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News Archive for 2008

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Fellowship Interview with Johannes (Hanno) Böck

18 December 2008

This month we interviewed Johannes Böck about CAcert, Gentoo, OpenStreetMap, privacy, security, and Free Software businesses. This is the third in our series of Fellowship interviews - "the smallest unit of freedom".  

FSFE annuncia uno sprint di traduzioni di 4 settimane

15 December 2008

La Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) annuncia uno sprint di traduzioni per le proprie pagine web che durerà dal 15 dicembre 2008 all'11 gennaio 2009. Scopo di questo sprint è quello di fornire informazioni sul Software Libero e sul lavoro di FSFE nel maggior numero di lingue possibile.  

FTF and gpl-violations release a guide to reporting and fixing licence violations

08 December 2008

FSFE's Freedom Task Force (FTF) and today released a guide to reporting and fixing licence compliance issues. This guide will help users and developers to deal with license violation reports. It explains how to make a report, what information is useful to include, and offers suggestions for how projects or businesses can deal with reports once they are received. 

Analysis on balance: Standardisation and Patents

02 December 2008

Following up on the "IPR in ICT Standardisation" Workshop two weeks ago in Brussels, FSFE president Georg Greve analysed the conflicts between patents and standards. The resulting paper is about the most harmful effects of patents on standards, the effectiveness of current remedies, and potential future remedies.  

Fellowship Interview with Rolf Camps

28 October 2008

This month Ciarán O'Riordan interviewed Rolf Camps about translating, volunteering, and awareness of Free Software in Belgium. Translations are utterly crucial for a European organisation, and it's a lot of work that doesn't get much visible credit, so Ciarán wanted to ask Rolf about motivations and what's involved. This is the second in our series of Fellowship interviews - "the smallest unit of freedom".  

FSFE per Libertà Non Paura

07 October 2008

La Free Software Foundation Europe promuove il Software Libero perché ogni cittadino possa avere un ruolo indipendente, attivo e responsabile nella società dell'informazione. Ma la censura, le violazioni del principio della 'Neutralità della Rete' e la crescente sorveglianza in rete non si conciliano con questi obiettivi. Per questo, FSFE invita alla partecipazione alla giornata di azione globale "Libertà Non Paura", che si svolgerà questo sabato, l'11 Ottobre.  

Buon compleanno GNU! - La FSFE festeggia il 25° compleanno del Progetto GNU!

27 September 2008

Oggi è il venticinquesimo anniversario dell'annuncio iniziale del progetto GNU, un'iniziativa pionieristica tesa a sviluppare un sistema operativo che dia a tutti gli utenti la libertà di modificarlo e di pubblicarne versioni modificate, individualmente o in collaborazione. La Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) loda i notevoli risultati raggiunti nel primo quarto di secolo di GNU ed è impaziente di promuovere il loro comune obiettivo di rendere possibili le libertà del software.  

FSFE to make legal consolidation tool available in 10 languages

26 September 2008

The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) announced today that it plans to make the Fiduciary License Agreement (FLA) available ten languages. The selected languages are English, German, French, Italian, Swedish, Serbian, Polish, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese.  

25 years GNU = 25% discount for 25 days

22 September 2008

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the GNU project FSFE will be offering a 25% discount on merchandise from the 23th September until the 17th October. Please note that this discount does not apply to shipping costs.  

Printable information material about FSFE available for download

31 August 2008

A folder with general information about FSFE and Free Software, and some leaflets with specific information about FSFE's projects and activities are now available online in HTML and PDF format. Everybody can download, print, distribute!  

FSFE welcomes KDE's adoption of the Fiduciary Licence Agreement (FLA)

22 August 2008

"We see the adoption of the FLA by KDE as a positive and important milestone in the maturity of the Free Software community," says Georg Greve, president of Free Software Foundation Europe. "The FLA was designed to help projects increase the legal maintainability of their software to ensure long-term protection and reliability. KDE is among the most important Free Software initiatives and it is playing a central role in bringing freedom to the desktop. This decision of the KDE project underlines its dedication to think about how to make that freedom last."  

Stabilisers for freedom: Wine 1.0

18 June 2008

"Of course, it should be in the users interest to 'ride their bicycles independently', i.e. not having to rely on training wheels. However, the training wheels keep children from falling and give freedom to both the children and their parents. Likewise Wine helped to give freedom and security to the users. It is for this we are thankful and we recognise their work." and FSFE's Freedom Task Force to work more closely together

27 May 2008

"It is a clear, legal fact that distributing Free Software means people must comply with the licences. and the FTF are now building the long-term legal infrastructure for support and compliance" comments Harald Welte. Shane Coughlan adds "I believe our new agreement will help ensure sustainability for legal infrastructure to support Free Software in Europe."  

