News Archive for 2023
The FSFE empowers users to control technology with its diverse activities and concrete engagement for
software freedom. Follow us and make sure
to receive regular updates and deeper insights on our various channels.
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Abonneer u op onze e-mailupdates. Onze experts informeren u over het laatste nieuws, evenementen, activiteiten en hoe u kunt bijdragen. (Ons privacbeleid)
20 December 2023
Companies increasingly aim to control how users interact with their
content online, threatening user freedom. As more companies crack down
on browser extensions and other third-party software used by internet
users to customise their experiences, two recent German court cases on
adblockers could strengthen the legal case for user control over
14 December 2023
De afgelopen jaren hebben we de focus gericht op de juridische en beleidsaspecten van Routervrijheid. Met hulp van ons Nederlandse vrijwilligersteam publiceren we nu de Techwiki Routervrijheid, die informatie biedt over de noodzakelijke stappen die u moet zetten om uw eigen router te verbinden. We hebben uw hulp nodig om het gedrukt te krijgen!
11 December 2023
We are looking for a motivated intern to support the FSFE’s policy activities and contribute to our work to empower people to control technology. The person will work 35 hours per week with our team in the FSFE Berlin office for a period of six months.
07 December 2023
Pupils all over the world are learning about the story of "Ada &
Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards and Raspberry Ice Cream": it
is encouraging to see how new generations are inspired to start coding,
and to write to Zangemann about his behaviour. Below a message from our
president Matthias Kirschner to our readers.
01 December 2023
The Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and
Telecommunications, RTR, has decided not to regulate the network
operators with regard to Router Freedom, allowing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to impose their
equipment on consumers. For RTR, routers configured in “bridge mode” is
synonymous with terminal equipment freedom. The FSFE laments this
decision as a missed opportunity for Net Neutrality in Austria.
16 November 2023
Registration is now open for the 2024 edition of Youth Hacking 4 Freedom, the coding competition for young Europeans. This competition gives teenagers the opportunity to code their own projects – alone or in a team –, make new friends across Europe, and win up to €4,096!
15 November 2023
On 14 November, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) handed
over the Open Letter “The right to install any software on any device"
to Tabea Rößner, Chair of the Digital Affairs Committee at the German
Bundestag. The letter aims to enable a more sustainable use of
electronic products and devices in the European Union.
13 November 2023
Decision makers are meeting to agree on the final text of the
Interoperable Europe Act (IEA). There is a concerning wording related to
giving priority to Free Software when implementing interoperable
solutions and confusing criteria to do so. Overall, what could have
been a very ambitious initiative turned out to be another regulation
with ambiguous and problematic wording.
13 November 2023
De Belgische telecomregulator BIPT heeft officieel Routervrijheid ingevoerd. De beslissing is van toepassing op alle netwerktypes, inclusief glasvezel (FTTx), en stelt een deadline van twaalf maanden om aan de regels te voldoen. De FSFE ziet deze beslissing als een belangrijke overwinning voor de rechten van de consument en zal de verdere implementatie nauwkeurig volgen.
Abonneer u op onze e-mailupdates. Onze experts informeren u over het laatste nieuws, evenementen, activiteiten en hoe u kunt bijdragen. (Ons privacbeleid)
10 November 2023
The founder of Nextcloud received the European SFS Award at SFSCON.
This recognition which was presented for the first time jointly by the
Linux User Group Bolzano and the Free Software Foundation Europe, went to "a tireless advocate of digital freedom as universal
08 November 2023
We cannot wait to be in Bolzano for the South Tyrol Free Software
Conference (SFSCON) on 10 and 11 November. This two-day conference
brings together Free Software advocates, decision makers and the
general public at the gateway to the Dolomites. Our team will be there
with talks, side events and a booth. We are ready to talk to you, so
just drop by and say hello!
06 November 2023
The FSFE is back for the Chaos Communication Congress! Come and join us at the end of December in the "Bits & Bäume" habitat and end the year in a fun and chaos way attending interesting talks and making new friends! The Call for Participation ends on 11 November so hurry up!
