List of pages tagged "deviceneutrality"
- [2025-01-27]Join us at FOSDEM 2025!
- [2025-01-24]Routerfreiheit in Deutschland: Ein Triumph für Nutzerinnen und Nutzer!
- [2025-01-16]The FSFE calls for broader interoperability by Apple under the DMA
- [2025-01-14]FOSDEM & DMA updates+++ 2025 YH4F +++ Our visions for 2048
- [2025-01-10]The FSFE at 38c3
- [2025-01-03]T minus 23 years until 2048
- [2024-12-23]The FSFE at 38C3: let’s talk together about Software Freedom
- [2024-11-13]EU consultation confirms demand: long-term funding for Free Software is needed
- [2024-11-05]YH4F 2024 winners +++ Apple litigation page +++ SFSCON ‘24
- [2024-11-01]Where the FSFE Shapes the Future: SFSCON 2024!
- [2024-10-16]Exceptions against Router Freedom undermine users’ rights in Italy
- [2024-10-09]Ada movie premiere +++ EC consultation +++ Apple litigation
- [2024-09-20]Software Freedom in Europe 2024
- [2024-09-11]Die FSFE fordert von der EU-Kommission eine nachhaltige Finanzierung Freier Software
- [2024-09-11]Bring Back Free Software Funding: Give Your Feedback to the European Commission
- [2024-09-03]Apple litigation +++ EU funding for Free Software +++ YH4F +++ ZOOOM project
- [2024-08-28]Spread your concern about Free Software funding in your local newspaper
- [2024-08-09]Apple vs EU Commission: the FSFE intervenes to safeguard Free Software
- [2024-08-08]European Commission needs to come up with dedicated budget for Free Software solutions
- [2024-08-08]Apple gegen EU-Kommission: Die FSFE interveniert zum Schutz von Freier Software
- [2024-08-06]EU cuts funding for FS +++ Router Freedom +++ SFP
- [2024-07-19]EC cuts funding support for Free Software projects
- [2024-07-09]Belgian court’s decision impacts the future of Router Freedom
- [2024-07-02]DMA & Apple +++ Openwashing, EU infrastucture & more
- [2024-06-27]Defending DMA against Apple: The FSFE signs joint position paper
- [2024-04-02]DMA und Geräteneutralität +++ Abstimmung über CRA & PLD +++ EU-Wahlen: aktiv werden!
- [2024-03-18]EU policy meets Free Software in FOSDEM
- [2024-03-07]Let’s make Device Neutrality a reality in Europe!
- [2024-03-05]I love FS celebrations +++ FOSDEM 2024 +++ SFP episode
- [2024-02-13]Celebrate I Love Free Software Day +++ Interoperable Europe Act adopted
- [2024-01-16]Podcast episodes +++ Router Freedom tech wiki +++ Become our policy intern
- [2023-12-14]Das Tech-Wiki für Routerfreiheit ist jetzt online!
- [2023-12-05]YH4F kickoff +++ UpA Open Letter +++ Router freedom in Belgium
- [2023-12-01]Austria goes against Router Freedom
- [2023-11-15]Deutscher Bundestag nimmt Offenen Brief zu Upcycling Android entgegen
- [2023-11-13]Belgium commits to Router Freedom
- [2023-11-08]Join us at SFSCON 2023!
- [2023-10-20]Software Freedom in Europe 2023
- [2023-09-15]Router Freedom: German telcos want to exclude fiber
- [2023-09-05]"Zurück zur Schule" für EU- und deutsche Politik+++Ada weltweit erhältlich
- [2023-08-07]Unleash the potential of your phone: Rooting your device does not void its warranty
- [2023-06-06]AI Act und Interoperabilität+++Umfrage zu Routerzwang+++Podcasts, YH4F & Ada
- [2023-05-15]European citizens demand Router Freedom
- [2023-05-15]Report: The end-user perspective on Router Freedom
- [2023-05-03]FOSS-North & LLW+++Device Neutrality+++NGI Zero
- [2023-04-21]SFP#20: All about Device Neutrality with Lucas Lasota
- [2023-04-18]Lithuania: Students stop university from using only proprietary authentication
- [2023-03-13]Greece adopts news rules on Router Freedom
- [2023-02-14]SFP#19: Why we need Free Software on medical devices with Karen Sandler
- [2022-10-04]Free Software in France +++ Hackerspace in Albania +++ Job
- [2022-09-28]Software Freedom in Europe 2022
- [2022-05-10]FSFE calls for digital sustainability in the telecom sector
- [2022-04-27]38 Organisationen fordern Recht auf Zugang und Wiederverwendung von Hardware
- [2022-01-11]Geräteneutralität wird Realität +++ Stockholm +++ FSFE-Infrastruktur +++ KI
- [2021-12-15]Digital Markets Act: Device Neutrality finally becomes a reality
- [2021-11-22]Digital Markets Act - the FSFE calls for Device Neutrality
- [2021-03-02]Refund of pre-installed Windows: Lenovo must pay 20,000 euros in damages