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Free Software legal news

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Read about the release of Mozilla Publice License 2.0, new litigation of Microsoft against a computer retailer who is providing recovery CDs, UK government´s shift from Open Stadards and more.

Mozilla Public License 2.0 Released

Mozilla has announced the release of the Mozilla Public License 2.0. The new version provides for compatibility with the Apache and GPL licenses, improved patent protections and recent changes in copyright law.See article at Slashdot, MPL 2.0 wording;

Comet face Microsoft action

British electrical and computer retailer Comet Group is facing proceedings from Microsoft for allegedly creating and selling more than 94,000 sets of counterfeit Windows Vista and Windows XP recovery CDs which were then sold to customers who had purchased Windows-loaded PCs. See article at the 1709 Blog;

UK withdrew its open standards policy

The British government withdrew its open standards policy after lobbying from Microsoft, it has been revealed in a Cabinet Office brief leaked to Computer Weekly. See article by Glyn Moody;

Microsoft to buy Nokia smartphone division?

Microsoft is in talks to buy Nokia’s smartphone division, Nokia’s long-term scourge, blogger and industry analyst Eldar Murtazin announced on Twitter, claiming to have the inside track on the deal.See article at GlobalPost;