02 November 2023
The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has adopted the REUSE
specification in some of its projects. We have talked to Tobias
Schlauch, research software engineer at the DLR, about the role of Free
Software for research and innovation, and the importance of clear
understanding and displaying of the legal information of software
projects. He highlights the special contributions that REUSE has to
offer for software development but also for research.
25 October 2023
More than 70 people came together, in Cologne on 22 September, to
get an insight into the Fediverse and to discuss the importance of
decentralised social networks for our society. If you were not able to
join our Fediverse Symposium or want to re-watch
the talks, we now have the German-language recordings on our PeerTube
instance for you!
20 October 2023
In 2023, Software Freedom has been back on stage, while we have boosted
our activities for the coming generations with our children's book and
the coding competition for young Europeans. We have also continued to
bring our demands to lawmakers, helped projects to become REUSE
compliant, and shared many great moments with our community.
17 October 2023
A real-time plotter for microcontrollers; a classroom quiz platform; a
radio tool; a device that provides bags to pick up your dog's poo; a game
engine to help non-programmers develop their ideas; and a program to
search for a file on your computer by its hash. These are the six
projects that won the 2023 edition of Youth Hacking 4 Freedom.
11 October 2023
Both Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) and Software Freedom
Conservancy (SFC) are committed to defending and expanding software freedom
and the rights of people to use, understand, share and improve their software.
26 September 2023
Al vier decennia lang werkt de Vrije Softwaregemeenschap eraan om gebruikers in staat te
stellen technologie te controleren en onze samenleving te helpen begrijpen hoe Vrije
Software bijdraagt aan vrijheid, transparantie en zelfbeschikking.
21 September 2023
The German Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the public IT
service provider Dataport are working on administrative workspaces to
enable digital sovereignty. But are both products Free Software? How
are they related? We asked the BMI and publish the answers here.
Abonneer u op onze e-mailupdates. Onze experts informeren u over het laatste nieuws, evenementen, activiteiten en hoe u kunt bijdragen. (Ons privacbeleid)
20 September 2023
Speaking about Digital Public Infrastructures last week, EU
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen pointed out that "the trick
is to build public digital infrastructure that is interoperable, open
to all and trusted". What exactly does this mean? What is required to
achieve such an accessible digital infrastructure that can help foster
innovation and allow cooperation on a global scale? What role does Free
Software play in such ambition?
15 September 2023
German network operators have requested the national regulator
Bundesnetzagentur to start procedures to exclude Router Freedom from
fiber networks. In a consultation, the FSFE picks apart all the telcos’
arguments and calls on the regulator to respect consumer rights.
07 September 2023
Join the first reading of the book 'Ada & Zangemann' in Italian! Celebrate with
us the Software Freedom Day 16 September listening to the story of Ada
while eating homemade ice cream.
06 September 2023
De Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) stelt gebruikers in staat
om technologie te controleren. Dat doet ze door Vrije Software
(ook wel Open Source Software genoemd) te stimuleren. Bovendien
bevordert Vrije Software innovatie en voorkomt het vendor lock-in.
Digitale soevereiniteit is alleen mogelijk met Vrije Software.
31 August 2023
From 29 August the English version of the book "Ada & Zangemann - A
Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream" is available
internationally. The book tells the story of the famous inventor
Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to
experiment with hardware and software and realises how important it is
for her and others to control technology.
29 August 2023
The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE), together with an
alliance of civil society and the Free Software industry, calls on the
German government to implement a sustainable digital policy and to
provide the necessary funds in the federal budget now.
25 August 2023
One of our favourite events was back this summer: Chaos Communication Camp 2023! This event brings together technologists, activists, and enthusiasts to discuss, share, and celebrate technology, privacy, and freedom in Brandenburg, Germany. This year, the Free Software Foundation Europe joined the campers as part of the 'Bits und Bäume' village.
24 August 2023
After the summer recess, EU institutions are resuming their
activities at the end of August. In the coming months, we expect to see
the adoption of legislation that could have an impact on Free
Software: the Cyber Resilience Act, the Product Liability Directive, the AI
Act, and the Interoperable Europe Act. What does all this legislation
mean for Free Software and its community?
