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News Archive for 2009

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Fellowship Interview with Simon Josefsson

21 December 2009

Simon Josefsson is a Fellow and GNU hacker with a special interest in security. His contributions to the Free Software world include such ubiquitous projects as GnuTLS and libssh2, and he was recently presented with the Nordic Free Software Award. Stian Rødven Eide interviewed Simon as a part of our regular Fellowship interviews, asking him about his projects and other security matters.  

FSFE: EC's browser case settlement with Microsoft

16 December 2009

Free Software Foundation Europe congratulates the European Commission on pushing Microsoft to give users greater choice between different browsers. "The selection screen will make users aware that they can make their own choices," says Karsten Gerloff, FSFE's President. "We are glad that FSFE has helped the Commission to put limits to Microsoft's desktop monopoly." 

FSFE: La Commissione Europea apre alle lobby del software proprietario sulla interoperabilità

27 November 2009

La Commissione Europea (CE) ha ceduto alle richieste dei gruppi di pressione di Microsoft e SAP nel momento in cui ha rivisto un documento chiave sulla interoperabilità tra servizi governativi elettronici. La Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) ha analizzato l'evoluzione della nuova versione dell' European Interoperability Framework (EIF), mostrando come la Commissione abbia basato il proprio lavoro sull'influenza della Business Software Alliance (BSA), un gruppo di lobby di produttori di software proprietario, e ignorato le voci provenienti da una larga parte dell'industria Europea del software. Allo stesso tempo, le dichiarazioni sul Software Libero rilasciate dal Vice Presidente della Commissione evidenziano una preoccupante carenza di conoscenze in seno alla Commissione. 

Cibo della libertà: FSFE cucinerà per i suoi donatori

18 November 2009

Per la raccolta fondi di quest'anno, la Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) ha escogitato qualcosa di speciale. Il donatore più generoso del 2009 parteciperà a una sessione di cucina col Presidente di FSFE e altri membri del gruppo esecutivo dell'organizzazione. FSFE conta di raccogliere 100,000 Euro per l'ultimo trimestre del 2009. 

FSFE rilascerà 36 sussidi per la Fellowship nei prossimi 12 mesi!

09 November 2009

A partire da Novembre 2009, Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) premierà tre persone al mese con un sussidio per la Fellowship per tutto l'anno venturo. Possono fare domanda per il sussidio tutti coloro che contribuiscono attivamente al Software Libero, ma non possono permettersi il contributo alla Fellowship.  

Fellowship Interview with Leif-Jöran Olsson

28 October 2009

Leif-Jöran Olsson is a language technologist and XML enthusiast with a long history in the Swedish solidarity movement. I sat down for an interview with Leif-Jöran and asked him about his background, his education and the various projects he’s been involved in.  

La soluzione per l'accordo Oracle/Sun: rendere MySQL indipendente

23 October 2009

Free Software Foundation Europe sostiene che Oracle debba accettare di assegnare MySQL alla custodia di un guardiano non-profit e indipendente. La comunità del Software Libero potrebbe sviluppare MySQL al massimo del proprio potenziale, mentre Oracle non dovrebbe preoccuparsi che un concorrente possa mettere le mani sul progetto del database.  

FSFE's banners for you to spread all over the web!

22 October 2009

A new set of graphics that includes banners, web 2.0 buttons and micro buttons to advertise donations to FSFE e FSFE's Newsletter is awaiting for you to be grabbed and spread. Whether you manage a bullettin board, a weblog or a website feel free to copy and paste our html code into your site. Show the web that you care about Free Software and FSFE!  

Windows 7 to hit consumers with known security problem

19 October 2009

Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 7, is currently shipping with a potentially serious defect. Ahead of the product's global launch on Thursday, Germany's federal IT security agency (BSI) has issued a warning [1] about a high-risk vulnerability in the SMB2 protocol. This can be exploited over the network to shut down a computer with a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.  

