List of pages tagged "elections"
- [2025-02-12]German elections +++ I Love FS Day +++ DMA, Ada, Router Freedom
- [2025-02-06]German Elections 2025: We demand public code, secure funding for Free Software, and transparent measurement of progress!
- [2024-06-04]Elezioni UE +++ DMA & Apple +++ Strumento REUSE
- [2024-05-30]EU election: FSFE Netherlands Coordinator joins Amsterdam's Digital City Debate
- [2024-04-02]DMA e Device Neutrality +++ voto di CRA & PLD +++ Attivati per le elezioni in UE
- [2024-03-21]Let’s advocate together for Free Software in the European Elections
- [2019-05-16]FSFE Newsletter - May 2019
- [2018-12-05]The FSFE needs you to continue spreading software freedom in Europe!
- [2018-03-02]Ask Your Candidates: I partiti italiani consolidano la loro posizione sull'adozione del Software Libero e Open Source nella PA
- [2017-08-29]Digital-O-Mat: Compare your views on Internet policies with the parties for the German federal election 2017
- [2017-04-19]Digital-o-Mat: Campaigning for freedom in the state elections of North Rhine-Westphalia
- [2014-03-04] Get candidates for this years’ European elections to make a stand for Free Software
- [2009-09-21] Free Software hits German election campaigns