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Event Archive for 2022

Incontro gruppo locale edu della FSFE di Berlino (online)

23 December 2022

Il gruppo locale di Berlino si incontra online solitamente il quarto giovedì di ogni mese per discutere di tematiche relative al Software Libero in campo educativo. A dicembre l'incontro avrà luogo venerdì 23. Continua a seguirci iscrivendoti alla mailing list, o segui l'account social del gruppo. Se hai domande, puoi chiedere ai coordinatori. L'incontro è in tedesco e si terrà in una stanza BBB (Big Blue Button) alle 19:30 CET. 

Incontro della FSFE dei Paesi Bassi (online)

21 December 2022

La FSFE dei Paesi Bassi organizza un altro incontro online del gruppo locale. L'incontro è previsto dalle 20:00 fino alle 22:00 CET utilizzando il server delle conferenze. È di solito un incontro abbastanza 'gezellig', e quindi molti rimangono fino alle 23:00, ma ci si può scollegare quando si vuole. L'incontro è aperto a tutti, e, nel caso ci fosse qualcuno che non parla olandese, utilizzeremo l'inglese. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni nella nostra wiki. All'incontro ci si attiene al Codice di Condotta della FSFE. Il link per partecipare all'incontro è . All'incontro di dicembre, parteciperanno Fani Partsafyllidou e Ana Galan dello staff della FSFE e condivideranno alcune notizie. 

Primo incontro team nazionale FSFE Grecia (online)

15 December 2022

Il team nazionale greco della FSFE si incontrerà dopo lungo tempo con un meeting di presentazione. La nostra principale tematica è Mastodon: sviluppi attuali, istanze greche, raccomandazioni per contenuti in lingua greca, consiglio d'uso. Nikos Roussos, sviluppatore di libreops, parlerà dell'istanza Libretooth. Fani Partsafyllidou, dello staff della FSFE, condividerà aggiornamenti sul Software Libero in Europa. Discuteremo della possibilità di un incontro "Io amo il Software Libero" a Thessaloniki il 14 febbraio. All'incontro si parlerà greco, ma possiamo tradurre se qualcuno parlerà in inglese. Ci incontriamo alle 19:00. Chiunque sia interessato al Software Libero è benvenuto! 

Workshop Upcycling Android a Berlino, Germania

10 December 2022

Con Upcycling Android, la Free Software Foundation Europe mostra come si può estendere la vita utile dei telefoni sovrascrivendoci (flashandoci) un sistema operativo composto da Software Libero. Porteremo alcuni cellulari di test dove possono essere provati i sistemi operativi Software Libero e possono essere flashati dagli stessi partecipanti. Nel frattempo c'è spazio per domande e risposte che riguardano la scrittura della memoria flash e anche un'introduzione a un mondo in pieno Software Libero usando F-Droid e microG.

Il workshop si tiene sabato 10 dicembre 2022 dalle 11:30 alle 14:30 nella WerkRaum della biblioteca Pablo Neruda library a Berlino, Frankfurter Allee 14A, 10247 Berlino. Se vuoi provare a flashare un telefono, porta il tuo computer portatile. Se poi hai intenzione di flashare il tuo telefono, fai prima un backup dei tuoi dati che sono importanti.. 

Incontro del gruppo locale della FSFE di Amburgo ad Amburgo, Germania

08 December 2022

Il gruppo locale della FSFE di Amburgo è aperto per tutti gli appassionati di Software Libero e si incontra periodicamente ogni mese. Gli incontri iniziano alle 19:00 in lingua tedesca. Il luogo del prossimo incontro non è stato ancora confermato, ma trovi il luogo dove solitamente ci si incontra nella pagina wiki del gruppo. Iscriviti alla nostra mailing list, dove verranno date informazioni sul luogo dell'incontro e sugli argomenti che verranno discussi. 

Incontro gruppo locale FSFE di Zurigo a Zurigo, Svizzera

08 December 2022

Il gruppo della FSFE di Zurigo ha creato la campagna "Lernen wie die Profis" (Imparare come i professionisti), che incoraggia le scuole ad usare il Software Libero. Il gruppo si incontra il secondo giovedì di ogni mese.

Uno degli attuali piani del gruppo è quello di inviare lettere e volantini sul Software Libero nell'istruzione. Partecipa al prossimo incontro per aiutare! Si parlerà tedesco e sarà al Bitwäscherei, Neue Hard 12, terzo piano tra le 18.00 e le 21:00. 

Incontro gruppo locale della FSFE di Berlino a Berlino, Germania

08 December 2022

Il gruppo locale di Berlino si incontra in presenza il secondo giovedì di ogni mese per discutere di tematiche relative al Software Libero. Chiunque sia interessato alla libertà del software è invitato a partecipare. Porta dei buoni stimoli! Continua a seguirci iscrivendoti alla mailing list, o segui l'account social del gruppo. Se hai domande, puoi chiedere ai coordinatori.

L'incontro è alle 19:00, in parallelo al Linux Works LUG meeting, e si parlerà tedesco. Ci si incontra all'E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, non lontado dalla stazione Ostkreuz.  

FSFE Women December online meeting with talk (online)

08 December 2022

FSFE Women is a group for women* who are interested in Free Software. We get together about once in a month online to meet, give talks about topics we find interesting in the area of Free Software and discuss recent developments. The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.

This time the meeting will start with Fani Partsafyllidou, Project Manager at FSFE, presenting the Upcycling Android initiative. Then we will discuss decentralized and independent alternative events of 37c3 and in which way we can participate / celebrate the event. The meeting is in English. We start at 7:30 pm (Europe/Berlin) and usually stay together for ~ 2 hours. For other timezones look here: You are welcome to join in our BBB-Room 

Incontro gruppo locale della FSFE di Basilea a Basilea, Svizzera

05 December 2022

Il gruppo locale di Basilea si è appena formato nell'autunno del 2022 ed è in stretto contatto con il gruppo di Zurigo. Entrambi i gruppi mirano a far accrescere la consapevolezza sul Software Libero in Svizzera. Il gruppo si incontra il primo lunedì di ogni mese.

Il gruppo di Basilea sta attualmente discutendo i modi per comunicare l'avvio del gruppo, connettendosi a notizie e organizzazioni locali che sono relazionate con il Software Libero nella regione. Partecipa per aiutare! L'incontro inizia alle 18:00 ad Unternehmen Mitte, e si parlerà tedesco. 

Open standards and industrial use for Free Software workshop in Brussels, Belgium

02 December 2022

Company policies towards open source embrace the use of and contribution to software that is crucial for its products. Raising awareness of Open Source possibilities has been identified as an effective policy for increasing economic growth. Open Source assets facilitate making an efficient use of resources and increase industrial competitiveness. Alexander Sander, FSFE Senior Policy Consultant, is one of the speakers of the workshop. 

Stand FSFE e intervento "Per una IA inclusiva ed etica" a Lione, Francia

26 November 2022

L'intelligenza artificiale ha molte applicazioni in vari settori come la finanza, la salute, la giustizia o le forze dell'ordine, e quindi può avere un impatto significativo sulla nostra vita. Deve essere pertanto equa e senza discriminazioni. Vincent Lequertier interviene in "Per un'intelligenza artificiale inclusiva ed etica". Questa presentazione potrà darci degli strumenti per comprendere la nozione di inclusività ed etica dell'intelligenza artificiale, attraverso il software e la tecnologia del Software Libero.

La presentazione è parte dell'evento Campus du Libre (Campus Software Libero),e la FSFE sarà presente con uno stand. Campus du Libre si terrà sabato 26 november 2022 dalle 9:30 alle 18:00 al Doua campus, nell'edificio Hedy Lamarr (ex Claude Chappe). La partecipazione è gratuita, e non occorre alcuna registrazione. 

