News Archive for 2013
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13 December 2013
As a reader of our website, you are aware of the
importance of Free Software for a free society. The FSFE has been fighting
for Free Software since 2001. Since then, we have made a big difference by
exercising political pressure, helping Free Software developers with legal
expertise, and building public awareness for software freedom. To continue
this important work, we need a total budget of 390,000 Euro for 2014. We are
currently still 160,000 short of this goal.
11 December 2013
Der finale Koalitionsvertrag, über den die
SPD-Mitglieder bis zum 14. Dezember abstimmen, beschreibt sich selbst als
Weichenstellung hin zu einer echten digitalen Gesellschaft. Die Free
Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) kann ebenfalls Fortschritte erkennen, aber
keine Meilensteine, die Deutschland zum Spitzenreiter der Digitalisierung
von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft machen würde, wie es sich die
Koalitionspartner zum Ziel gesetzt haben.
14 November 2013
For a long time, cars were a symbol of freedom and independence. No
longer. In its Zoe electric car, car maker Renault apparently has the
ability to remotely prevent the battery from charging. And that’s more
chilling than it may sound.
07 November 2013
Rockstar, a consortium of companies formed to collect certain patents put on sale in the dissolution procedure of Nortel, has sued Google and other companies over seven of those patents.
05 November 2013
Vor kurzem haben wir einen gebrauchten Server
vom österreichischen Hoster abaton in Wien gespendet bekommen. Mit
der neuen Maschine wird die FSFE ihre Infrastruktur ausbauen und
ausfallsicherer gestalten.
04 November 2013
Today FSFE launches a new campaign to make young people aware of the digital restrictions that they tolerate. Microblogging and guerilla stickering form core components of this fresh strategy for engaging youth in fighting for digital freedom.
04 November 2013
Internet-Anbieter zwingen ihren Kunden oft Router auf, über die diese
keine Kontrolle haben. Der Anbieter hält dabei die Zugangsdaten für
den Internet- und Telefoniezugriff sowie verwendete Protokolle und
Anschlüsse vor dem Kunden geheim.
27 September 2013
It was 30 years ago that Richard Stallman announced the GNU project. An initiative that started with a
programmer's frustration over a broken printer driver has changed our society.
The idea of software that everyone can use, study, share and improve has proven
very powerful indeed.
26 September 2013
Am 29.09.2013 finden in Österreich die
Nationalratswahlen statt. Zum Ende des Wahlkampfes veröffentlicht die Free
Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) die Positionen der Parteien zum Thema
Freie Software und digitale Gesellschaft.
Unseren Experten informieren Sie zu aktuellen Neuigkeiten,
Veranstaltungen, Aktivitäten und wie Sie dazu beitragen können.
(Unsere Datenschutzrichtlinie)
20 September 2013
We need computers we can trust. The recent
news about planet-wide surveillance make clear how important
computer systems are for our society. Control of these computer
systems needs to be in the hands of their users.
18 September 2013
Die Free Software Foundation Europe veröffentlicht heute ihre
zur Landtagswahl in Hessen am 22. September 2013. Mit den
Fragen will die FSFE sehen, inwieweit sich die Landesverbände mit den
Themen auseinandergesetzt haben. Trotz wiederholter Nachfrage und
Bestätigung über den Eingang unserer Fragen hat die SPD nicht auf die
Fragen geantwortet (siehe Update unten). Bei FDP und Die Linke fällt eine Bewertung schwer: Sie
haben die Antworten ihrer
Bundesverbände 1:1 übernommen, was zwar eine generelle Zustimmung zur
Bundesebene zulässt, allerdings eine Bewertung über den Kenntnisstand im
Landesverband erschwert. Enttäuschend ist die Antwort der CDU:
31 July 2013
Privacy is a fundamental human right, and is central to maintaining
democratic societies. FSFE joins more than 100 other organisations in
demanding that states respect human rights, and bring their
surveillance apparatus under democratic control. We have signed the International
Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications
Surveillance. These principles are an important contribution to
the discussion about how to provide security in a free society. More
than one year in the making, they are now more relevant than ever.
30 July 2013
Die FSFE hat einen offenen Brief zum Internet-Wahlsystem des Landes an Estlands nationales Wahlkomitee (NEC) gesendet. Wir bitten darin das NEC die bei der Wahl benutzte Software als Freie Software zu veröffentlichen.
29 July 2013
In a recent antitrust submission to the
European Commission, a Microsoft-led coalition falsely claimed that the
distribution of Free Software free of charge hurts competition. FSFE has written
a letter to the European Commission's competition authorities to
refute this claim, and make it clear that Free Software is
critical for an open, competitive IT market.
