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EIFv2: FSFE puts facts against BSA's fictions


FSFE yesterday sent a letter to the European Commission to support Open Standards and interoperability. In the drawn-out battle to retain at least a weak recommendation for Open Standards in the revised European Interoperability Framework, FSFE has countered a leaked letter by proprietary lobby group Business Software Alliance with its own thorough analysis of the relation between standards and patents.

The Business Software Alliance (BSA) is pressuring the European Commission to remove the last vestiges of support for Open Standards from the latest version of the EU's interoperability recommendations, the European Interoperability Framework.

FSFE on Thursday obtained a copy of a letter sent to the Commission by the BSA last week. On a dedicated page, we analyse the BSA's arguments and explain why their claims are false, and why Open Standards are key to interoperability and competition in the European software market.