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

24 November 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

Upcycling Android Workshop in Frankfurt, Germany

24 November 2022

Keep using your phone - with updates through Free Software! Every year, 1.5 billion smartphones are manufactured worldwide - and just as many are thrown away after a short period of use when the updates expire. Together with the FSFE, the Chaos Computer Club Frankfurt invites you to an Upcycling Android workshop. It takes place at 6 pm, at the Hackquarter of the CCC-FFM, Häuser Gasse 2, 60487 Frankfurt am Main.

After a short talk, we will show you how to update a smartphone with Free Software. There will be test devices to try out the whole thing yourself without any danger. During the event FFP-2 masks are mandatory. Questions? Email: or Or drop by the public matrix room  

FSFE Aarhus local group meeting in Aarhus, Denmark

24 November 2022

The next Local Group meeting in FSFE Aarhus is coming up. If you are interested in Free Software, come over and join us! We will discuss the foundational document for the FSFE activities in Denmark, Campaigns and Activities, Happenings and events (ideas are welcome), and the Report from the FSFE GA in Arnhem. Also we have received a lot of printed material regarding the Public Money Public Code campaign - we'll discuss how best to use it. The meeting takes place at Silkeborgvej 260, 8230 Åbyhøj at 17:00 hours. The location is kindly sponsored by Magenta ApS, 

Upcycling Android workshop at the Umweltbundesamt in Dessau, Germany

21 November 2022

With Upcycling Android, the Free Software Foundation Europe shows how phones can benefit from an extended lifespan by flashing them with a Free Software operating systems. There will be a short presentation on the relationship between hardware and software lifespans, followed by a joint flashing session of sample phones. In the meantime there is room for questions and answers about flashing phones and also an introduction into a world full of Free Software by the means of F-Droid and microG.

The workshop takes place on 21.11.22 from 16:00 - 20:00 hours in the Ausstellungsraum of the Umweltbundesamt in Dessau, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau. If you want to flash a phone yourself, please bring your own laptop. Places are limited, please register at 

GHCon2022 - REUSE talk and compliance award in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain

17 – 18 November 2022

The GNU Health Conference (GHCon) is an annual conference that brings together enthusiasts and developers of the Libre Health & Hospital Information System.

On Thursday 17 November at 17:00, Lina Ceballos - REUSE's coordinator will join this year's edition of GHCon which will take place in person in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. Lina will give a talk in English about REUSE and show the participants how indicating licensing and copyright information can be easier. Right after, Lina will give the GNUHealth project the well-deserved REUSE compliance award for its Hospital Management component. GHCon2022 is free of charge, but registration is required: 

FSFE Netherlands get-together (online)

16 November 2022

On the 16st of November, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. Current hot topics are the Router Freedom in Belgium and an initiative to promote Free Software in Education. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki: At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is 

Upcycling Android workshop at the SFSCon in Bolzano, Italy

12 November 2022

Many Android users are suffering from not receiving any updates to their default operating system any more. But there is not need yet to toss your device away! The problem can be solved by installing a Free Software operating system called “custom ROM” on your device. We gather to talk about the issues arising from software obsolescence in the Android world and help each other in flashing devices. You can bring your own but we will also bring some devices to tinker around so you can gather experience with flashing your phone. We focus on installing CalyxOS but we are open for your input.

There will be a short introduction talk on the relationship between hardware and software lifespans, followed by a flashing session of a sample phones. At the end and during the workshop we will answer questions about flashing and there will be the possibility to explore sample phones. The workshop takes place in the context of the SFSCon, on Saturday 12.11.22 from 09:00 - 12:00 hours in the NOI Techpark in Bolzano, Italy. 

FSFE at the SFSCon online and in Bolzano, Italy

11 November 2022

The South Tyrol Free Software Conference, SFScon, is one of Europe’s most established annual conferences on Free Software. The FSFE will organise the Legal Education Day there, and will additionally give three talks and an author reading:

10:30 Author reading (in German) of Ada & Zangemann - Matthias Kirschner
10:45 Device Neutrality: Safeguarding Open Internet with Free Software - Lucas Lasota
16:00 Overview of the Italian Free Software community - Marta Andreoli

We will also have an information booth during the entire conference. SFScon takes place at NOI Techpark A. Volta-Str., 13/A 39100 Bolzano, Bozen, Italy but you can also join online. The conference is in English. Please make sure you get a ticket, at no cost, to attend.  

Legal Education Day online and in Bolzano, Italy

11 November 2022

We all love the digital freedoms that Free Software grants to users and developers, but these freedoms rely on legal instruments and the legal system to be able to enforce them. This is why the FSFE offers a Legal Education Track in SFScon. We will explain basic legal concepts and their practical application into your projects.

14.00 Quiz Time
14.20 Free Software and Human Rights - Gabriel Ku Wei Bin
14.40 What is Copyright - Niharika Singhal
15.00 What is a license - Lucas Lasota
15.20 What are some common Free Software Licenses - Lucas Lasota
15.40 What is license compatibility - Gabriel Ku Wei Bin
16.00 What is a trademark - Gabriel Ku Wei Bin
16.20 Q&A
16.40 REUSE introduction - Lina Ceballos
17.00 REUSE Workshop - Linus Sehn

SFScon takes place at NOI Techpark A. Volta-Str., 13/A 39100 Bolzano, Bozen, Italy but you can also join online. The conference is in English. Please make sure you get a ticket, at no cost, to attend.  

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

10 November 2022

The FSFE Zurich group has created the 'Lernen wie die Profis' campaign, which encourages schools to use Free Software. The group meets on the second Thursday of each month.

One of the group's plans now is to send letters and flyers about Free Software in Education. Join the next meeting to help! It is in German and takes place at Bitwäscherei, Neue Hard 12, 3rd floor between 18.00 - 21:00. 

FSFE Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Germany

10 November 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets in-person on the second Thursday of each month to discuss topics related to Free Software. Everyone who is interested in software freedom in welcome to join. Bring good vibes! Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators.

The meeting is in German, at 19:00, parallel to the Linux Works LUG meeting. We meet at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station.  

Incontro del gruppo locale della FSFE di Amburgo in città, Germania

09 November 2022

Il gruppo locale della FSFE di Amburgo è aperto per tutti gli appassionati di Software Libero e si incontra periodicamente ogni mese. Gli incontri iniziano alle 19:00 in lingua tedesca. Il luogo del prossimo incontro non è stato ancora confermato, ma trovi il luogo dove solitamente ci si incontra nella pagina wiki del gruppo. Iscriviti alla nostra mailing list, dove verranno date informazioni sul luogo dell'incontro e sugli argomenti che verranno discussi.  

FSFE Basel local group meeting in Basel, Switzerland

07 November 2022

The FSFE local group Basel just formed in Autumn 2022 and is in close contact with the local group Zurich. Both groups aim to raise awareness for Free Software in Switzerland. The group meets on the first Monday of every month.

Basel group currently discusses ways to communicate the start of the group, connecting with local news and organisations related to Free Software in the region. Join to help! The meeting is at 18.00 in Unternehmen Mitte, and takes place in German. 

Workshop di Upcycling Android ad Amburgo, Germania

02 November 2022

Con Upcycling Android, la Free Software Foundation Europe mostra come si può estendere la vita utile dei telefoni sovrascrivendoci (flashandoci) un sistema operativo composto da Software Libero. Ci sarà una breve presentazione sulla relazione tra l'utilizzo dell'hardware e il software, seguita da una sessione di riscrittura della flash su un telefono campione. Nel frattempo c'è spazio per domande e risposte che riguardano la scrittura della memoria flash e anche un'introduzione a un mondo in pieno Software Libero usando F-Droid e microG.