Fellowship Interview with Andreas Tolf Tolfsen

02 October 2009

Andreas Tolf Tolfsen is a web technologist, developer and aspiring musicologist - who works at Opera Software, and regularly fights for digital freedoms. I sat down for a Jabber session with Andreas, asking him about his work, his life and his music.  

Free Software hits German election campaigns

21 September 2009

The issue of Free Software has hit the run-up to the German elections. During a campaign launched by Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) politicians from many parties have recognised the potential of Free Software and Open Standards for Germany. In response to questions from supporters of FSFE, they explain that Free Software equals more competition, promotes innovation and provides cost savings.  

Thomas Jensch takes on coordination for FSFE's edu-team

31 August 2009

Thomas Jensch, FSFE's current intern in the Zurich office, took on the role of coordinator for FSFE's edu-team. During his internship, one of Thomas' tasks is to reorganise and revive FSFE's activities related to Free Software in education. He already agreed to continue coordinating the team after the conclusion of his internship in November. 

Fellowship Interview with Smári McCarthy

02 July 2009

Smári McCarthy is a thoughtful anarchist and practical chaos technician - with a deep interest in Free Software and democracy. Currently serving as project manager for the Icelandic Innovation Center, Smári works on digital fabrication and peer-to-peer education, while spending his spare time breaking the fundamental assumptions of how we organise society. I sat down for an interesting interview with Smári, in which he explained his projects and how they can contribute towards a more sustainable world.  

Two year executive summary

20 June 2009

The 2009 general assembly marks the end of FSFEs third major transformation process, which began at the 2007 assembly in Brussels. This transformation included changes to FSFE's constitution, which were discussed during the general assembly in 2007, prepared by the Extended Executive Committee for the 2008 assembly in Zürich and ultimately adopted during an extraordinary assembly in October that year. The two most important changes made were the introduction of an executive director position, and the addition of Fellowship representation to FSFE's general assembly.  

GA 2009: Spanish Team Meeting & Social Event

10 June 2009

FSFE's Spanish team is proud to invite all people interested in Free Software to a team meeting in order to set the group's agenda for next months. The meeting will take place alongside FSFE's 2009 General Assembly in Residencia La Cristalera near Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid. After the meeting there will be a Social Event with the opportunity to meet and get to know various people from FSFE's Executive Team and General Assembly who have come to Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, for the yearly meeting to discuss and decide upon FSFE's strategy for the coming year. 

È tempo che la società si occupi dei propri marchi

04 June 2009 –

Ci sono un paio di “errori da principiante” quando si parla di Software Libero in generale, e delle sue applicazioni commerciali, in particolare. Il primo è quello di credere che esista una differenza sostanziale tra il software definito con il termine “Software Libero” e “Open Source”. Questa differenza non esiste. Per quanto riguarda il software in quanto tale, entrambi i termini sono sinonimi nella vita reale, mentre gli esperti dibattono sui dettagli. La differenza tra questi due termini riguarda il contesto e il marchio. 

FSFE seeking legal department coordinator and staff members

15 May 2009

FSFE was established in 2001 as a multi-cultural distributed organisation with volunteers and staff distributed across various European countries. Its approach is that of a result driven NGO with emphasis on constructive dialogue for lasting political and legal change. As an environment FSFE has grown out of the Free Software community and is ideally suited to motivated individuals capable of driving projects and initiatives forward. 

Fellowship Interview with Timo Jyrinki

08 May 2009

In addition to being the friendly media face of Wikipedia Finland, the team contact for Ubuntu Finland and founder of local advocacy project Vapaa Suomi (Libre Finland), Timo Jyrinki has been involved as an active developer and translator for a wide range of Free Software organisations such as FSFE, Debian, GNOME and Openmoko. He has worked on computer graphics for much of his life, with a particular interest in human-computer interaction, and spends a lot of his current time making improvements to embedded systems. Timo is also the subject of this month's Fellowship interview.  