15 August 2023
Have you heard about Free Software and you want to know more about
it? Are you already a Free Software advocate and do you want to help to bring
software freedom to our society? Then our paid internships are for you!
Learn by doing and gain knowledge and technical skills through an
internship with us.
07 August 2023
Als gebruikers worden we soms geconfronteerd met het probleem van het rooten van ons apparaat. Het kan zijn dat we controle over ons apparaat willen terugkrijgen of een apparaat met een verouderd besturingssysteem willen blijven gebruiken. Maar we zijn bang om onze wettelijke garantie te verliezen. Laten we duidelijk zijn: het rooten van uw apparaat en installeren van nieuwe software maakt de wettelijke garantie niet ongeldig.
Abonneer u op onze e-mailupdates. Onze experts informeren u over het laatste nieuws, evenementen, activiteiten en hoe u kunt bijdragen. (Ons privacbeleid)
24 July 2023
The second edition of Youth Hacking 4 Freedom, the hacking
competition for young Europeans, has just ended. For the last six
months, the participants have worked on developing their own personal
Free Software projects.
19 July 2023
Het Europees Parlement heeft vandaag gestemd over zijn standpunt over de Verordening Cyberveerkrachtwet (CRA). Hoewel het standpunt een verbetering is ten opzichte van de vrijstelling om Vrije Software te beschermen, slaagt het er niet in om een juiste bescherming voor te stellen. We roepen de instellingen op om de last van aansprakelijkheid alleen te leggen bij diegenen die aanzienlijk financieel voordeel halen uit de markt en ontwikkelaars en werk zonder winstoogmerk te beschermen.
19 July 2023
Vandaag heeft de commissie van het Europees Parlement die verantwoordelijk is voor de Verordening Interoperabel Europa haar definitieve standpunt bepaald. Het is een stap in de richting van een meer inclusieve Raad Interoperabel Europa, terwijl duidelijkere indicatoren en statistieken worden voorgesteld om de voortgang van de verordening volgen. Dit standpunt moet nu worden gehandhaafd tijdens de komende trialoog.
12 July 2023
Join our symposium in Cologne on September 22 to discuss the role of decentralised social media platforms in our society!
29 June 2023
De commissie interne markt en consumentenbescherming (IMCO) heeft vandaag een markante beslissing genomen om Vrije Software-ontwikkelaars te beschermen in de Verordening Cyberveerkracht (CRA).
29 June 2023
De twee adviescommissies van het Europees Parlement, IMCO en LIBE, hebben vandaag hun teksten over de Verordening Interoperabel Europa aangenomen. Hoewel beide het belang van Vrije Software voor deze verordening erkennen, blijft de opname van de Vrije Softwaregemeenschap in de Raad nog onzeker. De formulering over goed toezicht en evaluatie gaat in de juiste richting.
23 June 2023
Het huidige voorstel van de Raad over de Verordening Interoperabel Europa beperkt het gremium van Interoperabel Europa, en sluit daarmee relevante belanghebbenden uit van het bijdragen aan een meer interoperabel en innovatief Europa. Er is ook een gebrek aan verbeterde formuleringen op het gebied van toezicht en budgettering.
14 June 2023
Het Europees Parlement heeft vandaag voor de KI-verordening gestemd met 499 stemmen voor, 28 stemmen tegen en 93 onthoudingen. Vrije Software krijgt waarborgen. Deze regels moeten nu verdedigd worden in de trialoog en overgebracht naar de Cyberveerkrachtverordening en de Richtlijn Productaansprakelijkheid.
06 June 2023
A Free Software office and collaboration suite for the public sector is
one of the projects with which the German government aims to fulfil the
goals of the coalition agreement. But a closer look at the project
raises questions: Where is the source code? Who is responsible? What
happens to the public money involved? We asked the relevant ministry.
24 May 2023
Het Comité van de Regio's heeft zijn advies over de Verordening Interoperabel Europa goedgekeurd. Het vertegenwoordigend orgaan van de EU heeft gefaald om het belang dat Vrije Software heeft voor interoperabiliteit en dus voor digitalisering en innovatie te erkennen. Dit onderstreept de relevantie van de deelname van de Vrije Softwaregemeenschap in de geplande Interoperabele Raad.
