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On Valentine's Day, show your love for Free Software!

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This year on Valentine's Day, FSFE calls on Free Software users everywhere to show their love for Free Software. Behind every Free Software initiative and organisation there are real, hard-working people.

Free Software is everywhere. Its presence on desktop computers, servers, routers, mobile phones, television sets and in other electronics means that most of us use Free Software every day.

This is why for Valentine's Day, FSFE invites everyone to show their appreciation of the people who produce, distribute and promote Free Software.

“This year why not take the opportunity to show you care about the people who show you their love all year round?”, suggests Karsten Gerloff, FSFE's President. “Free Software is about making technology fit people's needs. It's people who are at the centre of it all, not computers.”

On its campaign page, FSFE suggests what users can do to show that they appreciate Free Software. Simply sending a developer a mail to say “Thank you”, buying them a book or just giving them a hug – with their permission, naturally. Donating to a Free Software organisation is also among the options.

Everyone is invited to post pictures online of them showing their love for Free Software. On and Twitter, FSFE is using the hash tag #ilovefs to collect pictures and build a collage.

You can see what people have posted so far: