammengefastt und aufgzeigt, welche Folgen zu erwarten sind. 

FSFE Women (online)

18 October 2023

This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.

This week we're having an open conversation. Bring your topics! 

Fellowship-Meeting of the FSFE Berlin in Berlin, Deutschland

12 October 2023

For the coming meeting, we have invited Joseph from KDE, who will give a talk about the KDE Eco project.

Software has a direct influence on energy and resource consumption. Since 2022, KDE has the goal of providing software which does this in a way that reduces software's environmental impact for us and future generations. In this talk he will present the work KDE Eco is doing to achieve that goal.

Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss is the community manager of the KDE Eco project. The goal of KDE Eco is to strengthen sustainability as part of the development and adoption of Free Software.

The event will start at 7 p.m. at "offline", Lichtenrader Str. 49, 12049 Berlin. 

Ada & Zangemann reading in Berlin to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day in Berlin, Germany

10 October 2023

On Ada Lovelace Day, Matthias Kirschner will read the book 'Ada & Zangemann - A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream' to the third and fourth graders of the Kant-Grundschule in Berlin.

Device Neutrality: Digital Sovereingty over Devices in Aveiro, Portugal

28 September – 01 October 2023

Although digital devices are ubiquitous today, the number of devices on which users cannot run Free Software is exponentially increasing. The consequence is an increased loss of control over users' technology. Device Neutrality aims to enable end-users to bypass gatekeepers to have a non-discriminatory use of Free Software on their devices.

Lucas Lasota, FSFE's Programme Manager Legal, will speak at "Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Informatica" in Aveiro, Portugal, about Device Neutrality. The talk takes place on 30.09. The language is Portuguese. The event is free but requires registration. 

Free Software Licensing Requirements and AI in Basel, Switzerland

26 September 2023

Lucas Lasota, FSFE Programme Manager, will give a talk on Free Software Licensing Requirements and AI at the Law Faculty of the Basel University. The event will be held in English and restricted to participants of the faculty.

Fachtag: „Die Welt nach Facebook, Twitter und YouTube. Eine neue Generation des Internets?” in Köln, Deutschland

22 September 2023

Nimm an unserem Symposium am 22. September in Köln teil und diskutiere die Rolle dezentraler Social Media Plattformen in unserer Gesellschaft!

Veranstaltungsdaten und Anmeldung
Datum: 22.09.2023
Uhrzeit: 10:00 - 16:00
Ort: FORUM Volkshochschule im Museum am Neumarkt, Cäcilienstraße 29-33, 50667 Köln, Deutschland
Anmeldung: Die Veranstaltung ist ausgebucht.

Die Free Software Foundation Europe, die Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Nordrhein-Westfalen und die Volkshochschule Köln veranstalten diese kostenlose Veranstaltung. Sie richtet sich an Multiplikator*innen der politischen Bildung, Lehrer*innen, Vertreter*innen von öffentlichen Institutionen und Bildungseinrichtungen sowie an alle Interessierten. 

Community-Meetup der FSFE in Köln in Köln, Deutschland

22 September 2023

Am 22.09.2023 findet ab 19:30 Uhr ein öffentliches Meetup der Free Software Foundnation Europe in Köln statt. Wir treffen uns im italienischen Restaurant ECCO im Severins-Viertel, Kartäuserwall 7-11.

Bist du aus Köln und weiterer Umgebung? Interessierst du dich für Freie Software und für die Arbeit der FSFE? Oder engagierst du dich schon seit langem als Ehrenamtlicher oder Supporter und hast Gesprächsbedarf zu aktuellen Initiativen der FSFE wie "Public Money? Public Code!" und Geräteneutralität (Device Neutrality)? An diesem Abend ist dafür in entspannter Atmosphäre eine gute Gelegenheit. Wenn du dich unter folgendem Link anmeldest, erleichterst du uns die Planung. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. 

FSFE Women (online)

20 September 2023

This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.

We'll have a talk by Bernhard E. Reiter about email, GPG, S/MIME and related topics. 

The Next Generation Internet and Free Software in Aveiro, Portugal

16 – 17 September 2023

What will the Internet of the future look like? The Next Generation Internet Initiative (NGI) envisions an Internet that is accessible and diverse, and respects the fundamental value of privacy. Here at the FSFE, we believe that Free Software is key to accomplish this vision, so that all people, regardless of their background, are able to use the Internet as an effective tool to achieve their full potential. This talk will go over the NGI initiative and will present the funding opportunities for Free Software projects engaged in changing the landscape of the Internet of the future.

Lucas Lasota, FSFE's Programme Manager Legal, will speak at Festa do Software Livre in Aveiro, Portugal, about NGI. The talk takes place on 16.09. The language is Portuguese. The event is free and requires no registration.

Router Freedom: The hardware component of Net Neutrality in Aveiro, Portugal

16 – 17 September 2023

Net neutrality refers to non-discrimination of internet communication. ISPs should treat all internet communications equally, offering users and online content providers consistent rates irrespective of content, website, platform, application, type of equipment, source address, destination address, or method of communication. But what happens when they discriminate the type of routers and modems consumers use for internet connection? This talk explains why Router Freedom is key for achieving Net Neutrality, presenting the main finding of a recent survey the FSFE has conducted in the EU.

