"L'interoperabilità del DMA viola i diritti fondamentali” sostiene Apple. La FSFE non è d'accordo. Se anche voi pensate che l'interoperabilità sia fondamentale per la libertà del software, sosteneteci!

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Join the protest against ACTA

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ACTA, a multi-national treaty to enforce copyright and patents, is threatening Free Software and freedom in the information society. It endangers people's access to essential medicines. The treaty creates a culture of surveillance and suspicion, and the way in which it was negotiated is a mockery of proper democratic process.

On Saturday February 11, please join those of us across Europe and the world who want to live in freedom, and protest against ACTA. There are various ways to find out about a protest near you.

Read about how ACTA threatens Free Software on FSF US's ACTA page, and please consider signing the ACTA declaration.

ACTA is not the only threat. It is merely one building block in a wall that is intended to lock us in and take away our freedom to share and create knowledge. Other building blocks of this wall are the recently revived IPRED2 Directive in the EU (PDF of the European Commission's roadmap), the SOPA/PIPA proposals in the US, and the Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).