29 July 2013
European Commission
DG Competition
B-1049 Brussels
25 July 2013
FSFE supports the Open Letter to stop surveillance. The letter calls for twelve
political steps including the development and promotion of Free Software for
digital self-defence. The letter was initiated by Digitale Gesellschaft and
also signed by several organisations including CCC, Creative Commons Germany, the German journalist
association, DigitalCourage, EFF, EDRI, Greenpeace Central/East Europe,
Transparency International Germany, the German Consumer Protections, Wikimedia,
and others.
12 July 2013
In an article
published today, The Guardian describes how Microsoft is actively
cooperating with the NSA. According to the article, Microsoft is providing
the NSA with broad access to the communications of anyone using the
company's services:
Unseren Experten informieren Sie zu aktuellen Neuigkeiten,
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(Unsere Datenschutzrichtlinie)
11 July 2013
Today Hemlis, a proposal for a new encrypted mobile messaging app, received $125,000 in crowdfunding. It’s wonderful to see ambitious new software projects get support from the community, but how open will it be?
03 July 2013
Die Free Software Foundation Europe veröffentlicht
heute ihre Freie-Software-Wahlprüfsteine zur Bundestagswahl am 22.
September 2013. Alle darin aufgeführten Parteien bezogen Stellung zu den
Fragen ob öffentlich finanzierte Software als Freie Software bereitgestellt
werden muss, zur ElsterFormular Software, Kontrolle von Mobilen Geräten,
Secure Boot, gebührenfreier Lizenzierung von Standards, Werbung für unfreie
Software auf Webseiten der öffentlichen Verwaltung und Softwarepatenten.
Erfreulicherweise haben die Parteien ihr Wissen seit der letzten
Bundestagswahl bezüglich Freier Software klar verbessert.
26 June 2013
Das Landgericht Hamburg hat die FANTEC GmbH für schuldig gesprochen, in dem Media Player FANTEC 3DFHDL die GNU General Public License zu verletzen. Im Fall Harald Welte gegen FANTEC GmbH hat das Gericht entschieden, dass FANTEC eine Strafzahlung zu begleichen hat und zudem für zusätzliche Kosten der Anwälte aufkommen muss. Des Weiteren muss FANTEC Herrn Welte exakte Auskunft über die Vertriebswege des FANTEC 3DFHDL Media Player erteilen.
25 June 2013
In a Communication published today, the European Commission urges public bodies to break free from vendor lock-in in their IT systems. The Commission wants public bodies to rely on standards rather than brand names and proprietary technology when they buy software.
20 June 2013
In recent weeks, political events in Istanbul have been the focus of international media. Important discussions are taking place about Turkey's government and her people. Several have lost their lives in the process
20 June 2013
Faced with user protests, Microsoft has been forced to
make the terms for its latest Xbox gaming console look a little less
restrictive. However, the “new” terms which had caused
such outrage were not in fact new at all: they were similar to most other
proprietary software licences, including those covering other Microsoft
software products and on-line services.
12 June 2013
Am Freitag dem 7. Juni hat der Deutsche Bundestag einen
Antrag (englische
Übersetzung des BIKT) zur Begrenzung von Softwarepatenten beschlossen.
Der Bundestag fordert die Bundesregierung damit auf, die Erteilung von
Patenten auf Computerprogramme zu beschränken. Software soll ausschließlich
vom Urheberrecht erfasst werden, und die Rechte der Urheber sollen nicht
durch Patente Dritter entwertet werden können. Patente auf Software sollen
lediglich erlaubt sein, wenn ein Computerprogramm eine mechanische oder
elektromechanische Komponente ersetzt. Des Weiteren hat der Bundestag
klargestellt, dass die Regierung bei ihrer Umsetzung die rechtssichere
Veröffentlichung von Freier Software sicherstellen muss.
11 June 2013
In a case of a Slovak company protesting against being forced to use non-free software to file taxes, a court has failed to rule on the substance of the case.
31 May 2013
As reported in the our last
newsletter, W3C wants to implement usage controls on the web.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) now published a formal
objection to the HTML working group draft charter. Free Software
Foundation Europe fully supports EFF's objections.
23 May 2013
In April the German Parliament (the 'Bundestag') has introduced a joint
motion against software patents. It urges the German government
to take steps to limit the granting of patents on computer programs.
After the first hearing in Parliament, Matthias Kirschner was invited
for FSFE as external expert to the legal committee meeting on May 13th.
