List of pages tagged "talk"
- [2023-01-23]Pronti per il FOSDEM 2023?
- [2019-09-30] Be part of this year's FSFE community meeting
- [2025-04-16T17:00:00Z]Webinar: Software libero e risorse educative aperte a scuola: un progetto possibile? (online)
- [2025-04-08T11:00:00Z]Symposium: 'Public Money? Public Code!' in Practice in Essen, Germany
- [2025-03-29T15:00:00Z]Convivio Scuola Sconfinata (online)
- [2025-03-27T12:00:00Z]Danish premiere of the Ada & Zangemann film in Aarhus, Denmark
- [2025-03-24T16:30:00Z]DMA & Free Software: what Free Software organisations need to know (online)
- [2025-03-22T09:00:00Z]Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2025 in Chemnitz, Germany
- [2025-02-15T10:00:00Z]Celebrating Love Free Software Day 2025 and PMPC campaign efforts! in Tirana, Albania
- [2025-02-13T17:00:00Z]I Love Free Software Day Nuermberg, Germany
- [2025-02-12T17:00:00Z]I Love Free Software Day Warsaw, Poland
- [2025-02-06T14:00:00Z]FSFE at the DMA and Beyond Conference in Washington, DC, United States of America
- [2025-02-02T15:00:00Z]FOSDEM '25 - Keynote - How we are defending Software Freedom against Apple at the EU's highest court in Brussels, Belgium
- [2025-02-02T09:10:00Z]FOSDEM '25 - Youth Hacking 4 Freedom 2025 in Brussels, Belgium
- [2025-02-01T14:30:00Z]FOSDEM '25 - Friendica - under the radar since 2010, in Brussels, Belgium
- [2024-12-27T08:00:00Z]38c3- Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany
- [2024-12-16T17:30:00Z]EMI-FORUM: FOSS - Free Open-Source Software in Amberg, Germany
- [2024-12-04T14:15:00Z]Hearing "Open Source" in Berlin, Germany
- [2024-11-30T12:00:00Z]FSFE: chi siamo e cosa facciamo in online, Italia
- [2024-11-27T10:00:00Z]German Premiere of the "Ada & Zangemann" movie in Essen, Germany
- [2024-11-23T09:00:00Z]FSFE-booth, presentation and book reading at LocHal Open Source Event in Tilburg, Netherlands
- [2024-11-09T10:40:00Z]SFSCON ‘24 - about:Fediverse: An introduction to the decentralised social network in Bolzano, Italy
- [2024-11-08T16:40:00Z]SFSCON '24 - Let’s spark children’s interest in coding! in Bolzano, Italy
- [2024-11-08T15:40:00Z]SFSCON '24 - Let’s share our love for Free Software in Bolzano, Italy
- [2024-11-08T15:00:00Z]SFSCON '24 - Tackling Openwashers, Freeloaders and Cuckoos in Bolzano, Italy
- [2024-11-08T13:40:00Z] SFSCON'24 - NGI: No more EU funding for Free Software?! in Bolzano, Italy
- [2024-11-08T13:20:00Z]SFSCON '24 - The FSFE Italy Project from Understanding to Testing in Bolzano, Italy
- [2024-11-08T13:00:00Z]SFSCON '24 - Lessons from the EU’s Next Generation Internet Initiatives in Bolzano, Italy
- [2024-11-08T11:40:00Z]SFSCON '24 - We went to court against Apple – a case for Software Freedom in Bolzano, Italy
- [2024-11-08T10:40:00Z]SFSCON'24 - CRA & PLD Liability rules and Software Freedom in Bolzano, Italy
- [2024-11-08T09:00:00Z]European SFS Award 2024 in Bolzano, Italy
- [2024-10-29T18:00:00Z]Teaching digital freedoms through a fairy tale in online, Italia
- [2024-10-26T09:00:00Z]FSFE al Linux Day Milano 2024 in Milano, Italy
- [2024-10-26T09:00:00Z]LinuxDay Terni 2024 in Terni, Italia
- [2024-10-25T15:00:00Z]Linux Autumn 2024 in Rybnik, Poland
- [2024-10-10T09:00:00Z]"The long way to software freedom" talk and PMPC workshop at LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024 in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
- [2024-09-21T12:00:00Z]Software Freedom Day 2024 in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2024-09-21T10:00:00Z]FSFE at Datenspuren 2024 in Dresden, Deutschland
- [2024-09-21T08:00:00Z]Software Freedom Day 2024 Cologne/Köln in Cologne, Germany
- [2024-09-20T09:00:00Z]Software Freedom Day in Tallinn! in Tallinn, Estonia
- [2024-09-18]FSFE Denmark local group meeting with talk: "Life without tech giants" in Aarhus, Denmark
