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SFP#30: The App Fair Project with Marc Prud'hommeaux

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At FOSDEM, Bonnie Mehring and Marc Prud'hommeaux met to talk about Marc's Free Software initiative, The App Fair Project. This project is a marketplace for all devices and especially also for iOS devices that only distributes Free Software applications. Its goal is to foster a more accessible and inclusive Free Software ecosystem.

For this year's I Love Free Software Day Marc and Bonnie talk about The App Fair Project, which enables iOS users to access Free Software applications. Together, they unravel how the Digital Markets Act (DMA) helped to level the playing field - although a lot of work is still ahead to truly enable Free Software and foster fair competition.

Listen to our 30th episode and find out what The App Fair Project is, how it is related to the DMA and what the next steps are to make Free Software more accessible to everyone.

This is the perfect episode for anyone still searching for Free Software on iOS!

Show notes

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