FSFE concerned about quality of standardisation process

02 April 2008

"Technologically speaking, the state of IS29500 is depressing," says Marko Milenovic of FSFE's Serbian Team and co-chair of the Serbian technical committee on DIS29500. "In large parts it is low quality technical prose that fails to use the normative terminology mandated by ISO/IEC's guidelines. We've been told to wait for the maintenance process for MS-OOXML to become usable. That ISO would knowingly approve a dysfunctional specification is disillusioning."  

26 March 2008: Today is Document Freedom Day!

26 March 2008

Today is Document Freedom Day: Roughly 200 teams from more than 60 countries worldwide are organising local activities to raise awareness for Document Freedom and Open Standards. [...] Document Freedom is about giving you control of your information, it is about giving governments control of their public records, and it is about freedom of choice. You can give yourself that freedom today [...]  

Petition calls for Open Standards in the European Parliament

06 March 2008

At a time when the EU Commission investigates the anti-competitive behaviour of a market-dominant player, the European Parliament (EP) still imposes that same specific software choice on both the European Union's citizens and its own MEPs. OpenForum Europe, The European Software Market Association, and the Free Software Foundation Europe today launched a petition to call on the EP to use Open Standards so that all citizens can participate in the democratic process.  

FSFE context briefing: Interoperability woes with MS-OOXML.

05 March 2008

FSFE has released a context briefing on Interoperability problems caused by Microsoft's Office OpenXML format: "The proposed MS-OOXML/DIS29500 specification raises serious technical and legal concerns. This context briefing highlights three examples of how the proposed specification and its practical implementation in MS Office 2007 hinders interoperability, fosters vendor dependence and results in market distortion."  

FSFE invita Microsoft a rilasciare le informazioni sull'interoperabilità senza restrizioni

28 February 2008

La Commissione Europea ha condannato Microsoft a una multa di 899 milioni di Euro per comportamento anticoncorrenziale, avendo limitato l'accesso alle informazioni necessarie per l'interoperabilità. "Microsoft è l'ultima azienda che promuove attivamente l'uso dei brevetti software per limitare l'interoperabilità. Questo genere di comportamento è del tutto fuori luogo nella società di Internet dove tutti i componenti dovrebbero connettersi senza interruzioni qualunque sia la loro origine," afferma Georg Greve, presidente della Free Software Foundation Europe.  

Microsoft pledge excluding primary competitors

22 February 2008

Yesterday's media briefing by Microsoft on its its pledge to release interoperability information for flagship products contained little actual news. Over the years Microsoft has made multiple similar pledges and they at times proved to be detrimental rather than beneficial for interoperability. Examining the terms of the Microsoft's latest action shows no major change of policy.  

26 March: A global day for document liberation

20 February 2008

The Document Freedom Day (DFD) is a global day for Document Liberation with grassroots action for promotion of Free Document Formats and Open Standards in general. The DFD was initiated and is supported by a group of organisations and companies, including, but not limited to, the Free Software Foundation Europe, ODF Alliance, OpenForum Europe, IBM, Red Hat and Sun Microsystems, Inc. On 26 March 2008, the Document Freedom Day will provide a global rallying point for Document Liberation and Open Standards.  

FSFE Context Briefing: DIS-29500 - Deprecated before use?

18 February 2008

When ECMA submitted MS-OOXML as ECMA-376 to ISO for fast-track approval, several countries criticised overlap with the existing ISO standard ISO/IEC 26300:2006, the Open Document Format (ODF). [...] Considering that alleged preservation of idiosyncrasies is the stated reason for the entire DIS-29500 ISO process, FSFE considers it worthwhile to investigate this claim in greater depth.  

NLnet continua a sostenere la Freedom Task Force di FSFE

18 January 2008

La Freedom Task Force di FSFE è stata lanciata nel Novembre 2006 per fornire sostegno a individui, progetti e imprese nella comprensione delle licenze del Software Libero. La fase iniziale della FTF è stata possibile grazie al sostegno dell'organizzazione filantropica olandese NLnet foundation. Il supporto di NLnet ha permesso alla FTF di fornire servizi di formazione e consulenza e di lavorare in collaborazione con per risolvere i problemi di rispetto delle licenze nel contesto europeo. La FTF ha anche formato reti di esperti tecnici e legali per promuovere la cooperazione tra avvocati, progetti e imprese per quanto riguarda le licenze. Ora, dopo oltre dodici mesi di continua crescita, NLnet procura un secondo giro di supporto finanziario a questo innovativo progetto legale.