Il workshop si terrà il 2.11.2022 dalle 16:00 alle 20:00 nell'aula X del HAW Amburgo. Se vuoi provare a flashare un telefono, porta il tuo portatile. I posti sono limitati, occorre registrarsi a 

Meeting di appassionati di Software Libero e GNU/Linux a Minsk, Bielorussia

29 October 2022

Gli appassionati di GNU/Linux e del Software Libero di Minsk non hanno potuto godere di incontri in presenza per lungo tempo. Questo è un tentativo di riprendere la tradizione degli incontri di persona. Ci sarà anche il gruppo locale della FSFE di Minsk! L'evento inizierà alle 11:00 e si parlerà russo. L'indirizzo è Pijanierskaja str. 5a, Haradzišča, distretto di Minsk, Bielorussia. 

FSFE General Assembly in Arnhem, Netherlands

28 October 2022

The members of the FSFE e.V. (see here for a full list) is the organisation's highest organ and take decisions about (primarily) budgets and the election of the President, Vice President and Financial Officer (see our constitution). Decisions of special importance to the organisation can sometimes be taken by the members as well. The group meets once a year in a different place in Europe where there are members for a strategic weekend in which the long term strategy for Free Software is discussed, and where the formal annual assembly is held. The minutes of the general assembly meetings are public.  

Workshop su Upcycling Android al FifFKon a Berlino, Germania

22 October 2022

Ogni anno vengono prodotti in tutto il mondo 1,5 miliardi di smartphone e vengono spesso buttati via dopo un tempo di utilizzo troppo breve. Se continuassimo ad utilizzare il nostro attuale telefono invece di comprarne uno nuovo, aiuteremmo a prevenire l'aumento dei rifiuti elettronici. E se solo un terzo delle persone usasse il proprio telefono un anno in più potremmo risparmiare il materiale grezzo per la produzione di 100 milioni di telefoni all'anno.

Questo workshop mette insieme appassionati di tecnologia e appassionati di sostenibilità per capire come far durare più a lungo i telefoni ricondizionati (flashati) con sistemi operativi composti da Software Libero. Ci sarà un breve discorso introduttivo sulla relazione tra la vita di utilizzo dell'hardware e il software, seguita da una sessione di riscrittura della flash su un telefono campione. Alla fine e durante il workshop risponderemo alle domande che riguardano la scrittura della memoria flash e ci sarà la possibilità di sperimentare su telefoni campione. Il workshop è inserito nel contesto del FifFKon, sabato 22.10.2022, dalle 15:00 alle 16:00 all'Archenhold-Sternenwarte a Berlino.  

FSFE al Linux Day a Milano, Italia

22 October 2022

Torna il più importante evento italiano dedicato a GNU/Linux, Software Libero, cultura aperta e condivisione. Al Linux Day Milano potrai trovare molti interventi, presentazioni e workshop inerenti alle molte tematiche interessanti per gli appassionati di Linux, al Software Libero e molto altro! La FSFE parteciperà con tre interventi:

11:45 Uno sguardo alle realtà di Software Libero e associazioni simili in Italia - Marta Andreoli
13:45 Public Money? Public Code! - Natale Vinto
14:45 FSFE Router Freedom in Italia e nella UE - Stefano Costa

L'evento si terrà all'Università Bicocca di Milano, edificio U6. La partecipazione è libera, non occorre registrarsi. 

FSFE Women group meeting (online)

20 October 2022

FSFE Women is a group for women* who are interested in Free Software. We get together about once a month online to meet, give talks about topics we find interesting in the area of Free Software and discuss recent developments.

This time we will discuss calendar systems on websites, upcoming Free Software conferences, and the development of a member intro game. 

Incontro della FSFE dei Paesi Bassi (online)

19 October 2022

Il 19 ottobre la FSFE dei Paesi Bassi organizza un altro incontro online del gruppo locale. L'incontro è previsto dalle 20:00 fino alle 22:00 CEST utilizzando il server delle conferenze. È di solito un incontro abbastanza 'gezellig' e quindi molti rimangono fino alle 23:00, ma ci si può scollegare quando si vuole. L'incontro è aperto a tutti, e nel caso ci fosse qualcuno che non parla olandese utilizzeremo l'inglese. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni nella nostra wiki. All'incontro ci si attiene al Codice di Condotta della FSFE. Il link per partecipare all'incontro è 

FSFE Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Germany

13 October 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets in-person on the second Thursday of each month to discuss topics related to Free Software. Everyone who is interested in software freedom in welcome to join. Bring good vibes! The meeting is in German, at 19:00, parallel to the Linux Works LUG meeting. We meet at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station. This month Ana Galan, new Senior Project Manager Communications of the FSFE, joins to meet the volunteers. 

'Artificial Intelligence and Free Software in the European Union' talk in Lisbon, Portugal

12 October 2022

The European Union has set itself the goal of adopting digital policies that are aligned with people’s rights, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not any exception. Free Software plays an important role in the development and further success of such technologies. Hence, Alexander wants to point out to specific demands that must be considered to be aligned with Europe’s ambition of building and deploying technologies that empower people while strengthening Europe’s economy.

A well thought-out development and use of AI focusing on the benefits of Free Software will foster innovation, boost the economy, enhance control, strengthen trust, and it will make Europe fit for the digital age. In this talk, Alexander Sander will shed light at the latest developments in AI in the EU and the role Free Software plays in this. The talk is part of the Open Source Lisbon conference. 

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

11 October 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group is open for any Free Software enthusiasts and has regular monthly meetings. The meetings take place at 19:00 in German. The place of the next meeting is TBC, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. Join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed.  

NEW FSFE Basel local group meeting in Basel, Switzerland

03 October 2022

Volunteers decided to start a new local group in Basel to advance the use of Free Software in Switzerland. The group plans to be meeting on the first Monday of every month.

The first meeting takes place on 3 October at 18.00 at Kaffeehaus Unternehmen Mitte, Gerbergasse 30, 4001 Basel. For more information join the Zurich mailing list, which serves the Basel group too. Ideally, present yourself in the mailing list or the Matrix group. 

May REUSE be with you! in Barcelona, Spain

01 October 2022

REUSE does not "reinvent the wheel". On the contrary, it integrates seamlessly into development processes and other best practices when indicating Free Software licences. In addition, there are tools and documentation to help you get started. During this talk Lina will take a closer look at these tools and documentation, with the bonus of seeing a live demonstration of how to make a project compliant with the REUSE specifications.

Akademy will take place in a hybrid format. Lina will hold this talk in English and in person in Barcelona. Akademy is free to attend however you need to register to reserve your space: 

FSFE co-organises Bits & Bäume in Berlin, Germany

30 September – 02 October 2022

The FSFE is co-organising the Bits & Bäume ("Bits and Trees") conference together with 11 other civil society organisations. The Bits & Bäume is a conference about digital sustainability. Besides organising, we provide content with three talks, one workshop, and a booth. Lucas Lasota speaks about "Device Neutrality: a sustainable way to safeguard control over digital devices", Erik Albers about "4 Demands towards a sustainable European ecodesign", we have a workshop on Upcycling Android and Matthias Kirschner gives a book reading of Ada & Zangemann.

The FSFE local group Berlin supports our acitivities with an information booth at the BuB conference. So drop by to discuss software freedom and sustainability! The standard ticket costs 29 EUR and the tickets are limited. The conference starts on Friday 30 September at 18:00, ends on Sunday 2 October at 18:00, and takes place at TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin. The conference is both in English and German.  

