Fellowship Interview with Alexander Kahl
Fedora maintainer Alex discusses working with Free technology at Nokia, the threat of diluting Free Software principles, and how he uses computing for emotional development.
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Fedora maintainer Alex discusses working with Free technology at Nokia, the threat of diluting Free Software principles, and how he uses computing for emotional development.
Un mois après l'envoi des lettres pour la campagne PDFreaders, 172 institutions publiques ont arrêté la publicité pour des lecteurs PDF propriétaires sur leurs sites internet. Les réponses de la Croatie, de la Russie et de la Slovénie ont été particulièrement remarquables. En Croatie, presque toutes les institutions signalées ont retiré les publicités. La moitié de celles signalées en Russie et en Slovénie se sont pliées aux demandes de la FSFE.
La Commission Européenne a publié aujourd'hui sa très attendue révision du Cadre Européen d'Interopérabilité (EIF, European Interoperability Framework). Ce document vise à promouvoir l'interopérabilité dans le secteur public européen. Il est le résultat d'un processus long et difficile. La Free Software Foundation Europe a accompagné ce processus et a fourni des informations à la Commission Européenne à plusieurs reprises.
La Commission Européenne va dépenser 189 millions d'euros sur du logiciel privateura au cours des six prochaines années, allant directement à l'encontre de ses propres décisions et recommandations. La Commission a annoncé la semaine dernière un accord-cadre de six ans en vue d'acquérir une large gamme de logiciels, principalement des logiciels privateurs, et des services liés1.
GNU Scientific hacker Brian explains why printing Free Documentation is a serious business, why he loves Emacs Org-Mode, and why adaptability is key for Free Software.
Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson, Free Software developer and community builder from Iceland, has received the Nordic Free Software Award.
Un mois, une campagne, un objectif : se débarrasser des publicités pour des logiciels non libres sur les sites web publics. En quatre semaines, la FSFE a reçu des rapports concernant 2162 institutions européennes qui promeuvent des lecteurs PDF non libres. en plus des 305 activistes qui ont pris part à la recherche d'institutions, 46 entreprises, 38 organisations et 1500 personnes à titre individuel ont signé notre Pétition pour le retrait des publicités pour des logiciels propriétaires des sites web publics. Maintenant que la chasse est terminée, il est temps de pourchasser ces sites web qui encoragent leurs visiteurs à mettre leurs libertés en danger. Il est temps de nous affranchir des publicités !
Interviews with FSFE fellows are back! In the first in this new series Chris Woolfrey talks to Leena Simon about dogmatism, surveillance, and why Free Software needs more geek girls.
Au cours de la campagne pdfreaders.org de la Free Software Foundation Europe, des centaines de partisans des logiciels libres de 41 pays ont signalé 2286 institutions du secteur public faisant de la publicité pour des lecteurs PDF non libres sur leurs sites web. La FSFE va maintenant entrer en contact avec ces institutions pour obtenir le retrait d’un maximum de publicités des sites web d'ici à la fin de l'année. Vous pouvez suivre les progrès de cette action sur la liste des institutions signalées.
FSFE yesterday sent a letter to the European Commission to support Open Standards and interoperability. In the drawn-out battle to retain at least a weak recommendation for Open Standards in the revised European Interoperability Framework, FSFE has countered a leaked letter by proprietary lobby group Business Software Alliance with its own thorough analysis of the relation between standards and patents.
With the upcoming local elections, the Vienna Fellowship group asked the political parties about Free Software and Open Standards. Eight out of fifteen parties replied to the questions about use of Free Software, adoption of Open Standards for communication (internal and external) and E-Governance.
La Free Software Foundation Europe en appelle aux Européens pour rechercher les publicités pour des lecteurs PDF propriétaires sur les pages des sites internet de leurs gouvernements et de les rapporter. En outre, la FSFE a préparéune pétition demandant la cessation de ces pratiques publicitaires et encourageant le public à la signer.
La Free Software Foundation Europe en appelle aux entreprises européennes de logiciels libres pour participer à un sondage sur les attitudes des entreprises envers l'inclusion de brevets dans les standards industriels et l'acceptabilité de cette pratique.
Research published this week suggests that the majority of federal government departments in Germany are ignoring requirements to implement Open Standards.
Research published by FSFE this week suggests that the majority of federal government departments in Germany are ignoring requirements to implement Open Standards.
