Les Logiciels Libres sont la clé d'une concurrence loyale. Nous plaidons pour une application stricte et efficace de la loi sur les marchés numériques (Digital Markets Act) adaptée aux développeurs. Aidez-nous en faisant un don !

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News Archive for 2022

The FSFE empowers users to control technology with its diverse activities and concrete engagement for software freedom. Follow us and make sure to receive regular updates and deeper insights on our various channels.

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Two staffers from finance team counting money during inventory.

CLOSED - FSFE is hiring an office coordinator

20 December 2022

We are looking for an office coordinator for an open-ended 25-35 hours per week position in our Berlin office. As part of our office management team you will be the administrative backbone of our operations. Our ideal candidate has experience as an office administrator, secretary, event organiser, or another relevant administrative role.  

the GNU Health team holding their REUSE compliance award and certificate

GNU Health opts for REUSE

19 December 2022

In the framework of the REUSE Booster initiative, the FSFE provides individual assessments and direct assistance to Free Software projects in the implementation of the REUSE best practices. GNU Health, a project that combines social medicine with technology, has recently become REUSE compliant. We have talked with Dr. Luis Falcón, its founder.  

Picture from the city of Dortmund, Germany

Event: Municipalities Need Free Software - Dortmund is a Reference Municipality

15 December 2022

The City of Dortmund, together with Berlin and Munich, is initialising the "Open Source Big 3" and setting up a "Coordination Office for Digital Sovereignty and Open Source". The Free Software Foundation Europe, the Do-FOSS initiative, and the Offene Kommunen.NRW association will provide information about these current developments in an online event on 11 January 2023.  

Legal Education Day logo

FSFE holds 2nd edition of Legal Education Day at the SFSCon 2022

14 December 2022

The 2nd Legal Education Day (LED), organized by the FSFE, took place in Bolzano to help Free Software developers understand legal topics on a basic level, so that they can avoid common pitfalls, allowing their software projects to reach full potential. The LED track featured sessions on the basics of copyright law, licenses, and other legal topics.  

    Three young hackers are tinkering on their laptops

    Discover more YH4F projects and learn about the participants Héctor and Leonardo

    09 December 2022

    Are you thinking about registering for the second edition of Youth Hacking 4 Freedom? But you are not yet sure? Two participants from the last edition, Héctor and Leonardo, talked with us about the projects they developed and their journey throughout the Free Software world! Discover their experiences during the first edition of YH4F.  

    failed attempt to audit a source code

    EU Declaration of Digital Rights and Principles falls short of its ambitions

    06 December 2022

    Member states, the European Parliament, and the Commission have reached a consensus on the Declaration of Digital Rights and Principles. Although it aims to serve as a reference point for the digital transformation of Europe, it instead descends into murky waters, causing ambiguity. Its wording is unclear and it overlooks existing good proposals.  

    FSFE booth at one event

    5 reasons why your contribution is crucial for the promotion of Free Software

    05 December 2022

    Your support and contribution for the promotion of Free Software are important for securing our continuous work, ensuring our independence, strengthening our democratic society, promoting and implementing concrete steps towards software freedom, and making it easier to use and develop Free Software.  

      Three young hackers are tinkering on their laptops

      Let’s talk with young hackers Ekaterina, Miquel and Alexia about YH4F

      04 November 2022

      The first edition of the Youth Hacking 4 Freedom contest has ended. After 5 months of coding, over 35 young people came up with outstanding projects. Three of them will be introduced to you in this interview. Ekaterina, the mind behind Music Companion, Miquel who developed Smart Table Assistant and Alexia, the creator of a basic password manager.  

      illustration of three teenagers in a hackerspace

      ✦ Youth Hacking 4 Freedom Winners ✦

      04 October 2022

      After a year of coding and evaluation the Youth Hacking 4 Freedom competition comes to an end, giving us amazing projects. Who won? The six winning programs offer sign language transcription, a smart table robot, a personal assistant, a music tutorial, file sharing, and a homework manager. All Free Software.  

