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News Archive for 2019

The FSFE empowers users to control technology with its diverse activities and concrete engagement for software freedom. Follow us and make sure to receive regular updates and deeper insights on our various channels.

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Redes Sociales

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Report from the 2019 FSFE Community Meeting in Bolzano, Italy

05 December 2019 –

This year's FSFE Community Meeting took place from Friday 15 November to Saturday 16 November 2019 as part of SFSCon - an annual Free Software event in the city of Bolzano in South Tyrol, Italy. As in previous editions, embedding our community meeting in another event gave us the opportunity to meet different parts of our own community as well as to connect with people from other communities. 

The last 12 months in the light of software freedom

28 November 2019 –

In the last 12 months, we have achieved a lot with the help of our volunteers, through their donations and hard work. Thanks to their support, we were able to successfully continue our PMPC campaign, simplify licensing practices through our REUSE initiative, and stand up for router freedom in Europe. We will be back in 2020 with even more vigour towards our work. Please help us with a donation so that we can continue our successful commitment to Free Software. 

La FSFE recibe con satisfacción la decisión de la CDU de hacer obligatorio el Software Libre

25 November 2019

La Free Software Foundation Europa da la bienvenida a la resolución de la convención del partido de la CDU sobre el uso del Software Libre. En el marco de la 32ª edición de la conferencia del partido celebrado este fin de semana, la CDU decidió unirse a la FSFE para exigir que el software desarrollado con dinero público esté disponible públicamente como Software Libre. Esta decisión se alinea con nuestra campaña "¿Dinero público? ¡Código público!", que cuenta con el apoyo de más de 170 organizaciones y 26.000 personas.  

Input for the BEREC's guidelines on Router Freedom in Europe

20 November 2019 –

Router Freedom is the right of customers of any Internet Service Provider (ISP) to choose and use a private modem and router instead of a router that the ISP forces them to use. The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) drafted guidelines for national agencies how to deal with Router Freedom in their countries. The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) provided mixed feedback to an ongoing public consulation.  

How we fixed DRM in Portugal (and so can you)

13 November 2019 – Paula Simões, Marcos Marado

After 15 years of trying to solve the DRM problem, the Portuguese Association for Free Software ANSOL and the Association for Free Education AEL finally managed to get what they sought: a fix to the DRM situation in Portugal. 

Get Active: “Public Money? Public Code!” in the Kassel city parliament

12 November 2019 – Bonnie Mehring

Our EU-wide campaign "Public Money? Public Code!" has made it to the city parliament in Kassel (Germany). The parliamentary group, consisting of FDP, Freie Wähler (Free Voters) and Pirates, has proposed a motion "Public Money - Public Code as a Principle in Software Procurement". The motion calls on the magistrate to follow the principle of "Public Money, Public Code" when purchasing new software and to focus increasingly on Free Software as well as Open Standards.  

Call for sessions "about:freedom" during 36C3

02 November 2019 –

In the context of the 36th Chaos Communication Congress happening from December 27th to 30th in Leipzig, the FSFE is happy to host an assembly again inside the cluster "about:freedom". We offer attention and a stage for self-organised sessions by and for our community and friends, and this is our call for participation. 

La libertad del Router: recuperando la soberanía sobre tu equipamiento digital

28 October 2019 –

El derecho a elegir tus propios módems y enrutadores es una condición básica para un entorno digital neutral, seguro y saludable. Si no puedes controlar si tu rúter no es libre, tu libertad digital va a verse comprometida. La FSFE ha estado luchando, durante años, por la libertad del rúter en Alemania. Ahora el debate ha alcanzado un nivel europeo, con los proveedores de servicios de Internet imponiendo sus propios enrutadores a los clientes. La FSFE ha preparado un paquete de actividades diseñadas para las personas y organizaciones interesadas en promover su libertad de elección. 

Annual report of the Free Software Foundation Europe 2019

22 October 2019

"Software Freedom in Europe" is the yearly report of the Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. (FSFE). In one document, it gives you a breakdown of important things the FSFE has done and achieved during the last 12 months. Among many other interesting stories, in the 2019 report you will read about our ongoing work for router freedom in Europe, about the first Parliament in Europe who joins our "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign, about our new version of REUSE tools to help Free Software developers with easy license compliance and about much more of our multi-faceted policy work - all together aiming at a world in which users are in control of technology! 

Today is the Day Against DRM

12 October 2019

Join us and the Free Software Foundation in the fight against DRM! Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) is any technology that is built into an electronic product or service with the aim of limiting its use. It is designed to prevent customers from using digital technology in ways that do not correspond to the business agenda of a content provider or device manufacturer.  

Freedomvote sheds light on Swiss candidates for national elections

07 October 2019 –

Freedomvote.ch is back. The Swiss Freedomvote campaign aims to give voters guidance about the candidates who are running for election. As in its previous edition from 2015, it offers candidates the opportunity to present their positioning on different digital topics, including Free Software. More than 160 candidates are already participating and prove that digital topics are becoming more and more important - for voters just as for candidates.  

