Les Logiciels Libres sont la clé d'une concurrence loyale. Nous plaidons pour une application stricte et efficace de la loi sur les marchés numériques (Digital Markets Act) adaptée aux développeurs. Aidez-nous en faisant un don !

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News Archive for 2021

The FSFE empowers users to control technology with its diverse activities and concrete engagement for software freedom. Follow us and make sure to receive regular updates and deeper insights on our various channels.

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A picture of our promo rack in the office

The FSFE is looking for an office assistant

10 December 2021

We are looking for an office assistant for 20-25 hours per week in our Berlin office. As part of our office management team you will organise the FSFE's day-to-day operations. Your job will be to provide clerical support to our staff and coordinate daily administrative activities.  

Législation sur les marchés numériques – la FSFE appelle à la neutralité des appareils

22 November 2021

Sur le vote imminent de la Législation sur les marchés numériques — la proposition de l'UE la plus récente sur la régulation des plateformes internet —, la FSFE demande la neutralité des appareils comme élément fondamental pour placer la protection du consommateur dans des marchés numériques ouverts, justes et contestables.  

Software Freedom in Europe 2021

10 November 2021

Cancelling of large events, limitations in meetings, and travel restrictions: none of this stopped the FSFE from advancing software freedom in 2021. From Router Freedom to new podcast episodes to co-organising the Legal and Policy devroom at FOSDEM, we keep empowering people to control technology.  

Software shapes society. Free Software improves it.

02 November 2021

Watch our new video demonstrating how different practices in software lead to different models of society. Software is intangible, but its results often are not. The decisions we make about what type of software we use have real-life effects. There is a type of software that benefits the common good, and that is Free Software.  

Translators team: Reaching more people in their native language

11 October 2021

The FSFE's translators team has been working tirelessly throughout the second year of Covid-19 to enable people all across Europe to read and learn about Free Software in their native language. Since the beginning of 2021 we have had over 230 new translations into 9 different languages, not counting the English originals. 

Learn about Free Software in the Legal Context with FSFE's Legal Education Day

08 October 2021

The FSFE is organizing a Legal Education Day on Saturday, 6 November 2021. This online event is open for all to attend. It will include talks and Q&A sessions on the basics of copyright law, licenses, and other legal topics. The event will help Free Software developers to understand these legal topics so that their software projects can reach their full potential.  

Youth Hacking 4 Freedom: Coding Competition for teenagers about to start

28 September 2021

The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is a charity that empowers users to control technology. To inspire the younger generation to software freedom, the FSFE is organising the coding competition ‘Youth Hacking 4 Freedom' (YH4F), where teenagers from all around Europe have the chance to compete in a fair and fun way. The winners receive a cash prize and a trip to Brussels with other young hackers.  

Interviews for the German federal election 2021

20 September 2021

The 2021 federal election in Germany (26.09.2021) is just around the corner. Digital sovereignty, through the use of Free Software, is at the centre of our exchange with the political parties, which we have also conducted via our organisations' election questions to the parties. We are pleased that, in a further step, we were able to talk personally with candidates from all parties with a chance of participating in the next government and ask them in more depth what they and their party would like to do to advance digitisation in Germany with Free software.  

L'autorité néerlandaise fait respecter la Liberté des Routeurs

05 August 2021

L'Autorité néerlandaise pour les consommateurs et les marchés (ACM) a publié de nouvelles règles qui feront progresser la Liberté des Routeurs aux Pays-Bas. Dans un délai de 6 mois, les FAI doivent se mettre en conformité et offrir la possibilité aux consommateurs et aux entreprises de connecter un modem ou un routeur de leur choix. La FSFE se réjouit de cette décision qui est une victoire majeure pour les droits des consommateurs.  

FSFE: 20 years of empowering people to control technology

21 July 2021

Marking twenty years of the FSFE, we highlight the importance of software freedom in Europe and important accomplishments since 2001. We shed light on our community with a birthday page where you can find community interviews and videos. People are invited to celebrate with us and share their own stories.  

20 Years FSFE: Interview with Torsten Grote

25 June 2021

In our fourth birthday publication we are interviewing Torsten Grote, who explored Free Software alternatives on smartphones for the FSFE as early as 2012. We reminisce about the emergence of our Free Your Android campaign and discuss with Torsten which options are available for liberating our phones today.  


Netherlands: Participation app remains closed to the public

11 June 2021

The Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) debates in public, as it should. But as not everyone has the opportunity to go to Den Hague and sit in the gallery, the Tweede Kamer released an app to follow the debates via livestream. Unfortunately, this app not is released under a Free Software licence. Our Dutch volunteer Jos van den Oever wanted to participate but was not able to run the app on his device and got active. 