REUSE: Displaying copyright and licence information easily! at Akademy-es in Barcelona, Spain

30 September 2022

Developing, using, and re-using Free Software is fun, but dealing with licensing and copyright information is not. REUSE changes that. With three simple steps, it makes adding and reading licensing and copyright information easy for both humans and machines. In this presentation, Lina Ceballos will guide us through the principles of REUSE and show us how to make licensing clear and simple.

Akademy-es which will take place in a hybrid format, you can check the talk online as well. Lina will hold the talk in Spanish and in person in Barcelona. It will take place on Friday 30th September from 15:30 to 16:15. You can register your participation out of cost here: 

Author reading of Ada & Zangemann in Berlin, Germany

29 September 2022

Have you heard of the new book Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream? The book is a modern tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. A charming story for all ages.

The State Secretary of Baden-Württemberg, Rudi Hoogvliet, will introduce the book. The Ukrainian artist Katrina Holovets will read the book in Ukrainian. The author and President of the FSFE, Matthias Kirschner, will then answer questions from the audience, and then it is time for fingerfood and drinks. The event takes place at 15:30 CET at the Landesvertretung Baden-Württemberg, Tiergartenstraße 15, 10785 Berlin. Please register to attend. 

Author reading of Ada & Zangemann in Berlin, Germany

24 September 2022

Have you heard of the new book Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream? The book is a modern tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. A charming story for all ages.

Meet the author of the book and President of the FSFE, Matthias Kirschner, at the author reading. The reading will be in German and Ukrainian. The event takes place at 14:00 CET at Bezirkszentralbibliothek Pablo Neruda Frankfurter Allee 14A 10247. You do not need to register. Entrance is free. 

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

22 September 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

21 September 2022

On the 21st of September, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is 

FSFE booth and Upcycling Android session at NLLGG in Utrecht, Netherlands

17 September 2022

Every time we keep using our current phone instead of buying a new one we help avoid the production of new phones and the increase of e-waste. "Upcyling Android" is an initiative to overcome software obsolescence and to extend the lifespan of our hardware with the help of Free Software. Upcycling our devices this way is an important step to rethink our short-term, linear consumption of electronic devices in favor of a circular economy.

On Saturday 21st of May 2022 we will host a FSFE-booth from 11:00 until 16:00 hour at the NLLGG meeting in Utrecht. As part of FSFE's 'Android Upgrade' campaign there will be a session at 12:00. In it Nico Rikken will show you the possibilities of installing a custom ROM with free software on your smartphone. After a talk that gives an overview there will be time to exchange experiences and see what steps are needed to make your Android device more free. The location is Gerrit Rietveld College, Eykmanlaan 1200, 3571 KH Utrecht. We look forward to have a chat with you about Free Software! 

Software Freedom Day in Berlin, Deutschland

17 September 2022

On 17 September, Software Freedom Day 2022 will take place to celebrate the great idea behind Free Software. The FSFE local group Berlin invites you in the rooms of BeLUG. This time we have again put together a programme with interesting talks for you:

'A critical introduction to Free Software' by egnun
'FLOSS video production with a focus on video tutorials' by hoergen
'Dokuwiki - a lightweight and extremely versatile wiki software' by c47
'A sustainable approach to software as a resource' by Tobias

The event takes place from 12:00 to 16:00 at Lehrter Straße 53, 10557 Berlin-Mitte. Entrance is free, you do not need to register.  

FSFE Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Germany

15 September 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets in-person on the second Thursday of each month to discuss topics related to Free Software. Everyone who is interested in software freedom in welcome to join. Bring good vibes! Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators.

The meeting is in German, at 19:00, parallel to the Linux Works LUG meeting. We meet at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station.  

Incontro del gruppo locale della FSFE di Amburgo in Amburgo, Germania

12 September 2022

Il gruppo locale della FSFE di Amburgo è per tutti gli appassionati di Software Libero e si incontra periodicamente ogni mese. Gli incontri si tengono alle 19:00 e si parlerà tedesco. Il luogo dell'incontro non è ancora definito, ma è possibile trovare i luoghi dove ci si incontra usualmente nella pagina wiki del gruppo. Ti invitiamo anche ad iscriverti alla nostra mailing list, dove verranno date informazioni sul luogo dell'incontro e sugli argomenti che saranno discussi. 

Presentazione di "Modernizzare l'infrastruttura pubblica con il Software Libero" a Caltanissetta

09 September 2022

We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and Open Source Software licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well.

Francesco Bonnano, sviluppatore software e volontario della FSFE del gruppo locale della Sicilia e il professor Michele Calà presenteranno la campagna "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico" alle 10:00 nell'Aula Magna (Auditorium) dell'I.I.S.S. Luigi Russo - via Leone XIII 48/d. La presentazione sarà in italiano, tutti possono partecipare gratuitamente, e non serve registrarsi. 

FSFE information stall on Veganmania Donauinsel in Vienna, Austria

26 – 28 August 2022

Every year there are Veganmania summer festivals in Vienna. It is already a tradition that the local FSFE team takes part with an information stall. It usually is very well visited and reaches many people who aren't yet aware of free software and the ethical considerations that come with it. The Veganmania has been proven to be the best event by far in Vienna to inform many new people about software ethics because it is visited by people already used to think outside the box.

The event takes place from 26th to 28th at "Leuchtturmwiese" on the "Donauinsel" in Vienna. Thousands of people usually come there to enjoy good food, sustainable products, interesting information stalls ... and of course the summer. There is no entry fee and people are invited to come at any time from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. Please drop by in case you want to talk about free software with us! If you want to read about earlier information stalls on this annual event, check out: 

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

25 August 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

FSFE al FrOSCon in Sankt Augustin, Germania

20 – 21 August 2022

La FSFE sarà presente alla Free and Open Source Software Conference con uno stand e due interventi. Lina Ceballos, responsabile di progetto della FSFE, presenterà "REUSE: semplificare la conformità a copyright e licenze". Matthias Kirschner, presidente della FSFE, darà una lettura d'autore del libro "Ada e Zangemann". 

Incontro gruppo donne FSFE Sankt Augustin, Germania

20 August 2022

Donne FSFE è un gruppo per donne* interessate al Software Libero. Ci si trova online circa una volta al mese per incontrarsi, per parlare di argomenti interessanti nell'area del Software Libero, e per discutere degli sviluppi recenti.

Stiamo programmando il nostro prossimo meeting in presenza al FrOSCon! Orario e luogo da confermare, iscriviti alla nostra mailing list per ulteriori informazioni. Segnati la data se pensi possa esserci per te una possibilità di essere nei dintorni di Colonia/Bonn/Düsseldorf quel weekend.  

FSFE booth in Open Door Days of the Environmental Ministry in Berlin, Germany

20 – 21 August 2022

The German Ministry of Environment opens its doors to citizens this weekend, organising talks, music shows, and workshops. Also it gives space to many organisations, and the FSFE will be present with an information booth. Free Software does not only help the users, but also the environment.

On Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00 you will find us at spot 26 in Potsdamer Platz. You can experiment in flashing phones and learn why Free Software is the most sustainable option. See you there! 

FSFE Aarhus local group meeting in Aarhus, Denmark

18 August 2022

The FSFE Aarhus local group has recently restarted its activities with the aim to raise public awareness in Denmark about Free Software. It aims to meet once a month. The group will meet at Magenta ApS, Silkeborgvej 260, 8230 Åbyhøj at 17:00. The meeting takes place in Danish and it is open to anyone who is interested.  