Be part of this year's FSFE community meeting

30 September 2019 – Bonnie Mehring

In less than 2 months this year's FSFE community meeting will take place between 15 and 17 November at the SFScon in Bolzano, Italy. There will be inspiring talks, both from within the FSFE community as well as from the SFScon accompanied with a lot of social gatherings. No matter if you are a longtime volunteer or you have never heard about us before - everyone who is interested in the FSFE is welcome to join.  

Radio Lockdown: es poco probable que las críticas a la controvertida directiva influyan en la Comisión Europea

27 August 2019 – ,

Desde 2014, una Directiva Europea tiene el propósito de impedir que los usuarios carguen software en sus dispositivos radioeléctricos, dispositivos tales como teléfonos móviles, ordenadores portátiles y enrutadores. Si bien la Comisión Europea ha cerrado recientemente un período de reflexión, en el que los ciudadanos compartieron sus opiniones sobre el impacto de la Directiva, a la FSFE le preocupa que dicha reflexión pueda pasar desapercibida. Obtenga más información sobre los comentarios recibidos y lo que se avecina. 

Limux Muenchen written with wooden playcards

Public Money, Public Code: Munich one step back - others two steps forward.

15 May 2019

More than two years ago, Munich abandoned their strategy of developing an independent IT infrastructure built with Free Software and the free operating system GNU/Linux and went back to depending on proprietary software. We followed this process closely and like to give an update today about what has happened since then in Munich and in Europe in general. Did we manage to gain more independence and control over our IT or did dependencies on monopolies increase over the past two years?  

El equipo Pica Pica Hacklab frente al Parlamento de Asturias

Cómo el Parlamento de Asturias decidió firmar la carta abierta que solicita "¿Dinero Público? ¡Código Público!" - entrevista con Iyán Méndez Veiga

14 May 2019 –

"...esta Junta General apoya y se compromete con la campaña internacional “Dinero público, código público” - esta es una cita del primer punto de una reciente propuesta trasladada desde el Parlamento de Asturias al gobierno. Este es también el exitoso final de los continuados esfuerzos de influencia del hackerspace local de Oviedo "Pica Pica Hacklab", haciendo uso del material de campaña de la FSFE junto con su propia marca de hacking social. Mientras tanto, el Parlamento de Asturias respaldó sus palabras por escrito y firmó oficialmente la carta abierta de nuestra campaña "¿Dinero Público? ¡Código Público!", siendo el primer parlamento en hacerlo. Con el fin de arrojar luz sobre esta satisfactoria historia, e inspirar a los grupos locales a lo largo del mundo, hemos entrevistado a Iyán Méndez Veiga, miembro del Pica Pica Hacklab. 

#ilovefs Day report 2019

29 March 2019

On Thursday 14th of February, we acknowledge and celebrate the annual "I love Free Software Day". It is the day to express your love for Free Software and gratitude for your favourite pieces of Free Software. The Free Software Foundation Europe would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated and helped making this day a special one for everyone involved. 

Copyright Directive – EU safeguards Free Software at the last minute [Updated]

26 March 2019

The European Parliament adopted the controversial Copyright Directive by 348 votes in favour, 274 votes against and 36 abstentions. Today's vote marks the end of years of debate in the European Union. Heated discussions about the introduction of upload filters ended up in protests of hundreds of thousands of people in the streets all across Europe. In a last minute action back in September 2018, the European Parliament adopted an amendment and pushed it through the trilogue to at least protect Free Software developing platforms. 

International Women's Day: No freedom without diversity and gender equality

08 March 2019 –

Today, the FSFE celebrates International Women's Day, a global day calling for women's rights and gender parity. As in many other communities, women in Free Software communities face gender discrimination on a daily basis. To help improve their environment and raise awareness, the FSFE wants to use today's occasion to share our ongoing efforts to improve gender balance and ensure gender equality.  

Join the I Love Free Software Day 2019

14 February 2019 – admin

Today, as with every year on February 14th, people around the globe are celebrating "I love Free Software" Day by expressing their love and thanks to all the people working behind each Free Software project. Follow the love with the hashtag #IloveFS today and add your own love dedication to the stream! 

La FSFE publica un folleto de expertos sobre “¿Dinero Público? ¡Código Público!"

24 January 2019

¿Por qué los gobiernos deberían desarrollar Software Libre? ¿Dónde está el Software Libre que ya está generando beneficios en el sector público? ¿Qué son los modelos de negocio de Software Libre? Las respuestas a estas preguntas y directrices prácticas se encuentran en el nuevo folleto de políticas para expertos publicado hoy por la Fundación del Software Libre de Europa. Elaborado pensando en los responsables de la toma de decisiones, el folleto será una fuente de información útil para los candidatos y partidos que se presenten a las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo. Las descargas e impresiones están disponibles bajo una licencia Creative Commons. 

FSFE is hiring: Fundraising Manager

09 January 2019

We are looking for a Fundraising Manager to support our work to empower people to control technology. The person will work 35 hours per week with our team in the Berlin office, being in charge of the FSFE's individual and corporate fundraising.