Lucas Lasota, FSFE's Programme Manager Legal, will speak at "Festa do Software Livre" in Aveiro, Portugal, about Router Freedom. The talk takes place on 16.09. The language is Portuguese. The event is free and requires no registration.


Ada comes to Italy! in Nembro (BG), Italy

16 September 2023

Join the first reading of Ada & Zangemann in Italian! Celebrate with us on September 16th Software Freedom Day listening to the story of Ada while eating homemade ice cream.

The FSFE is celebrating Software Freedom Day with the Italian Free Software community, together with the Bergamo Linux User Group. On September 16th, we will be celebrating this occasion with the first Italian reading of the book ‘Ada & Zangemann – A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and raspberry ice cream’. A reading for everyone, young and old! Moreover, there will be a workshop afterward for the little ones and free homemade ice cream, courtesy of an FSFE volunteer.

When: 16.09.2023
Time: 14:45 - 18:00
Location: Biblioteca Centro Cultura Tullio Carrara
Piazza Italia, 24027 Nembro, Italy

14:45 – 16:15 Reading of the book
From 16:15 onwards: Workshop for kids & creative ice cream contest

Software Freedom Day in Berlin, Deutschland

16 September 2023

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE, die Haecksen Berlin und die Linux User Group LinuxWorks organisieren eine Feier zum Software Freedom Day 2023 in Berlin in den Räumen vom Kieztreff Undine. Das Programm wird um 15h beginnen und beinhaltet unter anderem Vorträge zu Freier Software und Workshops zum Fediverse und digitaler Selbstverteidigung unter Android Smartphones.

Den Kieztreff Undine findet ihr in der Hagenstraße 57, direkt am U-Bhf Lichtenberg. Ein Zugang ist barrierefrei.

The event will be in German, but organizers and speaker can communicate in English as well. 

NGI: Building the internet of the future with Free Software in Novi Sad, Serbia

08 – 10 September 2023

What will the Internet of the future look like? At the FSFE, we believe that Free Software is key for a human-centric Internet that respects people's fundamental rights. The NGI initiative provides financial support for software projects developing key technologies for the future of the Internet. In this talk you will learn about this project and how to get funding!

Lucas Lasota, FSFE's Programme Manager Legal, will speak at Balkan Computer Congress - BalCCon2k23 in Novi Sad, Serbia, about NGI. The language is English. The event requires registration and ticket. More at: 

Device Neutrality or how to safeguard Free Software in devices in Novi Sad, Serbia

08 – 10 September 2023

While our devices are increasingly becoming proprietary, we need to find ways to safeguard ways to Free Software, otherwise our digital autonomy can be highly compromised. This talk introduces "Device Neutrality" as a principle to ensure that users equal access and non-discriminatory use of Free Software in of their devices. The audience will learn about real-life examples, as the struggle for Router Freedom and the latest regulatory initiatives for internet devices in the EU.

Lucas Lasota, FSFE's Programme Manager Legal, will speak at alkan Computer Congress - BalCCon2k23 in Novi Sad, Serbia, about Device Neutrality. The language is English. The event requires registration and ticket. More at: 

Vortrag zum Fediverse auf dem Verkehrswende Camp in Berlin, Germany

01 September 2023

Bits und Bäume Berlin haben im Rahmen des Verkehrswende Camps das Digital Village organisiert. Tobias Diekershoff von der FSFE wird dort um 16:30h einen Einführungsvortrag zum Fediverse halten. Der Vortrag richtet sich an interessierte Menschen ohne Vorkenntnisse im Bezug auf das Fediverse.

  • Wo: Verkehrswende Camp, Invalidenpark, Berlin Mitte
  • Wann: 1.9..2023, 16:30h

The presentation will be in German, but afterwards questions can be asked in English as well.

FSFE Women* (online)

22 August 2023

This is a group for women* who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people. 

Chaos Communication Camp 2023

15 – 19 August 2023

Nach vier Jahren und vielen Online-Konferenzen - vermutlich zu vielen - ist das Chaos Communication Camp endlich zurück! Komm und campe mit uns im 'Bits & Bäume'-Village vom 15. bis 19. August 2023. Die Free Software Foundation Europe ist Teil des diesjährigen 'Bits & Bäume'-Villages.

Zusammen mit vielen verschiedenen Gruppen organisiert die FSFE das 'Bits & Bäume'-Village. Dies ist ein Ort, an dem alle CCCamp-Teilnehmende zusammenkommen können, um über Freie Software und Nachhaltigkeit zu sprechen, sich mit anderen zu vernetzen oder einfach den FSFE-Stand zu besuchen. Das diesjährige 'Bits & Bäume'-Village ist nicht nur ein Treffpunkt, sondern auch ein Raum für Input-Sessions und neue Ideen, da es an der Organisation einer der fünf zentralen Bühnen beteiligt ist.  

