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Thomas Jensch takes on coordination for FSFE's edu-team

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Thomas Jensch, FSFE's current intern in the Zurich office, took on the role of coordinator for FSFE's edu-team. During his internship, one of Thomas' tasks is to reorganise and revive FSFE's activities related to Free Software in education. He already agreed to continue coordinating the team after the conclusion of his internship in November.

One of the first objectives of the team will be the update and restyling of the Education project pages and the collection of useful information and links about Free Software in education.

To receive information about the progresses and news of the edu-team, it is possible to register to the mailing list, to get in contact with the core team you can send an e-mail to

Karsten Gerloff, FSFE's president, was recently interviewed about the FSFE's role and vision concerning Free Software in education. The interview is available here (in German).