Les Logiciels Libres sont la clé d'une concurrence loyale. Nous plaidons pour une application stricte et efficace de la loi sur les marchés numériques (Digital Markets Act) adaptée aux développeurs. Aidez-nous en faisant un don !

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News Archive for 2020

The FSFE empowers users to control technology with its diverse activities and concrete engagement for software freedom. Follow us and make sure to receive regular updates and deeper insights on our various channels.

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Réseaux Sociaux

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FSFE Local Group Zurich receives DINAcon Award

11 December 2020

In 2019, the FSFE's local group Zurich has launched the "Learn like the pros" campaign. Goal of the campaign is to present solutions for the use of Free Software in education. Recently, the campaign was awarded the DINACon Award. On this behalf we interviewed the coordinators Ralf Hersel and Gian-Maria Daffré. 

Public code for publicly financed international development cooperation

10 December 2020

International development cooperation is increasingly digitised. Free Software thus is becoming a fundamental technology to reach the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals. Together with experts in the field, the FSFE summarises these interrelations in an article and demands publicly funded software to be published as Free Software. 

Screenshot of Corona Warn App

German Corona tracing app available without Google services

08 December 2020

A handful of Free Software developers today achieved what official bodies have been missing for months: They have made available the German Corona Warn App for tracing Covid-19 risk contacts in a version that is completely free of dependencies on Google and available in F-Droid, the Free Software app store.  

Light bulb drawn on a pinboard, representing an idea, next to fsfe and ilovefs-logo

Call to apply for FSFE support for your local project

20 November 2020

It is no secret that the FSFE's activities are only possible with the priceless help of our contributors and supporters around Europe. In return we support local engagement with our expertise, information material, networks or even financially. To help formalize this process, we run our second call for FSFE community projects. 

How (not) to set up a public warning system

12 November 2020

What is the best way to alert people about catastrophes? Germany went with proprietary apps which caused the recent warning day ("Warntag") to become an official failure. We analysed the situation and found more robust solutions that respect user rights.  

The FSFE pizza lunch

FSFE at SFSCon 2020

19 October 2020

The South Tyrol Free Software Conference, SFSCon, is one of Europe’s most established annual conferences on Free Software. In recent years we have been represented with talks, workshops and our information booth. Last year we also organised our Community Event in the context of SFSCon, so that we could meet not only our community but also many interested people and report about our work.  

Congratulations to the FSF on its thirty-fifth anniversary

09 October 2020

The FSFE's sister organisation, the FSF, celebrates its thirty-fifth anniversary this week. Thirty-five years of working for software freedom and inspiring many people and organisations to take a stand for user freedoms deserve big congratulations. Watch and read the congratulatory speech by FSFE President Matthias Kirschner.  

Light bulb drawn on a pinboard, representing an idea, next to fsfe and ilovefs-logo

Call to apply for FSFE support for your local project

07 September 2020

It is no secret that the FSFE's activities are only possible with the priceless help of our contributors and supporters around Europe. In return we support local engagement with our expertise, information material, networks or even financially. To help formalize this process, we run our first call for FSFE community projects. 

Bulletin Board with a post saying: Make things happen

The FSFE is looking for an office assistant

04 September 2020

We are looking for an office assistant to support our work to empower people to control technology. The person will work 15-35 hours per week with our team in the Berlin office and will support the FSFE's Berlin office operations. 

A golden key lying on the enter key of keyboard.

FSFE: EU should reconsider the notion of "intellectual property"

20 August 2020

In order to contribute to the European Commission public consultation regarding the update of the "Intellectual Property (IP)" regulatory system, the FSFE has published a first feedback. Based on its world-wide experience with Free Software, the FSFE calls for a more inclusive and decentralized regulatory system that allows sustainable knowledge sharing and intangible wealth. 

COVID-19 Hackathons: Only Free Software creates global solutions

08 April 2020

Currently we see a lot of hackathons to find tools that help tackle the crisis of pandemic COVID-19. More and more governments and administrations are hosting or funding such hackathons. To make sure that the results of these hackathons can be used globally and adapted locally - that the software can be used, studied, shared and improved everywhere - the FSFE asks to publish the outcomes under a Free Software licence. 

Les sympathisants de la FSFE publient "Pourquoi utiliser des Logiciels Libres pour le travail à distance et lesquels"?

03 April 2020

En raison de l'épidémie actuelle du virus Covid-19, de nombreux employeurs - volontaires ou obligatoires - travaillent désormais à distance. De nombreuses organisations qui n'étaient pas habituées au travail à distance jusqu'à présent sont maintenant confrontées à un certain nombre de difficultés pour s'adapter à la situation. Pour éviter d'éventuels blocages, certains partisans de la FSFE ont collectivement écrit sur les bonnes raisons d'utiliser des Logiciels Libres pour le travail à distance et ont rassemblé une liste détaillée de solutions pratiques dans notre wiki

FSFE in times of Corona: How a virus affects us

27 March 2020

Among all the serious diseases and deaths it causes, the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its accompanying COVID-19 disease also keep the FSFE and the whole Free Software community in suspense. For our community and other charitable organisations we would share our experiences and lessons learnt from the Corona crisis. 

[Updated] The FSFE is looking for an executive assistant

11 March 2020

We are looking for an executive assistant to support our work to empower people to control technology. The person will work 25-35 hours per week with our team in the Berlin office and will be in charge of the FSFE's Berlin office operations. Due to the current situation and the difficulty to onboard the the new person, the application period is enlarged as written below

Interested reader with a Public Money Public Code brochure

Expert Brochure to Modernise Public Digital Infrastructure with Public Code - Translated Versions Online

10 March 2020

What is Free Software? How does it contribute to digital sovereignty, security and transparency of state digital infrastructure? Which steps can public administrations take? These and more questions are answered in our publication "Public Money Public Code – Modernising Public Infrastructure with Free Software". After the successful release of the English version of our brochure we translated it into three more languages: German, Czech and Brazilian Portuguese.  

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt - the Barriers to Router Freedom in Germany

02 March 2020 – ,

Consider this hypothetical scenario: you moved to a new apartment. Apart from all the stress of packing, transporting, and unpacking all your stuff at your new home, you also had to deal with getting utilities connected. The electric company turned out to be difficult to deal with: they said you had to change your TV set, toaster, refrigerator and most of your lamps. 

I Love Free Software - and you?

12 February 2020

While you are reading this, someone somewhere is improving the code of a Free Software you use for yourself. Free Software has long been part of the daily use of billion of users, still the people behind the respective projects often remain invisible. Together we want to change that. On 14 February is the "I love Free Software Day", a day to show your love and celebrate your favourite Free Software and its contributors. Join us! 

Report from the 36c3, about:freedom - about:fsfe

22 January 2020 – Bonnie Mehring

At the end of December, FSFE was in Leipzig at the 36th Chaos Communication Congress. As in previous years, we were present at the congress with lots of information material, talks and workshops. FSFE was one of the main organisers of the cluster about:freedom, an association of 12 civil society organisations and groups. Together with the other organisations, we focused on digital rights and network policy issues.