Il Software Libero è fondamentale per una concorrenza leale. Ci battiamo per un'implementazione rigorosa ed efficace della Legge sui Mercati Digitali in modo favorevole agli sviluppatori. Dona ora per aiutarci a raggiungere questo obiettivo!

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Cash flow

Income and Expenses 2021

Income EUR
Supporter contributions1 and membership fees 204,563.33
One-time donations1 265,952.19
Sponsoring 71,817.83
Paid services 52,513.60
Merchandise 23,552.15
Interest 36.82
Total income 618,435.92
Expenses EUR
Basic infrastructure costs2 146,460.17
Public awareness 166,548.26
Policy advocacy 65,684.03
Legal support 52,502.51
Paid services 41,994.61
Merchandise 11,079.86
Taxes on profit of economic activities 15,395.05
Total expenses 499,664.49
Surplus 118,771.43


  1. A list of all FSFE donors that did not wish anonymity is available on the ThankGNUs list.
  2. Includes personnel and office costs for management and administration, technical infrastructure, fees from tax consultant and lawyer, and bank fees.