Treffen der lokalen Gruppe der FSFE in Berlin, Deutschland

10 August 2023

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE trifft sich in Berlin zu ihrem regulären Treffen jeden 2. Donnerstag im Monat. Alle an Freier Software interessierten Menschen sind herzlich willkommen, wir treffen uns im Kieztreff Undine in der Hagenstraße 57 unweit vom S+U Bahnhof Lichtenberg. Das Treffen beginnt um 18:30h, bringt gute Laune mit.  

FrOSCon 2023 - Lecture: Buchlesung: Ada und Zangemann in Sankt Augustin, Germany

06 August 2023

Besuchen Sie uns auf der FrOSCon 2023 (Sankt Augustin, Deutschland) zu einer Lesung aus dem Buch 'Ada & Zangemann - Eine Geschichte von Software, Skateboards und Himbeereis'. Die Lesung in deutscher Sprache findet um 10:00 Uhr in HS7 statt.

Isabel Drost-Fromm, Mitglied der Apache Software Foundation, Mitbegründerin und Vorstandsmitglied der InnerSource Commons Foundation, wird die Buchlesung halten.

FSFE bei der FrOSCon in Sankt Augustin, Deutschland

05 – 06 August 2023

Die FSFE wird auf der Free and Open Source Software Conferenz mit einem Stand und einem Vortrag vertreten sein. Johannes Näder, Projektmanager der FSFE, wird einen Vortrag zum Thema "Freie Software für Deutschlands Verwaltungen? Das Rätsel um den 'Souveränen Arbeitsplatz'". Eine Anmeldung oder der Kauf eines Tickets ist nicht erforderlich. Schau einfach vorbei!  

Ein Abend zur Freien Software mit der Berliner Gruppe der FSFE in Berlin, Deutschland

27 July 2023

Software beeinflusst sämtliche Bereiche unseres Lebens. Es ist wichtig, dass diese Technik uns hilft, statt uns einzuschränken. Freie Software gibt allen das Recht, Programme für jeden Zweck zu verwenden, zu verstehen, zu verbreiten und zu verbessern. Diese Freiheiten stärken andere Grundrechte wie die Redefreiheit, die Pressefreiheit und das Recht auf Privatsphäre.

Beim Abend zur Freien Software im Kieztreff Undine (Hagenstr. 57, 10365 Berlin (barrierefreier Zugang) direkt am S/U Bhf Lichtenberg) will die Berliner Gruppe der Free Software Foundation Europe sich und die Arbeit der FSFE vorstellen, neue Menschen treffen und sich bei einem netten Abend vernetzen.

Themen am Abend zu Freier Software

  • Was ist Freie Software und warum ist sie für einen selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Technik wichtig?
  • Was ist die FSFE?
  • Wer ist die Berliner Gruppe?

Eckdaten für den Vortrag

  • Wann: 27.7.2023, 18 Uhr
  • Wo: Kieztreff Undine, Hagenstraße 57 Berlin (S/U Bhf Lichtenberg)

FSFE Women* (online)

20 July 2023

This is a group for women* who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

22 June 2023

FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problems and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation.

We meet from 20:00 CEST until about 22:00 CEST. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki. 

Treffen der lokalen Gruppe Berlin, Deutschland (online)

22 June 2023

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE in Berlin trifft sich am vierten Donnerstag im Monat zu ihrem Bildungsabend online im BBB der FSFE. Los geht es ab 19:30 Uhr. Alle an Freier Software interessierte Menschen sind herzlich willkommen.

Neben dem Nachholen des Abiturs, dem Seniorenstudium und VHS-Kursen gibt es zahlreiche Angebote für Erwachsene sich fortzubilden. Doch welche Rolle spielt Freie Software dabei? Nachdem wir beim letzten Treffen die Erwachsenenbildung gestreift hatten, wollen wir uns diesmal genauer angucken, wie man Freie Software dort unterbringen kann.  

FSFE Women* Group Meeting (online)

20 June 2023

FSFE Women is a group for women* who are interested in Free Software. We get together about once in a month online to meet, give talks about topics we find interesting in the area of Free Software and discuss recent developments. The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.

The meeting is in English. We start at 8:00 pm CEST and usually stay together for ~ 2 hours. 

EU Policy topics the whole Free Software community should know about talk in Málaga, Spain in Málaga, Spain

10 June 2023

Lina Ceballos is be speaking at Opensouthcode 2023. She will give a brief overview of past and ongoing EU policy issues, with a special focus on the Interoperable Europe Act, the need for a "Free Software first" approach, and the crucial role that other stakeholders, especially civil society, must play in this.

>Opensouthcode is a free event dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of open technologies: free software/hardware and open source, held in Malaga since 2016. Opensouthcode 2023 will take place on 9 and 10 June in La Térmica.

EU: Proposed liability rules will harm Free Software talk in Málaga, Spain in Málaga, Spain

09 June 2023

The EU is currently debating the introduction of liability rules for software, including Free Software. The main debate happens around the Cyber Resilience Act. Alexander Sander will present the current state of this debate and show activities that everyone can do to safeguard Free Software in this debate.

Opensouthcode is a free event dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of open technologies: free software/hardware and open source, held in Malaga since 2016. Opensouthcode 2023 will take place on 9 and 10 June in La Térmica. 

