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News Archive for 2005

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FSFE files application for leave to intervene in antitrust suit against Microsoft

23 November 2005

The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) filed an application for leave to intervene in the antitrust suit against Microsoft today. Georg Greve, President of FSFE said: "The more Microsoft is able to purchase its opponents' solidarity, the more important FSFE's commitment to freedom and interoperability is." These days, FSFE meets adversaries of freedom in various venues: In Brussels, the 'Intellectual Property Rights European Enforcement Directive' (IPRED2) is being pushed by the rights-holding industry, and Microsoft has shown that it was able to rewrite the Vienna Conclusions on ICT and Creativity for the UN World Summit on Information Society (WSIS).  

Erste Stellungnahme zu Microsofts neuen Shared-Source-Lizenzen

19 October 2005

Microsoft scheint endlich einen Schritt dabei vorwärts gemacht zu haben, ihren Nutzern Freiheit einzuräumen: [...] In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass Microsoft den Copyleft-Ansatz und insbesondere die GPL als "viral", "Krebsgeschwür" und "kommunistisch" bezeichnet hat, ist es eine wesentliche Entwicklung, dass Microsoft jetzt Lizenzen veröffentlicht, die den gleichen Prinzipien folgen.  

Statement of FSFE and FSF Latin America to the 2005 WIPO General Assemblies

30 September 2005

Not continuing what was begun, or changing from a horse to a mule midstream, as the honored Indian delegate so eloquently put it, would be wasting the time and effort spent on this initiative by all sides, North and South. For this reason we strongly support the notion of letting the IIM process finish what it began.  

Announcing the GPL Version 3 Development and Publicity Project (GPLv3)

06 September 2005

Stichting NLnet donate 150,000 EUR to support GPLv3 activities
The project will bring together thousands of organisations, software developers, and software users from around the globe during 2006, in an effort to update the world's most popular Free Software licence. The GPLv3 promises to be one of the largest participatory comments and adoption efforts ever undertaken.  

TuxMobil GNU/Linux Award 2005 granted

30 August 2005

The TuxMobil GNU/Linux Award 2005 has been granted to OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus, PI-Sync, KWlanInfo and BlueZ, in recognition of their efforts in users freedom.  

Keine Softwarepatente in Europa, FSFE fordert Aufsicht über Europäisches Patentamt

06 July 2005

Nach jahrelangem Hin und Her hat das Europäische Parlament endlich die Software-Patent-Richtlinie mit 648 von 680 Stimmen abgelehnt: Ein klares Signal gegen Patente auf Software-Logik, ein Zeichen des verlorenen Vertrauens in die Europäische Union und eine klare Aufforderung an das Europäische Patentamt (EPO), sein Vorgehen zu ändern: Das Europäische Patentamt muss noch heute aufhören, Patente auf Software zu erteilen.  

Karlsruhe Memorandum against Software Patents 2005

28 June 2005

Members of the European Parliament have been given a copy of the Karlsruhe Memorandum against Software Patents 2005. Issued by Free Software Foundation Europe, this memorandum collected more than 200 signatures at this year's GNU/LinuxTag conference in Karlsruhe. Citing scientific evidence, the text argues that software patents in Europe will hurt jobs and innovation. Among the supporters are leaders of some of Europe's biggest trade union groups.  

And the Fellowship-PDA goes to...

25 June 2005

Giovanni Angoli is the lucky winner of the Sharp SL-C1000 raffled at GNU/LinuxTag 2005 in Karlsruhe, Germany. FSFE congratulates Giovanni and thanks Werner Heuser of Xtops.DE who sponsored the PDA for Fellowship of FSFE!  

Microsoft missbraucht den guten Willen von Frau Kroes auf Kosten der europäischen Wirtschaft.

07 June 2005

"Microsoft missbraucht den guten Willen von Frau Kroes" - "Europäische Kommision ist im Begriff, einen einen juristischen Häuserkampf zu beginnen!"
Kommentar der FSFE zum neuesten Vorschlag von Microsoft: "Der Europäische Gerichtshof entschied im Dezember 2004, dass Microsoft diese Information ohne Aufschub veröffentlichen muss. Würde er angenommen, würde der Vorschlag diesen Gerichtsentscheid für den ernsthaftesten Konkurrenten von Microsoft in diesem Markt tatsächlich rückgängig machen."  

Software patents -- a danger to democracy

06 June 2005

Open letter to Mr Borrell Fontelles, President of the European Parliament. On July 6th, European Parliament will have to decide on the "Software Patents" directive. By relying on undefined terms and ineffective limits, the text that the Council has handed to the Parliament would allow patents on software standards, business methods, and website development.  