- [2024-09-14T11:00:00Z]Berlin Fediverse Day in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2024-08-17]FSFE at FrOSCon in Sankt Augustin, Deutschland
- [2024-08-08T16:00:00Z]Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2024-08-03T00:45:00Z]COSCUP in Taipei, Taiwan
- [2024-06-22]Tübix in Tübingen, Germany
- [2024-06-19]"Sono giovani, + hanno bisogno di codice", FSFE Format per fare Attività nelle scuole (online)
- [2024-06-13]DevConf.CZ - Engaging with the next generation: A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream in Brno, Czech Republic
- [2024-06-12]FSFE local group Berlin meeting - Hardware hacking presentation in Berlin, Germany
- [2024-06-07]Ada & Zangemann reading in Offenburg, Germany
- [2024-06-07]Trento Open Festival in Trento, Italy
- [2024-06-01]FSFE at T-DOSE 2024 in Geldrop, Netherlands
- [2024-05-25]Public reading of the book "Ada & Zangemann Un conte sur les logiciels, le skateboard et la glace à la framboise" in Lyon, France
- [2024-05-24]FSFE at esLibre 2024 , Valencia in Valencia, Spain
- [2024-05-18]An introduction to the FSFE in Hilversum, Netherlands
- [2024-05-16]FSFE at DORS/CLUC 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia
- [2024-04-22]FSFE Women (online)
- [2024-04-15]foss-north 2024 in Gothenburg, Sweden
- [2024-04-04]Public reading of Ada & Zangemann, a tale about free software in Brussels, Belgium
- [2024-03-16]Chemnitz Linux Days in Chemnitz, Germany
- [2024-03-08]FSFE al festival Circonomia Fano 2024, per Pesaro capitale della cultura! in Fano, Italy
- [2024-02-14]I Love Free Software Day Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain
- [2024-02-14]I Love Free Software Day a Bologna: Free Software syndicates - Gruppo di studio in Bologna, Italy
- [2024-02-07]Ada & Zangemann reading at Altenmünster primary school in Crailsheim, Germany
- [2024-02-06]Ada & Zangemann reading at Rollhofschule primary school in Schwäbisch-Hall, Germany
- [2024-02-06]Ada & Zangemann reading at Grundschule am Langen Graben in Schwäbisch-Hall, Germany
- [2024-02-03]FSFE with booth, talks and dev room at FOSDEM 2024
- [2024-01-31]Lettura della fiaba di Ada&Zangemann per bambini e workshop creativo a seguire in Lovere, Bergamo, Italy
- [2023-12-07]2024 Youth Hacking 4 Freedom Opening Event (online)
- [2023-11-26]Ada & Zangemann reading in Nürnberg in Nürnberg, Germany
- [2023-11-11]SFSCON '23 - Software Libero e Open Science, a Bolzano
- [2023-11-10]SFSCON '23 - Condividere il valore della riconoscenza: Celebrare “I Love Free Software Day” a Bolzano
- [2023-11-10]SFSCON '23 - Il Software Libero e l’IA in Europa, a Bolzano
- [2023-11-10]SFSCON '23 - Perché ci serve un Internet di nuova generazione?, a Bolzano
- [2023-11-10]SFSCON '23 - L’Interoperable Europe Act: una vera svolta? a Bolzano
- [2023-11-10]SFSCON '23 - Monitorare l’implementazione di politiche per il Software Libero, a Bolzano
- [2023-11-10]SFSCON '23 - Lo ZOOOM Framework: Gli aspetti legali del FOSS e oltre, a Bolzano (parte del progetto ZOOOM)
- [2023-11-10]SFSCON '23 - Lettura in inglese del libro Ada & Zangemann, a Bolzano
- [2023-11-10]SFSCON '23 - Lettura di “Ada & Zangemann” in italiano per le scuole (evento collaterale) a Bolzano
- [2023-11-10]SFSCON '23 - Rimborso delle “tasse” da Windows e Office, a Bolzano
- [2023-11-02]FSFE Legal Education Workshop at NGI0 Webinars (online)
- [2023-10-26]25th Anniversary Dédalo in Valencia, Spanien
- [2023-10-19]Relevance of the EU Cyber Resilience Act (EU-CRA) for Open Source (online)
- [2023-10-12]Fellowship-Meeting of the FSFE Berlin in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2023-10-10]Ada & Zangemann reading in Berlin to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day in Berlin, Germany
- [2023-09-28]Device Neutrality: Digital Sovereingty over Devices in Aveiro, Portugal