Abonneer u op onze e-mailupdates. Onze experts informeren u over het laatste nieuws, evenementen, activiteiten en hoe u kunt bijdragen. (Ons privacbeleid)
15 May 2023
Een pan-Europees onderzoek, uitgevoerd door de Free Software Foundation Europe, heeft informatie verzameld van meer dan 1600 eindgebruikers en heeft de aandacht gevestigd op verschillende obstakels voor Routervrijheid, zoals een gebrek aan keuzevrijheid, vergrendeling door de leverancier en promotie van apparatuur met uitsluitend propriëtaire software.
15 May 2023
In een uitgebreid onderzoek hebben eindgebruikers uit heel Europa hun ervaringen gedeeld over de commerciële praktijken van ISP's met betrekking tot eindapparatuur en de gevolgen daarvan voor Routervrijheid.
11 May 2023
Vandaag stemden de bevoegde commissies van het Europees Parlement met grote meerderheid voor de bescherming van Vrije Software in de KI-verordening. De plenaire vergadering wordt opgeroepen om dit idee te handhaven. Evenzo moet dit principe worden via hun komende stemmingen worden verankerd in de lopende Verordening Cyberveerkracht en de Richtlijn Productaansprakelijkheid.
11 May 2023
Youth Hacking 4 Freedom inspires European youth to use their skills for
change. Konrad's learning platform for the amateur radio service exam is
one example. Let's break down his project and see how YH4F helped him
bring his vision to life. Join us in the exciting world of YH4F!
09 May 2023
The 2023 edition of foss-north took place in Gothenburg on 24 and 25 April 2023. It was a great occasion to meet again in person with the Nordic Free Software community. Over 180 participants had the opportunity to learn about and discuss Free Software in more than 20 sessions.
08 May 2023
After four years of waiting and many online conferences – probably too
many –, the Chaos Communication Camp is finally back! Come and camp
with us in the 'Bits & Bäume' village from 15th to 19th August 2023.
The Free Software Foundation Europe is part of this year's 'Bits &
Bäume' village.
28 April 2023
De Zweedse stad Göteborg was gastvrouw voor de editie 2023 van de Vrije Software Juridische en Licentiewerkgroep (LLW), de jaarlijkse conferentie voor de juridische netwerkgemeenschap. Het was geweldig om na twee jaren online, zoveel oude en nieuwe gezichten in levenden lijve te zien en te leren, te delen en te netwerken over de juridische en licentiekwesties van de huidige technologische ontwikkelingen.
25 April 2023
De Free Software Foundation Europe is partner van het Next Generation Internet Zero-consortium, dat tot doel heeft een veerkrachtiger, betrouwbaarder en open internet te bouwen dat eindgebruikers in staat stelt controle te hebben over de technologie. Het FSFE-team ondersteunt NGI0-gesteunde projecten bij juridische en licentie kwesties en helpt hen om REUSE-compatibel te worden.
18 April 2023
Vilnius Tech officials attempted to enforce the use of proprietary
two factor identification (2FA) methods. Some students were concerned
the methods would compromise privacy and could not be run in their
devices, and proposed an alternative way to get the authentication.
Finally, the university reversed its decision.
13 April 2023
While we wait for the projects developed by the participants of the second edition of the Youth Hacking 4 Freedom contest, let's go back to last year's edition to learn about two of the projects submitted.
Abonneer u op onze e-mailupdates. Onze experts informeren u over het laatste nieuws, evenementen, activiteiten en hoe u kunt bijdragen. (Ons privacbeleid)
12 April 2023
The FSFE is organising a track covering political and legal aspects
of Free Software at foss-north, the conference in Gothenburg that
brings together Nordic Free Software communities. It will take place on
April 24 and 25 preceded by the community day that will take place on
April 23. It is time to register and get your tickets!
23 March 2023
De EU debatteert momenteel over de invoering van aansprakelijkheidsregels voor software, inclusief Vrije Software. De relevante voorstellen zijn de Verordening KI, de Richtlijn Productaansprakelijkheid (PLD) en de Verordening Cyberveerkracht (CRA).