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

17 August 2022

On the 17th of August, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. The URL of the meeting is 

Incontro del gruppo locale della FSFE di Amburgo in Amburgo, Germania

11 August 2022

Il gruppo locale della FSFE di Amburgo si incontrerà giovedì 11 agosto alle 19:00 per il proprio periodico incontro mensile. Sono benvenuti i sostenitori della FSFE e chiunque sia interessato. All'incontro si parlerà tedesco e la partecipazione non ha alcun costo. Il luogo dell'incontro non è ancora definito, ma è possibile trovare i luoghi dove ci si incontra usualmente nella pagina wiki del gruppo. Ti invitiamo anche ad iscriverti alla nostra mailing list, dove verranno date informazioni sul luogo dell'incontro e sugli argomenti che saranno discussi. 

Meeting team traduttori (online)

08 August 2022

Il compito principale del team dei traduttori della FSFE è quello di tradurre in altre lingue le informazioni a riguardo del Software Libero presenti sulle pagine del sito della FSFE. Il team dei traduttori della FSFE ha aiutato a rendere disponibili a tutti le informazioni sul Software Libero, traducendole in più lingue e riducendo così le barriere linguistiche.

Al nostro secondo incontro siamo contenti di accogliere nuovi membri della team, conoscere il tool webpreview e l'istanza git della FSFE e fare anche insieme alcuni giochi divertenti. L'incontro si terrà l'8 agosto, inizierà alle 19:00 e si protrarrà fino alle 21:00 (CEST). Il link alla riunione verrà condiviso sulla mailing list dei traduttori ( Sono benvenuti tutti coloro che sono interessati a tradurre! 

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

28 July 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

Incontro della FSFE dei Paesi Bassi (online)

20 July 2022

L'incontro mensile della FSFE dei Paesi Bassi. L'incontro sarà dalle 20:00 fino alle 22:00 CEST utilizzando il server delle conferenze. È di solito abbastanza 'gezellig' e quindi molti rimangono fino alle 23:00, ma ci si può scollegare quando si vuole. L'incontro è aperto a tutti, e utilizzeremo l'inglese se ci sarà qualcuno che non parla olandese. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni nella nostra wiki. All'incontro ci atterremo al Codice di Condotta della FSFE. Per partecipare all'incontro, invia un'email al coordinatore nazionale Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org) che ti invierà il link per l'accesso con il relativo codice. 

Incontro mensile donne FSFE (online)

20 July 2022

Donne FSFE è un gruppo per donne* interessate al Software Libero. Ci si trova online circa una volta al mese per incontrarsi, per parlare di argomenti interessanti nell'area del Software Libero, e per discutere degli sviluppi recenti.

Il nostro prossimo incontro online si terrà alle 19:30 CEST nella nostra stanza BBB. Sarà ancora una serata informale, quindi portate i vostri argomenti a riguardo del Software Libero, notizie che vorreste condividere o idee per invitare ospiti ai prossimi meeting. È venuta fuori anche l'idea di creare dei gadget con il nostro logo, ad esempio adesivi ma non solo. 

FSFE Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Germany

14 July 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets in-person every second Thursday of each month to discuss topics related to Free Software. Everyone who is interested in software freedom in welcome to join. Bring good vibes! The meeting is in German, at 19:00, parallel to the Linux Works LUG meeting. We meet at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station.  

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

13 July 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group will meet on Wednesday 13 July at 19:00 for its regular monthly meeting. Fellow FSFE supporters and anyone who is interested is welcome. The meeting takes place in German and participation is at no cost. The place of meeting is still to be announced, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. We would also encourage you to join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

"Modernising Public Infrastructure with Free Software" talk in Erfurt, Germany

04 July 2022

On Monday 4 July, Matthias Kirschner, president of the FSFE, will give a talk at the 2nd eGovernment Congress Thüringen, which takes place in Erfurt, Germany. Matthias will talk from 10:15 to 11:15 CEST about the FSFE's Public Money? Public Code! framework, the importance of technical knowledge within the public administration, and the technical distribution of power. The event takes place at the Kongressbereich im Steigerwaldstadion (Arena), Mozartallee 3, 99096 Erfurt. Registration is required and the tickets costs 65€ plus taxes; admission for employees of the public service in Thüringen is free of charge. 

REUSE talk in Madrid, Spain

30 June 2022

On Thursday 30th of June, Lina Ceballos, FSFE Project Manager will participate in OpenExpoEurope2022 which will take place in person in Madrid, Spain. Lina will talk about REUSE which makes adding and reading licensing and copyright information easy for both humans and machines with three simple steps. REUSE does not "reinvent the wheel". On the contrary, it integrates seamlessly into development processes and other best practices when indicating Free Software licences. 

FSFE Netherlands get-together (online)

29 June 2022

The monthly meeting of FSFE Netherlands. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

Public Money? Public Code! workshop in Vigo, Spain

25 June 2022

The Public Money? Public Code! campaign has been supported by over 29.000 people and nearly 200 NGOs. Already five public entities, the Swedish JobTech Development, the German “Samtgemeinde Elbmarsch”, the Spanish parliament from Asturias “Junta General del Principado de Asturias”, the Spanish city of Benigànim, and the Spanish city of Barcelona have signed our open letter. We would like to have more administrative units supporting our cause. But to achieve this we need your help. In this workshop that will take place on Saturday 25th of June at 12:30 CEST at esLibre 2022 in Vigo - Spain, Lina Ceballos and Alexander Sander will explain how we convince local administrations or other institutions, decision-makers, and parties to use more Free Software in the future. The event is in Spanish, free of cost, but you need to register. Everyone who is interested is welcome to join. 

"What role did Free Software play during the corona crisis?" talk in Vigo, Spanien

24 June 2022

Alexander Sander, FSFE Policy Consultant will give a talk on "What role did Free Software play during the corona crisis?" The Corona crisis has made it clear to us which developments in digitisation we have missed in recent years. At the same time, there are also positive examples. Free software has become more and more of a topic and more and more administrations have understood the advantages it brings.

Alexander will take a look at the developments of the past years and give an outlook on how we can better face future crises through the use of Free Software and what role governments, public bodies and administrations and the principle of “Public Money? Public Code!” play in this. The talk takes place at 16:00 - 16:25. It is in Spanish, everyone can attend, the event is free of cost, but you need to register. 

REUSE talk in Vigo, Spain

24 June 2022

Developing, using, and re-using Free Software is fun, but dealing with licensing and copyright information is not. REUSE changes that. With three simple steps, it makes adding and reading licensing and copyright information easy for both humans and machines. On Friday 24th of June at 16:30 CEST, Lina Ceballos, FSFE Project Manager, will guide us through the REUSE principles and present how to make licensing clear and simple with her presentation at esLibre2022 in Vigo, Spain. The event is in Spanish, free of cost, but you need to register. Everyone who is interested is welcome to join. 

Ada & Zangemann author reading in Offenburg, Germany

24 June 2022

On Germany's federal digital, the city of Offenburg invites pupils to a reading of "Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream?". The reading takes place in the largest cinema space in the city of Offenburg and will be introduced by the Chief Mayor Marco Steffens. The book is a modern tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. The reading takes place at 8:30 CEST for registered school classes at FORUM Offenburg, Hauptstrasse 111, 77652 Offenburg. 

'What Free Software and Free Seeds have in common' talk in Berlin, Germany

23 June 2022

At first glance, software and seeds seem to have little in common. The former has only been part of the reality of our lives for a few decades, while seeds could almost be considered an anthropological constant and are inextricably linked to human history. This lecture is dedicated to the latest cultural phenomena of Free Software and Free Seeds and highlights commonalities between the two spheres.

The event takes place on Thursday 23 June 7:00PM at the Environmental Education Center Nirgendwo. The lecture will be given by 'tunda' in German. Everyone is welcome to attend, participation is at no cost, no registration is needed. 

