List of pages tagged "policy"
- [2025-02-27]SFP#31: Policy and EU: FOSDEM recap
- [2025-02-20]FOSDEM: Celebrating 25 years of community and Free Software
- [2025-02-14]SFP#30: The App Fair Project with Marc Prud'hommeaux
- [2025-01-27]Join us at FOSDEM 2025!
- [2025-01-22]SFP#28: Policy and EU: FOSDEM DevRooms with Alexander Sander
- [2025-01-14]FOSDEM & DMA updates+++ 2025 YH4F +++ Our visions for 2048
- [2024-12-03]Hearing at the Bundestag +++ Ada Premiere in German +++ REUSE and NGI updates
- [2024-11-21]FOSDEM 2025 Call for Participation: Legal and Policy Issues DevRoom
- [2024-11-01]Where the FSFE Shapes the Future: SFSCON 2024!
- [2024-10-09]Ada movie premiere +++ EC consultation +++ Apple litigation
- [2024-09-03]Caso Apple +++ Finanziamenti per il Software Libero +++ YH4F +++ Progetto ZOOOM
- [2024-08-06]EU cuts funding for FS +++ Router Freedom +++ SFP
- [2024-07-15]CRA and NIS2: Protecting Free Software ecosystem in implementation
- [2024-07-01]Europe needs Free Software to master its digital infrastructure
- [2024-04-02]DMA e Device Neutrality +++ voto di CRA & PLD +++ Attivati per le elezioni in UE
- [2024-03-18]Looking back: Software freedom discussion @FOSDEM
- [2024-03-18]EU policy meets Free Software in FOSDEM
- [2024-03-12]CRA & PLD: Liability rules with large exemptions for Free Software are introduced
- [2024-03-07]Let’s make Device Neutrality a reality in Europe!
- [2024-03-05]I love FS celebrations +++ FOSDEM 2024 +++ SFP episode
- [2024-02-14]SFP#24: The status of Free Software with Karen Sandler and Alexander Sander
- [2024-02-13]Celebrate I Love Free Software Day +++ Interoperable Europe Act adopted
- [2024-02-06]Interoperable Europe Act adopted, close monitoring vital
- [2024-01-30]See you at FOSDEM 2024!
- [2023-11-13]Interoperable Europe Act: an ambition that turned out to be watered-down
- [2023-11-08]Join us at SFSCON 2023!
- [2023-10-04]GNU turns 40 +++ Router Freedom, Fediverse & Ada
- [2023-09-20]UE: Sovranità digitale & Interoperabilità. Qual è il ruolo del Software Libero?
- [2023-09-06]The Netherlands: Important points for the election
- [2023-09-05]"Ritorno a scuola" per UE e Germania +++ Ada disponibile in tutto il mondo
- [2023-08-29]Halftime for the German government: Thank you for the fine words, now let the deeds speak!
- [2023-08-24]Liability, Interoperability & Free Software in EU: what we are expecting
- [2023-08-01]CRA & IEA +++ Puntata SFP +++ Summer Meeting
- [2023-07-28]SFP#21: Analizzare la libertà software nelle politiche europee con Lina Ceballos
- [2023-07-19]Legge sulla resilienza informatica & Software Libero: il Parlamento ridimensiona la sua posizione
- [2023-07-19]Il Parlamento Europeo intende ampliare la partecipazione al Consiglio Europa interoperabile
- [2023-07-04]Europa interoperable +++ Legge cybersicurezza +++ Legge IA
- [2023-06-29]Legge cybersicurezza: IMCO appoggia la FSFE per proteggere il Software Libero
- [2023-06-29]IEA: Il Parlamento UE rafforza il ruolo del Software Libero, ma serve migliorare
- [2023-06-23]Il Consiglio esclude soggetti di rilievo per contribuire ad un'Europa interoperabile
- [2023-06-14]UE: maggioranza per la legge IA – e salvaguardia per il Software Libero
- [2023-06-06]Legge IA e interoperabilità +++ Libertà del Router +++ Podcast, YH4F & Ada
- [2023-05-24]Normativa Europa interoperabile: il Comitato delle Regioni non promuove il Software Libero
- [2023-05-15]Resoconto: la Libertà del Router dalla prospettiva degli utenti finali
- [2023-05-11]Il Parlamento UE vuole proteggere il Software Libero nel regolamento IA
- [2023-05-09]Tack foss-north 2023!
