"L'interoperabilità del DMA viola i diritti fondamentali” sostiene Apple. La FSFE non è d'accordo. Se anche voi pensate che l'interoperabilità sia fondamentale per la libertà del software, sosteneteci!

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Ottieni più sicurezza con una smartcard e supporta l'attività della FSFE nel 2015

03 December 2018

La Free Software Foundation Europe è un'organizzazione pan-europea, fondata nel 2001 per aumentare il potere degli utenti nel controllare la tecnologia. Per permettere all'organizzazione di intensificare il proprio lavoro con la Commissione Europea e per far sì che più persone conoscano il Software Libero, la FSFE ha bisogno di altri 190.000€ per la sua attività nel 2015. L'anno prossimo, la FSFE spingerà più forte che mai per intessere la libertà del software nel tessuto della nostra società . 

    EU to fund Free Software code review

    19 December 2014

    The European Parliament has approved funding for several projects related to Free Software and privacy. In the EU budget for 2015, which the European Parliament adopted on December 17, the Parliamentarians have allocated up to one million Euro for a project to audit Free Software programs in use at the Commission and the Parliament in order to identify and fix security vulnerabilities. 

    Happy Birthday April!

    18 December 2014

    April, France's leading Free Software advocacy organisation, was founded 18 years ago today.
    April was set up in December 1996 by students in a Paris university as a not-for-profit group to promote Free Software in computer science research. 

    Il lavoro della FSFE nel 2014

    18 December 2014 –

    Il mondo di domani viene deciso da quello che facciamo oggi. La FSFE aiuta la gente a capire in che modo la tecnologia influenza i propri diritti e le proprie libertà, e permette ad ognuno di scoprire la propria strada nel mondo digitale. Qui ci sono i risultati che abbiamo raggiunto nel 2014, e anche i progetti che stiamo preparando! 

    Protect your privacy - Help GnuPG hire a second developer!

    16 December 2014

    GnuPG is the world's leading privacy tool, with an estimated base of more than four million active users world-wide, and a thousand new users each day. It guards emails, files, and programs from snooping and spying on Windows, Mac, and GNU/Linux. This crucial program needs your help to keep going in 2015 and beyond.  

    Study: To ensure transparency, European Parliament must adopt Free Software, Open Standards

    12 December 2014

    A study released on Friday says that the European Parliament must adopt Free Software and Open Standards in order to fulfil its transparency obligations. The authors conclude that "the Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament should whenever possible make Free Software and Open Standards mandatory for all systems and data used for the work of Parliament."  

    [Blog] FSFE comments at European Parliament's DG ITEC conference

    20 November 2014

    At a meeting in the European Parliament, FSFE's president Karsten Gerloff highlighted several ways in which the Parliament could become more transparent, and make better use of Free Software and Open Standards.

    In a short intervention, he urged the Parliament to finally make its live streams accessible to Free Software users. He asked the Parliament's IT administration to enable IMAP access on its mail servers to allow Free Software users to connect through standard protocols, and warned the Parliament to avoid lock-in as it progresses towards greater digitisation.  

    In Switzerland, the legal basis for the government to support Free Software is still lacking

    20 November 2014

    For the time being, the public development of the Free Software 'OpenJustitia' by the Swiss Federal Supreme Court has ceased because of a new legal opinion. The reason for this abrupt end is apparently the legal uncertainty regarding public contractors in Switzerland. The FSFE demands that the missing legal framework be created as soon as possible so that software developed with public funding in Switzerland in the future can also be released as Free Software. 

    I consumatori italiani non devono pagare per software che non vogliono. - Lettera all'AGCM

    17 October 2014

    La FSFE e l'associazione per la protezione dei consumatori ADUC, assieme con l'Italian Linux Society, chiedono al poteri regolamentari di intraprendere passi concreti al fine di proteggere gli italiani dall'essere forzati a pagare software che non vogliono o di cui non hanno bisogno. La corte di Cassazione ha deciso in settembre che i venditori di computer devono rimborsare i clienti del prezzo pagato per software non libero e non voluto che venga preinstallato su PC fissi e portatili. Oggi, FSFE, ADUC e ILS hanno mandato una lettera all'Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM), chiedendo che i rivenditori di computer rispettino la decisione della Suprema Corte e rispettino i diritti dei cittadini. 

    Munich sticks with Free Software

    16 October 2014

    On Tuesday, Munich's first mayor finally reacted to an inquiry by the Green Party (in German) related to rumours regarding a possible switch back to a Windows-based desktop environment. The answer to the inquiry shows that there is no factual basis for the claims made by first mayor and second mayor. An evaluation of the IT infrastructure and -processes is underway. FSFE calls on the city council to include vendor independence as well as interoperability as factors in the investigation, since they were central reasons for Munich to switch to Free Software in the first place.  

    Italia: la Corte di Cassazione abbatte l'imposta di Windows

    12 September 2014

    La Corte di Cassazione Italiana ha assestato un forte colpo contro la pratica di imporre software non libero a chi acquista PC e laptop. Secondo quanto riportato da La Repubblica, martedi la corte ha depositato una sentenza nella quale ad un acquirente è stato riconosciuto il diritto di ricevere un rimborso per il prezzo della licenza Microsoft Windows involotariamente acquistata con il suo computer.  