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

23 June 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

Talk on how Free Software supports our Fundamental Rights in Gothenburg, Sweden

22 June 2022

Gabriel Ku Wei Bin, FSFE Senior Legal Project Manager, will give a talk on “Free Software and our Fundamental Rights” in Gothenburg, Sweden. Gabriel will speak on how Free Software works as an important framework that supports our human rights in a digital world. The talk will be held at Linnégatan 21 on Wed 22 June at 18:00. It is hosted by Digidem Lab (, an organization that offers services and develops platforms to improve participatory democracy. It will be given in English and is open to everyone to attend. The event is free of charge, with no registration required. 

'Free Software saves lives - of hardware' talk in Berlin, Germany

22 June 2022

Erik Albers, our program manager for digital sustainability, will give a keynote on the topic "Free software saves lives - of hardware" at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. The lecture takes place as part of the IT Day, at 14:00, in German. The event is public and free of charge, no registration is needed. 

FSFE Women meeting: introduction to content management systems (online)

20 June 2022

This month the CMS Garden joins the FSFE Women group meeting. The CMS Garden e. V. is a friendly association of the communities of 11 FOSS content management systems. Together they appear at fairs and conferences to join forces instead of competing with each other. Our guests include Meike Jung (founding member and board member, conceptualist and Drupal architect at CoWAIN), Petra Hasenau (Typo3 activist, managing director and co-shareholder of Cybercraft GmbH) and Kati Faude (back office employee for association organization and administration).

The meetings takes place at 19.30 CEST, it is free of cost, everyone who identifies as female can join. 

Open Source Conference Albania 2022 in Tirana, Albania

18 – 19 June 2022

Lucas Lasota, FSFE Legal Project Manager will give a talk about Device Neutrality at OSCAL 2022, an annual conference in Albania organized to promote software freedom, Free Software, free culture and open knowledge. The talk will contextualize the concept of Device Neutrality and why Free Software is essential for regaining control over devices. The event will happen in Tirana and the language is English. The attendance is free but registration with paid tickets to support the event is encouraged. 

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

14 June 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group will meet on Tuesday 14 June at 19:00 for its regular monthly meeting. Fellow FSFE supporters and anyone who is interested is welcome. The meeting takes place in German and participation is at no cost. The place of meeting is still to be announced, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. We would also encourage you to join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

FSFE Aarhus local group is relaunched in Aarhus, Denmark

09 June 2022

The FSFE Local Group Aarhus is back after a long time. Our first meeting will be at Magenta ApS, Silkeborgvej 260, 8230 Åbyhøj at 17:00. The meeting takes place in Danish, participation is free, no registration is needed. Everyone interested in software freedom is welcome to join! 

Ada & Zangemann author reading in Berlin, Germany

09 June 2022

Are you interested in the new book Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream? The book is a modern tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. A charming story for all ages.

Join the reading of the book at 13:00-14:00 CET at Arena Berlin Eichenstraße 4. Meet the author of the book and President of the FSFE, Matthias Kirschner. The reading will be in German. The event is part of re:publica 22; to attend you need a ticket, costing 125€ (reduced), 235€ (standard), or 735€ (business).  

“REUSE: Making copyright and licensing compliance easier for everyone” talk in Berlin, Germany

09 June 2022

Lucas Lasota, FSFE Legal Project Manager will give a talk on REUSE at the Weizenbaum Conference in Berlin. The conference will bring together scholars, artists, activists, and human rights advocates to debate the diverse facets of the term "digital sovereignty". The talk will explain how REUSE helps everyone with copyright and Free Software license compliance. It is part of the panel 'Socio-technical developments and practices of empowerment' which takes place at 15:30-18:00. The event is in English and German. Admission to the conference is free, but you need to register beforehand. The conference will take place at “Alte Münze” (Molkenmarkt 2, 10179 Berlin).  

'Device Neutrality: Leveraging the Benefits of Free Software in Hardware' talk (online)

09 June 2022

Lucas Lasota, FSFE Legal Project Manager will give a talk on Device Neutrality at the OW2 event. The talk will explain the concept of Device Neutrality as a fair and non-discriminatory use of Free Software in devices. and why Free Software is fundamental for reaching this goal. The talk takes place at 09:30 in English. The OW2 event is open but registration is required.  

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

09 June 2022

Anyone interested in Free Software and wanting to stand up for the ideals of Free Software can join. The FSFE Zurich local group meets on the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting takes place at Bitwäscherei, Neue Hard 12, second floor, from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is in German. The group will discuss the Public Communication initiative. You do not need to register, and the participation is at no cost.  

FSFE Berlin group meets in Berlin, Germany

09 June 2022

The FSFE local group Berlin is having its regular monthly meeting. Anyone interested in software freedom is welcome. The meeting is in German, the participation is at no cost. 17:00-19:00 at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station, 10245 Berlin. Bring good vibes with you. 

FSFE Berlin group meets in Berlin, Germany

09 June 2022

The FSFE local group Berlin is having its regular monthly meeting. Anyone interested in software freedom is welcome. The meeting is in German, the participation is at no cost. 17:00-19:00 at E-LOK in Laskerstraße 4-6, not far from Ostkreuz station, 10245 Berlin. Bring good vibes with you. 

'Artificial Intelligence and Free Software in the European Union' talk (online)

08 – 09 June 2022

The EU is on its way to adopting legislation on artificial intelligence. Transparency plays a major role in this. But how exactly should this transparency be designed and what role does Free Software play? Alexander Sander will give an insight into the current state of the debate and what chances there are that provisions for Free Software will be included in the legislation. The talk takes place at 11:55 and it is part of the OW2 2022 conference. It is in English, there is no need to register, and it is free of charge.

Presentazione della campagna "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" a Bologna, Italia

08 June 2022

I volontari della FSFE dei gruppi locali italiani presenteranno la campagna internazionale "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" a Bologna. Durante la presentazione mostreranno esempi virtuosi e buone pratiche attualmente in atto e possibili soluzioni per una modernizzazione dell'infrastruttura pubblica con il Software Libero. Nell'evento verrà anche presentata e distribuita la traduzione italiana della brochure di "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" appena pubblicata.

L'evento si terrà l'8 giugno 2022 alle ore 18.30 nella Sala fondazione 2000, piazza dell'Unità 4, Bologna. Parteciperanno anche alcuni rappresentanti politici della città di Bologna. L'evento è aperto a tutti e sarà in italiano. La partecipazione è gratuita e non è richiesta registrazione. 

Presentazione della campagna Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico! in Trento, Italia

07 June 2022

I volontari della FSFE dei gruppi locali italiani presenteranno la campagna internazionale "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" a Trento. Durante la presentazione mostreranno esempi virtuosi e buone pratiche attualmente in atto e possibili soluzioni per una modernizzazione dell'infrastruttura pubblica con il Software Libero. Nell'evento verrà anche presentata e distribuita la traduzione italiana della brochure di "Denaro pubblico? Codice pubblico!" appena pubblicata.

L'evento si terrà il 7 giugno 2022 alle ore 18.00 nella Facoltà di Sociologia - aula 7, Via Verdi 26, Trento. Parteciperanno anche ricercatori dell'Università di Trento. L'evento è aperto a tutti e sarà in italiano. La partecipazione è gratuita ma, per via delle norme Covid-19, è necessario effettuare la registrazione.  

Upcycling Android workshop in Cologne, Germany

03 June 2022

Together with contributors from PostmarketOS, we are offering another Upcycling Android workshop on 03 June at Alte Feuerwehrwache in Cologne, Germany. The workshop is about bringing tech enthusiasts and sustainability enthusiasts together and exchanging views on technology and sustainability while flashing phones with Free Software operating systems. We want to provide a place for all questions you have and we will bring different phones for trying out different systems and for trying out how to flash them. You can also bring your own phones, but in that case, we would ask you to clarify with us in advance whether we can support those devices. In addition to the actual phone flashing, there will be a short keynote speech on longevity and sustainability on Android and other devices.