- [2023-09-26]Free Software Licensing Requirements and AI in Basel, Switzerland
- [2023-09-22]The world after Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. A new generation of the Internet? in Cologne, Germany
- [2023-09-20]FSFE Women (online)
- [2023-09-16]The Next Generation Internet and Free Software in Aveiro, Portugal
- [2023-09-16]Router Freedom: The hardware component of Net Neutrality in Aveiro, Portugal
- [2023-09-16]Software Freedom Day in Berlin, Germany
- [2023-09-08]NGI: Building the internet of the future with Free Software in Novi Sad, Serbia
- [2023-09-08]Device Neutrality or how to safeguard Free Software in devices in Novi Sad, Serbia
- [2023-08-06]FrOSCon 2023 - Book Reading: Ada und Zangemann in Sankt Augustin, Deutschland
- [2023-08-05]FSFE in FrOSCon in Sankt Augustin, Germany in Sankt Augustin, Deutschland
- [2023-07-27]An evening about Free Software with the Berlin supporter group of the FSFE in Berlin, Germany
- [2023-06-10]EU Policy topics the whole Free Software community should know about talk in Málaga, Spain in Málaga, Spain
- [2023-06-09]EU: Proposed liability rules will harm Free Software talk in Málaga, Spain in Málaga, Spain
- [2023-06-08]Legal and Management Challenges for Open Innovation in the Digital Society in Trieste, Italy
- [2023-05-26]Ada & Zangemann book reading in openSUSE 2023, Nürnberg
- [2023-05-18]Free Software and Liability talk in Madrid, Spain in Madrid, Spain
- [2023-05-12]Keynote on the EU Policy topics the whole Free Software community should know about in Zagreb, Croatia
- [2023-05-11]Presentation of AlekSIS at the FSFE local group meeting in Berlin, Germany
- [2023-05-11]FSFE in Italy, talk at MERGE-it 2023 in Verona, Italy
- [2023-04-29]19th Linux-Infotag, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany in Augsburg, Germany
- [2023-04-23]foss-north 2023 in Gothenburg, Sweden
- [2023-03-18]Author reading of Ada & Zangemann in Boston, USA
- [2023-03-14]Author reading of Ada & Zangemann in Traunstein, Germany
- [2023-02-23]Talk on Free Software and Permaculture in Mors, Denmark
- [2023-02-14]Giornata "Io ♥ il Software Libero" al Chaos Computer Club a Francoforte a.M., Germania
- [2023-02-14]I ♥ Free Software Day in Lisbon, Portugal
- [2023-02-04]La FSFE va al FOSDEM 2023! Bruxelles & online
- [2023-01-19]Workshop di Upcycling Android "Istruisci l'istrutture" (online)
- [2023-01-17]Lettura d'autore di Ada & Zangemann a Bremen, Germania
- [2022-12-08]FSFE Women December online meeting with talk (online)
- [2022-12-02]Open standards and industrial use for Free Software workshop in Brussels, Belgium
- [2022-11-26]Stand FSFE e intervento "Per una IA inclusiva ed etica" a Lione, Francia
- [2022-11-17]GHCon2022 - REUSE talk and compliance award in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain
- [2022-11-11]FSFE at the SFSCon online and in Bolzano, Italy
- [2022-11-11]Legal Education Day online and in Bolzano, Italy
- [2022-10-29]Meeting di appassionati di Software Libero e GNU/Linux a Minsk, Bielorussia
- [2022-10-22]FSFE al Linux Day a Milano, Italia
- [2022-10-12]'Artificial Intelligence and Free Software in the European Union' talk in Lisbon, Portugal
- [2022-10-01]May REUSE be with you! in Barcelona, Spain
- [2022-09-30]FSFE co-organises Bits & Bäume in Berlin, Germany
- [2022-09-30]REUSE: Displaying copyright and licence information easily! at Akademy-es in Barcelona, Spain
- [2022-09-29]Author reading of Ada & Zangemann in Berlin, Germany
- [2022-09-24]Author reading of Ada & Zangemann in Berlin, Germany
- [2022-09-17]FSFE booth and Upcycling Android session at NLLGG in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2022-09-09]Presentazione di "Modernizzare l'infrastruttura pubblica con il Software Libero" a Caltanissetta