FSFE published a written
statement and we published
the notes of our oral presentation. There will be a second
meeting of a committee and afterwards on the 6th of June the Parliament
will vote upon the motion.
Unseren Experten informieren Sie zu aktuellen Neuigkeiten,
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03 May 2013
Diesen Freitag, den 3. Mai 2013, tritt die FSFE der 8.
internationalen "Tag
gegen DRM"-Kampagne bei, um Digitale
Rechteminderung zu beenden. Der Kampf gegen DRM hat in den letzten Wochen
an Bedeutung gewonnen. Freiheitsaktivisten haben sich gegen DRM in HTML5
zusammen getan und die schädlichen Auswirkungen dieser Technologie auf
Innovationen und die Freiheit der Benutzer deutlich gemacht. Am heutigen Tag
gegen DRM wird unsere Schwesterorganisation Free Software Foundation die
Petitionsunterschriften gegen DRM in HTML5 dem World Wide Web Konsortium (W3C)
in Boston überbringen.
03 May 2013
Today, May 3rd 2013, is the international day against Digital Restrictions Management (DRM). Usually, the term DRM refers to various restrictions that companies – or any other content provider – impose on digital media and data. These restrictions are there to let providers decide what you can do with your media and data and what not. This blog entry sheds light on a related issue: the loss of digital and physical control of your own device.
02 May 2013
On April 27, the administrative court of Almada, Portugal, declared a 550, 000 Euro contract between Microsoft and the municipality of Almada to be illegal. The technical specifications of the competition launched by the municipality prevented any company other than Microsoft and their partners to submit a proposal.
25 April 2013
Join us in calling on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and its member organisations to reject the Encrypted Media Extensions proposal (EME). This proposal aims at incorporating support for Digital Restriction Management (DRM) into HTML and would therefore exclude Free Software browsers from being compatible with many web pages.
24 April 2013
A group of Free Software activists from Romania and Moldova has joined FSFE's program of associate organisations. Active since 2008, Ceata incorporated as a foundation in February 2013. Fundația Ceata and FSFE will work together to promote software freedom in Romania and throughout Europe.
22 April 2013
The German Parliament, the Bundestag, has introduced
a joint motion against software patents. The resolution urges the
German government to take steps to limit the granting of patents on
computer programs.
02 April 2013
On April 8, Microsoft will discontinue its Windows Messenger service. All current users will be switched to Skype. The Free Software Foundation Europe advises former users of Windows Messenger to take this as an opportunity to embrace
Open Standards such as Jabber (XMPP) instead of switching to Skype.
27 March 2013
taz.die tageszeitung erhält den diesjährigen deutschen Document Freedom Award. Mit diesem Preis zeichnen die Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) und der Förderverein für eine Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur (FFII) alljährlich eine Organisation aus, welche sich vorbildhaft in der Verwendung Offener Standards hervortut.
27 March 2013
In 30 countries around the world, activists are celebrating Open Standards on today's Document Freedom Day, an annual campaign to promote Open Standards. More than 50 groups are hosting events around the world, from Brussels to Nicaragua to Nepal.
19 March 2013
…Heiki "Repentinus" Ojasild! The election period for this year's Fellowship
GA seat has ended on March 15 and it was exciting until the end. Albert Dengg
who also stood for the Fellowship GA seat promised to stay around and
continue his great work for FSFE in their area.
Unseren Experten informieren Sie zu aktuellen Neuigkeiten,
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26 February 2013
Today event registration opens for Document Freedom Day 2013, March 27th. Local teams can add details of their activities to, and have them marked on the global campaign map.
21 February 2013
Every year on February 14th people celebrate love,
relationship with others.. and for the third year running, the wonders of Free
Software. All around the world people expressed their love during the "I love
Free software" day. We
would like to thank you for participating, and share some lovely quotes, dents,
tweets, blog entries and articles that were done because of your dedication to
Free Software. When developers
will read your declarations, they will definitely find extra energy to carry on
their good work.
18 February 2013
Was sind die Positionen der Parteien zu Freier Software?
Das will die Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) dieses Jahr für die
Bundestagswahl herausfinden. Wie bereits bei den letzten
Landtagswahlen, wird die FSFE sogenannte Wahlprüfsteine zur
Beantwortung an die Parteien schicken und diese auswerten.
12 February 2013
Am 14. Februar bittet die Free Software Foundation Europe
alle Nutzer Freier Software, ihre Anerkennung für Freie Software zu zeigen. Die
FSFE schlägt vor, diesen Tag als eine Gelegenheit wahrzunehmen, um den engagierten
und hart arbeitenden Menschen in der Freie Software Gemeinschaft „Danke“ zu