As a unique feature for this workshop, we have two rooms available. One room will focus on installing systems on phones to make them more sustainable. In the other room, the focus is on exchanging ideas about the development of the GNU/Linux mobile operating system PostmarketOS and about learning how to get involved.

The workshop takes place from 16:00 - 20:00 at Alte Feuerwache Köln, Melchiorstraße 3, 50670 Köln. Everyone is welcome to join, participation is free, but please register via email to because space is limited.  

Ada & Zangemann author reading in Cologne, Germany

02 June 2022

Are you interested in the new book Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream? The book is a modern tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. A charming story for all ages.

Join the reading of the book at 16:00-17:30 CET at the public library in Stadtbibliothek Köln Josef-Haubrich-Hof 1 50676 Köln - Altstadt/Süd. Meet the author of the book and President of the FSFE, Matthias Kirschner, and the illustrator Sandra Brandstätter. The reading will be in German. You can join the event at no cost, but registration required (linked on the page below under "zum Buchungssystem").  

FSFE local group Berlin edu meeting (online)

26 May 2022

The FSFE Berlin local group meets online on the fourth Thursday of every month to discuss Free Software in education. Stay tuned by subscribing to the mailing list or follow the group's social media account. If you have any questions, you can ask the coordinators. The meeting is in German and takes place in a BBB room, at 19.30 CET. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

25 May 2022

The monthly meeting of FSFE Netherlands. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

FSFE-booth at NLLGG in Utrecht, Netherlands

21 May 2022

On Saturday 21st of May 2022 we will host a FSFE-booth from 11:00 until 16:00 hour at the NLLGG meeting in Utrecht. The location is Tamboersdijk 9, 3582 TZ Utrecht. We look forward to have a chat with you about Free Software! The event is free of cost, no registration is needed. The people at the booth speak both Dutch and English. 

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

20 May 2022

The meeting will take place on Friday May 20th, 7.30pm CET. The FSFE Women meets once in a month to discuss topics related to Free Software, IT and about any aspects of being a woman* in tech. Please be aware that this group is women-centric and transgender and non-binary friendly. If you identify as a man, we kindly ask you to reach out to the coordinators of the FSFE Women to let them know you would like to join. For more information about the FSFE Women have a look at our team site. The group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software. Registration is not required. The meeting is in English. 

1. KIDD-Fachkonferenz in Berlin, Deutschland

19 May 2022

Artificial intelligence not only requires a functioning algorithm, but must also be morally and ethically thought through.

Alexander Sander, FSFE Policy Consultant and member of the KIDD Advisory Board, will discuss "Challenges and perspectives of ethical and diversity-sensitive AI in the European context" at the panel in the morning. The event is in German, free of cost, but you have to register.  

Berlin group restarts in-person meetings

12 May 2022

The FSFE local group Berlin is having its regular monthly meeting. Anyone interested in software freedom is welcome. The meeting is in German, the participation is at no cost. 7:00 pm at E-LOK, Laskerstraße 6-8, 10245 Berlin. Bring good vibes with you. 

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

12 May 2022

Anyone interested in Free Software and wanting to stand up for the ideals of Free Software can join. The FSFE Zurich local group meets on the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting takes place at Recreatzz, Neue Hard 12, second floor, from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is in German. The group will discuss the Public Communication initiative. You do not need to register, and the participation is at no cost.  

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

09 May 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group will meet on Monday 9 May at 19:00 for its regular monthly meeting. Fellow FSFE supporters and anyone who is interested is welcome. The meeting takes place in German and participation is at no cost. The place of meeting is still to be announced, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. We would also encourage you to join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

The future of Router Freedom in Austria (online)

04 May 2022

On Wednesday 04 May 2022, 09:30 - 11:00 CEST, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) and the Alliance of Telecommunication Terminal Equipment Manufacturers (VTKE) are organising an online session about the future of Router Freedom in Austria. In this session, you will have the opportunity to learn more about why Router Freedom is fundamental not only for consumer rights but also for a functional and competitive router and modem market. The event will be moderated by Barbara Steinbrenner, a tech journalist in Austria, and is open for all to attend free of charge. Registration is encouraged, but not necessary. The event language will be German. 

FSFE Berlin local group meeting about Education (online)

28 April 2022

On Thursday 19:30 we will have our Edu-Meeting again and you are invited to discuss "Free Software and Education" with us, share experiences and work on liberating knowledge and education in Berlin and beyond. The meeting is in German, anyone can participate at no cost. The meeting is online. Bring food, drinks, and good vibes with you. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

20 April 2022

The monthly meeting of FSFE Netherlands. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

20 April 2022

The meeting will take place on April 20th, 7.30pm CET. The FSFE Women meets once in a month to discuss topics related to Free Software, IT and about any aspects of being a woman* in tech. Please be aware that this group is women-centric and transgender and non-binary friendly. If you identify as a man, we kindly ask you to reach out to the coordinators of the FSFE Women to let them know you would like to join. For more information about the FSFE Women have a look at our team site. The group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software. Registration is not required. The meeting is in English. 

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

14 April 2022

Anyone interested in Free Software and wanting to stand up for the ideals of Free Software can join. The FSFE Zurich local group meets on the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting takes place at Recreatzz, Neue Hard 12, second floor, from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is in German. The group will discuss ways to reach out to new people, the upcoming Open Education Day, and the needed tasks. You do not need to register, and the participation is at no cost.  

FSFE Hamburg local group meeting in Hamburg, Germany

14 April 2022

The FSFE Hamburg local group will meet on Thursday 14 April at 19:00 for its regular monthly meeting. Fellow FSFE supporters and anyone who is interested is welcome. The meeting takes place in German and participation is at no cost. The place of meeting is still to be announced, but you can find the places we usually meet in the group's wiki page. We would also encourage you to join our mailing list, where you will be informed about the place we meet and about the topics that will be discussed. 

"Just one year longer" A talk on politics and software surrounding phones (online)

30 March 2022

30 March at 14:00 CET, Erik Albers, FSFE Program Manager Digital Sustainability, will speak on the topic "Only one year longer... - on politics and software surrounding phones" at the Digital Social Summit: Digitization has become an essential part of our society, but how can dependencies be avoided and what role does software design play in the sustainability of hardware and infrastructures? Using our favorite gadget, the telephone, as an example, Erik Albers presents technologically sustainable design principles, relevant political legislative processes as well as actors and initiatives - and how we as civil society can get involved. The talk is in English, the stream is free, registration required.  

FSFE Berlin local group meeting about Education (online)

24 March 2022

On Thursday 19:30 we will have our Edu-Meeting again and you are invited to discuss "Free Software and Education" with us, share experiences and work on liberating knowledge and education in Berlin and beyond. The meeting is in German, anyone can participate at no cost. The meeting is online. Bring food, drinks, and good vibes with you. 

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

20 March 2022

The meeting will take place on March 20th, 7.30pm CET. The FSFE Women meets once in a month to discuss topics related to Free Software, IT and about any aspects of being a woman* in tech. Please be aware that this group is women-centric and transgender and non-binary friendly. If you identify as a man, we kindly ask you to reach out to the coordinators of the FSFE Women to let them know you would like to join. For more information about the FSFE Women have a look at our team site. The group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software. Registration is not required. The meeting is in English. 

Upcycling Android workshop in Berlin

19 March 2022

Together with the local FSFE group Berlin we are organizing our first Upcycling Android workshop on March 19th, 2022 in Berlin. This workshop is primarily about bringing tech enthusiasts and sustainability enthusiasts together and exchanging views on technology and sustainability while flashing phones with Free Software operating systems. We want to give a place for all questions you have and bring different phones to test different settings. We will bring devices with us on which you can try flashing phones or you can bring your own phones. In the case of the latter, we would ask you to clarify with us in advance whether the devices you have brought with you can be supported.

