Kujdes: Kjo faqe s’është përkthyer ende. Ajo që po shihni më poshtë, është faqja në versionin origjinal. Ju lutemi, përdorni këtë faqe që të shihni se si mund të ndihmoni te përkthimet dhe anë të tjera.

Free Software Foundation Europe

Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology.

Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt, and share software. These rights help support other fundamental rights like freedom of speech, freedom of press, and privacy. Learn more...

illustration of a router with wings and the wifi sign on top of it

Router Freedom in Germany: A victory for consumers!


After a failed attempt by internet providers to exclude Router Freedom from fiber networks, the German regulator BNetzA has confirmed Router Freedom in the country. The FSFE, which has been pushing for this since 2013, will continue to monitor implementation and compliance.  

Software Freedom Podcast illustration: a blue gradient background with the three starts from the FSFE logo also in blue and the words Software Freedom Podcast. It also has in white the fsfe website url

SFP#28: Policy and EU: FOSDEM DevRooms with Alexander Sander

FOSDEM, Europe's largest Free Software conference, is just around the corner! In this episode of the Software Freedom Podcast, Bonnie Mehring and Alexander Sander discuss the two DevRooms organised by the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). Learn all about the Legal and Policy Issues DevRoom and the Funding the FOSS Ecosystem DevRoom. 

Cinema screening of Ada and Zangemann. The picture is showing some rows of red sits and in the screen in the background of the picture, an image from the illustrated movie Ada & Zangemann

The FSFE launches 'Ada & Zangemann' movie in French as Open Educational Resource


The Free Software Foundation Europe is releasing the animated film ‘Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream’ in French as an Open Educational Resource. Originally a highly successful illustrated book, now available in 10 languages and counting, the story has been adapted into a film that can be freely used in schools.  

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Software is becoming more and more a fabric which permeates our society. We are more and more unaware of the ways in which it influences, sometimes forces our decisions. That's why software freedom concerns fundamentally and very concretely our society. That's why I am convinced that groups like the FSFE are vital for the evolution of a free society.

Tomás Zerolo (Self-employed IT specialist)

In a world where software influences virtually every single aspect of our lives, Free Software is a precondition for a free society.

Reinhard Müller (Software Developer)

U bëra anëtar shok ngaqë po shoh gjithnjë e më shumë se të shkruash kod të lirë nuk qenka e mjaftueshme për të ushqyer një kulturë ku shkrimi i kodit të lirë shihet si pjesë integrale e shoqërisë. Software-i i lirë nuk duhet të jetë temë periferike e përkrahur vetëm nga geeks-a.

Johannes Zarl (Profesionist TI)

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Two volunteers behind a booth of the FSFE presenting information and merchandise material.

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