- [2022-08-20]FSFE al FrOSCon in Sankt Augustin, Germania
- [2022-07-04]"Modernising Public Infrastructure with Free Software" talk in Erfurt, Germany
- [2022-06-30]REUSE talk in Madrid, Spain
- [2022-06-24]"What role did Free Software play during the corona crisis?" talk in Vigo, Spanien
- [2022-06-24]REUSE talk in Vigo, Spain
- [2022-06-24]Ada & Zangemann author reading in Offenburg, Germany
- [2022-06-23]'What Free Software and Free Seeds have in common' talk in Berlin, Germany
- [2022-06-22]Talk on how Free Software supports our Fundamental Rights in Gothenburg, Sweden
- [2022-06-22]'Free Software saves lives - of hardware' talk in Berlin, Germany
- [2022-06-18]Open Source Conference Albania 2022 in Tirana, Albania
- [2022-06-09]Ada & Zangemann author reading in Berlin, Germany
- [2022-06-09]“REUSE: Making copyright and licensing compliance easier for everyone” talk in Berlin, Germany
- [2022-06-09]'Device Neutrality: Leveraging the Benefits of Free Software in Hardware' talk (online)
- [2022-06-08]'Artificial Intelligence and Free Software in the European Union' talk (online)
- [2022-06-08]Presentazione della campagna "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" a Bologna, Italia
- [2022-06-07]Presentazione della campagna Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico! in Trento, Italia
- [2022-06-02]Ada & Zangemann author reading in Cologne, Germany
- [2022-05-14] in Saarbrücken, Deutschland
- [2022-03-30]"Just one year longer" A talk on politics and software surrounding phones (online)
- [2022-03-12]Author reading: Ada & Zangemann (online)
- [2022-02-25]Lettura dell'autore: Ada & Zangemann (online)
- [2022-02-16]Lecture Free Software and Open Data (online)
- [2022-02-14]Giornata "Io amo SL": evento di gioco (online)
- [2022-02-05]Stand & devroom legale e di policy al FOSDEM (online)
- [2022-01-10]Introduzione alla legge software e le licenze FOSS
- [2021-12-28]rC3 - "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico" durante il coronavirus (online)
- [2021-12-16]"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" al Trantor Tech Talks (online)
- [2021-12-13]Evento di lancio: brochure "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" in spagnolo (online)
- [2021-12-10]"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" nel mezzo del coronavirus - intervento al GHCon21 (online)
- [2021-11-12]La FSFE con una traccia sulla sostenibilità e interventi all'SFSCon, Italia
- [2021-11-06]Giornata di educazione legale (LED) della FSFE (online)
- [2021-10-28]Incontro di ottobre del gruppo Fellowship di Berlino (online)
- [2021-09-19]Semplificare con REUSE l'applicazione delle licenze al codice per i manutentori dei pacchetti (online)
- [2021-09-17]"Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" (online)
- [2021-09-13]Incontro gruppo locale della comunità della FSFE di Bonn a Bonn, Germania
- [2021-08-22]Germania tra Palim! Palim! e Zoom: "Denario pubblico? codice pubblico!" in tempo di coronavirus, FrOSCon (online)
- [2021-06-28]Come formiamo e facciamo crescere un settore tecnologico ecologico? (online)
- [2021-06-23]Make licensing easier for everyone with REUSE at OW2con (online)
- [2021-06-19] 20 anni di FSFE: la lunga strada verso la libertà software (online)
- [2021-06-18]"Denaro pubblico, codice pubblico: una struttura per promuovere la libertà software" (online)
- [2021-06-04]Software Libero, Libertà del Router e diritti digitali a Impropedia Show (online)
- [2021-06-01]106. Netzpolitischer Abend (online)
- [2021-05-27]Bildungstreffen der Berliner Fellowship-Gruppe (online)
- [2021-05-26]Why Free Software and how to procure? (online)
- [2021-05-22]MERGE-it 2021 (online)
- [2021-04-24]Open Education Day talk, Learning like the Pros (online)
- [2021-04-15]"Digital Sovereignty in Europe - Free Software as the Key" - Lecture and discussion (online)