GNU/LinuxTag event page now online

03 June 2005

Europe's biggest Free Software conference, the GNU/LinuxTag in Karlsruhe, is less than three weeks ahead. The FSFE has set up a page to gather, list and publish information about its activities there.  

Join the revolution: internship position at FSFE

31 May 2005

"The FSFE is a great place to work, and I've enjoyed almost every single day. In few other companies or organisations would I have had the chance to do useful work and learn in an international context like I did here. Take this chance, if you can."  

FSFE Executive Summary 2003-2005

20 May 2005

On 7th May 2005, the general assembly of FSFE met in Vienna, Austria to review the activities of the past year and plan ahead for the next year to come. As this was the end of the second electorial period for FSFE's extended executive committee, the executive committee presented another two-year executive summary.  

Two year executive summary

07 May 2005

Four years after its official start in March 10th, 2001 and the finalisation of its founding process in April 24th, 2001, the general assembly on 7 May 2005 in Vienna, Austria marks the end of another electorial period for the Free Software Foundation Europe Extended Executive Committee. 

FSFE heisst FSF Lateinamerika willkommen

19 April 2005

Nach mehrmonatigen Diskussionen, an denen auch Georg Greve, der Präsident der FSFE, beteiligt war, hat eine Gruppe von Freie-Software-Aktivisten in Lateinamerika öffentlich ihre Absicht erklärt, sich dem weltweiten Netzwerk der Free Software Foundations anzuschließen.  

FSFE statement at WIPO IIM, Geneva

13 April 2005

Statement at Inter-Sessional, Inter-Governmental Meeting (IIM), 11-13 April 2005: "We explicitly support the Friends of Development in their statement that no tool should ever be promoted for its own sake and should therefore be beyond review. [...] Essential building blocks of human creativity, such as access to knowledge and freedom to participate in society and economy should once again become the norm, not the exception. [...]"  

Software patents putting International Financial Report Standards (IFRS) in danger

05 April 2005

Open Letter to staunchly pro-software patent European Information & Communications Technology Industry Association: "We would like to inform you how software patents pose a threat to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as all the ideas used in these standards will be implemented in software and would therefore be patentable."  

FSFE to help bring Microsoft to its feet

21 March 2005

Pushed by the FSFE, the EU antitrust case against Microsoft is gathering momentum again. "We will help the Commission to bring Microsoft to its feet and move towards re-establishing competition", Georg Greve, FSFE's president.  

Europas Städte werden an Softwarepatenten leiden

07 March 2005

Brief an Catherine Parmentier, Chief Executive Officer von EUROCITIES: "Mit der Einführung von Softwarepatenten müssten sich europäische Städte drastisch ansteigender Kosten und einer zunehmend schwierigeren rechtlichen Situation mit hohen Risiken für die Verwaltung bewusst sein."  

Mach' beim Fellowship mit und schütze Deine Freiheit!

28 February 2005

"Wir stehen auf für eine digitale Gesellschaft, die Freiheit und Privatsphäre respektiert. Es geht uns um den Erhalt der Möglichkeit, diese zu gestalten und an ihr teilzuhaben." Unter diesem Motto hat die Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) gestern ihr Fellowship Programm im Rahmen der FOSDEM Konferenz für Freie Software in Brüssel gestartet.  

UN WGIG: Commented Papers Available

11 February 2005

On 1st February 2005, the United Nations Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) published a set of 20 issue papers concerning "Internet Governance." Together with its associate organisation La Fundación Vía Libre, the Free Software Foundation Europe managed to comment on the paper on "Cyber security, cybercrime", which, among other things, asked to outlaw the art of finding elegant solutions to non-obvious problems ("hacking") and the paper on "Intellectual Property Rights", which for instance asked to "balance human rights with the interests of rights-holders."  

TUX&GNU@school Ausgabe 8 erschienen

07 February 2005

Die Kolume TUX&GNU@school ist in ihrer 8. Ausgabe erschienen. In dieser Ausgabe stellt Mario Fux GAMGI, Skolelinux und das KDE Edutainment Projekt vor. Die Kolumne wird in Zukunft in fünf verschiedenen Sprachen (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Schwedisch und Spanisch) verfübar sein.  

Softwarepatente schaden Banken

07 February 2005

Ab dem Zeitpunkt, ab dem Softwarepatente eine Rechtsgrundlage in Europa haben, ist ein dramatischer Anstieg von Klagen im Bankgewerbe wahrscheinlich. Jede Bank oder jedes Unternehmen, das Software zum Management seiner Kreditrisiken nutzt, könnte ein Ziel solcher Prozesse werden -- dieses Risiko ist unkalkulierbar und könnte mit Rechtsstreitigkeiten in Milliardenhöhe enden.