Softwarepatente in Europa
[ Einführung | Hintergrund | Status | Weiterführende Literatur ]Dokumente
Diese Dokumente erklären, wie Softwarepatente die verschiedensten Bereiche von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft beeinflussen werden.
How the European patent system works (2012-09-05)
A blogpost by the President of FSFE Karsten GerloffEingabe an das Europäische Patentamt (European Patent Office, EPO) zum Thema Softwarepatente (2009-04-29)
Karlsruher Memorandum zur Patentierbarkeit von Software in Europa (2005-06-25)
Software patents - a danger to democracy (2005-06-06)
Open Letter to Mr. Mr Borrell Fontelles, President of the European Parliament by Georg GreveEuropean Commission is going to undermine some of its best work (2005-05-02)
Open Letter to Mr. Charlie McCreevy, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services by Georg GreveSoftware patents putting International Financial Report Standards (IFRS) in danger (2005-04-05)
Open Letter to Mr. Rudy Provoost, President of the European Information & Communications Technology Industry Association (EICTA) by Georg GreveEuropean Cities will suffer from software patents (2005-03-07)
Open Letter to Mrs. Catherine Parmentier, Chief Executive Officer of EUROCITIES by Georg GreveSoftware patents harm banks (2005-02-07)
Open Letter to Mr. Nout Wellink, President of the International Bank of Settlements by Georg GreveSoftware patents are bad for your health (2005-01-03)
Open letter to Mr. Lee, General Secretary of the World Health Organisation (WHO) by Georg GreveSoftware patents detrimental to European power supply business (2004-12-06)
Open letter to Mr. Haider, President of the Union of the Electricity Industry - EURELECTRIC by Georg GreveSoftware patents are like firefighting with petrol (2004-11-01)
Open letter to Mr. Barroso by Georg GreveAllianz Group will suffer because of software patents (2004-10-04)
Open letter to Mr. Diekmann, CEO of Allianz Group by Georg GreveNo software patents, conserve competitive advantage! (2004-09-06)
Open letter to the Dutch Prime Minister Dr. Balkenende by Georg GreveSoftware patents will destroy the foundations of IBM's future (2004-08-02)
Open letter to Dr. Wladawsky-Berger of IBM by Stefano Maffulli and Georg GreveOpen Letter to the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG) on software patents (2004-07-06)
Open letter to Prof. Bullinger by Georg GreveOpen letter to Prof. Köhler on software patents (2004-05-31)
Open letter to Prof. Köhler, designated German President by Georg GreveOpen letter to all citizens of Europe (2004-05-10)
Open letter on software patents by Georg Greve and Hartmut Pilch
Diese Organisationen und Seiten stellen mehr Informationen über Softwarepatente zur Verfügung.
- Hier finden Sie detaillierte Informationen zu verschiedenen Themen aus dem Bereich der Softwarepatente, auf dem Netzauftritt unserer assoziierten Organisation, dem FFII.