- [2021-03-21]LibrePlanet talk: Public Money? Public Code! A campaign framework to promote software freedom (online)
- [2021-03-21]REUSE: Simple steps to declare your copyright and licenses (online)
- [2021-03-13]20 years FSFE - The long road to software freedom (online)
- [2021-03-13]»Public Money? Public Code!« (online)
- [2021-02-14]Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #31 #ilovefs (online)
- [2021-02-14]Fellowship-Treffen Berlin (online)
- [2021-02-06]La FSFE presente al FOSDEM con stand, interventi e una devroom
- [2020-11-22]La lunga strada per la libertà del software: cosa è possibile fare? (online, Germania)
- [2020-11-21]FOSSCOMM 2020: Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico! durante il coronavirus - Che ruolo ha avuto il Software Libero durante la crisi? (online)
- [2020-10-28]OSSEU2020: Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico! – Che ruolo ha il Software Libero dopo la crisi del coronavirus? Online, Irlanda
- [2020-10-25]Distance learning: when Free Software becomes a necessity, online, in Italy
- [2020-10-17]Discorso su 'Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!' all'evento online Open Web Lounge / CMS Unconference
- [2020-10-16]Problemi mondiali necessitano di soluzioni globali! Online, Germania
- [2020-09-27]SFK2020 - Denaro pubblico, Codice pubblico in Prishtina, online
- [2020-09-18]esLibre 2020: Denaro pubblico Codice pubblico – Problemi mondiali necessitano soluzioni globali! Online, Spagna
- [2020-09-10]State of the Source - Breve presentazione online "Denaro pubblico, codice pubblico – Problemi mondiali necessitano soluzioni globali!", Stati Uniti d'America
- [2020-08-23]FrOSCon: valore fondamentale della libertà software in Bonn, Germania
- [2020-06-18]Dare forma al futuro di Internet con il Software Libero a Madrid, Spagna
- [2020-06-17]Prossime sfide con la ricerca e sviluppo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale a Paris, Francia
- [2020-06-17]OW2online'20 a Parigi, Francia
- [2020-06-16]Un'introduzione al Software Libero
- [2020-05-16]"Public Money Public Code – Global problems need global solutions!" online presentation at Özgürkon
- [2020-05-04]CANCELLED: Digitale Souveränität und Modernisierung der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Berlin, Germany
- [2020-03-29]CANCELLED: Spreading the word for REUSE at FOSS North in Gothenburg, Sweden
- [2020-03-24]CANCELLED: Will there be a Router Freedom in Europe? in Berlin, Germany
- [2020-03-14]CANCELED: Public Money? Public Code! talk at Libre Planet in Boston, United States of America
- [2020-03-06]The core values of software freedom in Berlin, Germany
- [2020-02-22]Winterkongress Digitale Gesellschaft in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2020-02-07]DefensiveCon v02 in Berlin, Germany
- [2019-12-27]The FSFE assembly at the Chaos Communication Congress 36C3 in Leipzig, Germany
- [2019-12-13]GNU Health CON 2019 - Public Money Public Code - Modernising Public Infrastructure with Free Software in Liege, Belgium
- [2019-12-09]Public Money Public Code – Modernising Public Infrastructure with Free Software in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2019-11-15]The FSFE Community Meeting 2019 in Bolzano, Italy
- [2019-11-02]LocHal Open Source Event in Tilburg, Netherlands
- [2019-10-28]FSFE talk about REUSE at Open Source Summit in Lyon, France
- [2019-10-10]The FSFE Local Group meeting on Next Generation Internet in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2019-10-04]The FSFE with a talk at the Open Source Lisbon in Lisbon, Portugal
- [2019-09-20]The FSFE with a booth and talk at the "Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage" in Kiel, Germany
- [2019-09-13]FSFE talk and booth at BalCCon in Novi Sad, Serbia
