Free Software is key for fair competition. We advocate for a strict and effective enforcement of the Digital Markets Act in a developer friendly way. Help us with a donation to achieve that!

Kujdes: Kjo faqe s’është përkthyer ende. Ajo që po shihni më poshtë, është faqja në versionin origjinal. Ju lutemi, përdorni këtë faqe që të shihni se si mund të ndihmoni te përkthimet dhe anë të tjera.


News Archive for 2018

The FSFE empowers users to control technology with its diverse activities and concrete engagement for software freedom. Follow us and make sure to receive regular updates and deeper insights on our various channels.

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The FSFE needs you to continue spreading software freedom in Europe!

05 December 2018

Since 2001 the Free Software Foundation Europe empowers software users to exert control over the technology that is so deeply involved in every aspect of our lives today. As a non-profit organisation, our work is backed by the continuous and generous contributions of our supporters. From public campaigns to policy monitoring, from removing legal barriers to helping organisations in understanding how Free Software contributes to freedom, transparency, and self-determination, our supporters have helped to finance our work.  

Annual report of the Free Software Foundation Europe 2018

05 November 2018 –

"Software freedom in Europe" is the yearly report of the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). In one document, it gives you a breakdown of important things the FSFE has done and achieved during the last 12 months. In the 2018 report, you will read about our electoral campaigns, our input on the European Union's copyright reform, and about our successful outreach in demanding publicly financed software be made publicly available under a Free Software licence. You will also get insights about the events we (co-)organised and about our community and groups that helped us with these achievements. Finally, we will display some numbers showing what resources we counted on, and giving an outlook for the next year. 

Call for sessions at the FSFE assembly during 35C3

24 October 2018 – , admin

In the context of the 35th Chaos Communication Congress happening from December 27th to 30th in Leipzig, the FSFE is happy to host an assembly again, acting as an information booth and a meeting point for our friends and all friends of Free Software. As in previous editions, we offer attention and a stage for self-organised sessions by and for our community, and this is our call for participation. 

"Go open today, there's no excuse not to" - interview with Timo Aarnio, GIS expert at National Land Survey Finland.

17 September 2018 – , Alexandra Busch

Oskari is a Free Software platform for browsing, sharing and analysing geographic information from distributed data sources. Its development is coordinated by the National Land Survey of Finland and is organised through the Oskari network with over 38 organisations from both the public and private sector. Oskari was awarded second prize in the cross-border category of the European Commission's Sharing and Reuse Awards Contest 2017 and is currently going through incubation phase to become an official Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) Project. To shed light on best practices regarding Free Software developed by public funds, we have conducted an interview with Timo Aarnio, GIS Expert at the National Land Survey of Finland’s SDI Services department.  

New FSFE staff member Alexander Sander: EU public policy programme manager

07 September 2018 –

The Free Software Foundation Europe is happy to welcome our newest staffer Alexander Sander. Alexander is hired as our new EU public policy programme manager and works full-time in the FSFE's Berlin office. In this position, Alexander mainly works with us on policy topics covering Free Software and Open Standards issues at the EU and member state level and helps us identify and monitor EU policy developments to alert the FSFE's network on relevant issues. 

"Call to Action: Save Free Software this September"

05 September 2018 – George Brooke-Smith

Free Software is at risk! On the 12th of September the EU is getting ready to vote on a "Copyright Reform" package, which undermines the foundations upon which Free Software is built. The proposed Article 13 of the EU Copyright Directive targets every online service that allows its users to upload and share content with each other, including code hosting platforms. 

FSFE is hiring: project manager

16 July 2018

We are looking for a project manager to support our work to empower people to control technology. The person will work 35 hours per week with our team in the FSFE's Berlin office supporting FSFE projects and managing larger FSFE events. There will be coordination with remote staff and volunteers, as well as travels to other countries. 

Using Free Software to build a more democratic, inclusive and sustainable digital society - interview with Francesca Bria, CTO of Barcelona.

05 July 2018 –

Barcelona, the second most populous municipality of Spain, is actively working on a "smart city" agenda that is reshaping modern city's infrastucture and technologies to put citizen's needs first. Key to Barcelona's agenda is the use and promotion of Free Software and open technologies as a social good, to enable collaboration between administrations and to escape vendor lock-ins. Barcelona is also the first City Council who signed the open letter for “Public Money? Public Code!”. To shed light on Barcelona's best practice, we have conducted an interview with Francesca Bria, Chief Technology and Digital Innovation Officer at the Barcelona City Council, to ask her about ongoing innovations and developments in Barcelona. 

Technical Note: Mail Issues on June 8

13 June 2018 – ,

On Friday morning, one of our servers had a fatal hardware crash. This affected parts of our mail infrastructure and mailing lists. Meanwhile, all services are back to normal. We would like to inform you about what happened and which problems it caused. In a nutshell: Please make sure your emails arrived and check your SMTP settings. 

How Spanish administrations reuse software - an interview with Elena Muñoz Salinero about best practices.

01 June 2018 –

The Technology Transfer Centre (CTT) is an initiative run by the Spanish government whose goal is to facilitate sharing and reuse of software and services among public administrations. To shed light on this best practice, we have conducted an interview with Elena Muñoz Salinero, head of CTT, to ask her about the legal, political and technological background of the CTT.  