    Your input wanted: How do we build a better future?

    01 August 2014

    Free Software has progressed in leaps and bounds since we founded FSFE in 2001. But we still have a long way to go until we can all be in control of our computing, our data, and our digital lives. 

      [Blog] Report from our German speaking team meeting 2014

      11 July 2014

      From 13 – 15 June 2014 FSFE had its German speaking team meeting in the Linuxhotel in Essen. The participants had some problems to travel there because of the chaos resulting from a heavy thunderstorm in the region. A lot of train lines where not functional, and the situation on the streets was also chaotic. But just because no ICE trains stop in Essen does not mean we will not continue our work for Free Software. In the end we were able to bring all volunteers to the Linuxhotel to plan further activities and discuss current issues.  

      EC distorts market by refusing to break free from lock-in

      08 July 2014

      The European Commission has recently renewed its commitment to a proprietary desktop and secret file formats.The Commission is refusing to get serious about breaking free from vendor lock-in, and is ignoring all available alternatives. In doing so, the EU's civil service fails to practice what it preaches.  

      [Blog] Translations of FSF's email self-defence now available

      30 June 2014

      Today our sister organisation, the FSF, published their e-mail self defence guide and their infographic in 6 new languages. It is now available in English, German, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Russian, Turkish, and Japanese. They explain the installation of the necessary programs for e-mail encryption under GNU/Linux, MacOS, and Microsoft Windows; the key generation; the web of trust; as well as the usage of those programs. All you need is a computer with an Internet connection, an email account, and about half an hour. Please give us feedback, so we can include that before printing the infographics, and help us to spread them. 

      [Blog] Schutz vor Überwachung durch Verschlüsselung mit Freier Software

      20 June 2014

      Eine charakteristische Eigenschaft digitaler Kommunikation ist ihre vermeintliche Stofflosigkeit. Diese Stofflosigkeit ist es, die auch ein prinzipiell unbegrenztes Speichern und Archivieren aller elektronischen Kommunikation ermöglicht. Das, und die Möglichkeit diese Daten massenhaft und maschinell auszuwerten und zu analysieren, verleitet Geheimdienste rund um den Globus zum abhören und speichern unser aller Kommunikation. Als Gegenmaßnahme könnte man wieder vermehrt offline kommunizieren – oder aber eine starke Verschlüsselung durch Freie Software verwenden.. 

      CCC and FSFE: German Federal Network Agency must improve

      28 March 2014

      After multiple public hearings and political debates, the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) presented a set of proposed regulations (German) that would eliminate compulsory use of particular routers and improve the transparency of telecommunication firms for customers. Compulsory routers tie customers to a device provided by the ISP. The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE), Chaos Computer Club (CCC), and the project leadership of IPFire and OpenWrt, as well as other experts, reviewed these regulations and gave comments to the BNetzA (German) 

      Open Letter to EU institutions: Time to support Open Standards

      26 March 2014

      In an open letter to the European Parliament and the European Commission, Free Software Foundation Europe and Open Forum Europe are asking the European institutions to improve their support for Open Standards. The letter is directed to Giancarlo Vilella, the president of the European Parliament's DG ITEC and chair of the Inter-Institutional Committee for Informatics.  

      Computers in the post-Snowden era: choose before paying!

      24 March 2014

      The revelations from Edward Snowden concerning massive surveillance of communications demonstrates the need for each person to be able to control their computers and phones. Yet computer and telephone manufacturers and retailers typically impose on users programs that jeopardise their privacy. 

      Asian Legal Network launched

      14 March 2014

      Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE), Open Invention Network (OIN), and The Linux Foundation announced today the launch of the Asian Legal Network. The Asian Legal Network was established to provide a leading forum for sharing knowledge and best practices regarding Free Software legal affairs, particularly those that relate to market participants in Asia.  

      And the winner of the election for FSFE's Fellowship GA seat is…

      03 March 2014

      …Stefan "Penny" Harmuth! The election period for this year's Fellowship GA seat has ended on February 28. There was just one candidate running for the Fellowship GA seat this time. The more we are happy that still 20,3% of our Fellows took their chance to support Stefan Harmuth in his run for the seat.  

      Report giornata #ilovefs 2014

      21 February 2014

      Il 14 Febbraio, persone di tutto il mondo hanno espresso la propria gratitudine e il proprio apprezzamento non solo ai propri amati, ma anche al Software Libero e a chi collabora per farlo funzionare. Con la nostra iniziativa annuale #ilovefs, vi abbiamo chiesto di ringraziare i vostri sviluppatori e progetti preferiti e siamo stati sopraffatti dalle risposte sui blogs, social network, e sulle mailing list. 

      Show your love for Free Software

      11 February 2014

      On 14th February, the Free Software Foundation Europe asks all Free Software users to think about the dedicated hard-working people in the Free Software community and to show them their appreciation like last year