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Berlin sends a message for "I love Free Software" day

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In celebration of the "I love Free Software" day on February 14, the Berlin Reichtag has been illuminated with the message "Give Free Software A Chance" last weekend. On numerous buildings and symbolic places in Berlin other messages have been projected. "Build Free Software - Not Walls" could have been read on the Berlin Wall, and the Federal Ministry of Finances has been decorated by the slogan "Public Money, Public Code". Thereby, activists draw attention to the importance of larger appreciation of Free Software.

FSFE representatives also delivered an open letter together with a rose to all members of German parliament in which they demand a higher political support of Free Software and the a higher recognition of voluntary Free Software development.

Max Mehl, program manager of FSFE, comments: "Free Software enables everyone to use, study, share, and improve programs for any purpose. These rights help support other fundamental rights like freedom of speech, freedom of press, and privacy. Therefore, we ask politics and administration to put publicly financed software under a free license. Software funded by public money should be a common good and available to all people so that the whole society can benefit from it."

The "I love Free Software" day is being celebrated on every Valentine's Day and is dedicated to the countless voluntary contributors of Free Software.

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