Treffen der lokalen Gruppe in Berlin, Deutschland

08 June 2023

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE in Berlin trifft sich zu ihrem regulären Treffen an jedem zweiten Donnerstag im Monat. Alle an Freier Software Interessierten sind willkommen. Das Treffen findet ab 19 Uhr im Jugendclub E-LOK in der Laskerstraße 4-6 unweit vom Bahnhof Ostkrez statt. Der Zugang zur E-LOK ist barriere frei und erfolgt über die rechte Einfahrt zum Hof. Bringt gute Laune mit.  

Legal and Management Challenges for Open Innovation in the Digital Society in Trieste, Italy

08 – 10 June 2023

Gabriel Ku Wei Bin and Lucas Lasota, both FSFE's project managers in legal area will present two talks at the Management International Conference in Trieste, Italy regarding the Next Generation Internet initiative and Device Neutrality. The talks will highlight the work FSFE has done in shaping the internet of the future and how its device-oriented activities are crucial for regulation of large internet corporations. Both talks are sponsored by the European Union's "Next Generation Internet" and "ZOOOM" initiatives.

The talks will be in English. The event requires registration. 

FSFE Local Group Meeting in Aarhus in Aarhus, Denmark

25 May 2023

FSFE Aarhus is a local group working to further the use and awareness of Free Software in Denmark.

This month's meeting will be hosted by Magenta ApS, Silkeborgvej 260, Aarhus (Denmark). Everybody is welcome.

We will discuss:

* Possible participation in events, like Kulturmødet Mors in August
* Upcoming opportunities for giving talks
* Translations
* Input from participants

See the minutes from last time for details (in Danish):


FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online) (online)

24 May 2023

On the 24th of May, the period online meeting of FSFE Netherlands will be held, in wich recent developments and activities will be discussed. The meeting will be from 20:00 until about 22:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki: At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is 

Keynote on the EU Policy topics the whole Free Software community should know about in Zagreb, Croatia

12 May 2023

Lina Ceballos, FSFE Policy Project Manager will participate as a keynoter at DORS/CLUC in Zagreb. She will do a brief overview of previous and ongoing EU policy topics, giving a special focus on the Interoperable Europe Act, the need for a "Free Software first" approach, and the crucial role that other stakeholders especially civil society must play in it. The keynote will take place on May 12 at 15:15. Tickets are already available.

Vortrag zu AlekSIS beim Treffen der lokalen Gruppe in Berlin, Deutschland

11 May 2023

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE in Berlin trifft sich zu ihrem regulären Treffen an jedem zweiten Donnerstag im Monat. Alle an Freier Software Interessierten sind willkommen. Das Treffen findet ab 19 Uhr im Jugendclub E-LOK in der Laskerstraße 4-6 unweit vom Bahnhof Ostkrez statt. Der Zugang zur E-LOK ist barriere frei und erfolgt über die rechte Einfahrt zum Hof. Bringt gute Laune mit.

Dieses mal freuen wir uns einen Gast begrüßen zu dürfen. Hangzhi von AlekSIS® wird uns das Freie Schulinformations und -organisationssystem vorstellen.  

FSFE in Italy, talk at MERGE-it 2023 in Verona, Italy

11 – 12 May 2023

Marta Andreoli, FSFE Deputy Coordinator Italy will participate in MERGE-it 2023, in Verona, Italy. She will do a brief overview of FSFE activities with a focus on the Italian community. The talk will take place on May 12 at 11:30.

foss-north 2023 in Gothenburg, Sweden

23 – 25 April 2023

The FSFE is organising a track covering political and legal aspects of Free Software at foss-north; the conference in Gothenburg that brings together Nordic Free Software communities. It will take place on April 24 and 25 followed by the community day that will take place on April 23. Lina Ceballos, Policy Project Manager at the FSFE, will present our position on the Interoperable Europe Act in a keynote on April 24, 1pm in the Palmstedt Room.

The Community Day is taking place on Sunday, April 23. Do you want to know how to get creative with Free Software or want to join us for a chat during a social dinner? Join us and please register your attendance! 

FSFE Netherlands country team get-together (online)

19 April 2023

The FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is  

Technology and Human Rights in Madrid, Spain

17 April 2023

Pablo González, FSFE Madrid coordinator, will talk in a panel discussion about technolgy and Human Rights, organised by the International Amnesty Spain local group Moratalaz, Madrid. The discussion takes place at 19:00 in the Cultural Center El Torito in Moratalaz, and will be in Spanish.


FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

13 April 2023

The FSFE Hamburg local group is open for any Free Software enthusiasts and has regular monthly meetings. The meetings take place at 19:00 in German. The place of the next meeting is TBC, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. Join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

Treffen der lokalen Gruppe in Berlin, Deutschland

13 April 2023

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE in Berlin trifft sich zu ihrem regulären Treffen an jedem zweiten Donnerstag im Monat. Alle an Freier Software Interessierten sind willkommen. Das Treffen findet ab 19 Uhr im Jugendclub E-LOK in der Laskerstraße 4-6 unweit vom Bahnhof Ostkrez statt. Der Zugang zur E-LOK ist barriere frei und erfolgt über die rechte Einfahrt zum Hof. Bringt gute Laune mit.