Dutch Digital Autonomy must be based on Free Software and Open Standards

18 May 2021 – Rijk Ravestein

"The Netherlands is losing grip on internet security, and is therefore in danger of losing control over democracy, the rule of law and the economic innovation system." This warning comes from the Cyber Security Council, a national and independent advisory body of the Dutch government and business community with members from the government, industry and academia.  

Router Freedom steps

Router Freedom: Greece one step forward - Germany one backward

05 May 2021

EU member states are updating their legislation and implementing rules on Router Freedom. Greece and Germany have taken the first steps. But while Greece has focused on interests of end-users, Germany has moved in the opposite direction. The next months are crucial for Router Freedom in Europe and local participation is paramount.  

20 Years FSFE: Interview with Fernanda Weiden

20 April 2021

In our third birthday publication we interview Fernanda Weiden - co-founder of the FSF Latin America and former Vice President of the FSFE - about the early starts of Free Software in Latin America, nowadays use of Free Software in Big Tech and about support of diversity in different communities.  

Engagement de la communauté pour la liberté des routeurs

La FSFE lance le pack d'activités pour la Liberté des Routeurs

30 March 2021

Dans le contexte de la réforme de la loi sur les télécommunications, les ếtats membres de l'Union Européenne sont en train de transposer la législation, ce qui a un impact direct sur la Liberté des Routeurs. La FSFE a lancé son pack d'activités pour les organisations et les particuliers afin de les sensibiliser et de leur donner les moyens de défendre le droit de pouvoir choisir leurs materiels pour leur accès Internet dans leur pays.  

Statement on Richard Stallman rejoining the FSF board

24 March 2021

We learnt through a public announcement that Richard Stallman is again part of the board of directors of the Free Software Foundation, one of our independent sister organisations. We disapprove of this step that came without any message of remorse or willingness to change.  

    "I Love Free Software Day" report for 2021

    19 March 2021

    This year we celebrated the 11th edition of the "I Love Free Software Day". Every year on 14 February we show our love for Free Software and say thank you to the people working for software freedom. To all of you who took part and celebrated the "I Love Free Software Day", we - the Free Software Foundation Europe - would like to thank you so much. 

    Cory Doctorow at FSFE's Community Event

    FSFE at FOSDEM 2021

    11 March 2021

    FOSDEM, the biggest annual Free Software event in Europe, took place again this year on the first weekend in February. As we do every year, we organised a community event before FOSDEM and this year we also co-organised the Legal and Policy Devroom for the first time. 

    20 Years FSFE: Interview with Reinhard Müller

    05 March 2021

    In 2021, the Free Software Foundation Europe turns 20. This is a moment that we want to use to celebrate our community with a series of publications. In our second publication we interview Reinhard Müller who has contributed as a volunteer since 2002 in various roles from local activities to the European core team.  

    Light bulb drawn on a pinboard, representing an idea, next to fsfe and ilovefs-logo

    Call to apply for FSFE support for your local project

    19 February 2021

    It is no secret that the FSFE's activities are only possible with the priceless help of our contributors and supporters around Europe. In return we support local engagement financially, with our expertise, information material and networks. To help formalize this process, we run our next call for FSFE community projects. 

    Join us I Love Free Software Day 2021

    14 February 2021

    Today on the "I Love Free Software Day" we want to celebrate and share our love for Free Software. With this special day we say thank you to all the Free Software friends who supported, developed, campaigned, translated and worked for Free Software. On 14 February, let us show our love and thank all those people involved in Free Software. 

    20 years FSFE: Interview with Georg Greve, founder president

    04 February 2021

    In 2021 the Free Software Foundation Europe turns 20. This is a moment that we want to use to celebrate our community with a series of publications, both those who have accompanied us in the past and those are still doing so. In our first publication we look back where everything got started and have conducted an interview with the FSFE's first president, Georg C. F. Greve.  

    FSFE FOSDEM booth

    FOSDEM21: Legal and Policy Issues Devroom agenda

    04 February 2021

    As every year, the FSFE will be present at FOSDEM, the biggest annual Free Software event in Europe. In 2021, the FSFE is honored to co-organise the Legal and Policy Devroom at FOSDEM. We are excited and look forward to presenting you an interesting programme throughout the whole weekend. 

    Coming soon: I Love Free Software Day 2021

    03 February 2021

    People around the world work hard to maintain Free Software and we rely on Free Software to keep us connected. On this year's I Love Free Software Day let us think about the developers, contributors, designers, those who promoted the use of Free Software and many more who spend their time to share, improve and create Free Software. On 14 February we show our love and thank those who work for Free Software.