      A photo of a booth, of a presentation, and of an audience with children

      Software Freedom in Europe 2022

      28 September 2022

      We continuously work to promote Free Software in Europe. In 2022 we addressed technological sustainability, advocated in the DMA and AI act on European level, and defended Router Freedom in Europe – among other activities. To reach younger people, we organised a coding competition for teenagers and published a children's book on software freedom.  

      two women in professional meeting

      CLOSED - The FSFE is hiring a Senior Project Manager Communication

      15 June 2022

      We are looking for a Senior Project Manager Communication for 20-25 hours per week in our Berlin office. This is a great opportunity to help amplify the importance of software freedom, so that every human can use, study, share, and improve software and thereby support other fundamental rights like freedom of speech, press, and privacy.  

      Discussion panelists.

      Key stakeholders debated the future of Router Freedom in Austria

      16 May 2022

      Together with the Alliance of Telecommunication Terminal Equipment Manufacturers (VTKE), the FSFE organised the online event "The Future of Router Freedom in Austria" where decision makers could debate with industry and civil society stakeholders on the future developments regarding the free choice of terminal equipment in Austria.  

      Quatre illustrations. 1. Trois roues dentées de différentes couleurs et tailles s'imbriquent, et l'une comporte du code abrégé. 2. Un appareil ressemblant à un téléphone d'où partent trois flèches, une vers la gauche, une vers la droite et une tout droit. 3. Quatre figures géométriques différentes sont connectées par des ponts. 4. Un appareil ressemblant à un téléphone est similaire à un cadenas qui a été ouvert.

      Éco-conception à l'UE : 38 organisations demandent le droit d'accéder à et de réutiliser les matériels

      27 April 2022

      La FSFE publie une lettre ouverte, co-signée par 37 organisations et entreprises, pour demander aux législateurs de l'UE le droit d'installer tout logiciel sur tout appareil, incluant le plein accès au matériel. Ces droits viennent au soutien de la réutilisabilité et la longévité de nos appareils. L'alliance est composée d'entités des secteurs environnemental, économique et technologique.  


      Online session: The future of Router Freedom in Austria

      20 April 2022

      Austria has introduced a reform law for the telecommunications sector which will affect the ability of consumers to choose and use their own routers and modems. Together with the Alliance of Telecommunication Terminal Equipment Manufacturers (VTKE) the FSFE is organising a session on "The Future of Router Freedom in Austria".  

      Public body infrastructure displaying source code

      EU Declaration of Digital Rights & Principles: Free Software should be included

      14 April 2022

      On 26 January 2022, the European Commission presented its proposal for the EU Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles which will serve as a reference point in the future and as a common EU vision of our digital rights. The declaration is now being discussed in the European Parliament and Council, and Free Software should become part of it.  

      Machine à écrire avec un texte qui dit « Intelligence Artificielle »

      Loi sur les Intelligences Artificielles (IA) : les Logiciels Libres sont la clé !

      30 March 2022

      Dans son mouvement d'adoption de politiques numériques en accord avec les droits fondamentaux des personnes, le Parlement européen est en train de chercher une position sur le cadriciel légal pour le développement et l'utilisation de technologies de type IA. La FSFE suit ce processus afin que les Logiciels Libres soient inclus, que l'innovation soit entretenue, le contrôle augmenté, et la confiance renforcée. 

      Journée #ilovefs : Jeux Libres et générateur d'images SharePic

      10 March 2022

      Depuis 2010, la Free Software Foundation Europe organise la journée annuelle « J'aime les Logiciels Libres ». Ensemble, avec des centaines d'amateurs et d'amatrices de Logiciels Libres, nous avons fêté notre amour pour les Logiciels Libres le 14 février. Un grand merci à toutes les personnes qui ont participé en fêtant la journée #ilovefs. 

      Digital booth

      FSFE at FOSDEM: A vital Devroom, virtual chats, and waffles

      24 February 2022

      At the prominent annual conference for Free Software, FOSDEM, we exchanged opinions and chatted with people from the Free Software community. We raised awareness on wider issues that impact our movement in the Legal and Policy Devroom, co-hosted by the FSFE. Enjoy the videos from the talks and stay in touch via Matrix until the next FOSDEM. 

      FSFE booth 2018

      The FSFE at FOSDEM 2022

      27 January 2022

      As in 2021, this year's FOSDEM will take place online. But this is neither stopping us from once again co-hosting the Legal and Policy Issues Devroom nor from being present with a digital booth. We are excited and look forward to presenting you an interesting programme throughout the whole weekend.