- [2023-04-04]UE: responsabilità, interoperabilità +++ Parziale Libertà del Router in Grecia
- [2023-03-23]UE: le regole di responsabilità proposte danneggerebbero il Software Libero
- [2023-03-23]"Software Libero prima di tutto" per la normativa su un'Europa interoperabile
- [2022-10-26]Se imposto, il controllo UE sulle chat limiterà il Software Libero
- [2022-04-27]Ecocompatibilità UE: 38 organizzazioni per il diritto di accesso all'hardware
- [2021-05-18]L'autonomia digitale olandese deve basarsi su Software Libero e Standard Aperti
- [2020-11-25]Libertà Software 2020 +++ Strategia Open Source UE +++ Nuovi membri dello staff
- [2020-11-10]Libertà del Software in Europa 2020
- [2020-06-01]La Libertà del Router messa a rischio dalle nuove regole europee
- [2020-05-19]La FSFE chiede una legge europea sulla concorrenza più inclusiva
- [2020-05-06]Monaco si impegna con la campagna "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!"
- [2020-04-24]I Paesi Bassi si impegnano per il Software Libero come soluzione predefinita
- [2020-03-02]Paura, incertezza e dubbio - le barriere alla Libertà del Router in Germania
- [2019-11-28]The last 12 months in the light of software freedom
- [2019-11-25]FSFE welcomes CDU decision to make Free Software mandatory
- [2019-11-20]Input for the BEREC's guidelines on Router Freedom in Europe
- [2019-11-13]How we fixed DRM in Portugal (and so can you)
- [2019-11-12]Get Active: “Public Money? Public Code!” in the Kassel city parliament
- [2019-10-28]Router Freedom: regaining sovereignty over your digital equipment
- [2019-10-07]Freedomvote fa luce sui candidati svizzeri alle elezioni nazionali
- [2019-10-02]Open Letter “Free and Open Source EU Policy Recommendations”
- [2019-08-27]Radio Lockdown: Criticism of Controversial Directive Unlikely to Sway European Commission
- [2019-01-24]FSFE publishes expert brochure about “Public Money? Public Code!"
- [2018-05-29]FSFE is hiring: EU public policy programme manager
- [2018-02-15]European Free Software Policy Meeting 2018: more joint activities important for Free Software in Europe
- [2017-12-12]Radio Lockdown: Current Status of Your Device Freedom
- [2017-11-30]EU Copyright review: The FSFE joins more than 80 organisations asking the EU member states to reject harmful Article 13
- [2017-11-09]32 European ministers call for more Free Software in governmental infrastructure
- [2017-10-05]EU Copyright Review: Tell Legislators to Save Code Share
- [2017-09-08]European Copyright reform hampers Free Software development
- [2017-08-29]Digital-O-Mat: Compare your views on Internet policies with the parties for the German federal election 2017
- [2017-07-10]Estonian presidency in the EU: the FSFE asks for truly interoperable IT services in public sector
- [2017-06-13]New European Interoperability Framework calls on public sector to contribute to Free Software
- [2017-03-28]Input about Free Software for German OGP action plan published
- [2017-03-02] helps voters compare party positions on digital freedom in upcoming Dutch election
- [2017-03-01]What happened in Munich
- [2017-02-17]European Commission responds to the FSFE's information request for Horizon 2020
- [2017-02-14]European Free Software Policy Meeting 2017
- [2017-01-10]The FSFE files FOI request for Horizon 2020
- [2017-01-05]The FSFE asks for more Free Software and Open Standards in Open Science
- [2016-11-10]Russian Bill makes Free Software a Public Priority
- [2016-07-25]Compulsory Routers: what customers have to take care of now
- [2016-06-24]FSFE's answers to the European Commission's Public Consultation: Revision of the European Interoperability Framework
- [2016-04-28]EU jeopardises its own goals in standardisation with FRAND licensing
- [2016-04-11]Joint Statement on the Radio Lockdown Directive
- [2016-02-05]European Free Software Policy Meeting 2016
- [2016-01-28]MEPs vote for more Free Software in public sector
- [2016-01-18]FSFE's input on ICT standards for the Digital Single Market
- [2015-11-10]European Parliament pushes for Free Software
- [2015-11-04]FSFE submits comments on the European Commission's Digital Single Market strategy
- [2015-10-28]FSFE signs association joint letter for terminal device freedom
- [2015-09-18]La valutazione FSFE del rapporto sul copyright del Parlamento UE
- [2015-09-18]Assessment of the report on the implementation of the InfoSoc directive
- [2015-09-02]La lunga strada dai router obbligatori alla libertà di scelta
- [2015-06-16]FSFE welcomes adoption of copyright report in EP's JURI committee
- [2015-06-05]FSFE submits comments on Reda copyright report
- [2015-06-05]FSFE's comments on Reda's Report
- [2015-05-06]Un limite alle limitazioni tecnologiche