Bei diesem Treffen wollen wir die Diskussion auf die von der EU vorgeschlagenen Haftungsregeln für Software und deren Auswirkungen auf Free Software konzentrieren. 

Treffen der lokalen Gruppe in Berlin, Deutschland

23 March 2023

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE in Berlin trifft sich zu ihrem Bildungsabend dieses Mal im Jugendclub E-LOK in der Laskerstraße 6-8. Als Thema für den Abend haben wir uns auf Künstliche Intelligenz im Bildungsbereich geeinigt um mit euch darüber zu diskutieren.

Das Treffen findet ab 19 Uhr statt. Der Zugang zur E-LOK erfolgt über die rechte Einfahrt zum Hof und ist barrierefrei. Bringt gute Laune mit  

Author reading of Ada & Zangemann in Boston, USA

18 March 2023

A modern software fairy tale for young and old tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. It's “Ada & Zangemann – A fairy tale about software, skateboards and raspberry ice cream” by Matthias Kirschner. An author reading takes place in LibrePlanet 2023 conference, in-person. The session is at 10:55 - 11:40 EDT (14:55 UTC). The in-person event will be held at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center located at 415 Summer Street, Boston, MA, 02210. Please register to support the event. 

FSFE Aarhus Local Group Meeting in Denmark

16 March 2023

Our monthly Local Group meeting - continuing our work, campaigns, etc. Everybody is welcome.

17:00 hours, at Silkeborgvej 260, Aarhus. Magenta ApS ( will be hosting the event.

FSFE Netherlands country team get-together (online)

15 March 2023

The FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is  

Author reading of Ada & Zangemann in Traunstein, Germany

14 March 2023

A modern software fairy tale for young and old tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. It's “Ada & Zangemann – A fairy tale about software, skateboards and raspberry ice cream” by Matthias Kirschner. An author reading of the story in German takes place in Kulturforum Klosterkirche Traunstein, Ludwigstr. 10, 83278 Traunstein. Participation is free, you do not have to register. Time TBA. 

Chemnitzer Linux-Tage in Chemnitz, Deutschland

11 – 12 March 2023

In diesem Jahr finden die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage am 11. und 12. März 2023 in Chemnitz statt (Reichenhainer Straße 90, 09126 Chemnitz).
Die Free Software Foundation Europe wird mit einem Informationsstand verstreten sein. Am Samstag wird es um 15 Uhr eine Lesung aus dem Buch "Ada und Zangemann" geben.  

Nachhaltig by design – für eine klimaneutrale digitale Zukunft in Berlin, Deutschland

10 March 2023

Die Digitalkonferenz der Bundestagsfraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN zum Thema "Nachhaltig by design - für eine klimaneutrale digitale Zukunft" findet am 10. März 2023 von 9:00 - 17:30 Uhr im Deutschen Bundestag statt (Paul-Löbe-Haus, Foyer, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 1, 10557 Berlin). Das zentrale Programm wird per Livestream übertragen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, eine Anmeldung unter der genannten URL ist notwendig.

Für die FSFE wird Johannes Näder (Policy Project Manager) um 11:45 Uhr am Podium im Workshop 3 teilnehmen: "Freie und offene Software als zentraler Bestandteil divers aufgestellter, nachhaltiger digitaler Ökosysteme". Außerdem auf dem Panel: Misbah Khan MdB, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Bundestagsfraktion / Dr. Konstantin von Notz MdB, Stellvertretender Fraktionsvorsitzender, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Bundestagsfraktion // Peter Ganten, Vorstandsvorsitzender, Open Source Business Alliance (OSBA) // Dr. Eva Kern, Wissenschaftlerin, Fachgebiet Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg


Fellowship Treffen in Zürich, Schweiz

09 March 2023

Das Treffen richtet sich an Menschen, die sich für Freie Software interessieren und die sich für die Ideale von Freier Software einsetzen möchten. Unser Stammtisch findet jeweils am zweiten Donnerstag eines Monats statt. Hinweis: Sollte es sich um die erste Teilnahme an diesem Treffen handeln, wird darum gebeten, sich kurz vor dem ersten Besuch auf der Mailingliste oder über Matrix vorzustellen.

Von 18h bis 21h. Bitwäscherei, Neue Hard 12, Zürich  

Treffen der lokalen Gruppe in Berlin, Deutschland

09 March 2023

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE in Berlin trifft sich zu ihrem regulären Treffen an jedem zweiten Donnerstag im Monat. Alle an Freier Software Interessierten sind willkommen. Das Treffen findet ab 19 Uhr im Jugendclub E-LOK in der Laskerstraße 4-6 unweit vom Bahnhof Ostkrez statt. Der Zugang zur E-LOK ist barriere frei und erfolgt über die rechte Einfahrt zum Hof. Bringt gute Laune mit.  