Minister of state Cornelia Rogall-Grothe, IT Commissioner of the German government, said in an interview with the newspaper C't (C't 2010 Heft 15, S. 150-51) that "only by using Open Standards can [the government] obtain independence from software development companies". He also recognised that "maximal interoperability can be reached with open IT-Standards".
Dear Minister Roberto Bizzo,
On 25 May 2010 the regional government authority of
Bolzano decided to spend 2.2 million EUR over the next three years to
renew software licenses from Microsoft Ireland, and to buy additional
licenses. All this was done without a public call for tender, making it
impossible for competing suppliers of similar software to make offers of
their own.
David Reyes Samblas Martinez is the founder of Spanish Copyleft Hardware store Tuxbrain, and attended the famous Open University of Catalunya. He’s also the subject of this month’s Fellowship interview, in which he answers questions on hardware manufacturing, e-learning and Free Software politics.
The European Commission has officially published its long-awaited Digital Agenda, outlining its policy plans for the next five years. "While it includes some important building blocks for Free Software, the omission of Open Standards rips a gaping hole in this agenda," says Karsten Gerloff, President of the Free Software Foundation Europe.
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) on Saturday received the Theodor Heuss Medal in recognition of its work for freedom in the information society. The medal is awarded once a year in Stuttgart by a non-partisan foundation named for West Germany's first president.
Berlin, le 28 avril 2010. Georg Greve, fondateur de la Free Software Foundation Europe a été décoré de la Croix du mérite par la République fédérale d’Allemagne (Verdienstkreuz am Bande). Le Président allemand a ainsi récompensé son travail dans le domaine des Logiciels Libres et des Standards Ouverts.
Today is Document Freedom Day 2010. For the third time, groups all over the world are celebrating open document formats and Open Standards. They are raising awareness for how a technical issue impacts our day- to-day lives.
The European Commission is currently trying to get a new draft of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) approved by Member States. The draft gives rise to concerns that the Commission is giving up its worldwide leadership in the use of Open Standards, hurting innovation, competition and user freedom in Europe. FSFE has updated its analysis page, comparing the current draft with previous versions, as well as demands from a proprietary lobby group. Ahead of Document Freedom Day on March 31, FSFE is in conversation with EC and Member State decision makers to make them aware of the problem.
Berlin/Vienna March 24. The Free Software Foundation Europe awarded Deutschlandradio and Radio Orange with the Document Freedom Day 2010 Prize for using Open Standards and promoting them in society. FSFE's German team together with the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) will present the DFD cake displaying "rOGG on!" in Berlin and Cologne to Deutschlandradio. The Austrian DFD cake goes to the Vienna-based station Radio Orange 94.0.
FSFE's Fellows have elected their second representative to the organisation's governing body, the General Assembly. Julia Klein will join Torsten Grote in FSFE's strategic decision making body to speak for the Fellows for the next two years.
Will you be able to read your documents 20 years from now? Every day, millions of computer users like you edit text and spreadsheets, take pictures and record audio and video. What if you couldn't read your private letters anymore, or even open that album with pictures from your honeymoon? What if you couldn't exchange those files with friends, because the software used by each one of you can't talk to each other? To help you make your documents future-proof, we celebrate Document Freedom Day on March 31.
FSFE welcomes the arrival of greater competition in the web browser market. From today, Microsoft has to offer Windows users in Europe the possibility to choose among different browsers. This step puts into practice the company's settlement with the European Commission from December 2009. The Free Software Foundation Europe was an active participant in the Commission's investigation.
Cette année pour la Saint-Valentin, la FSFE appelle les utilisateurs de Logiciel Libre à montrer leur amour pour le Logiciel Libre. Derrière chaque initiative de logiciel libre et derrière chaque organisation, il y a de réelles personnes qui travaillent dur.
During the whole of February 2010, FSFE's Fellows will be able to elect their second representative in FSFE's General Assembly. The winner of the election will help FSFE's strategic decision making body plan the future of the organisation, and will join Torsten Grote who occupies the first Fellowship seat since earlier last year. Both Fellowship representatives are full members of the General Assembly for a term of two years, and have all the rights and obligations of other members.
La Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) reçoit la médaille Theodor Heuss 2010 pour son travail extraordinaire en faveur d'une participation équitable de tous à la société de l'information. Depuis l'an 2000, la FSFE se dévoue aux libertés d'utiliser, d'analyser, de modifier et de redistribuer les logiciels dans tous les domaines de la société et de la politique. La fondation Theodor Heuss indique : « la FSFE est une association d'avant-garde qui contribue au développement et à la mise en place de règles pour une bonne gouvernance mondiale. »