LLW2018: The FSFE brings together top legal experts to debate about cross-cutting legal and licensing issues around Free Software

30 May 2018 – Polina Malaja

Following more than a decade long tradition, the FSFE once again led its annual Free Software Legal and Licensing Workshop (LLW) in 2018: a meeting point for world-leading legal experts to debate issues and best practices surrounding Free Software licences. This year we decided to bring the event back to its roots and emphasise the "Workshop" part in its original title: around 120 legal experts gathered for a 3-day conference in Barcelona, Spain with an unprecedented amount of parallel tracks and interactive sessions designed to dive into the most contentious topics in the legal world of Free Software. 

FSFE simplifies membership procedures for contributors

26 May 2018 –

During last year's General Assembly the FSFE's Council was asked to prepare a constitution change to remove the so-called "Fellowship seats". This motion was adopted with 20:3 votes and zero abstentions. Today the FSFE's General Assembly approved in an extraordinary meeting the removal of the Fellowship seats. In future, access to membership of the FSFE shall be facilitated through the normal membership procedures for active FSFE contributors. 

Thirrje për Pjesëmarrje: Takim i Bashkësisë së FSFE-së dhe pistë e FSFE-së gjatë Libre Software Meeting në Strasburg, Francë

14 April 2018

Libre Software Meeting (LSM) është ndoshta takimi më i madh në Francë mbi Software-in e Lirë, organizuar nga bashkësitë dhe në 2018-n do të shërbejë si strehë e takimit të bashkësisë së FSFE-së. Ai zhvillohet në Strasburg dhe FSFE-ja do të organizojë pistën e vet në ditët e para të LSM-së, nga 7 deri më 9 korrik. Ky është shansi juaj të jeni pjesë e takimit të bashkësisë së FSFE-së dhe edhe të mbani një fjalë në LSM 2018. Afati i aplikimit për një fjalë është 30 prilli - dhe, përpara se ta harroni, aplikoni që tani! 

Thirrje për Pjesëmarrje: Pistë e FSFE-së Mbi "Edukimin Dixhital" Gjatë Libre Software Meeting në Strasburg, Francë

22 March 2018

Nga 7 deri më 12 korrik do të zhvillohet Libre Software Meeting në Strasburg, Francë. Konferenca, e njohur edhe si RMLL, është veprimtaria vjetore më e madhe e Software-it të Lirë për Francën, që zhvillohet në pika të ndryshme të vendit. Këtë, tema kryesore është "Edukimi Dixhital: krijim robërie apo fuqizim i ri?". Me pistën e FSFE-së po shohim për ide frymëzuese lidhur me kafazet e arta dhe çlirimin jo vetëm në institucione edukative, por në jetën tonë të përditshme. 

#ilovefs Report 2018

08 March 2018

On Wednesday 14th of February, our community celebrated the annual "I love Free Software Day". A day to declare love to the communities most important to you as well as saying "Thank You" to the Free Software projects surrounding us every single day. The Free Software Foundation Europe also wants to thank everyone who cheered and contributed to make this day as special as it could be. 

Ask Your Candidates: Italian parties offer progress towards the use of Free Software in public entities

02 March 2018 –

The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) publishes the results of the Ask Your Candidates campaign that FSFE Italy did run for the Italian election. Multiple questions have been sent to the major political parties that run for office in the national elections on March 4. We received positive statements by "Movimento 5 Stelle", "Liberi e Uguali", "Partito Democratico" and "Potere al Popolo". Unfortunately, there have been no answers by "+Europa", "Forza Italia", "Fratelli d'Italia" and "Lega Nord".  

FSFE Italy pyet partitë politike për pozicionet e tyre lidhur me Software-in e Lirë

19 February 2018 –

Me rastin e zgjedhjeve të ardhshme në Itali më 4 mars, ekipi vendor i FSFE-së në Itali u dërgoi disa pyetje pastive pjesëmarrëse, për të njohur pozicionin e tyre lidhur me Software-in e Lirë në administratën publike dhe arsim. Do të botojmë dhe analizojmë përgjigjet e tyre, sapo t’i marrim. 

Takim Europian mbi Politikat e Software-it të Lirë 2018: më tepër veprimtari të përbashkëta për Software-in e Lirë në Europë

15 February 2018 – Polina Malaja

Duke ndjekur traditën e konsoliduar të mbledhjes së grupeve aktive të Software-it të Lirë përpara se të nisë FOSDEM-i, FSFE-ja sërish në bashkëpunim me OpenForum Europe organizuan në Bruksel, në zemrën e vendimmarrjes në Europë, edicionin e tretë të Takimit Europian mbi Politika të Software-it të Lirë. 

Merrni pjesë në ditën I Love Free Software Day 2018

12 February 2018 –

Free Software Foundation Europe fton këdo të shprehë falënderim për krejt kontribuesit te Software i Lirë më 14 shkurt. Vitin e kaluar I Love Free Software Day i qe kushtuar aktivizmit jashtë internetit për t’i treguar njerëzve jashtë flluskës tonë të filtrimit rreth rëndësisë së Software-it të Lirë. Këtë të mërkurë, do t’u kthehemi rrënjëve tona dhe përqendrohemi mbi faktin për të cilin u shpik së pari kjo ditë: të kremtojmë bashkësinë e Software-it të Lirë.