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

08 March 2023

The FSFE Hamburg local group is open for any Free Software enthusiasts and has regular monthly meetings. The meetings take place at 19:00 in German. The place of the next meeting is TBC, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. Join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

Vortrag zum Fediverse in Berlin, Germany

04 March 2023

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE hat einen Vortrag zum Fediverse als Alternative zu bestehenden Sozialen Netzwerken im Cafe Wostok organisiert. Tobias ist neben seiner Mitgliedschaft in der Berliner Gruppe der Unterstützer*innen der FSFE auch Teil der Entwicklungsgemeinschaft von Friendica, einem der Projekte aus dem Fediverse. Sein Vortrag richtet sich an interessierte Menschen ohne Vorkenntnisse im Bezug auf das Fediverse. Im Anschluss an den Vortrag gibt es die Gelegenheit Fragen zu stellen und, so gewollt, erste Schritte im Fediverse zu unternehmen.

  • Wo: Cafe Wostok, Weitlingstraße 97, Berlin Lichtenberg
  • Wann: 4.3..2023, 18:00h - 19:00h

The presentation will be in German, but afterwards questions can be asked in English as well.  

Talk on Free Software and Permaculture in Mors, Denmark

23 February 2023

On February 23d at midday, four volunteers from the FSFE Local Group in Aarhus will give a talk about Free Software and permaculture.

The talk will be at Højskolen Mors, a non-vocational school for young people in the island of Mors, Northern Jutland, and we have been invited by the school's permaculture course. We will talk about sustainability, freedom, independence from tech giants, fairness and upcycling, with reference to the Upcycling Android Campaign. 

Treffen der lokalen Gruppe in Berlin

23 February 2023

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE in Berlin trifft sich zu ihrem Bildungsabend dieses Mal nicht online, sondern im Jugendclub E-LOK in der Laskerstraße 6-8. Bei diesem Treffen freuen wir uns besonders darauf, dass Susanne uns ihren Vortrag vom Chemnitzer Linuxtag vorab präsentieren wird Eine kleine Einführung in IPv6 mit Linux um uns über Wege aus der IPv4 Knappheit zu berichten.

Das Treffen findet ab 19 Uhr statt. Der Zugang zur E-LOK erfolgt über die rechte Einfahrt zum Hof und ist barrierefrei. Bringt gute Laune mit  

FSFE Women group meeting (online)

20 February 2023

FSFE Women is a group for women* who are interested in Free Software. We get together about once in a month online to meet, give talks about topics we find interesting in the area of Free Software and discuss recent developments. The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.

The meeting is in English. We start at 8:00 pm CET and usually stay together for ~ 2 hours. Here you can find the time in other timezones. You are welcome to join in our BBB-Room where we always meet.  

I ♥ Free Software Day in Hamburg, Germany

14 February 2023

The FSFE Hamburg local group is open for any Free Software enthusiasts and has regular monthly meetings. The meetings take place at 19:00 in German. The place of the next meeting is TBC, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. Join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

I ♥ Free Software Day in Thessaloniki, Greece

14 February 2023

We love Free Software and we love privacy. In this meetup we present I Love Free Software Day, give short talks on privacy and say thank you to our favourite Free Software program. We meet and connect with friends from GFOSS and GreekLUG. 18:30 Ypsilon first floor, Edessis 5, 546 25. Places are limited, please register

I ♥ Free Software Day beim Chaos Computer Club Franfkurt a.M. in Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

14 February 2023

Am öffentliche Abend, den 14. Februar beim Chaos Computer Club in Frankfurt a.M. wollen wir den „I Love Free Software Day” feiern 🥳. Alle am Thema Freie Software Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen vorbeizuschauen und mitzumachen! Los geht es ab 19:00.

Neben einem kleinen Programm aus ein paar 📢 Lightning Talks (kurze Vorträge à ca. 5 Minuten) und einer 🍕 Pizza-Party kann der Abend für den Austausch über Freie Software genutzt werden. Wenn du einen Vortrag halten möchtest, schicke eine E-Mail an Während der Veranstaltung gilt FFP2 Maskenpflicht.  

I ♥ Free Software Day in Zurich, Switzerland

14 February 2023

The local group Zurich invites other hacker groups for drinks and food after work to celebrate I Love Free Software Day. At 18:00 they take a group picture! The meeting is at 🇨🇭📍Bitwäscherei, restaurant on the ground floor, Zurich at ⏰ 17:00 

I ♥ Free Software Day in Berlin, Deutschland

14 February 2023

Am 14. Februar ist "I Love Free Software"-Tag! Ein guter Anlass, um nach drei langen Pandemiejahren wieder gemeinsam zu feiern, live und in Farbe! Die Berliner #ILoveFS-Party findet am 14.2.2023 ab 19:30 Uhr in der C-Base statt (Rungestr. 20, 10179 Berlin). Auf euch warten Snacks und Drinks, Live-Musik mit DJ Tasmo und Lightning Talks zu euren Lieblings-Freie-Software-Projekten. Vorher habt ihr die Gelegenheit, in unserem Upcycling-Android-Workshop (Beginn: 16:30) eure Android-Smartphones mit einem Freie-Software-Image fit für die Zukunft zu machen. Gebt uns für unsere Planung bitte Bescheid, ob ihr dabei seid. Kommt vorbei, zeigt eure Liebe für Freie Software und lasst uns feiern! 

I ♥ Free Software Day in Madrid, Spain

14 February 2023

Madrid loves Free Software! Join us on February 14 to to celebrate together and see each other after these pandemic years! Ask friends and other Free Software enthusiasts to join us and get some fun! There will be snacks and merchandising material. The event takes place at MakeSpace Madrid (calle de la Arquitectura 18) from 18:30h.  