- [2019-09-04]A discussion on Supporting non-IT organisations in Frankfurt, Germany
- [2019-08-21]FSFE talk on sustainability of software at the CCC camp in Mildenberg, Germany
- [2019-07-06]Tübix in Tübingen, Germany
- [2019-07-01]Max Mehl talks about IT security at Pass the SALT in Lille, France
- [2019-06-25]Libertybits Conference 2019 in Sofia, Bulgaria
- [2019-06-25]The FSFE with a lecture at the University of Tübingen in Tübingen, Germany
- [2019-06-12]Matthias Kirschner keynote about Free Software in our society at OW2con in Paris, France
- [2019-06-08]Galia Mancheva speaks about Public Money? Public Code! at TuxCon in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- [2019-06-05]Erik Albers talks about research software and digital resources in Potsdam, Germany
- [2019-05-29]Talk about FOSS legal trends in Saarbrücken, Germany in Saarbrücken, Germany
- [2019-05-21]Erik Albers talks about software sustainability at the Magdeburger Developer Days in Magdeburg, Germany
- [2019-05-18]Alexander Sander talks about Public Money? Public Code! at OSCAL in Tirana, Albania
- [2019-04-26]Max Mehl gives keynote about IT Security at Grazer Linuxtage in Graz, Austria
- [2019-04-08]FSFE Community Meeting Bonn - Free Software Licenses (RA Dr. Michael Stehmann) in Bonn, Deutschland
- [2019-04-08]Panel about Digitally empowering citizens and administrations in Barcelona, Spain
- [2019-04-06]Open Education Day in Berne, Switzerland
- [2019-04-03]Open Platforms for Open Data? in Vienna, Austria
- [2019-02-23]Winterkongress Digitale Gesellschaft in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2019-02-04]Copyleft Conference in Brussels
- [2018-12-27]The FSFE assembly at the Chaos Communication Congress 35C3 in Leipzig, Germany
- [2018-06-07]Keynote and panel by Max Mehl about "Public Money? Public Code!" at OW2Con in Paris, France in Paris, France
- [2017-11-16]Polina Malaja with a talk about REUSE at Open Compliance Summit 2017 in Yokohama, Japan
- [2017-09-28]The FSFE at the Copycamp in Warsaw, Poland
- [2017-07-05]Local FSFE Meeting Rhine/Main - Talk: Public Money, Public Code
- [2017-07-01]Local FSFE Group Rhine/Main - Talk: Die Software der Zukunft liegt in unseren Händen
- [2017-03-01]Fellowship Meeting Rhine/Main - Talk: Public Money, Public Code
- [2017-02-14]Open Source Leadership Summit in Lake Tahoe, CA, United States
- [2017-02-13]Richard Stallman gives a talk in Münster, Germany
- [2016-11-05]FSFE with talks and info booth at OpenRheinRuhr in Oberhausen, Germany
- [2016-07-06]Fellowship Meeting Rhine/Main - Talk: The long way to empower people to control technology
- [2016-05-11]Matthias Kirschner with Keynote at DORS/CLUC in Zagreb, Croatia: the long way to empower people to control technology
- [2016-03-02]Fellowship Meeting Rhine/Main - Talk: Freie Software Lizenzen
- [2015-12-03]Taking the lead: Setting standards for the future
- [2015-11-08] Talk about "Free Software in education – A glance at Europe" at FSCONS in Gothenburg, Sweden
- [2015-05-18]Keynote "Free Software in education – A glance at Europe" at DORS/CLUC in Zagreb, Croatia
- [2015-05-14]FSFE Booth at Open Tech Summit in Berlin, Germany
- [2015-05-09]Keynote "FFmpeg's FFV1 lossless video codec: A Free Software success story" at OSCAL in Tirana, Albania
- [2015-05-07]Keynote "Free Software, local economy and its political realization" at CUSL in Zaragoza, Spain
- [2015-01-21]Lecture about Free Software and Information Ethics, Humboldt University, Berlin
- [2014-11-28]Expert discussion "Sustainable software" with Erik Albers, Berlin, Deutschland
- [2014-11-12]"Free Software for Science" with Georg Greve in Konstanz, Germany
- [2013-02-22]Richard Stallman gives a speech at the University of Bucharest, Romania
- [2011-03-03]Talk at the CeBIT
- [2011-03-01]FSF founder Richard Stallman touring UK