23 March 2023
The Interoperable Europe Act (IEA) aims to assist public
administration to share, reuse and integrate information technology
and data across borders. Clear rules with concrete activities and
budget are missing. The role of civil society is overlooked, and
there are not yet clear definitions of Free Software and Open
21 March 2023
The coding period of the Youth Hacking 4 Freedom hacking contest has
been running for almost three months now. The
competition continues to be a fun contest for young hackers to
test and develop their skills. The previous edition
ended with 35 great projects submitted with inspiring stories
behind them. Read about Andrei's and David's projects.
13 March 2023
The Greek regulator has adopted new rules introducing Router Freedom
in the country. Since 2021, the FSFE has been working with policymakers
to protect the interests of end-users. Supporting civil society and
industry organisations backed the FSFE and contributed positively to
this new law.
08 March 2023
Today we are celebrating Women’s Day. Thank you to everyone who is
making the tech sector more inclusive! Let’s continue working
together to achieve gender parity and embrace equity. There might be
problems coming our way, but we also have each other. Join us and
meet the FSFE Women team.
01 March 2023
On the 14th of February Free Software enthusiasts celebrated the 13th edition of the “I ❤️ Free Software Day”! Hundreds of people and numerous organisations shared their love for Free Software and reached out to the ones behind these projects. Thank you for taking part in the celebration of our favourite type of software: Free Software.
27 February 2023
Heeft u FOSDEM gemist of geen tijd gehad om alle sessies bij te wonen? Maak u geen zorgen! Bekijk al onze sessies van de vorige editie en leer, verdiep uw kennis en verbeter uw
Vrije Software-vaardigheden.
22 February 2023
foss-north is a Free Software conference in Gothenburg that brings
together Nordic Free Software communities. This year, the Free Software
Foundation Europe is organising a track covering political and legal
aspects of Free Software, as well as best practices from Scandinavia.
We're looking forward to your contribution by March 5!
20 February 2023
Youth Hacking 4 Freedom, FSFE's coding competition for young
Europeans, has just started. The kick-off event took place on the 26th
of January with an online meeting for the participants of this year's
competition. There they got the most important information about the
contest while starting to get to know each other.
Abonneer u op onze e-mailupdates. Onze experts informeren u over het laatste nieuws, evenementen, activiteiten en hoe u kunt bijdragen. (Ons privacbeleid)
15 February 2023
Dankzij uw waardevolle bijdragen hebben we ons inzamelingsdoel* bereikt. Dank u voor uw vertrouwen en steun, zelfs in deze moeilijke tijden. Deze financiën zullen ons helpen onze campagnes te voeren en evenementen en lezingen organiseren om ons werk onder de aandacht te brengen en tegelijkertijd softwarevrijheid te blijven promoten.
26 January 2023
On the 14th of February the FSFE community meets up in diverse cities
around Europe to celebrate ‘I Love Free Software Day’. Join our
events in Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Switzerland and Spain.
23 January 2023
FOSDEM 2023 is taking place in Brussels the first weekend of
February. The FSFE team will be participating at the main Free
Software convention in Europe with a booth and giving some keynotes.
Are you going to be there? Come to our booth and do not miss our
19 January 2023
Dortmund is opening a new chapter in Free Software Governance and
inspiring municipalities all over Germany. The recording of our event
on 11 January 2023 is now online. Are you interested in Free Software
and working in a municipal administration or in politics? Join our
new mailing list to exchange information on Free Software in
13 January 2023
Are you a motivated person who wants to support FSFE's activities as an intern? If your background is in computer science, law, political science or another social science field, apply to become part of our team in our Berlin office, working 35 hours per week for a period of 6 months. Join us in empowering people to take control of technology!.
09 January 2023
The FSFE Swiss local group launches an initiative with GNU/ to encourage public institutions to use federated free software solutions to communicate with their people. FediGov is the name of this campaign that is encouraging people to ask their governments to adopt ethical communications.
04 January 2023
Every February 14 the Free Software community around the world comes together to celebrate the “I Love Free Software Day”. On this special day we show our gratitude for every Free Software contributor. Join us in celebrating our love for Free Software and thank all the supporters of software freedom.