I ♥ Free Software Day in Italy (online)

14 February 2023

A group call that welcomes all Italian-speaking members interested in Free Software is coming up. We will celebrate our love for Free software and discuss the future of Free Software in Italy. See you at 17:30 in our 👉 virtual room. Agenda:

17:30 - 18:00 I love Free Software Day – let's all thank our Favorite Free software project
18.00 - 18:15 outcome of the FSFE - Italian community meeting at SFScon this november
18:15 - 19:00 Workshop: setting the milestones for the future

I ♥ Free Software Day in Lisbon, Portugal

14 February 2023

MiniDebConfs are local meetings organized by Debian project members to achieve similar objectives to those of the DebConf, but on a regional context. In this first MiniDebConf in Portugal, we'll not only be focused on Debian, but in the Free Software communities in general. As this year's "I Love Free Software Day" coincides within the dates of the MiniDebConf, we'll have a moment dedicated to show our love to Free Software on the 14th.

Marcos Marado is a member of ANSOL, the Portuguese sister organization to FSFE, and in this 30 minutes presentation he plans to tell you a little bit of what is ANSOL, how has it been celebrating this date each year, and how can you, too, show your appreciation for Free Software on this day. The event takes place at Tecnico Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, Alameda Campus, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa. The room is VA2 - on the 1st floor. The event takes place from 14:00 to 15:00 in English.  

I ♥ Free Software Day in Staffordshire, UK

14 February 2023

FSFE Potteries started in 2020 when the world was a bit upside down. This is our first chance to do something big! We'll have pizza, soft drinks, and a room full of PC's running Trisquel GNU/Linux if you fancy giving some Free Software a try. We can also play Free Software games! Bring along your friends, family, or significant other; particularly since the date of the event might prove interesting! Even if they've never heard of Free Software before, it'll be a good way to introduce them to the topic.

Everyone is welcome, even if you just come for fun. Tell us about any Free Software that you are thankful for, especially if it ever got you out of a jam.
⏰ 6:30pm arrival, 7pm main activities
📍 Innovation Centre 1 building, Keele University, ST5 5NB, Staffordshire, United Kingdom. 

I ♥ Free Software Day in Villach, Österreich

14 February 2023

Ahoi ihr freiheitsliebenden Menschen! 🙂 Am ” I ♥ Free Software Day” treffen wir uns in der E.R.D.E.* in der Willroiderstraße 9 (9500 Villach) zum Freien Vormittag – einer kleinen Installationsparty von F-Droid und Co. Es gibt Kaffee, Kuchen und belegte Brötchen, da lässt es sich doch toll über Freie Themen plaudern und Freie Software installieren! Also wir freuen uns dich an diesem tollen Tag bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen! 🙂 

Treffen der Bonner Community in Bonn, Deutschland

13 February 2023

Wir sind eine Gruppe von Freund/-innen Freier Software, die sich einmal im Monat in Bonn treffen um uns über Freie Software auszutauschen.
Die Bonner FSFE-Community-Meetings finden jeweils um 19 Uhr am zweiten Montag des Monats statt.
Die Treffen sind offen für alle, die Interesse an Freier Software haben.  

Treffen der lokalen Gruppe in Berlin

09 February 2023

Die lokale Gruppe der FSFE in Berlin trifft sich zu ihrem regulären Treffen an jedem zweiten Donnerstag im Monat. Alle an Freier Software Interessierten sind willkommen. Das Treffen findet ab 19 Uhr im Jugendclub E-LOK in der Laskerstraße 4-6 unweit vom Bahnhof Ostkrez statt. Der Zugang zur E-LOK ist barriere frei und erfolgt über die rechte Einfahrt zum Hof. Bringt gute Laune mit.  

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

26 January 2023

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

FSFE Women group meeting (online)

20 January 2023

FSFE Women is a group for women* who are interested in Free Software. We get together about once a month online to meet, give talks about topics we find interesting in the area of Free Software and discuss recent developments. 

Upcycling Android Workshop in Köln, Deutschland

20 January 2023

Mit Upcycling Android zeigt die Free Software Foundation Europe auf, wie mit Hilfe der Installation Freier Software Betriebssysteme Telefone durch Flashen länger genutzt werden können. Wir werden Beispieltelefone mitbringen, auf welchen Freie Software Betriebssysteme ausprobiert oder auch von den Teilnehmern selbst geflasht werden können. Währenddessen beantworten wir Fragen rund ums Flashen und zeigen mit F-Droid und microG zudem eine Welt voller Freier Software.

