List of pages tagged "ch"
- [2024-02-26]"I Love Free Software Day" 2024: Forging the future with Free Software
- [2024-02-08]Meno di una settimana a “I Love Free Software Day” 2024!
- [2023-10-20]Software Freedom in Europe 2023
- [2023-03-07]Medical Devices Should Use Free Software +++ 25 New Videos
- [2023-02-08]Io amo il Software Libero +++ Autorità pubbliche nel Fediverso
- [2023-01-26]Gruppi locali della FSFE festeggiano la giornata "Io amo il Software Libero"
- [2023-01-10]Novità promettenti da Belgio e Dortmund +++ Sicurezza IT +++ Posto di lavoro
- [2023-01-09]FediGov cerca di promuovere comunicazioni in pieno controllo nel settore pubblico
- [2022-12-13]Diritti digitali deboli nell'UE +++ Scacco matto! +++ 5 ragioni
- [2022-11-15]La FSFE vince Datathon UE ++ Vincitori YH4F e nuovo giro ++ No a controllo chat
- [2022-10-04]Software Libero in Francia +++ Spazio hacker in Albania +++ Posto di lavoro
- [2022-09-28]Software Freedom in Europe 2022
- [2022-09-06]Librem 5: un PC in tasca +++ Tornano gli stand
- [2022-07-05]Podcast sulla sostenibilità +++ Lavoro +++ Libertà del Router parziale in Grecia
- [2022-06-07]Municipi che usano il Software Libero +++ Il Tour PMPC in Italia
- [2022-05-10]46 firme lettera aperta OS libero ++ App mercato equo ++ I tuoi diritti digitali
- [2020-12-16]CWA senza Google +++ Cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo +++ KDE e REUSE
- [2020-12-11]Il gruppo locale della FSFE di Zurigo riceve il DINAcon Award
- [2019-10-07]Freedomvote fa luce sui candidati svizzeri alle elezioni nazionali
- [2015-10-30]Zurich Fellows offer Laptops with Libreboot
- [2015-09-16]"Freedomvote": 10 domande sulla libertà digitale in occasione delle elezioni nazionali svizzere
- [2015-03-06]Swiss Federal Council considers legal assurance for release of Free Software
- [2014-11-20]In Switzerland, the legal basis for the government to support Free Software is still lacking
- [2025-02-13T16:00:00Z]I Love Free Software Day Zürich, Switzerland
- [2024-10-10T16:00:00Z]FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2024-08-08T16:00:00Z]FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2023-09-27]GNU 40 years - Celebration and Hacker Meeting in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
- [2023-09-26]Free Software Licensing Requirements and AI in Basel, Switzerland
- [2023-03-09]FSFE Zurich local group meeting Zurich, Switzerland
- [2023-02-14]Giornata "Io ♥ il Software Libero" a Zurigo, Svizzera
- [2023-01-19]Incontro gruppo locale FSFE di Zurigo a Zurigo, Svizzera
- [2023-01-09]Incontro gruppo locale della FSFE di Basilea in Svizzera
- [2022-12-08]Incontro gruppo locale FSFE di Zurigo a Zurigo, Svizzera
- [2022-12-05]Incontro gruppo locale della FSFE di Basilea a Basilea, Svizzera
- [2022-11-10]FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2022-11-07]FSFE Basel local group meeting in Basel, Switzerland
- [2022-10-03]NEW FSFE Basel local group meeting in Basel, Switzerland
- [2022-08-11]FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2022-06-09]FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2022-05-12]FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2022-04-14]FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2022-03-10]FSFE Zurich local group meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2020-02-22]Winterkongress Digitale Gesellschaft in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2019-04-18]Your data is yours. Selfhosting made easy in Zürich, Switzerland
- [2019-04-06]Open Education Day in Berne, Switzerland
- [2019-03-14]Monthly meeting Local Group Zurich in Zurich, Schweiz
- [2019-02-23]Winterkongress Digitale Gesellschaft in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2019-02-14]Meeting of Local Group Zurich, Switzerland
- [2016-07-14]Monthly FSFE localgroup meeting in Zürich, Switzerland
- [2016-06-09]Monthly FSFE localgroup meeting in Zürich, Switzerland
- [2016-05-12]Monthly FSFE localgroup meeting in Zürich, Switzerland
- [2016-04-14]Monthly FSFE local group meeting in Zürich, Switzerland
- [2016-03-10]Monthly FSFE Meeting in Zürich, Switzerland
- [2015-06-11]Local FSFE meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2014-09-11]Fellowship meeting Zurich
- [2014-06-03]European Christian Internet Conference, Bossey, Switzerland
- [2014-03-06]First meet-up of the new Fellowshipgroup in Zürich, Switzerland
- [2012-07-07]FSFE at RMLL 2012
- [2011-12-07]“Sustainable IT through Open Standards”, Zurich, Switzerland
- [2010-11-18]Fellowship meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2010-09-17]FrOSCamp, Zurich, Switzerland
- [2010-07-08]Fellowship meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2010-05-20]Fellowship meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2010-03-18]Fellowship meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
- [2010-01-25]Standards and patents at WIPO, Geneva, Switzerland