In addition to the actual phone flashing, there will also be a short keynote speech on longevity and sustainability on Android and other devices. The event is in English and German. We are on site for 6 hours and look forward to a large number of people coming. The venue is the Holodeck of at Schönhauser Allee 6/7, from 11:00 to 17:00. Everyone is welcome to join, participation is free, no registration is needed. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

16 March 2022

On the 16th of March, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

Sustainable software for phones that last (online)

15 March 2022

Fairphone invites a panel of experts to explore the underlying forces that drive the continuing decline in the longevity of phones and other electronics. Erik Albers, FSFE's programme manager digital sustainability, joins the panel and gives insights on the sustainability of Free Software and how the universal right to install Free Software operating systems on any device will help us to live a more sustainable digital society. The live webinar takes place on 15 March 2022 from 14:00 - 15:00 CET and it is in English. Attendance is free but you need to register.  

Author reading: Ada & Zangemann (online)

12 March 2022

Are you interested in the new book Ada & Zangemann: A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream? The book is a modern fairy tale that conveys the joy of tinkering and calls for self-determined use of software: for children from 6 years of age. A charming story for all ages.

Join the reading of the book on Saturday, 12 March 2022, at 17:00 CET. Meet the author of the book and President of the FSFE, Matthias Kirschner, and ask any questions you might have. The event is part of the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage. The reading will be in German and will take place online. You can join the event at no cost. No registration is needed. 

FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

10 March 2022

Anyone interested in Free Software and wanting to stand up for the ideals of Free Software can join. The FSFE Zurich local group meets on the second Thursday of each month. The next meeting takes place at Recreatzz, Neue Hard 12, second floor, from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is in German. The group will discuss ways to reach out to new people, the upcoming Open Education Day, and the needed tasks. You do not need to register, and the participation is at no cost. 

Lettura dell'autore: Ada & Zangemann (online)

25 February 2022

Ti interessa il nuovo libro "Ada & Zangemann: una fiaba che parla di software, skateboard e gelato al lampone"? Questo libro è una moderna fiaba che trasmette il piacere dello sperimentare e richiama all'uso autodeterminato del software: per bambini dall'età di 6 anni. Un'affascinante storia per tutte le età.

Partecipa alla lettura del libro venerdì 25 febbraio 2022 alle ore 21:00 (CET). Incontra l'autore del libro e presidente della FSFE, Matthias Kirschner, e fai qualsiasi domanda tu abbia in serbo. La lettura sarà in tedesco e si terrà online. L'evento è parte dell'annuale Winter Congress, un evento organizzato dalla Digital Society. Per partecipare al Winter Congress occorre registrarsi e acquistare un biglietto. Il prezzo del biglietto ordinario per i non membri è di 30 CHF. 

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

20 February 2022

The meeting will take place on Feb 20th, 7.30pm CET. The FSFE Women meets once in a month to discuss topics related to Free Software, IT and about any aspects of being a woman* in tech. Please be aware that this group is women-centric and transgender and non-binary friendly. If you identify as a man, we kindly ask you to reach out to the coordinators of the FSFE Women to let them know you would like to join. For more information about the FSFE Women have a look at our team site. The group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software. Registration is not required. The meeting is in English. 

Lecture Free Software and Open Data (online)

16 February 2022

Dr. Lucas Lasota, FSFE Legal Project Manager and Researcher at Humboldt University of Berlin, invites Robbie Morrison to give a lecture at the Seminar 'Introduction to Software Law' about the intersection of Free Software and Open Data. Robbie Morrison is a researcher, engineer and software developer. He is specialist in the field of open data and energy systems. The lecture will be held online at 14:45 CET and it is free from registration. The language of the event will be English. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

16 February 2022

On the 16th of February, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 22:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 23:00, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

Giornata "Io amo SL": evento di gioco (online)

14 February 2022

Il 14 febbraio di ogni anno, persone di tutto il mondo festeggiano la giornata “Io amo il Software Libero”. In questa giornata mostriamo il nostro amore per il Software Libero e ringraziamo tutte le persone che contribuiscono alla libertà del software. Quest'anno stiamo organizzando un intero evento dedicato ai giochi rilasciati come Software Libero. L'evento sarà online il 14 febbraio 2022 dalle 18:00 alle 20:00 CET. Per la prima parte del nostro evento, tre nostri ospiti esperti in giochi rilasciati come Software Libero, motori di gioco e sessioni di gioco condivideranno le loro esperienze, e saremo immersi nel mondo dei giochi di Software Libero. Il link per il flusso è Dopo questo, ti invitiamo a giocare a Veloren insieme a noi.

Per ragioni tecniche, chiediamo alle persone che vogliono prendere parte all'intero evento tramite la nostra istanza BigBlueButton di effettuare la registrazione anzitempo (la registrazione è chiusa). Tutti sono benvenuti. La partecipazione è gratuita. L'evento sarà in inglese. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni sulla giornata "Io amo SL" qui.  

Stand & devroom legale e di policy al FOSDEM (online)

05 February 2022

Come ogni anno, la FSFE sarà presente al FOSDEM, il più importante evento annuale del Software Libero in Europa. Nell'edizione di quest'anno co-organizzeremo per la seconda volta la devroom sulle questioni legali e di policyLegal and Policy Issues Devroom. Se vuoi qualche aggiornamento e ti interessa qualcuna delle nostre attività, puoi visitare il nostro stand digitale. Tutti possono partecipare. La partecipazione è gratuita e non serve registrarsi. All'evento si parlerà in inglese.  

Incontro della FSFE dei Paesi Bassi (online)

26 January 2022

Il prossimo incontro online della FSFE dei Paesi Bassi è stato spostato al 26 gennaio. L'incontro sarà dalle 20:00 fino alle 21:00 CEST utilizzando il server delle conferenze. È di solito abbastanza 'gezellig' e quindi molti rimangono fino alle 22:30, ma ci si può scollegare quando si vuole. L'incontro è aperto a tutti, e utilizzeremo l'inglese se ci sarà qualcuno che non parla olandese. Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni nella nostra wiki. All'incontro ci atterremo al Codice di Condotta della FSFE. Per partecipare all'incontro, invia un'email al coordinatore nazionale Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org) che ti invierà il link per l'accesso con il relativo codice. 

Incontro mensile donne FSFE (online)

20 January 2022

Questo incontro si terrà online giovedì 20 gennaio, 19:30 CET. Le donne della FSFE si incontrano una volta al mese per discutere di tematiche relative al Software Libero, all'informatica e a riguardo di ogni aspetto di essere donna* nella tecnologia. Presta attenzione: questo gruppo è incentrato sulle donne e accogliente verso transgender e non binari. Se ti identifichi come uomo, ti chiediamo cortesemente di contattare le coordinatrici del gruppo donne della FSFE per far loro sapere che vuoi partecipare. Per più informazioni sul gruppo donne della FSFE visita la pagina web del nostro gruppo. Il gruppo è aperto a tutte le donne* che sono interessate al Software Libero. Non è richiesta alcuna registrazione. All'incontro si parlerà inglese. 

Introduzione alla legge software e le licenze FOSS

10 January 2022

Il Dott. Lucas Lasota ci darà alcuni approfondimenti legali nel mondo delle licenze del Software Libero il prossimo lunedì, 10 gennaio 2022, dalle 18 alle 19 CET. La lezione, come anche la successiva discussione, saranno online via BigBlueButton e si parlerà inglese.