FSFE submission to European Patent Office

30 April 2009

Case G3/08: Referral under Art. 112(1)b) EPC by the President of the EPO (Patentability of programs for computers) to the Enlarged Board of Appeal, pending under Ref. Nº G 3/08.(PDF)  

FSFE and the Fellowship reorganise their domains

18 April 2009

In the past months, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) visibly improved the technological infrastructure of the Fellowship. We moved the Fellows' blogging platform to a new site, we created a Planet to aggregate the Fellows' blogs and we provided them with an improved and functional wiki. 

Fellowship Interview with Myriam Schweingruber

15 April 2009

Myriam Schweingruber is a devoted Free Software advocate with a flair for convincing people. Having worked as a translator, a school teacher and a pharmacist, Myriam is quite experienced in the art of communication, and gives a clear impression of trustworthiness. She has been especially active in the Swiss community, and helped found FSFE’s associate organisation, Whilhelm Tux, where she also served as the President. Read on for the latest instalment of our Fellowship interview series - "the smallest unit of freedom".  

FSFE seeking Executive Director

14 April 2009

FSFE was established in 2001 as a multi-cultural distributed organisation with volunteers and staff distributed across various European countries. Its approach is that of a result driven NGO with emphasis on constructive dialogue for lasting political and legal change. As an environment FSFE has grown out of the Free Software community and is ideally suited to motivated individuals capable of driving projects and initiatives forward. 

Today is DFD ‘09, global day for document liberation

25 March 2009

A great global community is gathering today to celebrate the second Document Freedom Day. After a successful 2008 celebration, Document Freedom Day teams all over the world are joining efforts to raise awareness for Document Freedom and Open Standards. 

FSFE announces the second European Licensing and Legal Workshop for Free Software

23 March 2009

Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) today announces that the second European Licensing and Legal Workshop will be held at the Hotel Okura on the 23rd and the 24th of April 2009 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This conference will provide a forum for discussions on supply chain management, compliance procedures, licence management, community interaction, and other legal issues related to the growth of the European Free Software market. 

Free Software Foundation Europe Celebrates Eighth Birthday

11 March 2009

For eight years now, the Free Software Foundation Europe has been working tirelessly for basic rights and freedoms in an increasingly software-driven society. The 11th of March 2009 sees another major milestone passed, with its 2^3 (eighth) birthday being celebrated by its friends, Fellows and associates. 

Fellowship vote for GA seats – Call for nominations

01 March 2009

The election for the first Fellowship seat in FSFE's General Assembly will finish on 1 June in time for the next general assembly, which is scheduled for 19-21 June in Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain. 

Fellowship Interview with Colin Turner

13 February 2009

Colin Turner is a dedicated Free Software activist and Fellowship member, working as a scientist and teacher at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland. He has been advocating Free Software in schools and universities for many years and generously shared some of his experiences with us in this fourth instalment of our Fellowship interview series - "the smallest unit of freedom".  

Fellowship Interview with Enrico Zini

20 January 2009

Enrico Zini is a long time Fellow of the FSFE and a prominent Debian developer. He has been involved in many different projects relating to Free Software and is deeply concerned about social issues. Read on for the fourth in our Fellowship interview series - "the smallest unit of freedom".  

Interoperabilità tra browser web: FSFE accoglie la decisione della CE ed offre supporto

20 January 2009

Il 16 gennaio il Direttorato Generale per la Concorrenza della Commissione Europea ha riferito di aver rilasciato una dichiarazione di opposizione riguardante il legame tra Internet Explorer (IE) e la famiglia di sistemi operativi Windows di Microsoft. Questa azione legale è basata sulla rimostranza presentata originariamente da Opera, una compagnia europea dedita allo sviluppo di browser web. 

I risultati dello sprint di traduzioni

11 January 2009

Lo sprint di traduzioni per il nuovo anno lanciato da FSFE è terminato ieri con un risultato di tutto rispetto: i numerosi volontari hanno creato 49 nuove traduzioni ed aggiornato 137 documenti in 28 giorni.

Il team centrale di FSFE esprime il proprio apprezzamento a tutti i volontari che hanno contribuito. Rendendo le informazioni sul Software Libero e sulle attività di FSFE disponibili in altre lingue Europee, avete fornito una grande contributo.