Der Workshop findet statt am 20.01.2023 von 16:00 - 20:00 Uhr im Clubraum der Alte Feuerwache Köln, Melchiorstraße 3, 50670 Köln. Wenn Sie selbst ein Handy flashen wollen, bringen Sie bitte Ihren eigenen Laptop mit. Wenn Sie Ihr eigenes Handy flashen wollen, machen Sie bitte vorher ein Backup der Daten, die Ihnen wichtig sind. Plätze sind begrenzt, bitte melden sie sich an indem sie dem folgenden Event beitreten: 

FSFE Netherlands country team get-together (online)

19 January 2023

The FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is  

Upcycling Android Train-the-Trainers Workshop (online)

19 January 2023

Mit Upcycling Android zeigt die Free Software Foundation Europe auf, wie Android Geräte durch Flashen von freien Software Betriebssytemen länger genutzt werden können. In diesem Workshop geht es darum unser Wissen und unsere Erfahrungen an Menschen zu vermitteln, die daran interessiert sind, selber Workshops zum Flashen von freien Software Betriebssystemen zu organisieren. Wir werden unter anderem über die Hintergründe zur Kampagne sprechen, was es bei der Organisation eines Workshops zu beachten gibt und wie wir bei der Bewerbung und der Durchführung eines Workshops helfen können. Im Anschluss wird es einen Vortrag zu F-Droid von dessen Hauptbetreuer Hans-Christoph Steiner und einen Vortrag zu microG von dessen Hauptentwickler Marvin Wißfeld geben.

Der Workshop findet statt am 19.01.2023 von 18-20 Uhr (CET) online in einem BBB Raum: Die Vorträge werden auf Englisch gehalten. Nach einem Vortrag gibt es Zeit für Frage und Antwort. 

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

19 January 2023

The FSFE Zurich group has created the 'Lernen wie die Profis' campaign, which encourages schools to use Free Software. The group meets on the second Thursday of each month.

Join the next meeting to help! It is in German and takes place at Bitwäscherei, Neue Hard 12, 3rd floor between 18.00 - 21:00. 

Author reading of Ada & Zangemann in Bremen, Germany

17 January 2023

A modern software fairy tale for young and old tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. It's “Ada & Zangemann – A fairy tale about software, skateboards and raspberry ice cream” by Matthias Kirschner. Will you participate in Univation summit at the Metropol Theater in Bremen? Then, following dinner, you can attend the reading of the book. An onsite ticket costs EUR 59.00 plus 19% VAT. 

FSFE Aarhus local group meeting in Aarhus, Denmark

12 January 2023

The next Local Group meeting in FSFE Aarhus is coming up. If you are interested in Free Software, come over and join us! We will discuss the foundational document for the FSFE activities in Denmark, Campaigns and Activities, Happenings and events (ideas are welcome), and the Report from the FSFE GA in Arnhem. Also we have received a lot of printed material regarding the Public Money Public Code campaign - we'll discuss how best to use it. The meeting takes place at Silkeborgvej 260, 8230 Åbyhøj at 17:00 hours. The location is kindly sponsored by [Magenta ApS]( 

Documentation and translation - FSFE Greece country team meeting (online)

12 January 2023

The first meeting of the year for the FSFE Greece country team. The main topic, as chosen in our last meeting, will be "Documentation in Greek and Free Software Greek translations", discussing challenges we face but also potential collaborations and solutions to common problems. After a break, we will discuss any recent updates from Free Software Foundation Europe activities. Also we will prepare an "I Love Free Software" meeting in Thessaloniki on February 14. The meeting will be in Greek, but we can interpret if someone wants to speak in English. We are meeting at 19:00 local time. Everybody interested in Free Software is welcome!  

Kommunen brauchen Freie Software - Dortmund geht als Referenzkommune voran (online)

11 January 2023

Die Stadt Dortmund initialisiert zusammen mit Berlin und München die "Open Source Big 3" und richtet eine "Koordinierungsstelle Digitale Souveränität und Open Source" ein. Die Free Software Foundation Europe, der Verein Offene Kommunen.NRW und die Initiative Do-FOSS informieren am 11.01.2023 in einer Onlineveranstaltungen über diese Entwicklungen.

Datum: 11.01.2023

Uhrzeit: 16:00 - 17:00

Ort: Onlineveranstaltung (Link wird nach Registrierung per Mail versendet)


Beteiligte: FSFE, Initiative Do-FOSS, Verein Offene Kommunen.NRW

Sprache: deutsch

Weitere Informationen: 

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

09 January 2023

The FSFE Hamburg local group is open for any Free Software enthusiasts and has regular monthly meetings. The meetings take place at 19:00 in German. The place of the next meeting is TBC, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. Join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

FSFE Basel local group meeting in Switzerland

09 January 2023

Our group meets monthly on the first Monday. We are interested in the ideals of software freedom and you are welcome to join our discussions. Please let us know you are coming, in the chat or mailing list. We are meeting at Gerbergasse 30, 18:00 hr. 

FSFE Bonn local group meeting in Germany

09 January 2023

We are a group of friends of Free Software who meet once a month in Bonn to discuss about Free Software. The meetings take place every second monday of the month. This time the FSFE local group Bonn meets online on 9 January.

We are discussing how to make large amounts of data (JSONs) searchable in a browser and how to integrate Free Software Text-To-Speech into a blog. The question of coding without a 'real' computer reveals a short look at Android IDEs for mobile app development. Are Kilux and Chemnitzer Linux Tage might be good opportunities to meet besides FrOScon? Free music instruments are also of interest to us, this time featuring an opentheremin. Next event is on February 13, either online or in-person.