- [2015-04-01]A cautious welcome to the EC's new Free Software strategy
- [2015-03-25]Joint statement : Maximising inclusiveness and engagement through the use of Open Standards in the European Commission
- [2015-03-06]Swiss Federal Council considers legal assurance for release of Free Software
- [2015-02-18]FSFE responds to EU consultation on patents and standards
- [2014-12-19]EU to fund Free Software code review
- [2014-10-17] I consumatori italiani non devono pagare per software che non vogliono. - Lettera all'AGCM
- [2014-10-16]Munich sticks with Free Software
- [2014-05-06]Open Letter to European Commission: Stop DRM in HTML5
- [2014-03-28]CCC and FSFE: German Federal Network Agency must improve
- [2014-03-26]Open Letter to EU institutions: Time to support Open Standards
- [2014-03-04] Get candidates for this years’ European elections to make a stand for Free Software
- [2014-02-26]FSFE comments on UK proposal on document formats
- [2013-09-23]FSFE backs 13 principles against surveillance
- [2013-07-30]Open Letter on Freedom and Internet Voting to Estonia's National Electoral Committee
- [2013-07-16]Lettera Aperta sulla trasparenza al Presidente del Parlamento Europeo
- [2013-07-03]German Parliament elections: The parties' positions on Free Software
- [2013-06-20]Open Letter to Prime Minister Erdoğan
- [2013-06-12]German Parliament tells government to strictly limit patents on software
- [2013-03-12]EC hits Microsoft with EUR 561 million fine over web browsers
- [2012-12-11]European Parliament adopts deeply flawed unitary patent, gives up power over innovation policy
- [2012-12-08]First, do no harm: European Parliament must delay vote on unitary patent
- [2012-11-22]PDFreaders recommended by government - and what else we achived
- [2012-11-07]Liberare l'istruzione, crescere senza limiti
- [2012-11-01]UK takes major step towards competition, innovation in software market
- [2012-09-07]Unitary patent threatens innovation in Europe
- [2012-07-30]La FSFE illustra alla Regione Lazio l'importanza del Software Libero per le pubbliche amministrazioni.
- [2012-07-11]City of Helsinki Wants To Keep Software Costs Secret
- [2012-06-19]FSFE to Advance Fair Public IT Procurements in Finland
- [2012-06-01]FSFE responds to UK Open Standards Consultation
- [2012-06-01]FSFE responds to UK Open Standards Consultation
- [2012-05-28]FSFE: NW UK businesses please tell Government that Open Standards matter
- [2012-05-25]Democracy deserves better than electronic voting
- [2012-04-25]UK Open Standards experts publish joint statement on Government consultation
- [2012-03-21]Manette - DFD
- [2012-02-10]Join the protest against ACTA
- [2012-01-17]FSFE calls on US Senate to stop SOPA / PIPA
- [2012-01-10]FSFE calls for an amendment of Slovak Copyright Act
- [2011-12-06] FSFE provides input to EU's 80 billion EUR R and D funding program
- [2011-11-28]Horizon 2020 - The Framework Programme for EU Research and Innovation
- [2011-11-22]7 civil society groups ask for transparency on ACTA
- [2011-11-14]Swedish activist receives Nordic Free Software Award 2011
- [2011-05-18]Contribute to list of Free Software options for UK government
- [2011-04-18]FSFE responds to EC consultation on procurement
- [2011-03-30]A bright Document Freedom Day for Britain?
- [2011-02-27]Sam's blog: report from ODF Plugfest and Pirate Party UK Conference
- [2011-02-09]Brevetto Europeo: La FSFE invita il Parlamento europeo ad aspettare la consulenza legale
- [2010-12-16]FSFE welcomes revised European Interoperability Framework (EIF)
- [2010-12-07]European Commission's software contract is a rough deal for Europe [UPDATE]
- [2010-10-16]EIFv2: FSFE puts facts against BSA's fictions
- [2010-09-07]Sondaggio europeo sul Software Libero e gli standard: fai sentire la tua voce!
- [2010-08-03]German ministries flout IT open interoperability requirements
- [2010-05-19]FSFE: Lack of Open Standards "gaping hole" in EC's Digital Agenda
- [2010-03-30]Open Standards under threat in Europe
- [2009-12-16]FSFE: EC's browser case settlement with Microsoft
- [2009-11-27]FSFE: La Commissione Europea apre alle lobby del software proprietario sulla interoperabilità
- [2009-11-09]FSFE in battle for European interoperability
- [2009-10-08] Microsoft settlement leaves Free Software in the cold
- [2009-10-06] Microsoft antitrust case: FSFE offers analysis to European Commission
- [2009-10-05]Il bundling dei browser - Lettera aperta alla Commissaria Kroes
- [2009-09-21] Free Software hits German election campaigns
- [2009-07-28]EU browser case: FSFE says details of settlement will be crucial
- [2009-02-27]FSFE prende parte alla causa dell'UE sui browser
- [2009-01-20]Interoperabilità tra browser web: FSFE accoglie la decisione della CE ed offre supporto