List of pages tagged "yh4f"
- [2024-09-03]Apple litigation +++ EU funding for Free Software +++ YH4F +++ ZOOOM project
- [2024-08-13]YH4F Countdown: Time for Jury evaluation and new sponsor on board
- [2024-07-02]DMA & Apple +++ Openwassen, EU-infrastructuur & meer
- [2024-06-28]Interview with last year's YH4F winner, Davide Rorato
- [2024-04-30]Meet Antoni and Tobias, YH4F participants
- [2024-01-26]Meet Jannes and Aaron, YH4F 2023 participants
- [2024-01-11]The FSFE at the 37C3: Unlocked
- [2023-12-05]JHvV trapt af +++ AOp open brief +++ Routervrijheid in België
- [2023-11-16]2024 Youth Hacking 4 Freedom kicks off
- [2023-11-14]SFSCON 2023 +++ Winnaars JHvV +++ REUSE gaat naar de ruimte
- [2023-11-08]Join us at SFSCON 2023!
- [2023-10-20]Software Freedom in Europe 2023
- [2023-10-17]Find out our YH4F second edition winners!
- [2023-08-25]Chaos Communication Camp 2023: back to the grounds!
- [2023-08-01]CRA & IEA +++ Aflevering SFP +++ Zomerontmoeting
- [2023-07-24]YH4F: Coding is over!
- [2023-07-04]Interoperabel Europa +++ Cyberveerkrachtverordening +++ Verordening KI
- [2023-06-06]Verordening KI en Interoperabiliteit +++ Routervrijheid-enquête +++ Podcasts, JHvV & Ada
- [2023-05-11]Look back with us on Konrad's amazing 'Youth Hacking 4 Freedom' project
- [2023-05-03]FOSS-North & LLW +++ Apparaatneutraliteit +++ NGI Zero
- [2023-04-13]Check out these cool 'Youth Hacking 4 Freedom' projects
- [2023-03-21]Meet Andrei and David, two first edition YH4F participants
- [2023-03-07]Medische apparaten zouden Vrije Software moeten gebruiken +++ 25 nieuwe video's
- [2023-02-20]Let's code!
- [2022-12-13]Zwakke digitale rechten in EU +++ Schaakmat! +++ 5 redenen waarom
- [2022-12-09]Discover more YH4F projects and learn about the participants Héctor and Leonardo
- [2022-11-18]YH4F winners awarded in ceremony in Brussels
- [2022-11-15]FSFE wint EU Datathon +++ Winnaars JHvV en nieuwe ronde +++ Nee tegen chatcontrole
- [2022-11-04]The coding contest Youth Hacking 4 Freedom launches its second edition
- [2022-11-04]Let’s talk with young hackers Ekaterina, Miquel and Alexia about YH4F
- [2022-10-04]✦ Youth Hacking 4 Freedom Winners ✦
- [2022-09-28]Softwarevrijheid in Europa 2022
- [2021-09-28]Youth Hacking 4 Freedom: programmeerwedstrijd voor tieners start binnenkort
- [2024-03-16]Chemnitz Linux Days in Chemnitz, Germany