List of pages tagged "legal"
- [2025-03-06]DMA & Free Software: what Free Software organisations need to know
- [2025-03-04]Juridische Hoek +++ samenvatting FOSDEM +++ Ada-film in het Spaans
- [2025-02-27]SFP#31: Policy and EU: FOSDEM recap
- [2025-02-20]FOSDEM: Celebrating 25 years of community and Free Software
- [2025-02-17]Legal Corner: MIA or Dead Contributors - Does It Matter For Your Software Project?
- [2025-02-14]SFP#30: The App Fair Project with Marc Prud'hommeaux
- [2025-01-27]Join us at FOSDEM 2025!
- [2025-01-22]SFP#28: Policy and EU: FOSDEM DevRooms with Alexander Sander
- [2025-01-10]The FSFE at 38c3
- [2025-01-03]T minus 23 years until 2048
- [2024-12-31]The FSFE promotes freedom of software, hardware, and data
- [2024-12-23]The FSFE at 38C3: let’s talk together about Software Freedom
- [2024-11-21]FOSDEM 2025 Call for Participation: Legal and Policy Issues DevRoom
- [2024-09-20]Software Freedom in Europe 2024
- [2024-06-04]EU-verkiezingen +++ VDM & Apple +++ REUSE-gereedschap
- [2024-05-08]JLW 2024 +++ JHvV-interviews +++ Ada in Frankrijk
- [2024-05-06]LLW 2024: A forum for difficult legal topics of Free Software in Gothenburg
- [2024-04-17]Are Free Software developers at risk?
- [2024-01-30]See you at FOSDEM 2024!
- [2024-01-17]NGI: € 21.6 million in grants for Free Software
- [2023-11-08]Join us at SFSCON 2023!
- [2023-10-20]Software Freedom in Europe 2023
- [2023-09-05]"Back to school" for EU and German policy +++ Ada available worldwide
- [2023-08-07]Ontketen het potentieel van uw telefoon: het rooten van uw apparaat maakt de garantie niet ongeldig
- [2023-06-06]Verordening KI en Interoperabiliteit +++ Routervrijheid-enquête +++ Podcasts, JHvV & Ada
- [2023-05-03]FOSS-North & LLW +++ Apparaatneutraliteit +++ NGI Zero
- [2023-04-28]LLW 2023: leren en juridische kennis uitwisselen
- [2023-04-25]De FSFE helpt een “internet van mensen” te bouwen
- [2022-09-28]Softwarevrijheid in Europa 2022
- [2021-11-10]Software Freedom in Europe 2021
- [2021-05-04]NGI0: Hoe de FSFE Vrije Software-ontwikkelaars helpt het internet te verbeteren
- [2020-04-27]NGI Pointer is begonnen met oproepen tot financiering voor projecten die ontworpen zijn om het internet te verbeteren
- [2020-04-15]Vrije Software Juridische en licentiewerkgroep 2020 afgelast vanwege de COVID-19-uitbraak
- [2019-07-24]FSFE Nieuwsbrief - juli 2019
- [2018-05-30]LLW2018: De FSFE brengt top juridische experts bijeen om te debatteren over juridische en licentiëringsonderwerpen rond Vrije Software
- [2017-10-13]FSFE presenteert gemoderniseerde fiduciaire licentiëringsovereenkomst 2.0
- [2017-06-19]Juridische en licentiewerkgroep 2017: de tiende editie "herstart" het debat over Vrije Software-licenties
- [2015-08-16]FSFE's rol in het Bacula-project
- [2015-04-14]Verklaring over de veranderde relatie tussen de FSFE en Kern Sibbald
- [2015-03-31]FSFE steunt de rechtszaak van Christoph Hellwig ter verdediging van GPL
- [2014-09-12]Italië: Hooggerechtshof beëindigt Windowsbelasting
- [2014-03-14]Asian Legal Network launched
- [2013-06-26]FSFE compliance workshop discovers GPL violation by FANTEC, Welte wins in court
- [2013-05-02]Illegal procurement favouring Microsoft killed in Portuguese court
- [2012-11-06]Flashing your device does not void your statutory warranty - FSFE Legal
- [2012-06-27]Record fine against Microsoft upheld by European Court of Justice
- [2012-02-02]Legal news: Photograph copyright case could have effects on software developers
- [2012-01-27]Blog: Short introduction to the second Mozilla Public License (MPL 2.0)
- [2012-01-26]Legal news: antitrust concerns over UEFI and Apple's iBook
- [2012-01-20]Free Software legal news
- [2012-01-09]Free Software legal news
- [2011-12-01]Verdict in the case of AVM vs. Cybits confirmed the view of FSFE
- [2011-11-17]Free Software Legal News
- [2011-11-07]Court rejects AVM´s claims opposing third party modifications of GPL software
- [2011-06-22]FSFE on AVM vs Cybits: A small computer is still a computer
- [2011-06-20]AVM violating license of the Linux kernel