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Education related content on FSFE.org

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Current campaigns:

  • NLedu
  • Edu-Team

  • Edu-Team page with Mission Statement
  • Why give precedence to Free Software at school?
  • UNESCO Director General, M. Koïchiro Matsuura's and UNESCO#s Free Software portal
  • Our associated organization: OFSET
  • Press release to LSM 2002
  • On July 9 2013 the prioritisation of Free Software was voted by the French parliament for the first time
  • Education paragraph in FSFE's submission to European Commission's Green Paper "Horizon 2020"
  • OLinux interview with Georg Greve on FSF’s purpose for education
  • WSIS Benchmarks
  • Transcript of Richard Stallman’s speech in Zagreb with education part [Section: Free Software and schools]
  • NLedu and edu-team in 2011’s donation letter
  • Georg Greve mentioning the importance of FS in education in the national parliament of Uruguay in Montevideo
  • News & events


  • Open Letter to Prime Minister Erdoğan
  • 2012

  • Manchester Fellowship-Meeting: subject UK submission of the edu-team
  • Talk Richard M. Stallman in Marly-le-Roi, France: "Free Software and education"
  • BBC interview with Sam Tuke: Is teaching programming political?
  • UK curriculum submission announcement
  • Fellowship interview Bernd Wurst on Freedroidz and education
  • 45 organisations join in legal complaint to Ministry of Education
  • 2011

  • FSCONS, Sweden: Talk by Guido Arnold “Catching them early – Free Software in Education”
  • UK open letter to The Guardian regading open standards in education
  • Fellowship interview Guido Arnold, deputy edu-team coordinator
  • Fellowship interview: Richard Shipman, Teaching Fellow, talks about the importance of promoting Free Software alongside alternatives at school level
  • FSFE newsletter: Robots, Football, and Education
  • 2010

  • Fellowship meeting Stuttgard with edu-team as subject
  • Talk by PB: "Freedom of education in the digital age? Free Software!"
  • Same talk, different event
  • Talk in Tampere: "Free Software in schools - the views of headmasters"
  • Linuxwochen (Austria) with focus on Free Software in education
  • BLIT: FSFE presentrf a booth with information and materials about Free Software in higher education
  • XMPP meeting about the edu-team
  • 2009

  • Talk by Peter Bubestinger: "Freedom of education through Free Software"
  • Same talk at
  • Free Software day in Krems, Austria
  • XMPP meeting on Free Software in education
  • Fellowship interview with Colin Turner, scientist and teacher
  • Fellowship interview with Smári McCarthy on er-to-peer education
  • AYC in Germany with education question
  • 2008

  • Talk by Georg Greve on SELF at FKFT
  • Fellowship meeting with the subject: "How can we collaborate with the different organizations around Free Software and Education?"
  • 2007

  • SELF kick-off India
  • Free Software in Science - India
  • SELF Sofia
  • FSFE at Free Software information event in Austrian school
  • 2006

  • Talk by Federico Heinz in Dublin, Ireland: "Free Software and Education”
  • SELF kick-off event in NL
  • 2005

  • Free Software Workshop, Damascus, Syria
  • - Formal education on Free Software on a university level


  • FSFE, Associazione Software Libero and PLIO sign an open letter to Italian Minister for Education
  • The TUX&GNU@school column

  • TGS landing page
  • Number 1
  • Number 2
  • Number 3
  • Number 4
  • Number 5
  • Number 6
  • Number 7
  • Number 8