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Call for sessions at the FSFE assembly during 35C3

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Scritto da admin

In the context of the 35th Chaos Communication Congress happening from December 27th to 30th in Leipzig, the FSFE is happy to host an assembly again, acting as an information booth and a meeting point for our friends and all friends of Free Software. As in previous editions, we offer attention and a stage for self-organised sessions by and for our community, and this is our call for participation.

For our sessions at the FSFE assembly, we are looking for inspiring talks, hands-on workshops, community/developer/strategy meetings or any other public, informative or collaborative activities. Topics can be anything that is about or related to Free Software. We welcome technical sessions but even more we encourage to give non-technical talks that address philosophical, economical or other aspects of/about Free Software, in particular about growing diverse communities. We also enjoy sessions about related subjects that have a clear connection to Free Software, for example privacy, data protection, sustainability and similar topics. Finally, we welcome all backgrounds – from your private project to global community projects.

Do you have something different in mind? For our friends, it is also possible to have informal meetings, announcements or other activities at our assembly. In this case, get in touch and we will see what we can do.

Hannes Hauswedell giving a session about secure mobile messengers during 33C3


If you are interested in hosting a session at the FSFE assembly, please apply before

** Sunday, November 18, 18:00 UTC **

by sending an email to Galia Mancheva (OpenPGP) with the subject “Session at 35C3” and use the following template:

You will be informed latest on Monday, November 26, if your session is accepted.

Important details

Related information:

Please, share this call with your friends and/or your favourite mailing list.

FSFE booth at 34C3